Reference Guide#
The Cicero API is a web service that matches addresses or locations to legislative districts and returns contact information for elected officials.
Things you might want to use the Cicero API for:
Provide an elected official lookup tool on your website.
Create constituent records in your database.
Display district boundaries on a map.
Show elected official profiles in your app.
Base URL#
There are two possible ways you can authenticate with the Cicero API:
API Key authentication
User ID and temporary Token authentication
These credentials allow access to the Cicero API and calls made with these credentials will use your credits.
API Key#
The My Profile page is where you’ll update your account information and generate an API Key. The API key will give you access to Cicero’s API resources.
With an API Key, format your authenticated calls as:
User ID and Token#
Call for a temporary token and user ID from the /token/new.json endpoint.
Tokens are valid until the end of the following day, Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). For example, if it is Tuesday at 7 p.m. EDT (23:00 UTC), the token will be valid through Wednesday at 8 p.m. EDT (Thursday 00:00 UTC).
Setup your application to handle expiring tokens by calling for a new token whenever Cicero returns a 403 Forbidden HTTP response code. Then, try the call again.
End Points#
Request Parameters#
Location Query#
The primary way to get information from Cicero’s database of officials and districts is through a location query.
When you include API call parameters that provide a location in the form of a latitude & longitude coordinate, street address, or postal code, Cicero will find that location on the Earth’s surface and match it against a range of district boundaries. In this way, you can determine which elected official represents any home, business, or place in regions with Cicero coverage.
Responses for these location queries can also be filtered by the type of district.
Latitude & Longitude#
A location query with a latitude and longitude coordinate pair requires two parameters:
Code |
Description |
lat |
The latitude of the location. |
long |
The longitude of the location. |
The response will list objects with boundaries, or constituent boundaries, that contain the coordinate location.
Using an exact latitude and longitude coordinate is more accurate than geocoding with a street address or postal code.
A location query with a street address uses a geocoding service to translate that information to a latitude and longitude coordinate, then matches the location to Cicero’s district boundaries.
Use the search_loc parameter to search for an address as a single string or use a parameter for each of the address components.
Searching with a single address string:
Code |
Description |
search_loc |
One line address or a single search string. |
Searching with multiple address components:
Code |
Description |
search_address |
The street address of the location. |
search_neighborhood |
The official neighborhood of the location (in countries with postal designations e.g., Mexico). |
search_city |
The city of the location. |
search_state |
The state of the location. |
search_postal |
The postal code of the location. |
search_country |
The country of the location (Use ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code). |
In previous versions of the Cicero API, the response will include a list of candidate locations for the provided address. An address that is vague or an address that could refer to more than one place will have multiple candidate locations. The location that is most likely to be correct is listed first.
Each candidate location object includes metadata about the geocoding match and a list of objects with boundaries, or constituent boundaries, that contain the geocoded address location.
Using a street address is less accurate than using a latitude and longitude coordinate, but more accurate than using only a postal code.
If a location query does not return any candidate location objects, there will be an empty response.
In the most current version of the service however, only a single candidate should be returned in the response as the API will only resolve to a single location for each query
response |
object |
The top-level object that contains errors, messages, and results. |
errors |
array |
List of error messages (empty if no errors occurred). |
messages |
array |
Informational messages about the request. |
results |
object |
Contains the candidates array with matched results. |
candidates |
array |
List of candidate location matches. |
count |
object |
Contains range and total count details. | |
number |
The last item in the range of results returned. |
count.from |
number |
The first item in the range of results returned. | |
number |
The total number of matching records in the dataset. |
districts |
array |
List of district objects relevant to the candidate location. |
match_postal |
string |
The postal code that matched the query. |
wkid |
number |
Well-Known ID (WKID) for the coordinate system used. |
match_country |
string |
The matched country code. |
locator |
string |
Name of the geocoding service or data source used. |
score |
number |
Confidence score (0-100) indicating match accuracy. |
match_region |
string |
The matched state or region. |
match_city |
string |
The matched city name. |
match_addr |
string |
The matched address string. |
y |
number |
Latitude coordinate of the matched location. |
x |
number |
Longitude coordinate of the matched location. |
match_subregion |
string |
Subregion within the matched region, e.g., county. |
partial_match |
boolean |
true if the result is a partial match; otherwise false. |
geoservice |
string |
The name of the geospatial service providing the data. |
Postal Code#
A location query with only a postal code uses a geocoding service to approximate a center point for the postal code, then matches the location to Cicero’s district boundaries.
In the United States, postal codes are known as ZIP Codes. In addition to standard five-digit ZIP Codes, Cicero will also match to ZIP+4 or nine digit ZIP Codes. Using a ZIP+4 will be more accurate than a five-digit ZIP Code. ZIP+4 Codes can be formatted with or without the hyphen.
Use the search_postal and search_country parameter to search for a postal code.
Searching with a single address string:
Code |
Description |
search_postal |
The postal code of the location. |
search_country |
The country of the location (Use ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code). |
Cicero tracks elected officials and makes their information available through the official resource. The default response ordering is by last_name, first_name.
Cost: 1 credit
Use location queries on this resource. You can also query for officials using the official’s name.
Response results include a list of official objects. By default, up to 40 officials are returned, but you can increase that up to 200 with the max parameter.
Order by District Type#
Passing order=district_type as a query parameter will cause the returned officials to be sorted by the type of district with which each official is associated. This sorting applies to legislative (including executive) districts only.
The default sort order is:
Within each level, the ordering is:
After district ordering has been applied, officials are sorted by last_name, first_name.
The district-level ordering can be reversed by passing the sort=desc parameter.
Query by Name#
Use name parameters to query for information about a specific official. The response will include all officials currently in office who match that name.
Combine any of these parameters with a location query to filter responses.
Code |
Description |
format |
Optional. Specify the desired format of the response (XML or JSON). |
key |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
lat |
Required. The latitude of the location. |
lon |
Required. The longitude of the location. |
search_loc |
Required. One line address or a single search string. |
search_address |
Required. The street address of the location. |
search_neighborhood |
Required. The official neighborhood of the location (in countries with postal designations e.g., Mexico). |
search_city |
Required. The city of the location. |
search_state |
Required. The state of the location. |
search_postal |
Required. The postal code of the location. |
search_country |
Required. The country of the location (Use ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code). |
last_name |
Required. The official’s last name. |
first_name |
Optional. The official’s first name. |
preferred_name |
Optional. The official’s preferred name. |
city |
Optional. The city of the location used as a filter. |
state |
Optional. The state of the location used as a filter. |
country |
Optional. The country of the location (Use ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code) used as a filter. |
order |
Optional. The name of the resource field by which to order the results. |
sort |
Optional. Whether to sort the results in ascending or descending order. Accepted values are asc and desc. If unspecified, asc is the default. |
district_type |
Optional. The type of district. |
district_id |
Optional. The ID, number, or name of the official’s district. |
valid_on |
Optional. The date the district is valid on. Date should be specified in a YYYY-MM-DD format. |
valid_on_or_after |
Optional. The date the district is valid on or after. Date should be specified in a YYYY-MM-DD format. |
valid_on_or_before |
Optional. The date the district is valid on or before. Date should be specified in a YYYY-MM-DD format. |
valid_range |
Optional. The dates during which the district is valid. Dates should be specified in a YYYY-MM-DD format and separated by a comma. Use ALL to return every district in all valid date ranges. |
max |
Optional. The maximum number of objects to return. |
offset |
Optional. Number of items to skip in the response, starting from the beginning of the list. |
pretty |
Optional. Prettify JSON responses. |
Try It Now#
curl -X GET "\
curl -X GET "\
"response": {
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"results": {
"officials": [
"id": 465917,
"sk": 343935,
"valid_from": "2021-01-22 00:00:00",
"valid_to": "2025-01-20 00:00:00",
"last_update_date": "2023-08-01 06:43:00.678324",
"salutation": "",
"first_name": "Lloyd",
"middle_initial": "J.",
"last_name": "Austin",
"nickname": "",
"preferred_name": "",
"name_suffix": "III",
"office": {
"id": 465917,
"sk": 343935,
"valid_from": "2021-01-22 00:00:00",
"valid_to": "2025-01-20 00:00:00",
"last_update_date": "2023-08-01 06:43:00.678324",
"district": {
"id": 19,
"sk": 19,
"valid_from": "0001-01-01 04:56:02",
"valid_to": null,
"last_update_date": "2012-03-18 07:46:32",
"district_type": "NATIONAL_EXEC",
"subtype": "NATION",
"country": "US",
"state": "",
"city": "",
"district_id": "UNITED STATES",
"label": "United States",
"num_officials": 26,
"ocd_id": "ocd-division/country:us",
"data": {}
"representing_city": "",
"representing_state": "",
"representing_country": {
"status": "UN Member State",
"name_short": "United States",
"gmi_3": "USA",
"valid_from": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
"name_short_iso": "United States",
"name_short_local": "United States",
"valid_to": null,
"id": 270,
"sk": 247,
"name_short_un": "United States of America",
"version": 1,
"fips": "US",
"last_update_date": "2012-10-10 17:29:57.613222",
"iso_3": "USA",
"iso_2": "US",
"iso_3_numeric": 840,
"name_long_local": "United States of America",
"name_long": "United States of America"
"notes": "",
"title": "Secretary of Defense",
"chamber": {
"legislature_update_date": null,
"official_count": 1,
"id": 7703,
"term_length": "Serves at the pleasure of the President",
"term_limit": "No term limits.",
"inauguration_rules": "The Secretary takes office immediately upon confirmation by the Senate.",
"name_native_language": "",
"contact_phone": "",
"name_formal": "United States Secretary of Defense",
"election_frequency": "",
"government": {
"name": "United States of America",
"type": "NATIONAL",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"country": {
"status": "UN Member State",
"name_short": "United States",
"gmi_3": "USA",
"valid_from": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
"name_short_iso": "United States",
"name_short_local": "United States",
"valid_to": null,
"id": 270,
"sk": 247,
"name_short_un": "United States of America",
"version": 1,
"fips": "US",
"last_update_date": "2012-10-10 17:29:57.613222",
"iso_3": "USA",
"iso_2": "US",
"iso_3_numeric": 840,
"name_long_local": "United States of America",
"name_long": "United States of America"
"notes": ""
"redistricting_rules": "",
"vacancy_rules": "Vacancies are filled via appointment by the President pending confirmation by the Senate.",
"is_chamber_complete": true,
"contact_email": "",
"last_update_date": "2021-07-20 15:43:37.994626",
"remarks": "The Secretary serves at the pleasure of the President and may be removed from office at any time without approval from the Senate.",
"name": "Secretary of Defense",
"url": "",
"type": "EXEC",
"notes": "",
"has_geographic_representation": false,
"is_appointed": true,
"election_rules": "Appointees are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate via simple majority at a confirmation hearing. If the Senate is not in session, the President may directly appoint an acting Secretary who serves pending confirmation by the Senate."
