Result Codes - Personator Identity#
Service Level Result Codes#
Code |
Short Description |
Long Description |
Transmission Service Error |
Cloud Service Internal Error |
The cloud service experienced an internal error. |
General Transmission Error |
Empty Request Structure |
The SOAP, JSON, or XML request structure is empty. Not to be confused with the GE01 GeoCode result code. |
Empty Request Record Structure |
The SOAP, JSON, or XML request record structure is empty. Not to be confused with the GE02 GeoCode result code. |
Records Per Request Exceeded |
The counted records sent more than the number of records allowed per request. |
Empty License Key |
The License Key is empty. |
Invalid License Key |
The License Key is invalid. |
Disabled License Key |
The License Key is disabled. |
Invalid Request |
The SOAP, JSON, or XML request is invalid. |
Product/Level Not Enabled |
The License Key is invalid for this product or level. |
Customer Does Not Exist |
The Customer ID is not in our system. |
Customer License Disabled |
The encrypted license is on the ban list. |
Customer Disabled |
The Customer ID is disabled. |
IP Blacklisted |
The IP Address is on the global ban list. |
IP Not Whitelisted |
The IP Address is not on the customer’s whitelist. |
CallerID Not Enabled |
The license key or ID does not have CallerID enabled. |
General Transmission Warning |
Expiring License |
Your License Key is expiring soon. Please contact your sales representative for a new License Key. |
Record Level Result Codes#
Code |
Short Description |
Long Description |
AC - Address Change |
Postal Code Change |
The postal code was changed or added. |
Administrative Area Change |
The administrative area (state, province) was added or changed. |
Locality Change |
The locality (city, municipality) name was added or changed. |
Dependent Locality Change |
The dependent locality (urbanization) was changed. |
Thoroughfare Name Change |
The thoroughfare (street) name was added or changed due to a spelling correction. |
Thoroughfare Type Change |
The thoroughfare (street) leading or trailing type was added or changed, such as from “St” to “Rd.” |
Thoroughfare Directional Change |
The thoroughfare (street) pre-directional or post-directional was added or changed, such as from “N” to “NW.” |
Sub Premise Type Change |
The sub premise (suite) type was added or changed, such as from “STE” to “APT.” |
Sub Premise Number Change |
The sub premise (suite) unit number was added or changed. |
Double Dependent Locality Change |
The double dependent locality was added or changed. |
SubAdministrative Area Change |
The subadministrative area was added or changed. |
SubNational Area Change |
The subnational area was added or changed. |
PO Box Change |
The PO Box was added or changed. |
Premise Type Change |
The premise type was added or changed. |
House Number Change |
The house number was changed. |
Organization Change |
The organization was added or changed. |
AE - Address Error |
General Error |
The address could not be verified. This is likely due to a missing or invalid locality or postal code. |
Unknown Street |
Could not match the input street to a unique street name. Either no matches or too many matches found. |
Component Mismatch Error |
The combination of directionals (N, E, SW, etc) and the suffix (AVE, ST, BLVD) is not correct and produced multiple possible matches. |
Multiple Match |
The address was matched to multiple records. There is not enough information available in the address to break the tie between multiple records. |
Sub Premise Number Invalid |
The thoroughfare (street address) was found but the sub premise (suite) was not valid. |
Sub Premise Number Missing |
The thoroughfare (street address) was found but the sub premise (suite) was missing. |
Premise Number Invalid |
The premise (house or building) number for the address is not valid. |
Premise Number Missing |
The premise (house or building) number for the address is missing. |
Box Number Invalid |
The PO (Post Office Box), RR (Rural Route), or HC (Highway Contract) Box number is invalid. |
Box Number Missing |
The PO (Post Office Box), RR (Rural Route), or HC (Highway Contract) Box number is missing. |
PMB Number Missing |
US Only. The address is a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA) and the Private Mail Box (PMB or #) number is missing. |
Sub Premise Not Required (Deprecated - See AS23) |
A sub premise (suite) number was entered but the address does not have secondaries. (Deprecated - See AS23) |
AN - Account Number Status |
Valid Account Number |
Account Number Validation Passed |
Country Matched |
Input Country matches the Account Number Country |
Account Number is identified as IBAN |
Account Number is identified as SWIFT |
Invalid Account Number |
