
Who is this product for?#

Businesses that need to input this information frequently, or target a particular area.

Who is ZipList5 Plus product for?#

ZipList5 Plus is for businesses that need to:

  • input this information frequently or target a particular area.

  • incorporate data into their application and use to lookup City and State based on Zip Code (5-digit) or Area Code.

What does this product do?#

Accurate ZIP Code database with Preferred City name and state code for every 5 digit zip code defined by USPS.

What problem(s) does this product solve?#

Easily find the preferred city name for each zip code.

What makes this product unique?#

One record for for each active zip code with the Preferred City Name for the ZIP code defined by the USPS. It does NOT contain alternate city names.


What City Name is provided?#

The City name field contains the one “preferred” city name for this ZIP code, as defined by the US Postal Service. This database contains only one record for each active ZIP code, and does NOT list any possible “alternate” city names. If you need alternate city names you should consider ZIPList5 (not ZIPList5 Lite), which includes all of the information in this database, plus alternate city names and other useful data.

How many Counties are listed per ZIP code?#

  • ZIPList5 Plus lists only one county for a given ZIP code no matter how many counties the ZIP code may lie in.

How do I get every County and ZIP Code combination?#

  • Our County-ZIP Code Database lists every county and ZIP code combination, which is useful if you need to know every ZIP code which lies within a particular county or all counties which include a portion of a particular ZIP code.

How do I resolve an address to an exact County?#

  • If you wish to resolve an address to an exact county, please be aware that you cannot determine the correct county with 100 percent accuracy using the 5-digit ZIP code alone. For this you must use a different product, such as our Perfect Address Windows program, which uses the full street address to determine the correct county.

What towns observe Eastern time by local custom instead of Central time?#

Three small eastern Alabama towns, Linett, Valley, and Phoneix City, on the Alabama-Georgia border, observe eastern time, by local custom, instead of central time.

  • However, the US Department of Transportation, which is responsible under federal law for regulating time zone boundaries, does not recognize these towns as being within the eastern time zone.

  • Accordingly, we do not show the associated ZIP codes as being in the eastern time zone.

  • However, you may wish to note this exception in your use of the time zone data in this database.

What towns observe Mountain time by local custom instead of Pacific time?#

  • Likewise, the towns of Jackpot, Mountain City, and Owyhee, Nevada, in the northeastern corner of Nevada near the Idaho border, observe mountain time, by local custom, instead of pacific time.

  • The correct time zone for all of Nevada is pacific time, which is what we show for the ZIP codes associated with these towns.

The ZIP codes affected by this are:

Zip, City, State
89825 Jackpot, NV
89831 Mountain City, NV
89832 Owyhee, NV