"election_rules": ""
"initial_term_start_date": null,
"current_term_start_date": "2021-01-22 00:00:00",
"term_end_date": "2025-01-20 00:00:00",
"addresses": [
"address_1": "1000 Defense Pentagon",
"address_2": "",
"address_3": "",
"city": "Washington",
"county": "",
"state": "DC",
"postal_code": "20301",
"phone_1": "(703) 571-8951",
"fax_1": "",
"phone_2": "",
"fax_2": ""
"email_addresses": [],
"web_form_url": "",
"urls": [
"photo_origin_url": "",
"photo_cropping": null,
"notes": [
"Lloyd James Austin III was sworn in as the 28th Secretary of Defense on January 22, 2021. Mr. Austin is the principal assistant to the President in all matters relating to the Department of Defense and serves on the National Security Council.\\n\\nMr. Austin was born in Mobile, Alabama, and raised in Thomasville, Georgia. He graduated from the United States Military Academy with a Bachelor of Science degree and a commission in the Infantry. He holds a Master of Arts degree in counselor education from Auburn University, and a Master of Business Management from Webster University. He is a graduate of the Infantry Officer Basic and Advanced courses, the Army Command and General Staff College, and the Army War College.\\n\\nHis 41-year career in the Army included command at the corps, division, battalion, and brigade levels. Mr. Austin was awarded the Silver Star for his leadership of the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division during the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Seven years later, he would assume the duties of Commanding General of United States Forces – Iraq, overseeing all combat operations in the country. \\n\\nAfter a tour as the Army’s Vice Chief of Staff, Mr. Austin concluded his uniformed service as the Commander of U.S. Central Command, responsible for all military operations in the Middle East and Afghanistan. In this assignment, he led U.S. and coalition efforts to battle ISIS in Iraq and Syria. He retired from the Army in April, 2016.\\n\\nSince his retirement from military service, Mr. Austin served on the Boards of Directors for Raytheon Technologies, Nucor, and Tenet Healthcare.",
"committees": [],
"party": "",
"identifiers": [
"official": 465917,
"version": 1,
"identifier_type": "FLICKR",
"valid_to": "2025-01-20 00:00:00",
"sk": 995717,
"valid_from": "2021-01-22 00:00:00",
"last_update_date": "2023-08-01 06:43:00.678324",
"id": 995717,
"identifier_value": "secdef"
"official": 465917,
"version": 1,
"identifier_type": "TWITTER",
"valid_to": "2025-01-20 00:00:00",
"sk": 995716,
"valid_from": "2021-01-22 00:00:00",
"last_update_date": "2023-08-01 06:43:00.678324",
"id": 995716,
"identifier_value": "SecDef"
"official": 465917,
"version": 1,
"identifier_type": "VOTESMART",
"valid_to": "2025-01-20 00:00:00",
"sk": 995718,
"valid_from": "2021-01-22 00:00:00",
"last_update_date": "2023-08-01 06:43:00.678324",
"id": 995718,
"identifier_value": "195717"
"titles": []
"count": {
"from": 0,
"to": 0,
"total": 49
<errors />
<messages />
<valid_from>2021-01-22 00:00:00</valid_from>
<valid_to>2025-01-20 00:00:00</valid_to>
<last_update_date>2023-08-01 06:43:00.678324</last_update_date>
<salutation />
<nickname />
<preferred_name />
<valid_from>2021-01-22 00:00:00</valid_from>
<valid_to>2025-01-20 00:00:00</valid_to>
<last_update_date>2023-08-01 06:43:00.678324</last_update_date>
<valid_from>0001-01-01 04:56:02</valid_from>
<last_update_date>2012-03-18 07:46:32</last_update_date>
<state />
<city />
<district_id>UNITED STATES</district_id>
<label>United States</label>
<data />
<representing_city />
<representing_state />
<status>UN Member State</status>
<name_short>United States</name_short>
<valid_from>0001-01-01 00:00:00</valid_from>
<name_short_iso>United States</name_short_iso>
<name_short_local>United States</name_short_local>
<name_short_un>United States of America</name_short_un>
<last_update_date>2012-10-10 17:29:57.613222</last_update_date>
<name_long_local>United States of America</name_long_local>
<name_long>United States of America</name_long>
<notes />
<title>Secretary of Defense</title>
<term_length>Serves at the pleasure of the President</term_length>
<term_limit>No term limits.</term_limit>
<inauguration_rules>The Secretary takes office immediately upon confirmation by the Senate.</inauguration_rules>
<name_native_language />
<contact_phone />
<name_formal>United States Secretary of Defense</name_formal>
<election_frequency />
<name>United States of America</name>
<city />
<state />
<status>UN Member State</status>
<name_short>United States</name_short>
<valid_from>0001-01-01 00:00:00</valid_from>
<name_short_iso>United States</name_short_iso>
<name_short_local>United States</name_short_local>
<name_short_un>United States of America</name_short_un>
<last_update_date>2012-10-10 17:29:57.613222</last_update_date>
<name_long_local>United States of America</name_long_local>
<name_long>United States of America</name_long>
<notes />
<redistricting_rules />
<vacancy_rules>Vacancies are filled via appointment by the President pending confirmation by the Senate.</vacancy_rules>
<contact_email />
<last_update_date>2021-07-20 15:43:37.994626</last_update_date>
<remarks>The Secretary serves at the pleasure of the President and may be removed from office at any time without approval from the Senate.</remarks>
<name>Secretary of Defense</name>
<notes />
<election_rules>Appointees are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate via simple majority at a confirmation hearing. If the Senate is not in session, the President may directly appoint an acting Secretary who serves pending confirmation by the Senate.</election_rules>
<election_rules />
<current_term_start_date>2021-01-22 00:00:00</current_term_start_date>
<term_end_date>2025-01-20 00:00:00</term_end_date>
<address_1>1000 Defense Pentagon</address_1>
<address_2 />
<address_3 />
<county />
<phone_1>(703) 571-8951</phone_1>
<fax_1 />
<phone_2 />
<fax_2 />
<email_addresses />
<web_form_url />
<note>Lloyd James Austin III was sworn in as the 28th Secretary of Defense on January 22, 2021. Mr. Austin is the principal assistant to the President in all matters relating to the Department of Defense and serves on the National Security Council.\n\nMr. Austin was born in Mobile, Alabama, and raised in Thomasville, Georgia. He graduated from the United States Military Academy with a Bachelor of Science degree and a commission in the Infantry. He holds a Master of Arts degree in counselor education from Auburn University, and a Master of Business Management from Webster University. He is a graduate of the Infantry Officer Basic and Advanced courses, the Army Command and General Staff College, and the Army War College.\n\nHis 41-year career in the Army included command at the corps, division, battalion, and brigade levels. Mr. Austin was awarded the Silver Star for his leadership of the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division during the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Seven years later, he would assume the duties of Commanding General of United States Forces – Iraq, overseeing all combat operations in the country. \n\nAfter a tour as the Army’s Vice Chief of Staff, Mr. Austin concluded his uniformed service as the Commander of U.S. Central Command, responsible for all military operations in the Middle East and Afghanistan. In this assignment, he led U.S. and coalition efforts to battle ISIS in Iraq and Syria. He retired from the Army in April, 2016.\n\nSince his retirement from military service, Mr. Austin served on the Boards of Directors for Raytheon Technologies, Nucor, and Tenet Healthcare.</note>
<committees />
<party />
<valid_to>2025-01-20 00:00:00</valid_to>
<valid_from>2021-01-22 00:00:00</valid_from>
<last_update_date>2023-08-01 06:43:00.678324</last_update_date>
<valid_to>2025-01-20 00:00:00</valid_to>
<valid_from>2021-01-22 00:00:00</valid_from>
<last_update_date>2023-08-01 06:43:00.678324</last_update_date>
<valid_to>2025-01-20 00:00:00</valid_to>
<valid_from>2021-01-22 00:00:00</valid_from>
<last_update_date>2023-08-01 06:43:00.678324</last_update_date>
<titles />
The “Officials by Region” resource provides the ability to list elected officials by level and region rather than for a single geographic location.
Cost: 50 credits
Permission: Please contact the Cicero Team to request access to this resource.
Response results include a list of official by region objects, which contain a limited subset of the information in the full Officials response. By default, the first 100 officials will be returned, but see the Pagination section for how to use the max and offset parameters to access the complete set of results.
