The Unison by Melissa Dashboard will be blank the first time you log in to your account. Once you have processed a job, the following sections will be displayed.

Job Stats#
This section displays the overall stats of jobs you processed.

Latest Jobs#
This section displays the latest jobs processed, with a link to the jobs, their start date, and end date.

Latest Activity#
This section displays the latest activity on your account, with a link to the latest files processed and their update date.

The Unison by Melissa Projects menu has the option to create a Data Enrichment project or view existing Data Enrichment projects.

Creating New Projects#
This section will start the guide for setting up a new project.
Start A New Data Enrichment project
Clicking the
next to Data Enrichment will trigger a Start A New Project.Name Your project
Give your project a name and click Begin. This will then go to the Input Sources step.
Data Enrichment Projects#
If Data Enrichment is clicked, it will direct you to the Data Enrichment page. This section displays your already created projects, listing their name, date created, date updated and date last executed. You can search through your projects by using the text fields under each heading and sort them with the arrows next to each heading.

On the right side, there are icons that will allow you to:
View Project Configuration
Duplicate your project
Preview project
Re-run project
Review Project
If you click on a project name, it will take you to the Project Configuration section.
Project Configuration#
This section displays your inputs. If you do not have any, you will be prompted to Add an Input.
Select a Source
Select a source for your project. This can be either a file or a table.
Once you select a source, you will be sent to the Input File Preview.
Input File Preview
This section lets you control your input file settings. You can choose the delimiter and enclosure, select which fields to include and preview the results. When you are done previewing your input file, click Save.
While configuring the project, you select the service(s) you want to use. For more details on a specific service, see the links below.

Select what kind of output you want.

Write to File |
File Settings |
Filename |
Select a filename for your output file. |
Enclosure |
Select the enclosure to use in the output file. |
Delimiter |
Select the delimiter to use in the output file. |
Compression |
Select the compression to use on the output file. |
Filter |
Filters |
Select a pre-built filter for the output. Once you select a filter, you may edit the filter string. |
Filter String (edit as needed) |
The filter string generated by the selected filter. You may edit this for more control. |
Write to Table |
Write your output to a table. To do so, you must select a connection under Connection Settings. If there are no connections, create a new connection. |
Create a New Connection |
Name |
Name the connection. |
Vendor |
Select a vendor for your connection. |
Host |
Enter a host IP. |
Port |
Enter a port for your host. |
Database |
Enter the name of your database. |
Username |
Enter the username. |
Password |
Enter the password. |
Output Fields |
Select which fields and what order you want them to output. Click the trashcan icon to remove a field, and drag-and-drop to reorder the fields. ![]() |
Schedule Project Execution#
You can choose to schedule your project to run on a specified date, time, and frequency.
Description |
Enter a description of your scheduled project execution. |
Frequency |
Set a frequency for your scheduled project execution. |
Run Now#
Run your project now.
The Unison by Melissa Jobs menu has the option to view the Status of your jobs or your already scheduled jobs under Schedule.

This section displays any jobs you have run and their status. You can click the job name to go to the job status page for that job.
Jobs can be searched by name and or sorted by name, creation date, last update, or last execute.

Project |
The name of the job, date submitted, and owner of the job. |
Processing Started |
The timestamp for the beginning of job processing. |
State |
The status of the job. E.g. processing, complete, etc. |
This section lists any jobs you have scheduled to run. Clicking on the job name will let you edit the schedule.
You can disable the schedule for a job by clicking the toggle botton to the right of the job. You can also delete a scheduled jobs by using the checkbox to the left of the job.

Project |
The name of the job. |
Recurring |
Specifies the time the job will run if the scheduled job is recurring. |
Once |
Specifies the time the job will run if the scheduled job is a one-time schedule. |
Description |
The description of the scheduled job entered in during the creation of the scheduled job. |
Date Last Executed |
The date the job was last run. |
The Unison by Melissa Files menu contains a list of files for your account, including uploads and outputs.

This section displays the categories of your files. Select a category to view it’s contents.
File Name |
The name of the file. You may enter text into this section to limit your results. |
Size |
The size of the file |
Date |
The date the file was created/uploaded. |
The Unison by Melissa Logs menu contains the logging details of the platform. You can filter these by their level or enter in text to search for corresponding logs.
The Logs page will only be visible and accessible to accounts with admin privileges.

Level |
The level of the log. This can be Information, Warning, or Error. |
Time Stamp |
The stime stamp of the logged event. Month DD, YYYY HH:MM format. |
Container |
The container that produced the log record. |
Message |
The message details regarding the log. |
The Unison by Melissa Administration menu contains user information, connections to databases, email notification settings, your license with Melissa, project defaults, and report configurations.
The Administration section will only be visible and accessible to accounts with admin privileges.

This section lists the user accounts set up on the platform. You may also create new users here by clicking the New User button.
The Users page will only be visible and accessible to accounts with admin privileges.

Clicking on a user name will take you to the My Profile page.

