

Unison by Melissa is a platform as a service that provides you with easy access to Melissa’s powerful verification and cleansing objects.

You can use Unison by Melissa to:

  • The Unison Platform allows enterprise level clients to create a self-hosted system housing the entire set of Melissa libraries and capabilities into one extensible platform.

  • Meet demands for high speed and security applications.

  • Access the core Melissa objects: Address, Email, Name, and Phone.

Minimum System Requirements#

  • Ubuntu 20.04

  • 32GB RAM

  • 2TB disk space

  • 16 CPU Cores

  • User with Root or Sudo permissions


Melissa will provide clients with a downloadable zip file that contains all of the files needed to install Unison. It is recommended to have a method of extracting the zip file’s contents. In this example, we will use the “unzip” utility. You can install this by running “sudo apt-get install unzip”.

System Access Requirements#

In order for the install to perform its activities it will need internet access and connections to various servers. Along with the standard apt repository it also needs access to:

  • http://ppa.launchpad.net/ansible/ansible/ubuntu (to install Ansible)

  • https://baltocdn.com/helm/stable/debian/ (to install Helm)

  • ucr.melissadata.net (to install Melissa Software)

  • docker.io (to install various supporting packages needed)

  • ghcr.io (to install Keda autoscaling)

  • docker.elastic.co (to install Docker)

  • k8s.gcr.io (for NFS mounts)

  • public.ecr.aws (to install Redis)

  • quay.io (for Argo administration)

  • pkgs.k8s.io (for Kubernetes install)

  • download.opensuse.org (for older CRIO builds)

Installation Steps#

This document provides steps on how to install Unison for the first time.

  1. Copy the Unison zip file to somewhere convenient on your server. I am using the home directory for the currently logged in user.

  2. Unzip the Unison zip File. For example:

    unzip UNISONCLOUD-20231207-1236.zip
  3. Navigate to the extracted directory. For example:

    cd UNISONCLOUD-20231207-1236
  4. Run the install.sh script with sudo permissions.

    sudo ./install.sh
  5. Enter the password for the current user with sudo permissions.

  6. (Optional) By default Unison uses port 38083, if you wish you can change it now by typing y and hitting enter. Otherwise type n to keep the default value.

  7. Wait for Installation of Ansible to complete.

  8. (Optional) You can specify a pickup directory for automated file runs by typing y and hitting enter. Otherwise type n if you are not planning on using automated runs.

  9. (Optional) You can add additional machines to the cluster if you wish by typing y and hitting enter. Otherwise type n if you are only using one machine.

  10. The installation is complete when you see the instructions to head to the browser.

  11. Navigate to the link provided in step #10 and click the “Get Started” button to complete the setup.

  12. Enter a License Key (This key is provided after the Unison Service is purchased.)

  13. Enter a support email.

  14. Enter a new Base URL if needed.

  15. Next, Setup an Admin Account.

  16. Login with the account created.

  17. Check all services are up with kubectl get pods.

    sudo kubectl get pods

Software Update Instructions#

Whenever there is a new version of Unison software available, follow the steps below to upgrade Unison to a new version.

  1. Download the latest version of Unison into a directory of your choice. In this example we’re using our home directory. Use the command wget to get a download link from the command line.

  2. Extract the tar.gz file into its directory ~/unison

    tar zxvf unison_global-1.2.23.tar.gz
  3. Navigate to the Unison directory.

    cd unison
  4. Run the install.sh script.

    sudo ./install.sh
  5. Wait for the install to complete (this can take a while).


    You’ll know it’s done when it displays a message like this:

  6. Check to see if all services are up and running.

    docker service ls
  7. Once you’ve ensured all services are working, then the Unison app has been updated! You can verify this by checking the Version Info in the About section. The version number displayed here should match the version number on the file you downloaded.


Address Object Tutorial#

The following steps will guide you in the basic usage of Address Object in Unison by Melissa.

  1. Login

    You must first enter your login credentials at the login page.

  2. New Project

    To start a new project, first click Projects, then click the + next to Data Enrichment. Enter a name for your project here. This name can be changed later.


  3. Add Source

    Then select a source for your new project. In this instance I’ll use a file as a source.


    After clicking File, navigate to your desired file to upload it.

    • Input File Preview

      Once the file is uploaded, the Input File Preview window will open. Here you can preview how your file will be used. You can change the delimiter, enclosure, select if your file includes a header row, and specify which fields to use.


      Once you save your choices from the preview, you’ll be sent to the Project Configuration screen.

  4. Select Service

    Then select which service you want to use on your data. Here we’ll use Address Cleansing (US Only).

  5. Address Cleansing

    • Input Fields

      Select which fields to use as input and how they map. Clicking on a field will open a drop-down menu with a list of available fields from your input file.

    • Output Fields

      You can also control your output fields. Clicking the rollout arrow will show the default output fields. Here you can choose which fields to output, and optionally rename the fields.