The endpoint is filtered by district type and region, and sorted by last_name, first_name.
Code |
Description |
format |
Optional. Specify the desired format of the response (XML or JSON). |
key |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
district_type |
Required. The type of district. |
country |
Required. The country of the location (Use ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code) used as a filter. |
city |
Optional. The city of the location used as a filter. |
state |
Optional. The state of the location used as a filter. |
district_id |
Optional. The ID, number, or name of the official’s district. |
subtype |
Optional. An additional categorization within district_type. |
max |
Optional. The maximum number of objects to return. |
offset |
Optional. Number of items to skip in the response, starting from the beginning of the list. |
Try It Now#
curl -X GET "\
curl -X GET "\
"response": {
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"results": {
"officials": [
"first_name": "Peter",
"middle_initial": "",
"last_name": "Aguilar",
"preferred_name": "Pete",
"salutation": "Honorable",
"name_suffix": "",
"sk": 86313,
"party": "Democrat",
"district": {
"district_id": "33",
"district_type__name_short": "NATIONAL_LOWER",
"subtype": "LOWER",
"label": "California's 33rd Congressional District"
"state": "CA",
"chamber__name_formal": "United States House of Representatives",
"title": "Representative",
"addresses": [
"address_1": "108 Cannon House Office Building",
"address_2": "",
"address_3": "",
"city": "Washington",
"county": "",
"state": "DC",
"postal_code": "20515",
"phone_1": "(202) 225-3201",
"fax_1": "",
"phone_2": "",
"fax_2": ""
"email_addresses": [],
"phone_1": "(202) 225-3201",
"phone_2": "",
"photo_origin_url": "",
"web_form_url": "",
"valid_from": "2023-01-03 00:00:00",
"valid_to": "2025-01-03 00:00:00",
"identifiers": [
"identifier_type": "FACEBOOK-OFFICIAL",
"identifier_value": ""
"identifier_type": "TWITTER",
"identifier_value": "reppeteaguilar"
"count": {
"from": 0,
"to": 51,
"total": 52
<errors />
<messages />
<middle_initial />
<name_suffix />
<label>California's 33rd Congressional District</label>
<chamber__name_formal>United States House of Representatives</chamber__name_formal>
<address_1>108 Cannon House Office Building</address_1>
<address_2 />
<address_3 />
<county />
<phone_1>(202) 225-3201</phone_1>
<fax_1 />
<phone_2 />
<fax_2 />
<email_addresses />
<phone_1>(202) 225-3201</phone_1>
<phone_2 />
<valid_from>2023-01-03 00:00:00</valid_from>
<valid_to>2025-01-03 00:00:00</valid_to>
All parameters can be provided more than once to include multiple values. Results will be filtered to districts matching any of the values for a given parameter.
Which parameters are required depends on what district types are selected:
Query param |
country |
X |
X |
X |
state |
X |
X |
city |
X |
Since the endpoint supports looking up officials from multiple levels in a single request, the region filters are applied differently depending on the district type. Query parameters will filter different district types as follows:
Query param |
country |
X |
X |
X |
state |
X |
X |
X |
city |
X |
In other words:
NATIONAL_* district types will filter Officials to all districts matching country and state, but will ignore city.
STATE_* district types will filter in the same way as NATIONAL. This means that retrieving a state-level chamber will return all officials in that chamber, even if the request includes a city filter.
LOCAL_* district types will be filtered by country, state, and city.
Cicero tracks legislative district boundaries and makes information about the districts available through the legislative_district resource. The default response ordering is by id.
Cost: 1 credit
Use location queries on this resource.
Response results include a list of district objects.
Code |
Description |
format |
Optional. Specify the desired format of the response (XML or JSON). |
key |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
lat |
Required. The latitude of the location. |
lon |
Required. The longitude of the location. |
search_loc |
Required. One line address or a single search string. |
search_address |
Required. The street address of the location. |
search_neighborhood |
Required. The official neighborhood of the location (in countries with postal designations e.g., Mexico). |
search_city |
Required. The city of the location. |
search_state |
Required. The state of the location. |
search_postal |
Required. The postal code of the location. |
search_country |
Required. The country of the location (Use ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code). |
district_type |
Optional. The type of district. |
country |
Optional. The country of the location (Use ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code) used as a filter. |
city |
Optional. The city of the location used as a filter. |
state |
Optional. The state of the location used as a filter. |
district_id |
Optional. The identifying code for the district within its delegation or district type. |
label |
Optional. Label for the district. |
num_officials |
Optional. The number of elected officials that hold offices representing this district. |
ocd_id |
Optional. The Open Civic Data Identifier for the district. Provides a standardized way of specifying and describing a geographic political division. |
subtype |
Optional. An additional categorization within district_type. |
max |
Optional. The maximum number of objects to return. |
offset |
Optional. Number of items to skip in the response, starting from the beginning of the list. |
pretty |
Optional. Prettify JSON responses. |
Try It Now#
curl -X GET "\
curl -X GET "\
"response": {
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"results": {
"districts": [
"id": 19,
"sk": 19,
"valid_from": "0001-01-01 04:56:02",
"valid_to": null,
"last_update_date": "2012-03-18 07:46:32",
"district_type": "NATIONAL_EXEC",
"subtype": "EXEC",
"country": "US",
"state": "",
"city": "",
"district_id": "UNITED STATES",
"label": "United States",
"num_officials": 26,
"ocd_id": "ocd-division/country:us",
"data": {}
"id": 875000,
"sk": 875000,
"valid_from": "0001-01-01 04:56:02",
"valid_to": null,
"last_update_date": "2019-10-22 00:00:00",
"district_type": "STATE_EXEC",
"subtype": "EXEC",
"country": "US",
"state": "CA",
"city": "",
"district_id": "CA",
"label": "California",
"num_officials": 17,
"ocd_id": "ocd-division/country:us/state:ca",
"data": {}
"id": 875101,
"sk": 875101,
"valid_from": "1977-05-18 00:00:00",
"valid_to": null,
"last_update_date": "2019-10-23 00:00:00",
"district_type": "NATIONAL_UPPER",
"subtype": "UPPER",
"country": "US",
"state": "CA",
"city": "",
"district_id": "CA",
"label": "California",
"num_officials": 2,
"ocd_id": "ocd-division/country:us/state:ca",
"data": {}
"id": 901844,
"sk": 757235,
"valid_from": "2023-01-03 00:00:00",
"valid_to": "2033-01-03 00:00:00",
"last_update_date": "2021-12-22 18:09:05.314860",
"district_type": "NATIONAL_LOWER",
"subtype": "LOWER",
"country": "US",
"state": "CA",
"city": "",
"district_id": "40",
"label": "California's 40th Congressional District",
"num_officials": 1,
"ocd_id": "ocd-division/country:us/state:ca/cd:40",
"data": {}
"id": 901897,
"sk": 752732,
"valid_from": "2022-12-05 00:00:00",
"valid_to": null,
"last_update_date": "2021-12-22 18:11:28.991809",
"district_type": "STATE_UPPER",
"subtype": "UPPER",
"country": "US",
"state": "CA",
"city": "",
"district_id": "38",
"label": "California State Senate district 38",
"num_officials": 1,
"ocd_id": "ocd-division/country:us/state:ca/sldu:38",
"data": {}
"id": 901972,
"sk": 752685,
"valid_from": "2022-12-05 00:00:00",
"valid_to": null,
"last_update_date": "2021-12-22 18:13:46.775290",
"district_type": "STATE_LOWER",
"subtype": "LOWER",
"country": "US",
"state": "CA",
"city": "",
"district_id": "71",
"label": "California Assembly district 71",
"num_officials": 1,
"ocd_id": "ocd-division/country:us/state:ca/sldl:71",
"data": {}
"id": 903439,
"sk": 895322,
"valid_from": "2023-01-03 00:00:00",
"valid_to": null,
"last_update_date": "2022-02-01 18:54:38.386223",
"district_type": "LOCAL",
"subtype": "COUNTY",
"country": "US",
"state": "CA",
"city": "Orange County",
"district_id": "3",
"label": "Orange County Board of Supervisors district 3",
"num_officials": 1,
"ocd_id": "ocd-division/country:us/state:ca/county:orange/council_district:3",
"data": {}
"count": {
"from": 0,
"to": 6,
"total": 7
<errors />
<messages />
<valid_from>0001-01-01 04:56:02</valid_from>
<last_update_date>2012-03-18 07:46:32</last_update_date>
<state />
<city />
<district_id>UNITED STATES</district_id>
<label>United States</label>
<data />
<valid_from>0001-01-01 04:56:02</valid_from>
<last_update_date>2019-10-22 00:00:00</last_update_date>
<city />
<data />
<valid_from>1977-05-18 00:00:00</valid_from>
<last_update_date>2019-10-23 00:00:00</last_update_date>
<city />
<data />
<valid_from>2023-01-03 00:00:00</valid_from>
<valid_to>2033-01-03 00:00:00</valid_to>
<last_update_date>2021-12-22 18:09:05.314860</last_update_date>
<city />
<label>California's 40th Congressional District</label>
<data />
<valid_from>2022-12-05 00:00:00</valid_from>
<last_update_date>2021-12-22 18:11:28.991809</last_update_date>
<city />
<label>California State Senate district 38</label>
<data />
<valid_from>2022-12-05 00:00:00</valid_from>
<last_update_date>2021-12-22 18:13:46.775290</last_update_date>
<city />
<label>California Assembly district 71</label>
<data />
<valid_from>2023-01-03 00:00:00</valid_from>
<last_update_date>2022-02-01 18:54:38.386223</last_update_date>
<city>Orange County</city>
<label>Orange County Board of Supervisors district 3</label>
<data />
Cicero tracks non-legislative district boundaries and makes information about the districts available through the nonlegislative_district resource. The types of non-legislative districts tracked by Cicero vary regionally. The default response ordering is by id.
