Reference Guide#
Welcome to the Global Email Service by Melissa. Validate and parse email addresses, correct common typographical errors, and standardize email addresses. Features real-time email mailbox verification which removes up to 99% of bad emails.
Base URL#
The License Key is a software key required to use the web service. You will receive your license key from your Melissa representative. If you don’t have a license key, contact the Melissa sales team by Requesting a Demo or by calling 800-MELISSA ext. 3 (800-635-4772 ext. 3). Without a license key, Global Email will not function.
To set the license key, use the id/CustomerID property in your requests.
Use this endpoint to use all the email address verification abilities of Global Email.
Try It Now#
curl -X GET "\
&" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '{
"CustomerID": "{{customerId}}",
"Options": "VerifyMailbox:Express,DomainCorrection:OFF,TimeToWait:25",
"Email": "",
"RecordID": "1"
"Email": "",
"RecordID": "2"
"TransmissionReference": "test"
curl -X GET "\
&" \
-H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
-H "Accept: */*"
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
-H "Accept: */*" \
-d '<Request>
Request Parameters#
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
Specify the desired format of the response (XML or JSON). Defaults to XML. |
The License Key issued by Melissa. |
Optional. Serves as a unique request identifier. |
Record Level Parameters |
The email address to be verified. |
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
The License Key issued by Melissa. |
Specify the desired format of the response (XML or JSON). Defaults to XML. |
Optional. Serves as a unique request identifier. |
Record Level Parameters |
The email address to be verified. |
A unique identifier for the current record. |
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
Specify the desired format of the response (XML or JSON). Defaults to XML. |
The License Key issued by Melissa. |
Optional. Serves as a unique request identifier. |
Record Level Parameters |
The email address to be verified. |
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
The License Key issued by Melissa. |
Specify the desired format of the response (XML or JSON). Defaults to XML. |
Optional. Serves as a unique request identifier. |
Record Level Parameters |
The email address to be verified. |
A unique identifier for the current record. |
List options in the following format, with multiple options delimited with a ,
Parameter |
Description |
Default. Allow double-quoted mailbox names. This allows special characters and whitespace within a valid quoted string. |
Do not allow double-quoted mailbox names. Illegal special characters and whitespace will be stripped. |
Parameter |
Description |
Default. Activates fuzzy email domain correction if the domain is a suspected typo. |
No email domain correction. |
TimeToWait allows you to select how long (in seconds) that you would like our web service to wait on a single email before it times out. Select a smaller number if time is of essence, or longer if you would prefer more accurate results.
Parameter |
Description |
Default set to |
The Express option of Global Email will use cached mailbox validations, so any submitted emails will be checked against a database of known bad and known good emails. Any emails that are sent into the EXPRESS will also be cached so they can be looked up during a 90-day cycle. Use this option for increased cost savings or where speed and performance are of upmost importance.
The Premium option always does the most comprehensive type of real-time checking by using domain-specific logic as well as SMTP commands and other proprietary mechanisms to validate email boxes. Use the PREMIUM option when you absolutely require the highest level of Mailbox verification. Bear in mind it can sometimes take up to 12 seconds to verify an email box. Applications that are time sensitive in nature should be programmed to call the express mode instead.
