Reference Guide#
Global Business Coder provides in-depth firmographic information for over 25 million U.S. enterprises. This data encompasses standardized company names, job titles, contact details (including names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses), SIC/NAICS codes, workforce sizes, stock ticker symbols, revenue figures, and more.
This API offers a wealth of valuable insights into businesses, serving a wide range of purposes such as market analysis, lead generation, and customer profiling.
Base URL#
The License Key is a software key required to use the web service. You will receive your license key from your Melissa representative. If you don’t have a license key, contact the Melissa sales team by Requesting a Demo or by calling 800-MELISSA ext. 3 (800-635-4772 ext. 3). Without a license key this service will not function.
To set the license key, use the id/LicenseKey property in your requests.
Use this endpoint to validate IP numbers
Try It Now#
curl -X GET "\
&web=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '{
"cols": "",
"id": "{{customerId}}",
"opt": "",
"a1": "22382 Avenida Empresa",
"a2": "",
"city": "Rancho Santa Margarita",
"comp": "",
"ctry": "",
"freeform": "",
"mak": "",
"mek": "",
"phone": "",
"postal": "92688",
"rec": "",
"state": "California",
"stock": "",
"suite": "",
"web": ""
"t": "Test"
Request Parameters#
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
This string value specifies which column(s) to be output as a comma delimited string. |
The License Key issued by Melissa. |
This is a string value that serves as a unique identifier for this set of records. It is returned as sent. |
Record Level Parameters |
The first address line of the business. |
The second address line (suite) of the business. |
City, Municipality, Locality. The most common population center data element. |
The name of the business. |
The country. |
This is a string value which can contain one of the possible minimum input requirements. |
Melissa Address Key (MAK). A propietary unique key identifier for an address. This is derived from Address Checking. |
Melissa Enterprise Key (MEK). The unique identifier given by Business Coder. |
The phone number of the business. |
ZIP, Postal Code. The complete postal code for a particular delivery point. |
This is a string value containing a unique identifier for the current record. Use this to match the record submitted with the record returned. It will return what is inputted. |
State, Province, Administrative Area. The most common geographic data element. |
A unique abbreviation/symbol assigned by the stock exchange for listed companies. |
Suite, Sub Premises. The alphanumeric code identifying an individual location. |
The web address/domain for a company. |
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
This string value specifies which column(s) to be output as a comma delimited string. |
The License Key issued by Melissa. |
This is a string value that serves as a unique identifier for this set of records. It is returned as sent. |
Record Level Parameters |
The first address line of the business. |
The second address line (suite) of the business. |
City, Municipality, Locality. The most common population center data element. |
The name of the business. |
The country. |
This is a string value which can contain one of the possible minimum input requirements. |
Melissa Address Key (MAK). A propietary unique key identifier for an address. This is derived from Address Checking. |
Melissa Enterprise Key (MEK). The unique identifier given by Business Coder. |
The phone number of the business. |
ZIP, Postal Code. The complete postal code for a particular delivery point. |
This is a string value containing a unique identifier for the current record. Use this to match the record submitted with the record returned. It will return what is inputted. |
State, Province, Administrative Area. The most common geographic data element. |
A unique abbreviation/symbol assigned by the stock exchange for listed companies. |
Suite, Sub Premises. The alphanumeric code identifying an individual location. |
The web address/domain for a company. |
Entering the column name will return the column. Specifying a group name will return all columns in the group.
Delimit multiple columns with a ,
Group Name |
Included Fields |
List options in the following format, with multiple options delimited with a ,
This option allows you to choose what the service will center the search around.
Parameter |
Description |
Use Company as the primary pivot. |
Use Address as a primary pivot. |
Use Phone as a primary pivot. |
This option changes the upper limit on the number of contacts returned.
Parameter |
Description |
Default set to 5. Sets the maximum number of contacts to be returned. |
This option handles the returning of the dominant business name and demographics for a particular site when the company information is missing or does not match.
Parameter |
Description |
Default. Return the dominant business name when the company information is missing or does not match. |
Do not return the dominant business name when the company information is missing or does not match. |
This option handles how SIC Codes are returned, depending on our SIC Code confidence level.
Parameter |
Description |
Default. Returns any associated SIC Codes. |
Only returns very confident or correct SIC Codes. Returns null if none pass the requirement. |
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"TransmissionResults": "",
"TransmissionReference": "Test",
"Version": "",
"TotalRecords": "1",
"AddressLine1": "22382 Avenida Empresa",
"City": "Rancho Santa Margarita",
"CompanyName": "Melissa Data",
"CurrentCompanyName": "Melissa Data",
"MelissaEnterpriseKey": "323318841",
"PostalCode": "92688-2112",
"RecordID": "1",
"Results": "AS01,DA00,DA20,DA30,DA40,DA50,FS01,FS08",
"State": "CA",
"Suite": "",
"TotalContacts": "8"
"TransmissionResults": "",
"TransmissionReference": "Test",
"Version": "",
"TotalRecords": "1",
"AddressLine1": "22382 Avenida Empresa",
"City": "Rancho Santa Margarita",
"CompanyName": "Melissa Data",
"CurrentCompanyName": "Melissa Data",
"MelissaEnterpriseKey": "323318841",
"PostalCode": "92688-2112",
"RecordID": "1",
"Results": "AS01,DA20,DA30,DA40,DA50,FS01,FS04,GS05",
"State": "CA",
"Suite": "",
"TotalContacts": "8"
Service Level Response Fields#
Output Name |
Description |
Records |
The returned array of records. |
TotalRecords |
Total number of records returned in the records array. |
TransmissionReference |
A pass-through of the input Transmission Reference. |
TransmissionResults |
Returns the generic web service level result/error codes. For more information, see Result Codes. |
Version |
The current service version number. |
Record Level Response Fields#
In addition to the Service Level Response Fields, these fields are returned by default.