Cost: 1 credit
Use location queries on this resource.
Response results include a list of district objects.
Code |
Description |
format |
Optional. Specify the desired format of the response (XML or JSON). |
key |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
district_type |
Required. The type of district. |
lat |
Required. The latitude of the location. |
lon |
Required. The longitude of the location. |
search_loc |
Required. One line address or a single search string. |
search_address |
Required. The street address of the location. |
search_neighborhood |
Required. The official neighborhood of the location (in countries with postal designations e.g., Mexico). |
search_city |
Required. The city of the location. |
search_state |
Required. The state of the location. |
search_postal |
Required. The postal code of the location. |
search_country |
Required. The country of the location (Use ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code). |
district_id |
Optional. The identifying code for the district within its delegation or district type. |
subtype |
Optional. An additional categorization within district_type. |
label |
Optional. Label for the district. |
ocd_id |
Optional. The Open Civic Data Identifier for the district. Provides a standardized way of specifying and describing a geographic political division. |
max |
Optional. The maximum number of objects to return. |
offset |
Optional. Number of items to skip in the response, starting from the beginning of the list. |
Try It Now#
curl -X GET "\
curl -X GET "\
"response": {
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"results": {
"districts": [
"id": 920897,
"sk": null,
"valid_from": "2021-01-01 00:00:00",
"valid_to": null,
"last_update_date": "2022-04-30 00:00:00",
"district_type": "SCHOOL",
"subtype": "UNIFIED",
"country": "US",
"state": "CA",
"city": "",
"district_id": "0607440",
"label": "Capistrano Unified School District",
"num_officials": 0,
"ocd_id": "ocd-division/country:us/state:ca/county:orange/school_district:capistrano_unified",
"data": {}
"count": {
"from": 0,
"to": 0,
"total": 1
<errors />
<messages />
<valid_from>2021-01-01 00:00:00</valid_from>
<last_update_date>2022-04-30 00:00:00</last_update_date>
<city />
<label>Capistrano Unified School District</label>
<data />
Attribution Requirements for Non-Legislative District Data:
Australian Census boundaries are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Australia License. Material that has not been modified or transformed must be cited using “Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics” or “Source: ABS”. Derivative material, such as modifications to text, deriving new statistics, calculating percentage changes, or creating graphs or charts must be attributed using “Based on Australian Bureau of Statistics data” or “Based on ABS data”.
Australian watershed boundaries are developed by Australian National University (ANU) and obtained through Geoscience Australia. Licensing is under Creative Commons Attribution Australia License. ANU has tried to make the information in this product as accurate as possible. However, it does not guarantee that the information is totally accurate or complete. Therefore you should not solely rely on this information when making a commercial decision. Users should also consider the scale and limitations of the source data on which it is based. The database is suitable for application at regional to continental scale. Finer scale data should be obtained for local scale analyses and assessment.
Canadian census and watershed boundaries are adapted from Statistics Canada. This does not constitute an endorsement by Statistics Canada of Cicero Web Services. Boundaries are reproduced and distributed on an “as is” basis with the permission of Statistics Canada. Use is subject to the Statistics Canada Open Licence Agreement.
Cicero makes simple maps of district boundaries available through the map resource.
Use the id property from a District object with this resource to request an image showing the shape of the district. The appearance of the map can be configured beyond the default style with graphical parameters.
JSON and XML responses will contain the image as a data URI. Requests with format=image will return only the image.
Cost: 1 credit
Code |
Description |
format |
Optional. Specify the desired format of the response (XML or JSON). |
key |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
width |
Optional. The width in pixels of the returned map image. |
height |
Optional. The height in pixels of the returned map image. |
fill_color |
Optional. The color of the district’s shape. |
fill_opacity |
Optional. The opacity of the district’s shape. |
boundary_width |
Optional. The width of the district’s outline. |
boundary_color |
Optional. The color of the district’s outline. |
boundary_line_join |
Optional. The type of line joins for the district’s outline. |
map_format |
Optional. The format of the map image. One of png (the default), png8, png32, png256, or jpeg. |
Try It Now#
curl -X GET "\
curl -X GET "\
curl -X GET "\
curl -X GET "\
"response": {
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"results": {
"maps": [
"extent": {
"x_min": -8963411.376635104,
"x_max": -8314397.281174287,
"y_min": 4797022.368711687,
"y_max": 5229698.432352231,
"srid": 3857
"img_src": ""
<errors />
<messages />
Cicero tracks elections occurring in every country around the world and makes information about the elections available through the election_event resource. The default response ordering is by election_expire_date.
Cost: 0 credits
Code |
Description |
format |
Optional. Specify the desired format of the response (XML or JSON). |
key |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
election_expire_date_on_or_after |
Optional. The earliest date an election is completed. Use today for elections completing today or later. Date should be specified in a YYYY-MM-DD format. |
election_expire_date_before |
Optional. The latest date an election is completed. Use tomorrow for elections completing before tomorrow. Date should be specified in a YYYY-MM-DD format. |
label |
Optional. The name of the election. |
remarks |
Optional. Specific details about the election that describe the event. |
election_date_text |
Optional. A description of the date or dates that an election is being held. |
country |
Optional. The country of the location (Use ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code) used as a filter. |
district_type |
Optional. The type of district. |
is_approximate |
Optional. Whether the election event’s election_expire_date is not accurate or precise to the day. |
is_by_election |
Optional. Whether the election is a special election that falls outside the regular calendar. |
is_runoff_election |
Optional. Whether the election is a second, third, or later election used for deciding between the top candidates in earlier elections. |
is_local |
Optional. Whether the election is for an office of local government (e.g., a municipal, county, or town election). |
is_state |
Optional. Whether the election is for an office of regional government (e.g., sub-national state, provincial, or prefecture election). |
is_national |
Optional. Whether the election is for an office of the nation state. |
is_transnational |
Optional. Whether the election is for an office of a trans-national institution. |
max |
Optional. The maximum number of objects to return. |
offset |
Optional. Number of items to skip in the response, starting from the beginning of the list. |
Try It Now#
curl -X GET "\
curl -X GET "\
"response": {
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"results": {
"election_events": [
"id": 25392,
"sk": 25391,
"valid_from": "2024-01-31 16:42:34",
"valid_to": null,
"last_update_date": "2024-01-31 16:46:01.775726",
"label": "Queensland Legislative Assembly By-election",
"remarks": "Ipswich West, Inala",
"election_date_text": "16 March 2024",
"election_expire_date": "2024-03-16 00:00:00",
"is_approximate": false,
"is_by_election": true,
"is_primary_election": false,
"is_runoff_election": false,
"is_referendum": false,
"is_local": false,
"is_state": true,
"is_national": false,
"is_transnational": false,
"urls": [
"chambers": [
"legislature_update_date": "0001-01-01 04:56:02",
"official_count": 93,
"id": 9754,
"term_length": "4 years",
"term_limit": "Effective starting with the 2020 election, members of the Queensland Legislative Assembly now have fixed 4-year terms. Formerly, they were 3-year terms.\\n\\n",
"inauguration_rules": "",
"name_native_language": "",
"contact_phone": "",
"name_formal": "Queensland Legislative Assembly",
"election_frequency": "4 years",
"government": {
"name": "Queensland, Australia",
"type": "STATE",
"city": "",
"state": "QLD",
"country": {
"status": "UN Member State",
"name_short": "Australia",
"gmi_3": "AUS",
"valid_from": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
"name_short_iso": "Australia",
"name_short_local": "Australia",
"valid_to": null,
"id": 285,
"sk": 13,
"name_short_un": "Australia",
"version": 2,
"fips": "AS",
"last_update_date": "2012-10-10 18:11:53.841914",
"iso_3": "AUS",
"iso_2": "AU",
"iso_3_numeric": 36,
"name_long_local": "Commonwealth of Australia",
"name_long": "Commonwealth of Australia"
"notes": "89-seat Legislative Assembly - unicameral, 3 year terms\\n\\nFull list with bios at:\\n"
"redistricting_rules": "",
"vacancy_rules": "",
"is_chamber_complete": true,
"contact_email": "",
"last_update_date": "2023-05-12 14:42:55.746603",
"remarks": "Single-member constituencies.\\n\\n",
"name": "Legislative Assembly",
"url": "",
"type": "LOWER",
"notes": "See for information about switch to 4-year term.",
"has_geographic_representation": false,
"is_appointed": false,
"election_rules": "Section 80 of the Queensland Electoral Act 1992 states that an election must be held on a Saturday, and that the election campaign must run for a minimum of 26 or a maximum of 56 days following the issue of the writs including the day the writ drops and polling day. Five to seven days following the issue of the writs, the electoral roll is closed, which gives voters a final opportunity to enrol or to notify the Electoral Commission of Queensland of any changes in their place of residence.\\n\\nUnder current election rules, the date of the election is at the discretion of the Governor under advice from the Premier, although the leaders of the two largest parties support in principle a change to fixed four-year terms."