Parameter |
Description |
Default. Quickly validates against database of known email addresses. |
A real time check is performed to determine email deliverability. |
Parameter |
Description |
Default. Activates domain information Lookups. |
Deactivates domain information Lookups. |
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: */*
"Version": "",
"TransmissionReference": "Test",
"TransmissionResults": "",
"TotalRecords": "1",
"RecordID": "1",
"DeliverabilityConfidenceScore": "61",
"Results": "ES01,ES07,ES21",
"EmailAddress": "",
"MailboxName": "test",
"DomainName": "melissa",
"DomainAuthenticationStatus": "",
"TopLevelDomain": "com",
"TopLevelDomainName": "Commercial",
"DateChecked": "5/25/2023 12:23:32 AM",
"EmailAgeEstimated": "2072",
"DomainAgeEstimated": "9867",
"DomainExpirationDate": "2023-09-14T23:00:00",
"DomainCreatedDate": "1995-09-15T23:00:00",
"DomainUpdatedDate": "2022-09-13T12:15:20",
"DomainEmail": "",
"DomainOrganization": "Domains By Proxy, LLC",
"DomainAddress1": " 2155 E Warner Rd",
"DomainLocality": "Tempe",
"DomainAdministrativeArea": "Arizona",
"DomainPostalCode": "85284",
"DomainCountry": "UNITED STATES",
"DomainAvailability": "UNAVAILABLE",
"DomainCountryCode": "US",
"DomainPrivateProxy": "1",
"PrivacyFlag": "N",
"MXServer": "",
"DomainTypeIndicator": "Business/Organization",
"BreachCount": ""
"Version": "",
"TransmissionReference": "Test",
"TransmissionResults": "",
"TotalRecords": "2",
"RecordID": "1",
"DeliverabilityConfidenceScore": "61",
"Results": "ES01,ES07,ES21",
"EmailAddress": "",
"MailboxName": "info",
"DomainName": "melissa",
"DomainAuthenticationStatus": "",
"TopLevelDomain": "com",
"TopLevelDomainName": "Commercial",
"DateChecked": "5/11/2023 7:08:48 PM",
"EmailAgeEstimated": "2022",
"DomainAgeEstimated": "9867",
"DomainExpirationDate": "2023-09-14T23:00:00",
"DomainCreatedDate": "1995-09-15T23:00:00",
"DomainUpdatedDate": "2022-09-13T12:15:20",
"DomainEmail": "",
"DomainOrganization": "Domains By Proxy, LLC",
"DomainAddress1": " 2155 E Warner Rd",
"DomainLocality": "Tempe",
"DomainAdministrativeArea": "Arizona",
"DomainPostalCode": "85284",
"DomainCountry": "UNITED STATES",
"DomainAvailability": "UNAVAILABLE",
"DomainCountryCode": "US",
"DomainPrivateProxy": "1",
"PrivacyFlag": "N",
"MXServer": "",
"DomainTypeIndicator": "Business/Organization",
"BreachCount": ""
"RecordID": "2",
"DeliverabilityConfidenceScore": "61",
"Results": "ES01,ES07,ES21",
"EmailAddress": "",
"MailboxName": "test",
"DomainName": "melissa",
"DomainAuthenticationStatus": "",
"TopLevelDomain": "com",
"TopLevelDomainName": "Commercial",
"DateChecked": "5/25/2023 12:23:32 AM",
"EmailAgeEstimated": "2072",
"DomainAgeEstimated": "9867",
"DomainExpirationDate": "2023-09-14T23:00:00",
"DomainCreatedDate": "1995-09-15T23:00:00",
"DomainUpdatedDate": "2022-09-13T12:15:20",
"DomainEmail": "",
"DomainOrganization": "Domains By Proxy, LLC",
"DomainAddress1": " 2155 E Warner Rd",
"DomainLocality": "Tempe",
"DomainAdministrativeArea": "Arizona",
"DomainPostalCode": "85284",
"DomainCountry": "UNITED STATES",
"DomainAvailability": "UNAVAILABLE",
"DomainCountryCode": "US",
"DomainPrivateProxy": "1",
"PrivacyFlag": "N",
"MXServer": "",
"DomainTypeIndicator": "Business/Organization",
"BreachCount": ""
<TransmissionResults />
<DomainAuthenticationStatus />
<DateChecked>5/11/2023 7:08:48 PM</DateChecked>
<DomainEmail />
<DomainOrganization>Domains By Proxy, LLC</DomainOrganization>
<DomainAddress1> 2155 E Warner Rd</DomainAddress1>
<DomainCountry>UNITED STATES</DomainCountry>
<MXServer />
<BreachCount />
<TransmissionResults />
<DomainAuthenticationStatus />
<DateChecked>5/11/2023 7:08:48 PM</DateChecked>
<DomainEmail />
<DomainOrganization>Domains By Proxy, LLC</DomainOrganization>
<DomainAddress1> 2155 E Warner Rd</DomainAddress1>
<DomainCountry>UNITED STATES</DomainCountry>
