
What is the Place Name Database?#

The Place Name Database contains the official names of US cities, towns, counties, and other “populated places” as defined by the US Census Bureau and the US Government.

How often is Place Name Database updated?#


What data source(s) does Place Name Database use?#

US Census Bureau & US Government

Where can I find the product homepage?#


Where can I find the product release notes?#


Where can I find the product documentation?#


Where can I find the product sample files?#



How many fields are in this database?#

There are 12 fields available.

What fields are returned in this database?#

Place Name, State Abbreviation, Census Code, Place Type, Place Class, State FIPS, County FIPS, County Name, County Number, Latitude, Longitude, Feature ID.

How is this product sorted?#

The Place Name Database is sorted in ascending order by Place Name within each State.

How is this product sorted?#

Place Name Database records are sorted in ascending order by Place Name within each state. If you prefer to arrange the data by some other order, we suggest that you import the data into your own database program where you can sort the data into the order you prefer.