"count": {
"from": 0,
"to": 1,
"total": 1
<errors />
<messages />
<valid_from>2024-01-31 16:42:34</valid_from>
<last_update_date>2024-01-31 16:46:01.775726</last_update_date>
<label>Queensland Legislative Assembly By-election</label>
<remarks>Ipswich West, Inala</remarks>
<election_date_text>16 March 2024</election_date_text>
<election_expire_date>2024-03-16 00:00:00</election_expire_date>
<legislature_update_date>0001-01-01 04:56:02</legislature_update_date>
<term_length>4 years</term_length>
<term_limit>Effective starting with the 2020 election, members of the Queensland Legislative Assembly now have fixed 4-year terms. Formerly, they were 3-year terms.\n\n</term_limit>
<inauguration_rules />
<name_native_language />
<contact_phone />
<name_formal>Queensland Legislative Assembly</name_formal>
<election_frequency>4 years</election_frequency>
<name>Queensland, Australia</name>
<city />
<status>UN Member State</status>
<valid_from>0001-01-01 00:00:00</valid_from>
<last_update_date>2012-10-10 18:11:53.841914</last_update_date>
<name_long_local>Commonwealth of Australia</name_long_local>
<name_long>Commonwealth of Australia</name_long>
<notes>89-seat Legislative Assembly - unicameral, 3 year terms\n\nFull list with bios at:\n</notes>
<redistricting_rules />
<vacancy_rules />
<contact_email />
<last_update_date>2023-05-12 14:42:55.746603</last_update_date>
<remarks>Single-member constituencies.\n\n</remarks>
<name>Legislative Assembly</name>
<notes>See for information about switch to 4-year term.</notes>
<election_rules>Section 80 of the Queensland Electoral Act 1992 states that an election must be held on a Saturday, and that the election campaign must run for a minimum of 26 or a maximum of 56 days following the issue of the writs including the day the writ drops and polling day. Five to seven days following the issue of the writs, the electoral roll is closed, which gives voters a final opportunity to enrol or to notify the Electoral Commission of Queensland of any changes in their place of residence.\n\nUnder current election rules, the date of the election is at the discretion of the Governor under advice from the Premier, although the leaders of the two largest parties support in principle a change to fixed four-year terms.</election_rules>
Cicero tracks redistricting events and makes information about them available through the redistricting_event resource.. The default response ordering is by begin_date.
Cost: 0 credits
Code |
Description |
format |
Optional. Specify the desired format of the response (XML or JSON). |
key |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
state |
Optional. The state of the location used as a filter. |
begin_date_before |
Optional. The date a redistricting event was begun. Use today for redistricting events that have already started. Date should be specified in a YYYY-MM-DD format. |
complete_date_after |
Optional. The latest date a redistricting event is completed. Use tomorrow for redistricting events that are not yet completed. Date should be specified in a YYYY-MM-DD format. |
label |
Optional. The name of the event. |
begin_date_is_approximate |
Optional. Whether the redistricting event’s begin_date is not accurate or precise to the day. |
complete_date_is_approximate |
Optional. Whether the redistricting event’s complete_date is not accurate or precise to the day. |
country |
Optional. The country of the location (Use ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code) used as a filter. |
sk |
Optional. The surrogate key for the redistricting event. |
id |
Optional. The Cicero database ID for the redistricting event. Changes after each edit; for a persistent ID, see sk. |
chamber |
Optional. Chambers with modified districts in the redistricting event. |
max |
Optional. The maximum number of objects to return. |
offset |
Optional. Number of items to skip in the response, starting from the beginning of the list. |
Try It Now#
curl -X GET "\
curl -X GET "\
"response": {
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"results": {
"redistricting_events": [
"id": 897,
"sk": 897,
"valid_from": "2022-09-26 20:12:37",
"valid_to": null,
"last_update_date": "2022-09-26 20:13:21.314779",
"label": "Macon-Bibb County Board of Commissioners Redistricting",
"state": "GA",
"remarks": "",
"begin_date": "2021-11-21",
"begin_date_is_approximate": false,
"complete_date": "2024-05-31",
"complete_date_is_approximate": true,
"email": null,
"urls": [],
"chambers": [
"legislature_update_date": null,
"official_count": 10,
"id": 9863,
"term_length": "4 years",
"term_limit": "The council is limited to 3 4-year terms\\n\\nThe mayor is limited to 2 4-year terms",
"inauguration_rules": "Fourth Tuesday in December following election",
"name_native_language": "",
"contact_phone": "",
"name_formal": "Macon-Bibb County Board of Commission",
"election_frequency": "4 years",
"government": {
"name": "Macon-Bibb County, Georgia, US",
"type": "LOCAL",
"city": "Macon",
"state": "GA",
"country": {
"status": "UN Member State",
"name_short": "United States",
"gmi_3": "USA",
"valid_from": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
"name_short_iso": "United States",
"name_short_local": "United States",
"valid_to": null,
"id": 270,
"sk": 247,
"name_short_un": "United States of America",
"version": 1,
"fips": "US",
"last_update_date": "2012-10-10 17:29:57.613222",
"iso_3": "USA",
"iso_2": "US",
"iso_3_numeric": 840,
"name_long_local": "United States of America",
"name_long": "United States of America"
"notes": "Composed of nine Commissioners and the Mayor, the Macon-Bibb County Board of Commission is the legislative branch of the Macon-Bibb County Government. This body enacts the laws, ordinances, and resolutions for local consolidated government. Commissioners are elected every four years."
"redistricting_rules": "",
"vacancy_rules": "(a)\\nIn the event that the office of mayor or any commissioner shall become vacant for any cause whatsoever, the commission or those remaining shall, by resolution, order a special election to fill the balance of the unexpired term of that office.\\n(b)\\nIf, however, the vacancy in any commission seat occurs within 12 months of the expiration of the term of that office, the commission or those remaining may, within 20 days of the occurrence of the vacancy, appoint a successor for the remainder of the term.\\n(c)\\nIf, however, a vacancy in the office of the mayor occurs, the mayor pro tempore shall be acting mayor with all the powers and duties of that office until a successor is elected and qualified, and if the vacancy in the office of the mayor occurs within 12 months of expiration of the term of that office, the mayor pro tempore shall succeed to the office of the mayor for the remainder of the term and the commission seat of such person shall be filled in accordance with this section.",
"is_chamber_complete": true,
"contact_email": "",
"last_update_date": "2023-07-07 17:08:49.582496",
"remarks": "Mayor + 9 district commissioners",
"name": "Board of Commission",
"url": "",
"type": "LOWER",
"notes": "",
"has_geographic_representation": false,
"is_appointed": false,
"election_rules": "Fourth Tuesday of May in presidential election years"
"count": {
"from": 0,
"to": 0,
"total": 1
<errors />
<messages />
<valid_from>2022-09-26 20:12:37</valid_from>
<last_update_date>2022-09-26 20:13:21.314779</last_update_date>
<label>Macon-Bibb County Board of Commissioners Redistricting</label>
<remarks />
<urls />
<term_length>4 years</term_length>
<term_limit>The council is limited to 3 4-year terms\n\nThe mayor is limited to 2 4-year terms</term_limit>
<inauguration_rules>Fourth Tuesday in December following election</inauguration_rules>
<name_native_language />
<contact_phone />
<name_formal>Macon-Bibb County Board of Commission</name_formal>
<election_frequency>4 years</election_frequency>
<name>Macon-Bibb County, Georgia, US</name>
<status>UN Member State</status>
<name_short>United States</name_short>
<valid_from>0001-01-01 00:00:00</valid_from>
<name_short_iso>United States</name_short_iso>
<name_short_local>United States</name_short_local>
<name_short_un>United States of America</name_short_un>
<last_update_date>2012-10-10 17:29:57.613222</last_update_date>
<name_long_local>United States of America</name_long_local>
<name_long>United States of America</name_long>
<notes>Composed of nine Commissioners and the Mayor, the Macon-Bibb County Board of Commission is the legislative branch of the Macon-Bibb County Government. This body enacts the laws, ordinances, and resolutions for local consolidated government. Commissioners are elected every four years.</notes>
<redistricting_rules />
<vacancy_rules>(a)\nIn the event that the office of mayor or any commissioner shall become vacant for any cause whatsoever, the commission or those remaining shall, by resolution, order a special election to fill the balance of the unexpired term of that office.\n(b)\nIf, however, the vacancy in any commission seat occurs within 12 months of the expiration of the term of that office, the commission or those remaining may, within 20 days of the occurrence of the vacancy, appoint a successor for the remainder of the term.\n(c)\nIf, however, a vacancy in the office of the mayor occurs, the mayor pro tempore shall be acting mayor with all the powers and duties of that office until a successor is elected and qualified, and if the vacancy in the office of the mayor occurs within 12 months of expiration of the term of that office, the mayor pro tempore shall succeed to the office of the mayor for the remainder of the term and the commission seat of such person shall be filled in accordance with this section.</vacancy_rules>
<contact_email />
<last_update_date>2023-07-07 17:08:49.582496</last_update_date>
<remarks>Mayor + 9 district commissioners</remarks>
<name>Board of Commission</name>
<notes />
<election_rules>Fourth Tuesday of May in presidential election years</election_rules>
Cicero tracks upcoming elections occurring in every country around the world and makes information about the elections available through the upcoming_election_events resource.
