

Welcome to the Melissa Data Global Phone Web Service. Verify phone numbers from over 230 countries and append useful geographic information. In North America you can perform premium real-time checks to distinguish live numbers and phone types.

The Global Phone Web Service can:

  • Verify and append country dialing codes, international exit codes, national prefixes, and more.

  • Append geographic information on the telephone line such as latitude, longitude, administrative area, and language.

  • Parse the phone number into its various components.

  • Return Caller ID Information for 200 countries.

  • Identify the numbers phone type including mobile, landline, VoIP, and more. (North America Only)

  • Perform a real-time check on a number to know whether it is live or not. (North America Only)

System Requirements#

  • SSL/TLS 1.2+

Getting Started - What Can I Do?#

Check a Phone Number#

Global Phone can check to see if a phone number is valid.



Click here to go to the full endpoint documentation.

Try it Now#

curl -X GET "http://globalphone.melissadata.net/V4/WEB/GlobalPhone/doGlobalPhone?\
&ctryOrg=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
curl -X POST "http://globalphone.melissadata.net/V4/WEB/GlobalPhone/doGlobalPhone" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '{
      "TransmissionReference": "Test",
      "CustomerID": "{{customerId}}",
      "Options": "",
         "RecordID": "1",
         "PhoneNumber": "1-800-635-4772",
         "Country": "US",
         "CountryOfOrigin": ""
         "RecordID": "2",
         "PhoneNumber": "+44 (0)20 7718 0070",
         "Country": "UK",
         "CountryOfOrigin": ""

Sample Code#