An end-to-end mailing solution in the Cloud, designed as a one stop shop to prepare USPS compliant direct mail with minimal effort.
Increase mail deliverability
Easily navigate complex postal regulations
Achieve the lowest postage rates
Print Labels#
Mailers Online returns a Result file that can be uploaded into Microsoft Word’s - Mail Merge to Print Labels.
The following example demonstrates how to:
Create a Mailing Label.
How to merge the labels with a Recipient List (using the Mailers Online - Result file).
Before You Begin#
Download & Extract Presorted File#
Once the Mailers Online file is purchased, it can be downloaded directly from the Mailers Online - Dashboard.
Click “Report” and select “Download” in the bottom-right section of the page.

Right-click the ZIP folder and select “Extract All”.
Extract your file from the the downloaded file.

Install USPS Font#
If this is your first time doing a Mail Merge with the IMB®, perform the following steps to install the USPS4CB font.
Open the extracted folder and double-click on the file “usps4cb.ttf” to open the USPS Fonts.
Click “Install”
Click “Install”

Open Word & Begin Mail Merge#
Open an existing Word document, or create a new one.
Click the “Mailings” tab.
Click the “Start Mail Merge” drop-down and select “Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard…”

The Mail Merge will appear and guide you through the six (6) main steps to complete a merge. The following example demonstrates how to create a mailing label and merge the labels with a recipient list.
Step 1 - Select Document Type#
Choose the type of document you want to create.
For example, select “Labels”.
Click “Next: Starting document” to move to Step 2.

Step 2 - Select Starting Document#
Choose how you want to set up your mailing labels. For example:
Click “Label options” and select the labels that you purchased.
Select “Avery® US Letter – 15661 Easy Peel Address Labels” (Make sure the label you use is at least 1 inch x 3.5 inches.).

Click “Next: Select recipients to move to Step 3”.
Step 3 - Select Recipients#
Select “Use an existing List”
Click “Browse”.
Open the Results file from the recently extracted Mailers Online folder.
Click “OK”.
Click “Next: Arrange Your Labels”.

Step 4 - Add Database Fields and Format Barcode#
Add Database Fields by selecting “More Items” under Arrange your Labels.
Select Insert: “Database Fields”.
Add each Field needed for Labels, in order. Spacing can be adjusted after the desired fields are added.

For example, add: Endorsement, FirstName, LastName, Address, City, State, Zip, Plus4, IMBAlphaCode

Once you add all your fields, click “Close”.
Add the spaces and separate each address line.
Example 1:
«MD_NameFirst» «MD_NameLast»
«MD_City» «MD_State» «MD_PostalCode»-«MD_Plus4»
Example 2:
«MD_NameFirst» «MD_NameLast»
«MD_Address1» «MD_Suite»
«MD_City» «MD_State» «MD_PostalCode»-«MD_Plus4»
An Intelligent Mail barcode is required to claim automation prices.
All mail claimed at automation prices must bear an Intelligent Mail barcode in either the Address Block or the Barcode Clear Zone.
If mail piece weighs more than 3 ounces, the barcode must be included in the Address Block.
Format the Intelligent Mail Barcode by highlighting the “MD_IMBALPH” or “MD_IMBAlphaCode” field, then right-click and change font to “USPS4CB” and size to “16”.
Click “OK” or press Enter.

Click “Update All Labels”.
Click “Next: Complete the Merge”.
Step 5 - Complete the Merge & Print Labels#
For example:
Click “Print”.
Select Print Records: “All” options and click “OK”.
Select Printer Name: “Microsoft Print to PDF” and click “OK”.
Enter File Name to save as and click “Save”.

Obtaining MID#
To view how to obtain Mailer Identification Number please refer to the pdf