Cost: 0 credits
Try It Now#
curl -X GET "\
curl -X GET "\
"response": {
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"results": {
"election_events": [
"id": 27444,
"sk": 27435,
"valid_from": "2018-03-27 03:11:45",
"valid_to": null,
"last_update_date": "2025-02-16 04:52:23.692597",
"label": "Greenland Parliament",
"remarks": "31 seats in the Inatsisartut organized into multi-member constituencies",
"election_date_text": "11 March 2025",
"election_expire_date": "2025-03-11 00:00:00",
"is_approximate": false,
"is_by_election": false,
"is_primary_election": false,
"is_runoff_election": false,
"is_referendum": false,
"is_local": true,
"is_state": true,
"is_national": false,
"is_transnational": false,
"urls": [
"chambers": [
"legislature_update_date": "0001-01-01 04:56:02",
"official_count": 31,
"id": 71,
"term_length": "",
"term_limit": "",
"inauguration_rules": "",
"name_native_language": "Kalaallit Nunaanni Inatsisartut",
"contact_phone": "",
"name_formal": "Greenland Parliament",
"election_frequency": "",
"government": {
"name": "Greenland",
"type": "STATE",
"city": "",
"state": "Greenland",
"country": {
"status": "UN Member State",
"name_short": "Denmark",
"gmi_3": "DNK",
"valid_from": "0001-01-01 00:00:00",
"name_short_iso": "Denmark",
"name_short_local": "Danmark",
"valid_to": null,
"id": 62,
"sk": 62,
"name_short_un": "Denmark",
"version": 1,
"fips": "DA",
"last_update_date": "2012-02-10 16:51:00.077445",
"iso_3": "DNK",
"iso_2": "DK",
"iso_3_numeric": 208,
"name_long_local": "Kongeriget Danmark",
"name_long": "Kingdom of Denmark"
"notes": "Greenland withdrew from the EEC in 1985.\\n\\nThe Queen of Denmark is head of state and appoints a High Commissioner (Rigsombudsmand) to represent it on the island. Greenlanders elect two representatives to the Folketing, Denmark's parliament. Greenland also has it's own parliament and is now largely self-governing except for defense and foreign affairs."
"redistricting_rules": "",
"vacancy_rules": "",
"is_chamber_complete": true,
"contact_email": "",
"last_update_date": "2010-02-15 05:00:00",
"remarks": "",
"name": "Greenland Parliament",
"url": "",
"type": "LOWER",
"notes": "31 members - Parliament is led by a Presidency comprising four members of the Parliament and the Chairman.",
"has_geographic_representation": false,
"is_appointed": false,
"election_rules": ""
<errors />
<messages />
<valid_from>2018-03-27 03:11:45</valid_from>
<last_update_date>2025-02-16 04:52:23.692597</last_update_date>
<label>Greenland Parliament</label>
<remarks>31 seats in the Inatsisartut organized into multi-member constituencies</remarks>
<election_date_text>11 March 2025</election_date_text>
<election_expire_date>2025-03-11 00:00:00</election_expire_date>
<legislature_update_date>0001-01-01 04:56:02</legislature_update_date>
<term_length />
<term_limit />
<inauguration_rules />
<name_native_language>Kalaallit Nunaanni Inatsisartut</name_native_language>
<contact_phone />
<name_formal>Greenland Parliament</name_formal>
<election_frequency />
<city />
<status>UN Member State</status>
<valid_from>0001-01-01 00:00:00</valid_from>
<last_update_date>2012-02-10 16:51:00.077445</last_update_date>
<name_long_local>Kongeriget Danmark</name_long_local>
<name_long>Kingdom of Denmark</name_long>
<notes>Greenland withdrew from the EEC in 1985.\n\nThe Queen of Denmark is head of state and appoints a High Commissioner (Rigsombudsmand) to represent it on the island. Greenlanders elect two representatives to the Folketing, Denmark's parliament. Greenland also has it's own parliament and is now largely self-governing except for defense and foreign affairs.</notes>
<redistricting_rules />
<vacancy_rules />
<contact_email />
<last_update_date>2010-02-15 05:00:00</last_update_date>
<name>Greenland Parliament</name>
<notes>31 members - Parliament is led by a Presidency comprising four members of the Parliament and the Chairman.</notes>
<election_rules />
The coverage resource provides a current list of national, region, and local governments for which Cicero maintains elected official data. It includes chamber names for all legislative chambers and a list of the non-legislative districts for which Cicero maintains geographic boundaries.
The response is organized by country, with states/provinces and non-legislative boundaries listed within each country and localities listed within each state/province. Each place contains a list of its legislative chambers, and each country also contains a list of its non-legislative district types.
Cost: 0 credits
Try It Now#
curl -X GET "\
curl -X GET "\
"response": {
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"results": {
"coverage": [
"name": "Australia",
"chambers": [
"House of Representatives",
"admin1": [
"name": "Tasmania, Australia",
"chambers": [
"House of Assembly",
"Legislative Council"
"name": "Western Australia",
"chambers": [
"Legislative Assembly",
"Legislative Council"
"name": "Northern Territory, Australia",
"chambers": [
"Legislative Assembly"
"name": "South Australia",
"chambers": [
"House of Assembly",
"Legislative Council"
"name": "Australian Capital Territory, Australia",
"chambers": [
"Legislative Assembly"
"name": "Queensland, Australia",
"chambers": [
"Legislative Assembly"
"name": "Victoria, Australia",
"chambers": [
"Legislative Assembly",
"Legislative Council"
"name": "New South Wales, Australia",
"chambers": [
"Legislative Assembly",
"Legislative Council"
"nonLegislative": {
"description": "Geographic divisions for which Cicero maintains boundaries but not elected officials.",
"types": [
"Census boundaries",
"Hydrologic boundaries from Geoscience Australia, the USGS, and Water Survey Canada"
<errors />
<messages />
<chamber>House of Representatives</chamber>
<name>Tasmania, Australia</name>
<chamber>House of Assembly</chamber>
<chamber>Legislative Council</chamber>
<name>Western Australia</name>
<chamber>Legislative Assembly</chamber>
<chamber>Legislative Council</chamber>
<name>Northern Territory, Australia</name>
<chamber>Legislative Assembly</chamber>
<name>South Australia</name>
<chamber>House of Assembly</chamber>
<chamber>Legislative Council</chamber>
<name>Australian Capital Territory, Australia</name>
<chamber>Legislative Assembly</chamber>
<name>Queensland, Australia</name>
<chamber>Legislative Assembly</chamber>
<name>Victoria, Australia</name>
<chamber>Legislative Assembly</chamber>
<chamber>Legislative Council</chamber>
<name>New South Wales, Australia</name>
<chamber>Legislative Assembly</chamber>
<chamber>Legislative Council</chamber>
<description>Geographic divisions for which Cicero maintains boundaries but not elected officials.</description>
<type>Census boundaries</type>
<type>Hydrologic boundaries from Geoscience Australia, the USGS, and Water Survey Canada</type>
You can programmatically check on your account with the credits_remaining and usage resources.
Use the account/credits_remaining resource to track how many credits are left in your account
Cost: 0 credits
Code |
Description |
format |
Optional. Specify the desired format of the response (XML or JSON). |
key |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
Try It Now#
curl -X GET "\
curl -X GET "\
"response": {
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"results": {
"credit_balance": 0,
"overdraft_limit": 0,
"usable_batches": [
"credits_purchased": 10000,
"credits_remaining": 0,
"created": "2023-11-10 16:51:17.116718 Z",
"expiration_time": "2028-02-08",
"cost": "0.00",
"discount": "0.00"
<errors />
<messages />
<created>2023-11-10 16:51:17.116718 Z</created>
Use the district_type resource to get information about the categories of both legislative and non-legislative districts in Cicero. The default response ordering is by name_short.
Cost: 0 credits
The district_type resource returns a list of District Type objects in its results. You can use any of the name_short property values of these objects to filter resource responses by district.
Some common name_short values for legislative district types include:
Some common name_short values for non-legislative district types include:
The types of non-legislative districts tracked by Cicero vary regionally.
Try It Now#
curl -X GET "\
curl -X GET "\
"response": {
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"results": {
"district_types": [
"name_short": "CENSUS",
"name_long": "Census boundaries",
"is_legislative": false,
"notes": "Attribution is required for Australian and Canadian census data as indicated in the Creative Commons Attribution Australia License and Statistics Canada Open Licence Agreement, respectively.",
"acknowledgements": "Australian data obtained from Australian Bureau of Statistics.\r\n\r\nCanadian data adapted from Statistics Canada, 2011 Census Geography, 19 March 2012. This does not constitute an endorsement by Statistics Canada of this product."
"name_short": "COUNTY",
"name_long": "County, parish, borough, or other equivalent administrative region",
"is_legislative": false,
"notes": "In the US: county (most states), parish (Louisiana), or borough (Alaska)\r\n\r\nIn Canada (coming soon): Census division, defined by Statistics Canada as a \"group of neighbouring municipalities joined together for the purposes of regional planning and managing common services (such as police or ambulance services). These groupings are established under laws in effect in certain provinces of Canada. For example, a census division might correspond to a county, une municipalité régionale de comté or a regional district. In other provinces and the territories where laws do not provide for such areas, Statistics Canada defines equivalent areas for statistical reporting purposes in cooperation with these provinces and territories.\"",
"acknowledgements": "Canadian data adapted from Statistics Canada, 2011 Census Geography, 5 July 2012. This does not constitute an endorsement by Statistics Canada of this product."