<MXServer />
<BreachCount />
<DomainAuthenticationStatus />
<DateChecked>5/16/2022 1:40:17 PM</DateChecked>
<DomainEmail />
<DomainOrganization>Domains By Proxy, LLC</DomainOrganization>
<DomainAddress1> 2155 E Warner Rd</DomainAddress1>
<DomainCountry>UNITED STATES</DomainCountry>
<MXServer />
<BreachCount />
Service Level Response Fields#
Output Name |
Description |
TotalRecords |
Total number of records. |
TransmissionReference |
A pass-through of the input TransmissionReference field. |
TransmissionResults |
Lists error codes from any errors caused by the most recent request as a whole. |
Version |
The current service version number. |
Record Level Response Fields#
Output Name |
Description |
Breach Count |
The known number of breaches that this email account has been involved in. |
DateChecked |
The date the email was validated. It returns UTC, Unix Time (Epoch Time) in the |
DeliverabilityConfidenceScore |
The probability [ |
Domain Type Indicator |
Predicts if email belongs to a personal or business/organization email by analyzing the domain. |
DomainAddress1 |
The address of the DomainOrganization. |
DomainAdministrativeArea |
The state of the DomainOrganization. |
DomainAgeEstimated |
The estimated age of the domain in days. |
DomainAuthenticationStatus |
The security protocols used on the receiving mail server. |
DomainAvailability |
Check to see if domain is available for purchase. |
DomainCountry |
The country of the DomainOrganization. |
DomainCountryCode |
The country code of the DomainCountry. |
DomainCreatedDate |
The date the domain was created in the |
DomainEmail |
The email associated with the domain owner. |
DomainExpirationDate |
The date the domain expires/expired in the |
DomainLocality |
The city of the DomainOrganization. |
DomainName |
The domain name portion of the email address. (All characters between the “ |
DomainOrganization |
The company associated with the domain owner. |
DomainPostalCode |
The postal code of the DomainOrganization. |
DomainPrivateProxy |
Check if domain is behind a private proxy. |
DomainUpdatedDate |
The date the domain was last updated in the |
EmailAddress |
The email address or domain, including any correcctions or updates made by Global Email. |
EmailAgeEstimated |
The estimated minimum age of the email in days based on historical data. The value is zero when we lack historical data on a given email. |
MailboxName |
The mailbox or user name portion of the email address (Everything before the “ |
MXServer |
Premium only. The Mail Exchange (MX) Server used to validate the email. |
PrivacyFlag |
Is this email affected by additional privacy reglations, such as GDPR. Returns |
RecordID |
The number of the record. Always 1 for a single email request, otherwise it serves as an index of the array of records. |
Results |
Comma delimited status, error codes, and change codes for the record. |
TopLevelDomain |
The description associated with the top-level domain name of the email address (e.g. com is Commercial). |
TopLevelDomainName |
The top level domain name portion of the email address (All characters after the “ |
Use the getVersion endpoint to check your Global Email version and ensure you’re up to date.
Try It Now#
curl -X GET "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"ServiceName": "Global Email",
"Version": "",
"mdMicroServices_Version": "",
"CustomerIDCheckVersion": "",
"EventReportVersion": "",
"RequestLogVersion": "",
"ResourceStoreVersion": "",
"emailLibService_Version": "",
"BuildNumber": "17282",
"DatabaseDate": "2023-02-15",
"ExpirationDate": "2023-08-15"
Input Best Practices#
While text encoding is a rare issue with email addresses, note that Global Email will not support any wrongly-encoded special characters or non-Latin characters. In general, text encoding is an important part of any data enterprise.