Account Number did not pass validation |
Country Mismatched |
Input Country does not match the Account Number Country |
AS - Address Status |
Foreign Address |
The address is in a non-supported country. |
AV - Address Verification |
Administrative Area Partial |
The address has been partially verified to the Administrative Area (State) Level, which is NOT the highest level possible with the reference data. |
Locality Partial |
The address has been partially verified to the Locality (City) Level, which is NOT the highest level possible with the reference data. |
Thoroughfare Partial |
The address has been partially verified to the Thoroughfare (Street) Level, which is NOT the highest level possible with the reference data. |
Premise Partial |
The address has been partially verified to the Premise (House or Building) Level, which is NOT the highest level possible with the reference data. |
Administrative Area Full |
The address has been verified to the Administrative Area (State) Level, which is the highest level possible with the reference data. |
Locality Full |
The address has been verified to the Locality (City) Level, which is the highest level possible with the reference data. |
Thoroughfare Full |
The address has been verified to the Thoroughfare (Street) Level, which is the highest level possible with the reference data. |
Premises Full |
The address has been verified to the Premise (House or Building) Level, which is the highest level possible with the reference data. |
SubPremises Full |
The address has been verified to the SubPremise (Suite) or PO Box Level, which is the highest level possible with the reference data. |
DD - Date of Death |
Not Deceased |
This person is not deceased. |
Deceased |
This person is deceased. |
DE - Data Error |
Data Field Error |
The data field was empty. |
ES - Email Status |
Valid Email |
This email address has valid syntax and belongs to a valid domain. |
Invalid Email |
This email was confirmed to be a invalid email. |
Unknown Email |
This email’s status is unknown due to unknown external factors. Please try again another time. |
Mobile Email Address |
The domain name was identified as a mobile email address and classified as not deliverable by the FCC. |
Disposable Domain |
The domain name of the submitted email was identified as a disposable domain. |
Spamtrap Domain |
The domain name of the submitted email was identified as a spamtrap. Mailing to this domain could result in the sender being blacklisted. |
Accept All Server |
The mail server is an accept all server. Accept-All domains is set in a way that makes all emails seem valid. |
Role Address |
This Email address was created as a group, ex: sales@, support@, or postmaster@. |
Protected Mailbox Caution |
The mail provider for this email address may be quick to classify senders as spam and will not respond to our requests. Mailbox validation is not possible at this time and the mailbox may or may not exist. We recommend proceeding with caution if emailing numerous records to this mail domain. |
Syntax Changed |
The syntax of the submitted email address was changed. |
Top Level Domain Changed |
The top level domain of the submitted email address was changed. |
Domain Changed (Spelling) |
The domain of the submitted email address was corrected for spelling. |
Domain Changed (Update) |
The domain of the submitted email address was updated due to a domain name change. |
Verify (Precision: Domain Result) |
The email is considered valid, but did not have the mailbox verified and not found in our mailbox database. |
Verify (Precision: Cached Mailbox Result) |
The mailbox was found to be already validated in our mailbox database. |
Verify (Precision: Real-time Mailbox Result) |
The mailbox validation was performed in real-time. |
Verify (Precision: Unicode Result) |
Unicode Detected: We do not support Unicode at this time for realtime mailbox validation. Domain and cache check only. |
Verify (Precision: Pending Mailbox Result) |
The mail provider has been known to send a delayed response so it is possible that the pending status will change within the next 24 hours. You may want to resubmit this input at a later time as an update may be possible. |
EE - Email Error |
Email Syntax Error |
There is a syntax error in the submitted email address. |
Email Domain Not Found |
A Domain of the submitted email address was not found. |
Email Server Not Found |
The mail server of the submitted email address was not found. |
Invalid Email |
An invalid mailbox was detected (i.e. noreply). |
GEO-GS - GeoCode Status |
Geocoded to Street Level |
The record was coded to the street level (Zip+4 for US, full postal code for CA). |
Geocoded to the Neighborhood Level |
The record was geocoded down to neighborhood level (Zip+2 for US). |
