


In order to use Perfect Address SDK, users must:

  • Run the same version of DLL (UNZDLL32.DLL, UNZDLL64.DLL) and Database Files (Z1.dat - Z8.dat)

In order to remove (or “uninstall”) Perfect Address SDK:

  • The Perfect Address SDK has no uninstall program.

  • Delete the Perfect Address SDK folder (Example: c:pasdk) and all files it contains.

  • Remove UNZDLL32.DLL, UNZDLL64.DLL, and UNZDLL.INI from your Windows folder (usually named c:windows or c:winNT).

The SDK consists of a set of eight database files and a DLL search engine.

The SDK is available for download in two formats:

a self-extracting version
and a version compressed with WinZip (but NOT self-extracting).

Installing the self-extracting version#


If you download the self-extracting version of the SDK, “SDK.EXE”, the self-extracting program will install the DLL and database files for you in the folder you specify.

  1. Download the self-extracting version of the SDK (“sdk.exe“). Right-click the sdk.exe and select “Run as Administrator” to begin install.

  2. You may have a pop-up to allow this app to make changes to your device. click “Yes”.

  3. This will bring up the Perfect Address SDK self-extractor installer - click “next”

  4. Select the file path to extract the sdk files to by clicking “Browse” or pasting it in.

  5. Check the box to create the directory if it does not already exist.

  6. Click “Next”

  7. Once installation is complete. it will display “SDK Setup. SDK setup completed successfully” Click “OK”.

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Download the self-extracting version of the SDK (“sdk.exe“). Right-click the sdk.exe and select “Run as Administrator” to begin install.


You may have a pop-up to allow this app to make changes to your device. click “Yes”.


This will bring up the Perfect Address SDK self-extractor installer - click “next


Select the file path to extract the sdk files to by clicking “Browse” or pasting it in.
Check the box to create the directory if it does not already exist.
Click “Next”


Once installation is complete. it will display “SDK Setup. SDK setup completed successfully” Click “OK”.


If you do not run as adminstrator, you may receive an error during install.



Installing the PKZip archive version: SDK.ZIP

If you download the version compressed with WinZip you will have to de-compress the archive using PKZip, WinZip or some other decompression utility to extract the files.

  1. Double-click the “DLSetup.exe” to begin silent installation.

  2. Download the “sdk.zip” file.

  3. Right-click “sdk.zip” and select “Extract all…

  4. Open the Extracted sdk folder and right “DLSetup.exe” and select “Run as Administrator” to begin silent installation.

  5. Click “Yes” to allow app to make changes to your device.

  6. Once installation is complete you will see “SDK Setup - SDK setup completed successfully”

The DLSetup.exe runs silently in about 1 second.

Warning - You’ll need about 650MB of free space on your hard drive to hold the decompressed SDK.

Setup installs several sample programs, complete with source code, on your hard drive.
Setup creates no icons for the sample programs, but you can start any of them via My Computer or Windows Explorer.
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Download the “sdk.zip” file.
Right-click “sdk.zip” and select “Extract all…

Open the Extracted sdk folder and right “DLSetup.exe” and select “Run as Administrator” to begin silent installation.
Click “Yes” to allow app to make changes to your device.


Double-click the DLSetup.exe to begin silent installation. Click “Yes” to allow app to make changes to your device.

Once installation is complete you will see “SDK Setup - SDK setup completed successfully”


The Perfect Address SDK has no uninstall program. However, removal of the components of the SDK is easy: simply delete the Perfect Address SDK folder (usually named c:pasdk) and all files it contains.
Then remove UNZDLL32.DLL, and UNZDLL.INI from your Windows folder (usually named c:windows or c:winNT). That’s it!

Perfect Address Installation#

The Perfect Address SDK includes a single-user copy of the interactive version of Perfect Address.
Both programs use the same set of database files.
Run DLSETUP.EXE to install the interactive version of Perfect Address.
This interactive version of Perfect Address is provided as an aid to development of your SDK application, and is in no way intended for use outside of a development environment.
If you wish to use Perfect Address (Interactive) in a multi-user production environment, you are required to secure an Enterprise license from Melissa for such use.
Failure to adhere to the terms of this single-user license will result in removal of Perfect Address from future versions of the SDK.

.NET Wrapper Code#

This version includes source and executable code for a .NET wrapper for using the SDK in a ASP .NET environment.
Look for the folder C#wrap in the SDK folder.