Username |
The username of the user. |
Reset Password |
This button will open the Reset Password window and let you change the user password. ![]() |
The email address of the user. |
First Name |
The first name of the user. |
Last Name |
The last name of the user. |
Time Zone |
The selected time zone for the user. |
LDAP Settings#
The configuration settings for the LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) server.

LDAP Connection Settings |
Host Address |
The LDAP host server address. |
Host Port |
The port the LDAP host server. |
The LDAP TTL (Time To Live). This specifies the duration, in seconds, the server will store the records until they are revalidated. For example: “3000”. |
LDAP Binding User |
The LDAP Binding User credentials. |
Username |
The LDAP Binding User name. |
Password |
The LDAP Binding User password. |
LDAP Distinguished Name (DN) |
Base DN |
This specifies the domain by using DC (Domain Components). For example: “DC=melissadata,DC=com”. |
User DN |
This specifies the server by using OU (Organizational Unit). For example: “OU=mdserver”. |
RDN Key |
The LDAP User Relative Distinguished Name Key. For example: “CN=”. |
Admin Group |
The LDAP Admin Group DN (Distinguished Name). This specifies admin group names. For example: “OU=AdminGroup1,OU=AdminGroup2”. |
User Group DN |
The LDAP User Group DN (Distinguished Name). This specifies user group names. For example: “OU=UserGroup1,OU=UserGroup2”. |
LDAP Use Attributes |
Attribute Username |
The username of the account. For example: “sAMAccountName=Username”. |
Attribute First Name |
The First Name associated with the user account. For example: “givenName=FirstName”. |
Attribute Last Name |
The Last Name SN (Surname) associated with the user account. For example: “SN=LastName”. |
Attribute Email |
The LDAP Email. This specifies the email address. For example: “”. |
LDAP Test |
User Credentials |
To test your LDAP, enter a Test Username and Test Password and click Verify. You can then refer to Status for more details on the test. |
Status |
This will show the test status of a basic connection, basic authentication, and user retrieval. |
My Connections#
This section displays the connections to databases you set up. You may also create new connections here by clicking the Create New Connection button.

Create a New Connection#

Name |
The unique name of this database connection that will allow you to quickly identify connections. |
Vendor |
We currently support three vendors MSSQL, MYSQL, and Oracle. Please choose the vendor for your database. |
Host |
For the host you can use either a host IP address(ie, or host domain name(ie computer_name.domain_segment[….domain_segment]). |
Port |
When a vendor is selected we automatically populate the port with that vendors default port. If your connection uses a port other than the vendors default please correct your port number. |
Database |
The name of the database you wish to establish a connection to. |
Username |
The username of the server you are trying to connect to. |
Password |
The password of the server you are trying to connect to. |

SMTP Settings |
SMTP Host |
The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) host address. |
SMTP Port |
The port the SMTP host listens on. |
SMTP Timeout |
The SMTP timeout in seconds. |
Use TLS |
Transport Layer Security (TLS) will encrypt the SMTP protocol. |
Credentials |
SMTP Username |
The username for the SMTP server. |
SMTP Password |
The password for the user on the SMTP server. |
Email Boilerplate |
Email From Address |
The “From” email address that any boilerplate emails will appear to be sent from. |
Email Subject Key |
The subject that will prepend any boilerplate email notifications. |
Validation |
Email To Address |
The email to test for verification. |
Status |
The email verification status will be displayed here. |
Enable |
![]() |
Enable SMTP |
Select this to enable the Simple Mail Transfer Protocl (SMTP) server to generate email notifications for users. |
Job Notifications |
Select what Job States you want users to receive notifications for. An unchecked box indicates no notifications will be sent for that job event. |
User Notifications |
Select what changes to user accounts you want users to be sent email notifications about. |
Base URL for Embedded Email Links |
The Base URL base location of your URL which can be changed depending on your needs. For example, you can change the base URL from
Email Attributes |
Embedded Support Email Address |
When Unison sends out generated emails this is the email address users will be instructed to follow up with for additional information. |
This section displays your license details, including the expiration date.

License Key |
Your license key. You can edit this by clicking the Edit button. |
License Customer Number |
The customer ID number associated with your license. |
License Expiration Date |
The date your license expires. |
Project Defaults#

Project Privacy |
Check this box to set projects as private by default. |
Address Task |
Task Source Type |
Set the task source type as US or Global. |
Report Configuration#
Default Reports |
The default reports for each job type are listed here, indicating the rank, chart color, category, and description. ![]() |
Custom Reports |
Custom reports are listed here. ![]() If you want to make a new custom report, click the Create New button. |
Report Name |
Give your custom category report a name here. |
Categories |
Click Add a Category to add a new category, and customize it under Category Details. |
Category Details |
First, a category has to be added from under Categories. Once that is done, the new category can be named here and given a custom color. |
Query Builder |
Use the query builder to add rules to specify what result codes you want to define your category. |
This section displays the version information for your install as well as contact information for Melissa.