Output Name |
Description |
AddressLine1 |
The first address line of the business. |
City |
City, Municipality, Locality. The most common population center data element. |
CompanyName |
The name of the business. |
CurrentCompanyName |
The company name in our reference data. You can use this to easily compare your input company name against Melissa records for that address. |
MelissaEnterpriseKey |
The Unique Key assigned to a business for that location. |
PostalCode |
ZIP, Postal Code. The complete postal code for a particular delivery point. |
RecordID |
A string value containing a unique identifier for the current record. Use this to match the record submitted with the record returned. It will return what is inputted. |
Results |
Comma delimited status, error codes, and change codes for the request. |
State |
State, Province, Administrative Area. The most common geographic data element. |
Suite |
Suite, Sub Premises. The alphanumeric code identifying an individual location. |
TotalContacts |
Total number of records. |
These columns must be requested individually.
Output Name |
Description |
Contacts |
Returns JSON Array: NameFirst, NameLast, Gender, Title, and Email of one or more contacts.
EmployeesEstimate |
The estimated number of employees who work at this business location. |
LocationType |
A code denoting the business location type.
Phone |
A 10-digit phone number. |
SalesEstimate |
The sales volume and/or assets of the business. |
StockTicker |
The assigned stock exchange abbreviation/symbol for the business. |
WebAddress |
The web address/domain for the business. |
Output Name |
Description |
CountryCode |
The 2 letter ISO 3166 country code value.
For example: |
CountryName |
The standardized contents of the CountryName element. |
DeliveryIndicator |
Residential Business Delivery Indicator (RBDI). The delivery type status based on the address. |
MelissaAddressKey |
This is a globally unique and persistent key for the location, even if parts of the address change. When an address is fully validated this field returns a 10-digit proprietary key for the address. |
MelissaAddressKeyBase |
Every full address has its own Melissa Address Key (MAK). If that address is a suites or apartment, we will also return a Melissa Address Key Base (BaseMAK) that corresponds to the overall building. This provides a link between all the individual MAK addresses that belong to the same building. |
Plus4 |
The 4-digit extension for the ZIP code. |
Output Name |
Description |
Employer Identification Number (EIN). A unique 9-digit business identification number assigned by the IRS. |
NAICSCode1 |
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). A 2-6 digit code that classifies businesses by production. This is defined by NAICSDescription1 and related to SICCode1. |
NAICSCode2 |
This is defined by NAICSDescription2 and related to SICCode2. |
NAICSCode3 |
This is defined by NAICSDescription3 and related to SICCode3. |
SICCode1 |
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). A 2-4 digit code that classifies businesses by production or market. This is defined by SICDescription1 and related to NAICSCode1. |
SICCode2 |
This is defined by SICDescription2 and related to NAICSCode2. |
SICCode3 |
This is defined by SICDescription3 and related to NAICSCode3. |
Output Name |
Description |
NAICSDescription1 |
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). A description of NAICSCode1. |
NAICSDescription2 |
A description of NAICSCode2. |
NAICSDescription3 |
A description of NAICSCode3. |
SICDescription1 |
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). A description of SICCode1. |
SICDescription2 |
A description of SICCode2. |
SICDescription3 |
A description of SICCode3. |
Output Name |
Description |
Latitude |
The parsed geographic coordinate for a particular delivery point. |
Longitude |
The parsed geographic coordinate for a particular delivery point. |
Output Name |
Description |
CensusBlock |
US Only. The Census block number from the most recent yearly census. |
CensusTract |
US Only. The Census tract number from the most recent yearly census. |
CountyFIPS |
US Only. The Census FIPS number from the most recent yearly census. |
CountyName |
US Only. The county name that corresponds to the county FIPS code. |
PlaceCode |
US Only. The FIPS Place code as defined by the Census. |
PlaceName |
US Only. The FIPS Place name as defined by the Census. |
Input Best Practices#
This service can deal with multiple languages and scripts. It expects UTF-8 encoding. Be on the lookout for question marks (?), squares (▖) or other unwanted characters like �. They may be an indication of encoding issues and may result in data loss. Bad encoding or character loss is not something our service can correct for you.
Result Codes#
Result codes yield more granular information about a given business.
They are returned as a comma-delimited string of 4-character alpha-numeric codes, e.g. AS01,FS01
SE## and GE## Codes#
The SE## and GE## codes (Transmission Service Error and General Transmission Error) are used to signify more general errors, and are returned under the key TransmissionResults
in the outermost level of our responses.