New Manual Format#

We converted our Programmer’s Guide to Adobe Acrobat format.
We no longer provide a printed version of the document.
The revised document is named SDKMAN.PDF.
You can find this document on our web site or, after installation, in the DOCS folder.

Calling The DLL From Your Program#

The DLL follows the Windows standard calling sequence for DLLs.
If your application can successfully call functions in the standard Windows DLLs, such as KERNEL, USER, etc., your application should be able to call the Perfect Address SDK DLL in the same way.
We suggest you carefully read the documentation regarding calling Windows DLLs which probably came with your commercial application.
Calling the DLL’s functions is really not difficult.
Microsoft products such as Microsoft Word and Access use Visual Basic for Applications as a script language which provides the declarations and other commands necessary to load and call third-party DLLs.
Look for sample programs, source and executable, in the samples folder of the SDK folder.

Using Universal Naming Convention (UNC) Path Names#

Paths to the data files in a network environment follow Universal Naming Convention (UNC) rules. This means that you can specify a remote computer using its network name instead of mapping the remote computer to a local drive, as in: \\Server\sdk\files

Using the Windows Registry#

In some server applications you may find that security rules prevent the SDK from accessing its initialization file, UNZDLL.INI, in the Windows folder.

This can cause the SDK to fail to initialize properly with errors FE02 or FE16.
To solve this problem we added Windows registry support to the SDK.

The SDK examines the Windows registry for the initialization parameters it requires.

If the SDK does not find the required entries in the registry it defaults to values found in UNZDLL.INI in the Windows folder.

The registry entries required are as follows:

  1. Add a new key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\Melissa Data\PASDK
  2. Under the new key, add two string values:
  3. For these values enter the appropriate UNC or direct paths, just as you would in the UNZDLL.INI file.
    For example:
  4. Add a binary value:
    Enter a binary value of 00 or 01, depending upon your mixed case preference. (1 == mixed case, 0 == all caps).

Update Installation#

When you receive a new release of the Perfect Address SDK, you must replace the old address database files and the DLL search engine.

Each version of the address database must match the DLL which is used to access it. This means that, as a minimum, you MUST install the proper DLL from the new version into the proper place (usually the Windows folder) on each client machine which must access the new address database. Failure to install the new DLL will cause the DLL initialization function to fail with error code 117.

Error code 117 indicates a version mismatch between the active DLL and the active address database. There are several reasons for this: we add new features to the SDK from time to time and we often change the format of the address database files.

This means that you (and, potentially, your customers) must install a new DLL with each new address database update.

An older DLL will not work with the new database files, and vice versa. However, we do retain the old function names and calling parameters, such that no programming changes are normally required to maintain compatibility.

However, Melissa does reserve the right to change the function names and their parameters at any time. You can simply copy the DLL file and the eight data files (Z1.DAT - Z8.DAT) from the new version to their proper places on your computer(s).

This can be accomplished using a simple script file. It is not necessary to run the setup program in this case, and no changes are required to the initialization file or the registry.

Initialization Woes#

If you have trouble getting things to work after the initial installation of the SDK, be sure to try the sample programs provided as a part of the package. The demo programs can be found in the SDK’s home folder, usually found on drive C:

The “addr32.exe” Sample File#

The sample program named addr32.exe is a good test program to try first. If it doesn’t give you a fill-in-the-blank form, then the installation is probably bad. Try reinstalling the SDK in this case.

If you see a form and can enter and verify a sample address successfully, your installation is working okay, and your troubles are elsewhere.

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Mathing the new database version to the DLL version being used#

If your problem comes later, perhaps when you install a new version of the SDK, the problem may be that the new database version doesn’t match the DLL version you are using.

  • Each month we release the SDK as a complete, matching set.

  • The database and the DLL for each month’s version of the SDK MUST be used together as a set.

This means that you MUST properly install each version of the SDK each month.
Initialization error 117 indicates a version mismatch between the DLL and the address database.
Make certain that you have eliminated ALL old versions of the DLL, so that you are sure that Windows is finding only the new DLL.
Remember that Windows may look in strange places to find the wrong version, and may, in some cases, use a cached version of the old DLL even after you have replaced it with a new version.
Rebooting the machine is the only known way to avoid this problem.
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