"name_short": "JUDICIAL",
"name_long": "Judicial district",
"is_legislative": false,
"notes": "",
"acknowledgements": ""
"name_short": "LOCAL",
"name_long": "Ward or other local district",
"is_legislative": true,
"notes": "",
"acknowledgements": ""
"name_short": "LOCAL_EXEC",
"name_long": "Municipality / county (or equivalent)",
"is_legislative": true,
"notes": "",
"acknowledgements": ""
"name_short": "NATIONAL_EXEC",
"name_long": "Country",
"is_legislative": true,
"notes": "",
"acknowledgements": ""
"name_short": "NATIONAL_LOWER",
"name_long": "National lower house district",
"is_legislative": true,
"notes": "",
"acknowledgements": ""
"name_short": "NATIONAL_UPPER",
"name_long": "National upper house district",
"is_legislative": true,
"notes": "",
"acknowledgements": ""
"name_short": "POLICE",
"name_long": "Police district",
"is_legislative": false,
"notes": "",
"acknowledgements": ""
"name_short": "SCHOOL",
"name_long": "School district",
"is_legislative": false,
"notes": "",
"acknowledgements": ""
"name_short": "STATE_EXEC",
"name_long": "State / province / territory",
"is_legislative": true,
"notes": "",
"acknowledgements": ""
"name_short": "STATE_LOWER",
"name_long": "Subnational lower district",
"is_legislative": true,
"notes": "",
"acknowledgements": ""
"name_short": "STATE_UPPER",
"name_long": "Subnational upper district",
"is_legislative": true,
"notes": "",
"acknowledgements": ""
"name_short": "TRANSNATIONAL_EXEC",
"name_long": "",
"is_legislative": true,
"notes": "",
"acknowledgements": ""
"name_short": "TRANSNATIONAL_LOWER",
"name_long": "",
"is_legislative": true,
"notes": "",
"acknowledgements": ""
"name_short": "TRANSNATIONAL_UPPER",
"name_long": "",
"is_legislative": true,
"notes": "",
"acknowledgements": ""
"name_short": "VOTING",
"name_long": "Voting district",
"is_legislative": false,
"notes": "",
"acknowledgements": ""
"name_short": "WATERSHED",
"name_long": "Hydrologic boundaries from Geoscience Australia, the USGS, and Water Survey Canada",
"is_legislative": false,
"notes": "",
"acknowledgements": ""
<errors />
<messages />
<name_long>Census boundaries</name_long>
<notes>Attribution is required for Australian and Canadian census data as indicated in the Creative Commons Attribution Australia License and Statistics Canada Open Licence Agreement, respectively.</notes>
<acknowledgements>Australian data obtained from Australian Bureau of Statistics. Canadian data adapted from Statistics Canada, 2011 Census Geography, 19 March 2012. This does not constitute an endorsement by Statistics Canada of this product.</acknowledgements>
<name_long>County, parish, borough, or other equivalent administrative region</name_long>
<notes>In the US: county (most states), parish (Louisiana), or borough (Alaska) In Canada (coming soon): Census division, defined by Statistics Canada as a "group of neighbouring municipalities joined together for the purposes of regional planning and managing common services (such as police or ambulance services). These groupings are established under laws in effect in certain provinces of Canada. For example, a census division might correspond to a county, une municipalité régionale de comté or a regional district. In other provinces and the territories where laws do not provide for such areas, Statistics Canada defines equivalent areas for statistical reporting purposes in cooperation with these provinces and territories."</notes>
<acknowledgements>Canadian data adapted from Statistics Canada, 2011 Census Geography, 5 July 2012. This does not constitute an endorsement by Statistics Canada of this product.</acknowledgements>
<name_long>Judicial district</name_long>
<notes />
<acknowledgements />
<name_long>Ward or other local district</name_long>
<notes />
<acknowledgements />
<name_long>Municipality / county (or equivalent)</name_long>
<notes />
<acknowledgements />
<notes />
<acknowledgements />
<name_long>National lower house district</name_long>
<notes />
<acknowledgements />
<name_long>National upper house district</name_long>
<notes />
<acknowledgements />
<name_long>Police district</name_long>
<notes />
<acknowledgements />
<name_long>School district</name_long>
<notes />
<acknowledgements />
<name_long>State / province / territory</name_long>
<notes />
<acknowledgements />
<name_long>Subnational lower district</name_long>
<notes />
<acknowledgements />
<name_long>Subnational upper district</name_long>
<notes />
<acknowledgements />
<name_long />
<notes />
<acknowledgements />
<name_long />
<notes />
<acknowledgements />
<name_long />
<notes />
<acknowledgements />
<name_long>Voting district</name_long>
<notes />
<acknowledgements />
<name_long>Hydrologic boundaries from Geoscience Australia, the USGS, and Water Survey Canada</name_long>
<notes />
<acknowledgements />
Use the version resource to get the current version of the API.
Cost: 0 credits
Try It Now#
curl -X GET "\
curl -X GET "\
"response": {
"errors": [],
"messages": [],
"results": {
"version": "3.1"
<errors />
<messages />
Response Fields#
Service Level Response Fields#
Output Name |
Description |
errors |
If the request encountered an error or errors, details about the error(s) will be contained in this field, as an array of strings. |
messages |
Contains the resources matching the request query, if any. The structure of this object depends on the type of resource being queried. Refer to the documentation for the endpoint you are querying and the section on Response Objects for details. |
results |
Contains additional information about the outcome of a request that is not an error and not part of a query result, as an array of strings. Currently, this field is unused by the data endpoints and will always be an empty array. |
Record Level Response Fields#
Official Object#
Official objects are a component of responses from the official resource.
id |
number |
The Cicero database ID for this official. Changes after each edit; for a persistent ID, see sk. |
sk |
number |
The surrogate key for an official. Remains the same for an individual through different districts, chambers, and discontinuous terms. |
valid_from |
string |
Date the official was inaugurated in this office. Changes with redistricting or election to a new office, but not when an incumbent starts a consecutive term. |
valid_to |
string or null |
Date the official’s term in office expires. This date would be extended if the official wins re-election. |
last_update_date |
string |
Date the Cicero research team last made changes to this official’s information. |
salutation |
string |
Official’s formal salutation. Some assemblies use formal titles such as “Honorable”. |
first_name |
string |
First name of the official. Sometimes, an official will have a preferred_name that they are more commonly known by. |
middle_initial |
string |
Middle name or initial of the official. |
last_name |
string |
Last name of the official. |
nickname |
string |
Deprecated. Use preferred_name instead. |
preferred_name |
string |
A name commonly used instead of the official’s given first name. This property has a value only if it differs from the first_name. |
name_suffix |
string |
Name suffix of the official (e.g., “Jr.”, “III”, “Ph.D.”). |
office |
object |
An office object with information about the official’s country, chamber, government, and role. |
initial_term_start_date |
string or null |
Deprecated. Use valid_from instead. |
current_term_start_date |
string |
Deprecated. Use valid_from instead. |
term_end_date |
string or null |
Deprecated. Use valid_to instead. |
addresses |
Address [] |
A list of address objects with the official’s contact information, such as mailing address, phone, and fax. |
email_addresses |
string [] |
A list of the official’s email addresses. |
web_form_url |
string |
A web form URL for contacting the official. |
urls |
string [] |
A list of the official’s government web page URLs. |
photo_origin_url |
string |
A URL for a headshot photo of the official. See note 1, below. |
photo_cropping |
object or null |
For photos that are zoomed out or off-center, an object of the form {x, y, width, height, origWidth, origHeight} specifying the location (from top left) and dimensions of a bounding box that defines a headshot within the official photo. If no bounding box is defined (e.g., if the original photo is a well-framed headshot), this field will be null. See note 2, below. |
notes |
string [] |
A list of descriptive information about the official, including a biography and a birthdate. |
committees |
CommitteeMembership [] |
A list of the committees of which the official is a member. See Committee Membership object documentation. |
party |
string |
Political party designation of the official. Might be “Nonpartisan” in cases where the government specifically uses that term. |
identifiers |
Identifier [] |
A list of identifier objects with information like social media accounts. |
titles |
string [] |
A list of any titles that the official holds. Typically, these are determined at an early meeting of the chamber. Titles are different than and in addition to the role (e.g., President, Senator) that the official was elected to. |
Note 1
In all cases where it is filled out, the photo_origin_url provides a direct link to an image file of an official’s headshot photo. Whenever possible, we use links to photos hosted on official sites operated by the government body of which the official is a member. However, there are rare cases where this is not possible. Sometimes, there is no official government site containing a headshot photo of the official. In this case, we try to locate a photo from another source, such as the Congressional Biographical Directory. In other cases, an official site with photos may exist, but it may not be possible for us to provide direct links to the photos. In these cases, we copy and host the photos ourselves. Whenever we host a photo ourselves, we obtain permission from the relevant government body before copying and hosting their photos. If a photo is hosted by Cicero, the URL will start with: or
Note 2
The photo_cropping field contains a JSON object with properties x, y, width, height, origWidth, and origHeight. These parameters can be used to calculate CSS that will display the image at photo_origin_url cropped and scaled to fit in a fixed-size element. x and y are the coordinates of the top left corner of the cropping box, width and height are the dimensions of the cropping box, and origWidth and origHeight are the dimensions of the full-sized original image.
The example CSS is a template for calculating a style definition. The quantities in brackets must be calculated for each image based on the photo_cropping parameters and the size of the intended container (displayHeight and displayWidth). The example scales to the container height, which means the width could be more or less than the container size, depending on the dimensions of the cropping box. The calculations could be adapted to scale to the display width instead, but not both, since that could result in the image being stretched or squashed.
In cases where the original image is a standard headshot and no cropping is needed, the photo_cropping field will be null and the style should use background-size: cover; and background-position: center;.
