


What is Global Address Database?#

Global Address Database is wordwide coverage, consolidates location information and provides accurate address details on all residences, businesses, apartments, suites and PO Boxes - with geo-coordinates, demographics and any linked data. Every address in your GAD is assigned a unique 10-digit Melissa Address Key (MAK®) which identity a discrete physical address and aligns a multitude of additional information. MAKs never change, so address details that can change over time are updated regularly and always accurate. readily loaded into other programs and analytics applications.

How often is Global Address Database Updated?#

It varies by country. It could be as frequent as monthly (e.g. United States, Canada) or quarterly (e.g Great Britain).

What data does Global Address Database use?#

  • Data Partnerships: Establish partnerships with other data providers to access and intergrate additional data

  • Public records including property records

  • Public available data: data that individual voluntarity make publics on websites

Data Quality Guarantees#

Are there any type of guarantees on data quality or quality assurances that can be put into place?#

We are very confident in the coverage provided by the MAK table and we can give counts if there are any specific queries. If you have a specific protection you would want, we can look into it and consider some type of guarantee. We have not had any demands for guarantees in the past so it is not a regular part of our offering.

Who Uses Global Address Database#

Who uses Global Address Database?#

County Departments could use MAT for:

  • Better route planning and reduced response times for first responders

  • More efficient waste collection and utilities management

  • Improved zoning, land use and surveying/mapping applications

  • More accurate risk assessment for natural hazards

Address Types#

Does this field only designate residential/business/unknown, or are there other values?#

The RBDI field only indicates Residential or Business. However we also have the Address Type Indicator which gives more information about the address.

You can find a full list of the codes and their meaning here:


Address Type Attribute Assignation#

How is this attribute assigned, and what is the confidence level in its accuracy?#

We use multiple sources to verify these attributes. The data goes though different levels of verification and are updated monthly.

Multi-Level Structure Coordinate Handling#

In the case of multi-level structures, are the latitude and longitude coordinates stacked for all addresses/sub addresses within each structure?#

86% of the Global Address Database is coded at rooftop level and 14% the Record is coded to interpolated rooftop level. (If it is interpolated: it is likely to be on the street, off of the building.)

We have a Base MAK ID which refers to the parent for suites, apartments, and PO Boxes.

  • All the address will have latitude and longitude coordinates.

  • If there 10 addresses in the building all the address in the building with have same latitude and longitude.

  • If it is rooftop it is most likely a parcel centroid. The shape and size of the parcel will determine skew of the point from the rooftop of the building.

Latitude/Longitude Accuracy#

The Latitude and Longitude accuracy is listed as rooftop level, but how many decimal places is this on the coordinates?#

The accuracy is six digits after the decimal on the coordinates.

Enterprise Solution#

Is there an Enterprise Solution?#

The Global Address Database is a comprehensive dataset of all US street addresses bound to a Melissa Address Key (MAK). The MAK is a persistent address key that maintains the lineage of each address tracking any changes.

The Global Address Database is consumed by government agencies, large corporations, and software companies for building different business solutions like tax products, analytics, street lookups, etc. The Global Address Database is presented as raw data.

US Address Point Format and Pricing#

How are the US Address Points delivered? What format are they delivered in? What are the price points for the various delivery options, if any?#

We deliver the file via an FTP link. We can deliver the file in almost any format you request including CSV or TXT. At this time we do not have an API.

For pricing information, please talk to your Melissa Sales Representative.

Address Validation#

How does address validation work? Who validates it? How is accuracy ensured?#

Melissa address validation is updated monthly.

Melissa is a provider of USPS certified address validation and maintains CASS/MASS and DPV certification (CASS Cycle N) as can be viewed here at the USPS site. https://postalpro.usps.com/storages/2018-04/CASSN02.TXT

In addition to the USPS data, there are millions of non USPS addresses that are imported directly from Counties all across the USA that are not delivered to by the USPS because they are rural addresses. As a premium Address Verification vendor, our Global Address Database product leverages Melissa’s deep experience in Address Validation gained and refined for over more than 25 years.

Spatial Column#

Is there a spatial column (e.g. latitude/longitude, x/y)?#

Yes. The file has latitude and longitude fields.

Standardized Address Fields#

Are there standardized address fields in the data?#

Yes. We provide the complete address in both a single field and parsed into multiple fields. These fields include the house number, street names (with pre-direction, pre-type, pre-modifier, post type, post direction, and post modifier - all of which can be in one field), city, and Zip code.

Filtering Residential Addresses#

Will the data allow us to filter at least Residential addresses?#

Yes. There is an RBDI column which will help you filer Residential and Business addresses.

Number of Residential Address Records#

How many residential address records are in your file?#

We currently have 132,131,745 residential address records. This number will continually change since we update the file monthly.

Census Bureau’s LUCA Project#

Can the data be used to review addresses for the Census Bureau’s LUCA project? This data may be submitted to the Census Bureau.#

Yes. Our contract allows you to do this as long as you are not reselling the entire database or splitting up the data and selling it.

Public Domain Address Point Dataset#

Can I use this data to update a County’s Address Point dataset? (Which is public domain.)#

Yes. Our contract allows you update a County’s Address Point dataset which is public domain. This is also ideal for analytics, mapping, risk management, and logistics applications.