      If you click the Settings cog icon next to the output fields this will open the Address Task Settings dialog. Here you can set service-specific settings.


      Once you save your choices from the output fields, you’ll be sent to the Project Configuration screen.

  6. Outputs

    Now click Add an Output to select your Outputs. Here you can choose to write to file or to table. Here we’ll write to a file. Enter a file name and then select your enclosure and delimiter. You can also choose your compression method, to append a timestamp, or include the header.

    • Filter

      To get specific data from your file you can use a filter. This will filter your resulting data, using the result codes of the records to limit your results. For example, selecting the Full Address Matches (USPS) filter shows that any records with an AS01 result code will be output.

    • Output Fields

      Clicking the rollout arrow next to Output Fields will show the default output fields and their order. You can delete unwanted fields from your output by clicking the trashcan icon next to each field. You can also re-order your fields by drag and drop.

  7. Run/Schedule Project

    The project is now ready to be run or scheduled.

    • Run Now


      If you click the Run Now button on the top right corner of the Project Configuration window, your project will begin processing immediately.

    • Schedule


      To schedule your project, click the Schedule button on the top right corner of the Project Configuration window.


      In the Schedule Project Execution window, enter a description of your scheduled project, a frequency of execution, a start date, and a start time.

  8. Job Status

    Once a job has started, you can check the job status to view it’s state, number of rows processed, time elapsed, date started, and date completed.


    • Output Files

      When the job has completed, you can also view any output files generated. You can either view it by clicking the view button or download it by clicking the download button.

  9. Detailed Reports

    A completed job will also have detailed reports. These will depend on which service you use and display generated result codes. These codes will detail the overall status of your project, changes made to the data, and any errors encountered.


    These reports will depend on which service you use and display generated result codes. These codes will detail the overall status of your project, changes made to the data, and any errors encountered.


Software Rollback Tutorial#

In some situations a Unison version upgrade can cause an unsuccessful upgrade, requiring starting from a previous version to fix. If this occurs, you can follow the steps below to rollback to a previous version of Unison you initially installed in your system.

Steps to Rollback Unison Version:

  1. Navigate cd to the rollback directory /work/.rollback.

    cd /usr/local/melissa/work/.rollback
  2. Copy the files from the version you want to rollback to into the current file locations.

    cp .config.1.2.18 /usr/local/melissa/work
    cp docker-compose.yml.1.2.18 /usr/local/melissa/work/unisonMultiTemplate/docker-compose.yml
    cp docker-compose.base.yml.1.2.18 /usr/local/melissa/work/unisonMultiTemplate/docker-compose.base.yml
  3. Navigate to the work directory /work.

    cd /usr/local/melissa/work
  4. Load the environmental variables necessary to deploy the stack.

    for v in $(cat .config); do export $v ;done
  5. Navigate to the stack deployment config directory.

    cd /usr/local/melissa/work/unisonMultiTemplate
  6. Make sure the old stack is torn down.

    docker stack rm unison
    docker container ls

    (This should show nothing listed.)

  7. Log in to the server you are rolling back.

    docker login -u unison -p 9YJxcRTM1yRgz0xJagTw ucr.melissadata.net
  8. Deploy the stack.

    docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml --with-registry-auth unison
  9. Ensure the stack has come up

    docker service ls

    (All should show 1/1 or 3/3, etc.)

LDAP Settings#

There are 4 sections to fill out when configuring LDAP settings on a Unison environment.

LDAP Connection Settings#

  1. Host Address

    This is the LDAP Host Server address.

  2. Host Port

    Port on the LDAP Host Server

  3. TTL

    LDAP time to live. This is the time, in seconds, that the server will store the records before they are revalidated.

LDAP Distinguished Name#

  1. Base DN

    LDAP Base Distinguished Name. This specifies the domain by using domain components.
    For example: DC=melissadata,DC=com.
  2. User DN

    LDAP User Distinguished Name. This specifies the server by using Organizational Unit (OU).
    For example: OU=mdserver.
  3. RDN Key

    Relative Distinguished Name.
    For example: CN=.
  4. Admin Group DN

    LDAP Admin Group Distinguished Name. This specifies admin group names.
    For example: OU=AdminGroup1, OU=AdminGroup2.
  5. User Group DN

    LDAP User Group Distinguished Name. This specifies the user group names.
    For example: OU=UserGroup1,OU=UserGroup2.

LDAP User Attributes#

  1. Attribute Username

    The username for the account.
    For example: sAMAccountName=UserName.
  2. Attribute First name

    The first name associated with the account.
    For example: givenName=FirstName.
  3. Attribute Last name

    The last name SN(surname) associated with the account.
    For example: sn=LastName.
  4. Attribute Email

    This specifies the email.
    For example: email=mail@domain.com.

LDAP Test#


In order to enable your LDAP configuration, Unison must first successfully test your settings. Enter the credentials of a user who has sufficient privileges to search the LDAP server for users and click test.