Geocoded to Community Level |
The record was coded to the community level (ZIP centroid for US, 3-digit postal code for CA). |
Geocoded to State Level |
The record was geocoded to the state (administrative area) level. |
Geocoded to Rooftop Level |
The record was geocoded down to the rooftop level, meaning the point is within the property boundaries, usually the center. |
Geocoded to Interpolated Rooftop Level |
The record was geocoded down to the rooftop level using interpolation (educated estimations using street coordinates). The point may be in or close to the property boundaries. |
GEO-GE - GeoCode Error |
Regional Geocode Not Found |
Geocode could not be appended for the input locality or postal code. |
No Geocode for Input Address |
The input address did not provide enough valid information to append a geocode. |
KE - Personator Identity Error Codes |
Timeout |
Querying the data sources/providers has timed out. Retry sending the web service request. |
Data Provider Unavailable |
The data provider is currently unavailable. Please wait and try again at a later time. |
KV - Verification Match |
Address matched |
Complete match found for address. |
Postal code matched |
Complete match found for postal code. |
Administrative area (state/province) matched |
Complete match found for administrative area (state/province). |
Locality matched |
Complete match found for locality. |
Thoroughfare/street matched |
Complete match found for thoroughfare. |
Premise/house number matched |
Complete match found for premise/house number. |
Subpremise matched |
Complete match found for subpremise. |
National ID matched |
Complete match found for national ID. |
First/given/forename matched |
Complete match found for first/given/forename name. |
First Initial Matched |
Match found for first initial (from first/given name). |
Partial First Name Match |
Partial match found for first/given/forename name. |
Last/surname matched |
Complete match found for last/surname. |
Partial Last Name Match |
Partial match found for last/surname. |
Phone number matched |
Complete match found for phone number. |
Last 4 digits of phone matched |
Match found for the last 4 digits of the phone number. |
Email matched |
Complete match found for the email address. |
Date of birth matched |
Complete match found for the date of birth. |
Day of birth matched |
Match found for the day of birth. |
Month of birth matched |
Match found for the month of birth. |
Year of birth matched |
Match found for the year of birth. |
Organization matched |
Complete match found for the organization/company. |
First and last name swap match |
First name and last name swapped for a full match. |
Middle and first name swap match |
Middle name and first name swapped for a full match. |
Middle and last name swap match |
Middle and last name swapped for a full match. |
Middle and first name swap partial match |
Middle and first name swapped for a partial match. |
Middle and last name swap partial match |
Middle and last name swapped for a partial match. |
NS - Name Status |
Parsing Successful |
Name parsing was successful. |
Error Parsing |
An error was detected. Please check for a name error code. |
First Name Spelling Corrected |
The spelling in the first name field was corrected. |
First Name 2 Spelling Corrected |
The spelling in the second first name field was corrected. |
First Name 1 Found |
FirstName1 was found in our census table of names. Very likely to be a real first name. |
Last Name 1 Found |
LastName1 was found in our census table of names. Very likely to be a real last name. |
First Name 2 Found |
FirstName2 was found in our census table of names. Very likely to be a real first name. |
Last Name 2 Found |
LastName2 was found in our census table of names. Very likely to be a real last name. |
Company Name Standardized |
The company name was standardized. |
NE - Name Error |
Unrecognized Format |
Format of Input string was not recognized or too long to represent a valid name. |
Multiple First Names Detected |
Multiple first names were detected and could not be accurately genderized. |
Vulgarity Detected |
A vulgarity was detected in the name. |
Suspicious Word Detected |
The name contained words found on the list of nuisance names, such as “Mickey Mouse.” |
Company Name Detected |
The name contained words normally found in a company name. |
Non-Alphabetic Character Detected |
The name contained a non-alphabetic character. |
Unicode/Non-Latin Name Input |
Unicode characters detected on input. We do not support Unicode at this time; the input is returned as-is. |
Company Standardization Not Needed |
Company name standardization was attempted, but did not produce a different result. |
PS - Phone Status |
Valid Phone |
The phone number has been verified as valid. |