This service can deal with multiple languages and scripts. It expects UTF-8 encoding. Be on the lookout for question marks (?), squares (▖) or other unwanted characters like �. They may be an indication of encoding issues and may result in data loss. Bad encoding or character loss is not something our service can correct for you.
Result Codes#
Interpreting Results#
Deliverability Confidence Score (Basic)#
Global Email includes a DeliverabilityConfidenceScore (DCS) with each email.
The DCS is a single number in range 0-100 that represents how confident we are that an email will successfully send. It can be used as a quicker and simpler way to filter emails, either as a first step before diving into result codes, or for a single pass of data cleansing.
DCS is not simply a numerical representation of our result codes, though. We leverage various reference data to further refine DCS, which also makes it dynamic - even more dynamic than our existing result codes.
While certain use cases will vary, our general recommendation for using DCS is:
Recommendation |
0 to 30 |
Do not send. |
31 to 60 |
Email delivery not guaranteed. |
61 to 100 |
Send mail. There is a high chance of email delivery success. |
Result Codes (Advanced)#
Result codes yield more granular information about a given email. They are returned as a comma-delimited string of 4-character alpha-numeric codes, e.g. ES01,ES07,ES21
or EE04,ES22
ES## and EE## Codes#
The ES## and EE## codes (Email Status and Email Error) are returned alongside each email record in a request.
SE## and GE## Codes#
The SE## and GE## codes (Transmission Service Error and General Transmission Error) are used to signify more general errors, and are returned under the key TransmissionResults
in the outermost level of our responses.
Using Result Codes#
In general, we recommend using the equivalent of a string.contains()
method to check our result codes.
Looking for exact matches between two result code strings could result in false negatives, since a valid email could come back with either “ES01,ES21” or “ES01,ES22,” where the only difference between those two is the last character, signifying that one was retrieved from our cache and the other in real-time.
While our result codes allow for very granular analysis, a general use case could entail something like the following:
# Pythonic pseudocode
resultCodeStr = "ES01,ES10,ES22"
# This indicates that the email is valid based on a real-time check,
# and that we successfully fixed the syntax of the original input.
if resultCodeStr.contains("ES01"):
# valid email
elif resultCodeStr.contains("ES10"):
# you may want to update your records with our fixed email
elif resultCodeStr.contains("EE"):
# any one or more EE## codes indicates a bad email
# Few users will need to account for every single individual result
# code, but more granular analysis beyond the above is easily
# implemented.
While changes in result codes are rare outside of major releases, using string.contains() or equivalent is the most future-proof way to handle our result codes.
For example, the result code ES02 was deprecated after Global Email version 3. However, even with version 3, any email that came back with ES02 always had at least one EE## code as well, so any implementation using EE## codes to filter out bad emails would have been forward compatible with no changes needed.
We believe result codes are especially useful for marketing campaigns involving high volumes of emails. Such campaigns are sensitive to problems such as spam traps and accept-all emails, as both of those factors could lead to significantly decreased ROI. While these factors are reflected in the Deliverability Confidence Score, we recommend explicitly filtering out and handling such emails for applications such as marketing campaigns.
Please refer to the FAQ: What is an accept all mail server?, for more information on accept-all emails and why they are a problem in the world of email verification and email marketing.
Common Result Code Recommendations#
The following table shows the most common result codes seen while using Global Email, and our recommendations for how to interpret them.
Code |
Description |
Recommendataion for Marketing |
Recommendataion for Point of Entry |
ES01 |
Valid Email |
Accept |
Accept |
ES03 |
Unknown Email |
Reject |
Caution |
ES21 |
Verify (Precision: Cached Mailbox Result) |
Accept |
Accept |
ES22 |
Verify (Precision: Real-time Mailbox Result) |
Accept |
Accept |
EE01 |
Email Syntax Error |
Reject |
Reject |
EE02 |
Email Domain Not Found |
Reject |
Reject |
EE03 |
Email Server Not Found |
Reject |
Reject |
EE04 |
Invalid Email |
Reject |
Reject |
For the full list of all possible result codes, please visit here.