Reference Guide#
The Global IP Cloud API takes in an IP address and returns its location, a powerful background process that utilizes 20+ unique dynamic techniques to accurately geolocate over 99% of global IPv4 addresses, while also identifying TOR endpoints and proxies.
Base URL#
The License Key is a software key required to use the web service. You will receive your license key from your Melissa representative. If you don’t have a license key, contact the Melissa sales team by Requesting a Demo or by calling 800-MELISSA ext. 3 (800-635-4772 ext. 3). Without a license key, Global IP will not function.
To set the license key, use the id/CustomerID property in your requests.
Use this endpoint to validate IP numbers
Try It Now#
curl -X GET "\
&format=JSON" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "Accept:application/json"
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '{
Request Parameters#
Code |
Description |
Optional. Specify what domain information to return. |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
Required. The IP Address to verify. |
Optional. Value passed through unchanged to the response for identification or any other purpose. |
Code |
Description |
Optional. Specify what domain information to return. |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
Required. The IP Address to verify. |
Optional. A unique identifier for the current record. Use this to match the record submitted with the record returned. |
Optional. Value passed through unchanged to the response for identification or any other purpose. |
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"Version": "",
"TransmissionReference": "IP Locator Test",
"TransmissionResults": "",
"Records": [
"City": "Rancho Santa Margarita",
"ConnectionSpeed": "broadband",
"ConnectionType": "wifi",
"Continent": "North America",
"CountryAbbreviation": "US",
"CountryName": "United States",
"DomainAddress1":"DomainsByProxy.com2155 E Warner Rd",
"DomainAdministrativeArea": "Arizona",
"DomainAgeEstimated": "8172",
"DomainAvailability": "UNAVAILABLE",
"DomainCountry": "UNITED STATES",
"DomainCountryCode": "US",
"DomainCreatedDate": "2000-10-16T20:48:37",
"DomainEmail": " ",
"DomainExpirationDate": "2023-10-16T20:48:36",
"DomainLocality": "Tempe",
"DomainName": "",
"DomainOrganization": "Domains By Proxy, LLC",
"DomainPostalCode": "85284",
"DomainPrivateProxy": "1",
"DomainUpdatedDate": "2022-10-17T07:46:22",
"DST": "Y",
"IPAddress": "",
"ISPName": "Att Services Inc.",
"Latitude": "33.650000",
"Longitude": "-117.590000",
"PostalCode": "92688",
"ProxyDescription": "att",
"ProxyType": " ",
"RecordID": "1",
"Region": "California",
"Result": "IS01",
"TimeZoneCode": "PST",
"TimeZoneName": "Pacific Standard Time",
"UTC": "-08:00"
"Version": "",
"TransmissionReference": "",
"TransmissionResults": "",
"Records": [
"City": "Newport Beach",
"ConnectionSpeed": "cable",
"ConnectionType": "wifi",
"Continent": "North America",
"CountryAbbreviation": "US",
"CountryName": "United States",
"DomainName": "",
"DST": "Y",
"IPAddress": "",
"ISPName": "Cox Communications Inc.",
"Latitude": "33.630000",
"Longitude": "-117.870000",
"PostalCode": "92660",
"ProxyDescription": "cox communications",
"ProxyType": " ",
"RecordID": "1",
"Region": "California",
"Result": "IS01",
"TimeZoneCode": "PST",
"TimeZoneName": "Pacific Standard Time",
"UTC": "-08:00"
"City": "Private",
"ConnectionSpeed": "broadband",
"ConnectionType": "wired",
"Continent": " ",
"CountryAbbreviation": " ",
"CountryName": "Reserved/Private",
"DomainName": "?",
"DST": "N",
"IPAddress": "",
"ISPName": " ",
"Latitude": "0.000000",
"Longitude": "0.000000",
"PostalCode": "0",
"ProxyDescription": "internet assigned numbers",
"ProxyType": " ",
"RecordID": "2",
"Region": "Reserved/Private",
"Result": "IS01",
"TimeZoneCode": " ",
"TimeZoneName": " ",
"UTC": " "
Service Level Response Fields#
Output Name |
Description |
Version |
The current service version number. |
TransmissionReference |
Optional. Serves as a unique request identifier. |
TransmissionResults |
Lists error codes from any errors caused by the most recent request as a whole. |
Record Level Response Fields#
Output Name |
Description |
Results |
Comma delimited status, error codes, and change codes for the record. |
City |
The city where the IP address is located. |
ConnectionSpeed |
The connection speed associated with this IP address. |
ConnectionType |
The type of connection used by this IP address. |
Continent |
The continent where the IP address is located. |
CountryAbbreviation |
The alpha-2 country code of the country where the IP address is located. |
CountryName |
The full name of the country where the IP address is located. |
DomainAddress1 |
The Physical Address associated with the domain. |
DomainAdministrativeArea |
The State or most common geographic data element associated with the domain. |
DomainAgeEstimated |
How long the domain has existed since it’s creation. |
DomainAvailability |
Status whether domain is available or unavailable. |
DomainCountry |
The full name of the country associated with the domain. |
DomainCountryCode |
The two character code for the country associated with the domain. |
DomainCreatedDate |
The Created Date of the domain. |
DomainEmail |
The email associated with the domain. |
DomainExpirationDate |
The expiration date of the domain. |
DomainLocality |
The City or most common population center associated with the domain. |
DomainName |
The domain name associated with the IP address. |
DomainOrganization |
The Organization associated with the domain. |
DomainPostalCode |
The Postal Code associated with the domain. |
DomainPrivateProxy |
The Private Proxy associated with the domain. |
DomainUpdateDate |
The last time the domain was updated. |
Daylight Savings Time |
IPAddress |
The IP Address being looked up |
ISPName |
The name of the Internet Service Provider. |
Latitude |
The latitude for the IP address. |
Longitude |
The longitude for the IP address. |
PostalCode |
The postal code where the IP address is located. |
ProxyDescription |
Additional Details for the Proxy Type returned. |
ProxyType |
The type of proxy for an IP Address |
RecordID |
ID of each input record |
Region |
The region where the IP address is located |
Result |
A comma delimited string that provides more information from the service. |
TimeZoneCode |
The time zone code where the IP address is located. |
TimeZoneName |
The time zone name where the IP address is located. |
The GMT offset for the area where the IP address is located. |
Result Codes#
Melissa Data’s products use a result code system to indicate data quality; the status and any errors. These result codes are four-character codes (two letters followed by two numbers), delimited by commas. Result code definitions are shared among Melissa Data products.
Understanding the Code#
To fully understand result codes, you need to know them. Knowing what codes are possible and what they indicate will be key in building an effective application. It is useful to know all the codes, but this does not necessarily mean you will use them all. Just because you have a toolbox, doesn’t mean you will also try to use a screwdriver along with a hammer on a nail.