7-Digit Match |
The first 7-digits of the phone number have been verified, but activity cannot be confirmed. |
Corrected Area Code |
NewAreaCode contains corrected area code that was changed according to the postal code it falls into. |
Demo Mode |
Demo mode is active and the phone number is outside the range of phone numbers allowed by the Demo. |
Updated Area Code |
The area code was changed due to an area code split. The updated code is located within NewAreaCode. |
Cellular Line |
On activation, the exchange type of the phone number was designated as a cellular number, but current status cannot be confirmed. |
Land Line |
On activation, the exchange type of the phone number was designated as a land line, but current status cannot be confirmed. |
VOIP Line |
On activation, the exchange type of the phone number was designated as a VOIP line, but current status cannot be confirmed. |
Residential Number |
The phone number belongs to a residence. |
Business Number |
The phone number belongs to a business. |
SOHO Number |
The phone number belongs to a small office or home office. |
Toll Free Number |
Global Phone Object Only. The phone number is a toll free number. |
Special Number |
Global Phone Object Only. This is a phone number with premium service, data, internet access, etc. which all incur a higher charge rate. |
Misc Type |
The phone number is used for other services (calling cards, national numbers, directory assistance, mass communications, etc.) |
Unknown Type |
Phone type is unknown due to external errors. Please try again at another time. |
Live number |
Phone is live, callable and/or able to receive SMS. |
Do Not Call |
The phone number was found in Melissa’s proprietary Do Not Call list. |
Low Confidence |
Number exists within a block of registered phone numbers. |
Medium Confidence |
Number was found to already be validated in our phone database. |
High Confidence |
Number was verified against current dialing equipment. |
Premium Timeout |
Querying Premium has timed out, but has continued to run in the background. Query later to obtain the cached results. |
CallerID Timeout |
Querying CallerID has timed out, but has continued to run in the background. Query later to obtain the cached results. |
PE - Phone Error |
Invalid Phone |
The area code/phone number does not exist in our database or contains non-numbers. |
Blank Phone |
The phone number is blank. |
Bad Phone |
The phone number has too many or too few digits. |
Multiple Match |
Two or more possible area codes are available as a fix and their distance is too close to choose one over the other. |
Bad Prefix/Prefix +1 |
The phone prefix or first 7-digits do not exist in our database. |
Bad Postal Code |
The input postal code is invalid. |
No Country Input |
Global Phone Object Only. The input country is blank and the phone number has no ‘+’ sign. |
Out of Range Suffix |
Global Phone Object Only. The subscriber’s phone number suffix is out of range. |
Invalid Input Country |
Global Phone Object Only. The input country in not valid. |
Disconnected Phone |
Phone number has been disconnected. |
Record Level Product Codes#
Code |
Description |
Address Type US |
Alias |
Firm or Company |
Highrise or Business Complex |
General Delivery |
PO Box |
Rural Route |
Street or Residential |
Address Type Canada |
Street |
Street Served by Route and GD |
Lock Box |
Route Service |
General Delivery |
LVR Street |
Government Street |
LVR Lock Box |
Government Lock Box |
LVR General Delivery |
Building |
Address Type Austria |
A door number (Tür) is expected for this address to be considered complete. |
Address Type France |
This address is a CEDEX address. These are addresses classified as “Courier d’entreprise à distribution exceptionnelle” or “special business mail” by La Poste. They are given their own postal priority and usually large organizations. |
Address Type Great Britain |
This address is identified as having a large user postal code. This is due to the large volume of mail received at that address, or because a PO Box or Selectapost service has been set up. |
This address is identified as having a smaller user postal code. This means this postal code will have usually around 15 delivery points but never more than 100. |
Address Type Switzerland |
Domicile and specialist addresses |
Domicile addresses only |
Specialist postcodes only |
Company postcodes |
In-house Swiss Post postcodes (delivery post office information on bundle labels or bag addresses). |
Delivery Indicator Code |
Residence |
Business |
Unknown |
Gender Type Code |
Male |
Female |
Unknown |
Neutral (Pat, Chris, etc.) |
Postal Code Type |
Regular postal code |
Military Postal Code |
PO Box Postal Code |
Unique Postal Code usually assigned to a large organization or government institution. |