Result Codes - Global Address Verification#
Service Level Result Codes#
Code |
Short Description |
Long Description |
Transmission Service Error |
Cloud Service Internal Error |
The cloud service experienced an internal error. |
General Transmission Error |
Empty Request Record Structure |
The SOAP, JSON, or XML request record structure is empty. Not to be confused with the GE02 GeoCode result code. |
Records Per Request Exceeded |
The counted records sent more than the number of records allowed per request. |
Empty License Key |
The License Key is empty. |
Invalid License Key |
The License Key is invalid. |
Disabled License Key |
The License Key is disabled. |
Product/Level Not Enabled |
The License Key is invalid for this product or level. |
Customer Does Not Exist |
The Customer ID is not in our system. |
Customer License Disabled |
The encrypted license is on the ban list. |
Customer Disabled |
The Customer ID is disabled. |
IP Blacklisted |
The IP Address is on the global ban list. |
IP Not Whitelisted |
The IP Address is not on the customer’s whitelist. |
Out of Credits |
The account has ran out of credits. Add more credits to continue using the service. |
General Transmission Warning |
Expiring License |
Your License Key is expiring soon. Please contact your sales representative for a new License Key. |
Record Level Result Codes#
Code |
Short Description |
Long Description |
AC - Address Change |
Postal Code Change |
The postal code was changed or added. |
Administrative Area Change |
The administrative area (state, province) was added or changed. |
Locality Change |
The locality (city, municipality) name was added or changed. |
Dependent Locality Change |
The dependent locality (urbanization) was changed. |
Thoroughfare Name Change |
The thoroughfare (street) name was added or changed due to a spelling correction. |
Thoroughfare Type Change |
The thoroughfare (street) leading or trailing type was added or changed, such as from “St” to “Rd.” |
Thoroughfare Directional Change |
The thoroughfare (street) pre-directional or post-directional was added or changed, such as from “N” to “NW.” |
Sub Premise Type Change |
The sub premise (suite) type was added or changed, such as from “STE” to “APT.” |
Sub Premise Number Change |
The sub premise (suite) unit number was added or changed. |
Double Dependent Locality Change |
The double dependent locality was added or changed. |
SubAdministrative Area Change |
The subadministrative area was added or changed. |
SubNational Area Change |
The subnational area was added or changed. |
PO Box Change |
The PO Box was added or changed. |
Premise Type Change |
The premise type was added or changed. |
House Number Change |
The house number was changed. |
Organization Change |
The organization was added or changed. |
AE - Address Error |
General Error |
The address could not be verified. This is likely due to a missing or invalid locality or postal code. |
Unknown Street |
Could not match the input street to a unique street name. Either no matches or too many matches found. |
Component Mismatch Error |
The combination of directionals (N, E, SW, etc) and the suffix (AVE, ST, BLVD) is not correct and produced multiple possible matches. |
Multiple Match |
The address was matched to multiple records. There is not enough information available in the address to break the tie between multiple records. |
Sub Premise Number Invalid |
The thoroughfare (street address) was found but the sub premise (suite) was not valid. |
Sub Premise Number Missing |
The thoroughfare (street address) was found but the sub premise (suite) was missing. |
Premise Number Invalid |
The premise (house or building) number for the address is not valid. |
Premise Number Missing |
The premise (house or building) number for the address is missing. |
Box Number Invalid |
The PO (Post Office Box), RR (Rural Route), or HC (Highway Contract) Box number is invalid. |
Box Number Missing |
The PO (Post Office Box), RR (Rural Route), or HC (Highway Contract) Box number is missing. |
PMB Number Missing |
US Only. The address is a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA) and the Private Mail Box (PMB or #) number is missing. |
Sub Premise Not Required (Deprecated - See AS23) |
A sub premise (suite) number was entered but the address does not have secondaries. (Deprecated - See AS23) |
AS - Address Status |
Foreign Address |
The address is in a non-supported country. |
AV - Address Verification |
Administrative Area Partial |
The address has been partially verified to the Administrative Area (State) Level, which is NOT the highest level possible with the reference data. |
Locality Partial |
The address has been partially verified to the Locality (City) Level, which is NOT the highest level possible with the reference data. |
Thoroughfare Partial |
The address has been partially verified to the Thoroughfare (Street) Level, which is NOT the highest level possible with the reference data. |
Premise Partial |
The address has been partially verified to the Premise (House or Building) Level, which is NOT the highest level possible with the reference data. |
Administrative Area Full |
The address has been verified to the Administrative Area (State) Level, which is the highest level possible with the reference data. |
Locality Full |
The address has been verified to the Locality (City) Level, which is the highest level possible with the reference data. |
Thoroughfare Full |
The address has been verified to the Thoroughfare (Street) Level, which is the highest level possible with the reference data. |
Premises Full |
The address has been verified to the Premise (House or Building) Level, which is the highest level possible with the reference data. |
SubPremises Full |
The address has been verified to the SubPremise (Suite) or PO Box Level, which is the highest level possible with the reference data. |
GEO-GS - GeoCode Status |
Geocoded to Street Level |
The record was coded to the street level (Zip+4 for US, full postal code for CA). |
Geocoded to the Neighborhood Level |
The record was geocoded down to neighborhood level (Zip+2 for US). |
Geocoded to Community Level |
The record was coded to the community level (ZIP centroid for US, 3-digit postal code for CA). |
Geocoded to State Level |
The record was geocoded to the state (administrative area) level. |
Geocoded to Rooftop Level |
The record was geocoded down to the rooftop level, meaning the point is within the property boundaries, usually the center. |
Geocoded to Interpolated Rooftop Level |
The record was geocoded down to the rooftop level using interpolation (educated estimations using street coordinates). The point may be in or close to the property boundaries. |
GEO-GE - GeoCode Error |
Regional Geocode Not Found |
Geocode could not be appended for the input locality or postal code. |
No Geocode for Input Address |
The input address did not provide enough valid information to append a geocode. |
SG - Address Suggestions |
Suggestions Found |
Alternate address suggestions were successfully returned. |
No Suggestions Found |
No alternate address suggestions are available for the provided address. |
Suggestions Not Available |
The Suggestions engine is currently unavailable. Please try again later. |
Record Level Product Codes#
Code |
Description |
Address Type US |
Alias |
Firm or Company |
Highrise or Business Complex |
General Delivery |
PO Box |
Rural Route |
Street or Residential |
Address Type Canada |
Street |
Street Served by Route and GD |
Lock Box |
Route Service |
General Delivery |
LVR Street |
Government Street |
LVR Lock Box |
Government Lock Box |
LVR General Delivery |
Building |
Address Type Austria |
A door number (Tür) is expected for this address to be considered complete. |
Address Type France |
This address is a CEDEX address. These are addresses classified as “Courier d’entreprise à distribution exceptionnelle” or “special business mail” by La Poste. They are given their own postal priority and usually large organizations. |
Address Type Great Britain |
This address is identified as having a large user postal code. This is due to the large volume of mail received at that address, or because a PO Box or Selectapost service has been set up. |
This address is identified as having a smaller user postal code. This means this postal code will have usually around 15 delivery points but never more than 100. |
Address Type Switzerland |
Domicile and specialist addresses |
Domicile addresses only |
Specialist postcodes only |
Company postcodes |
In-house Swiss Post postcodes (delivery post office information on bundle labels or bag addresses). |
Delivery Indicator Code |
Residence |
Business |
Unknown |
Postal Code Type |
Regular postal code |
Military Postal Code |
PO Box Postal Code |
Unique Postal Code usually assigned to a large organization or government institution. |