Result Codes - Personator Search#
Record Level Result Codes#
Code |
Short Description |
Long Description |
BA - Batch Result |
Batch Result 01 |
The search condition matched the batch result: Strict: Name, City, State, & Age. |
Batch Result 02 |
The search condition matched the batch result: Strict: Name, State, & Age. |
Batch Result 03 |
The search condition matched the batch result: Strict: Name & Age. |
Batch Result 04 |
The search condition matched the batch result: Loose: Name & Age. |
VS - Verify Status |
Historical Address Match |
The current address is outdated and a newer address match was found. Use the “Move” action to get the latest address. |
Partial Address Match |
A match was made to a partial address. This could be due to matching the street address but not to the suite. |
Last Name Match |
A match was made to the last name only. |
First Name Match |
A match was made to the first name only. |
Service Level Result Codes#
Code |
Short Description |
Long Description |
US - Personator Search Status |
Match Found |
A match was found in the data. |
No Exact Match Found |
No exact match was found, partial matches were returned. |
Too Many Matches |
There were too many matches found. Please narrow down your search by entering additional contact information. |
UE - Personator Search Error |
No Match |
No match was found. |
Record Limit Exceeded |
Number of records returned by the Web Service is too many. Please refine your search. |
Invalid Page Number |
The requested Page Number is invalid or not within the possible number of pages. Refer to the TotalPages Output Column to determine the total number of pages possible. |
No Exact Matches |
No exact matches found for SearchCondition:Exact. However, results will be returned for a loose search (SearchCondition:Loose). |
Invalid State or Zip |
Invalid State or Zip. |
Name Character Limit Exceeded |
The FirstName or LastName exceeded 30 characters. |
SE - Transimission Service Error |
Cloud Service Internal Error |
The cloud service experienced an internal error. |
GW - General Transmission Warning |
Expiring License |
Your License Key is expiring soon. Please contact your sales representative for a new License Key. |
Option Name Error |
The option name is either misspelled or incorrect. |
Option Value Error |
The option value is misspelled or incorrectly formatted. |
GE - General Transmission Error |
Empty Request Structure |
The SOAP, JSON, or XML request structure is empty. Not to be confused with the GE01 GeoCode result code. |
Empty Request Record Structure |
The SOAP, JSON, or XML request record structure is empty. Not to be confused with the GE02 GeoCode result code. |
Records Per Request Exceeded |
The counted records sent more than the number of records allowed per request. |
Empty License Key |
The License Key is empty. |
Invalid License Key |
The License Key is invalid. |
Disabled License Key |
The License Key is disabled. |
Invalid Request |
The SOAP, JSON, or XML request is invalid. |
Product/Level Not Enabled |
The License Key is invalid for this product or level. |
Customer Does Not Exist |
The Customer ID is not in our system. |
Customer License Disabled |
The encrypted license is on the ban list. |
Customer Disabled |
The Customer ID is disabled. |
IP Blacklisted |
The IP Address is on the global ban list. |
IP Not Whitelisted |
The IP Address is not on the customer’s whitelist. |
Out of Credits |
The account has ran out of credits. Add more credits to continue using the service. |
Unacceptable License Key |
License key not accepted, please request an encrypted license key from your sales representative. |
Verify Not Activated |
The Verify package was requested but is not active for the License Key. |
Append Not Activated |
The Append package was requested but is not active for the License Key. |
Move Not Activated |
The Move package was requested but is not active for the License Key. |
No Valid Action Requested |
No valid action was requested by the service. The request must include at least one of the following actions: Check, Verify, Append, or Move. |
Demographics Not Activated |
The Demographics package was requested but is not active for the License Key. |
No License For Business Demographic |
The License Key is not subscribed/licensed for the requested business demographic(s). |
CallerID Not Enabled |
The license key or ID does not have CallerID enabled. |
IP Columns Not Activated |
IP Columns requested but not active for the customer ID. |
SSN Verification Not Activated |
SSN Verification requested but not active for the customer ID. |
Not Available for Credit License |
The requested fields were not available for a credit license. To have access to the demographics fields, please upgrade your license to a subscription. |
Job ID Not Found |
The job ID was not found. |
Job Not Ready |
The job is not ready. |
No Record in Job |
There was no record found in the job. |
Record Total Mismatch |
The received record total does not match the user-specified RecordCount. |
Job in Queue |
The job is in the queue. |
Job Processing |
The job is being processed. |
Job Complete |
The job is complete. |
Cloud Service Internal Error |
The cloud service experienced an internal error. |
DataFrame Not Found |
The DataFrame was not found. |