Official by Region Object#
first_name |
string |
First name of the official. Sometimes, an official will have a preferred_name that they are more commonly known by. |
middle_initial |
string |
Middle name or initial of the official. |
last_name |
string |
Last name of the official. |
preferred_name |
string |
A name commonly used instead of the official’s given first name. This property has a value only if it differs from the first_name. |
salutation |
string |
Official’s formal salutation. Some assemblies use formal titles such as “Honorable”. |
name_suffix |
string |
Name suffix of the official (e.g., “Jr.”, “III”, “Ph.D.”). |
sk |
number |
The surrogate key for the official. |
party |
string |
Political party designation of the official. Might be “Nonpartisan” in cases where the government specifically uses that term. |
district |
object |
A district object for Official by region containing only district_id, district_type__name_short, subtype, and label. |
state |
string |
The state, province, or region of the official’s district. |
chamber__name_formal |
string |
The formal name of the official’s chamber. |
title |
string |
The primary title the official holds. |
addresses |
string[] |
A list of address objects with the official’s contact information, such as mailing address, phone, and fax. |
email_addresses |
string[] |
A list of the official’s email addresses. |
phone_1 |
string |
The primary phone number for the official’s primary address. |
phone_2 |
string |
The secondary phone number for the official’s primary address. |
photo_origin_url |
string |
A URL for a headshot photo of the official. See note under Official Object. |
web_form_url |
string |
A web form URL for contacting the official. |
valid_from |
string |
Date the official was inaugurated in this office. Changes with redistricting or election to a new office, but not when an incumbent starts a consecutive term. |
valid_to |
string or null |
Date the official’s term in office expires. This date would be extended if the official wins re-election. |
identifiers |
Identifier[] |
A list of abbreviated identifier objects containing only identifier_type and identifier_value for official Facebook and Twitter accounts. |
Office Object#
Office objects are a component of responses from the official resource.
id |
number |
Deprecated. Use id on the Official object |
sk |
number |
Deprecated. Use sk on the Official object |
valid_from |
string |
Deprecated. Use valid_from on the Official object |
valid_to |
string or null |
Deprecated. Use valid_to on the Official object |
last_update_date |
object |
Deprecated. Use last_update_date on the Official object |
district |
object |
A district object for the constituency of this office. |
representing_city |
string |
The city that this office serves. |
representing_state |
string |
The state, province, or other region that this office serves. |
representing_country |
object or null |
A country object for the country of this office’s government. |
notes |
string |
Deprecated. |
title |
string |
The role of this office. This is the position that a candidate for office is listed for on an election ballot. |
chamber |
object |
A chamber object for the chamber that this office serves within. |
election_rules |
string |
Deprecated. Use election_rules on the Chamber object |
Address Object#
Address objects are a component of responses from the official resource. Primary address objects are listed first and usually contain Capitol or official government offices for the legislature. Secondary address objects are listed second and usually contain district or home offices.
address_1 |
string |
The first line of the street address. |
address_2 |
string |
The second line of the street address. |
address_3 |
string |
The third line of the street address. |
city |
string |
The city of the address. |
county |
string |
Deprecated. |
state |
string |
The state, province, or other region of the address. |
postal_code |
string |
The postal code for the address. |
phone_1 |
string |
The primary phone number for contacting the address. |
fax_1 |
string |
The primary fax number for the address. |
phone_2 |
string |
The secondary phone number for contacting the address. |
fax_2 |
string |
The secondary fax number for the address. |
Identifier Object#
Identifier objects are a component of responses from the official resource.
official |
number |
Deprecated. Use id on the Official object |
version |
number |
Deprecated. |
identifier_type |
string |
The platform referred to by the identifier (see a list of identifier types, below). |
valid_to |
string or null |
Deprecated. |
sk |
number |
Deprecated. |
valid_from |
string |
Deprecated. |
last_update_date |
string |
Deprecated. |
id |
number |
The Cicero database ID for this identifier. |
identifier_value |
string |
The identifying value for the official on this type of platform. Could be either a profile ID or a full URL. |
Common Identifier Types in Cicero:
identifier_type |
Description |
Platform URL |
The full Facebook page URL of an official’s personal profile. |
The full Facebook page URL for an official’s campaign profile. |
The full Facebook page URL for an official’s government profile. |
The Vote Smart profile ID of an official. |
The Twitter handle of an official. |
The full LinkedIn profile URL of an official. |
The YouTube user ID or channel ID for an official. |
The Instagram handle for an official. |
The Instagram handle for an official’s campaign. |
The RSS feed URL for an official. |
Unique URL |
The Flickr profile ID of an official. |
The Congressional Biographical Directory profile ID for an official. |
The GovTrack profile ID for an official. |
The Federal Election Committee profile ID for an official or campaign committee. |
The Center for Responsive Politics profile ID for an official. |
Committee Membership Object#
Committee Membership objects are a component of responses from the official resource, identifying the committees on which an official serves and their position within each committee.
Property |
Value |
Description |
name |
string |
Name of the committee. |
url |
string [] |
A list of the committee’s web page URLs. |
committee_identifiers |
Identifier [] |
A list of identifier objects with information like social media accounts. Note that fields marked deprecated in the identifier object documentation are excluded here. |
position |
string |
The official’s position within the committee, e.g. “Chair”. For members with no special position this field will be blank. |
District Object#
District objects are a component of responses from the official, legislative_district, and nonlegislative_district.
id |
number |
“The Cicero database ID for this district. This field is persistent for a given District, but this does not imply that the remainder of the response payload will never change. For example, a correction to the district boundary will change the response payload but will not change the ID. On the other hand, a boundary change due to a legal event such as an annexation or redistricting will result in a new District with a new ID (and appropriate adjustments to the valid_to field, if necessary).” |
sk |
number |
The surrogate key for the district. Provided for API uniformity. For this resource, the SK is equivalent to the ID. |
valid_from |
string |
The date the district was established. Usually, this is the date of the last redistricting. |
valid_to |
string or null |
The date when the district’s boundaries are expected to be changed. Usually, this is the date of the next redistricting. |
last_update_date |
string |
Date the Cicero research team last made changes to this district’s boundary information. |
district_type |
string |
The level of government the district represents. See the district_type metadata endpoint for a list of possibilities. |
subtype |
string |
An additional categorization within district_type. |
country |
string |
The country the district is within. Uses the ISO 2 country code. |
state |
string |
The state, province, or region the district is within. |
city |
string |
The city the district represents, if the district_type is LOCAL or LOCAL_EXEC. |
district_id |
string |
“The identifying code for the district within its delegation or district type. For example, a legislative delegation’s 5th district would probably have a district_id of ‘5’. Non-legislative districts might have an ID assigned by the managing agency (e.g., US Census Block Groups have a GEOID).” |
label |
string |
Descriptive text associated with a district_id, such as the label for the district (e.g., “5th Ward”), or a full label for the district (e.g. “Sealaska Alaska Native Regional Corporation”). |
num_officials |
number |
The number of elected officials that hold offices representing this district. |
ocd_id |
string or null |
The Open Civic Data Identifier for the district. Provides a standardized way of specifying and describing a geographic political division. |
data |
object |
Deprecated. |
District Object (in Official by Region Object)#
Property |
Value |
Description |
district_id |
string |
The identifying code for the district within its delegation or district type. For example, a legislative delegation’s 5th district would probably have a district_id of ‘5’. Non-legislative districts might have an ID assigned by the managing agency (e.g., US Census Block Groups have a GEOID). |
district_type__name_short |
string |
The level of government the district represents. See the district_type metadata endpoint for a list of possibilities. |
subtype |
string |
An additional categorization within district_type. |
label |
string |
Descriptive text associated with a district_id, such as the label for the district (e.g. “5th Ward”), or a full label for the district (e.g. “Sealaska Alaska Native Regional Corporation”). |
Chamber Object#
Chamber objects are a component of responses from the official and election_event resources.
Property |
Value |
Description |
legislature_update_date |
string or null |
Deprecated. |
official_count |
number or null |
The number of officials serving in the chamber. |
id |
number or null |
The Cicero database ID for the chamber. Changes after each edit; not persistent. |
term_length |
string |
The length of time for each term that officials serve in the chamber. |
term_limit |
string |
The maximum number of terms officials within the chamber can serve. |
inauguration_rules |
string |
The process for inaugurating officials within the chamber. |
name_native_language |
string |
Name of the chamber in the government’s official language. |
contact_phone |
string |
A general phone number for contacting the chamber. |
name_formal |
string |
English formal name of the chamber. |
election_frequency |
string |
The length of time between elections with candidates for the chamber on the ballot. Shorter than term_length in chambers with staggered elections. |
government |
object |
A government object for the government this chamber is part of. |
redistricting_rules |
string |
The process of redistricting for the chamber. |
vacancy_rules |
string |
The process of how vacancies within the chamber are filled. |
is_chamber_complete |
boolean |
Deprecated. |
contact_email |
string |
A general email address for contacting the chamber. |
last_update_date |
string |
Date the Cicero research team last made changes to this district’s information. |
remarks |
string |
Notable quirks or facts related to the chamber. |
name |
string |
Informal name of the chamber in English. |
url |
string |
URL to the official webpage of the chamber. |
type |
string |
Governmental level of the chamber. |
notes |
string |
Deprecated. |
has_geographic_representation |
string |
Deprecated. |
is_appointed |
boolean |
Whether officials in this chamber are appointed rather than elected. |
election_rules |
string |
A description of when elections take place. |
Government Object#
Government objects are a component of responses from the official and election_event resources.
Property |
Value |
Description |
name |
string |
The formal name of the government. |
type |
string |
A category describing the level of government. |
city |
string |
The city that the government governs. |
state |
string |
The state, province, or region that the government governs. |
country |
object or null |
A country object for the government’s country. |
notes |
string |
Deprecated. |
Country Object#
Country objects are a component of responses from the official and election_event resources.
Property |
Value |
Description |
status |
string |
The parent organization (e.g., “UN Member State”) or state on which the given Country is dependent (e.g., “Oversea Department of France”). |
name_short |
string |
Short, common name for the country in English. |
gmi_3 |
string |
Three-letter Global Mapping International (GMI) country/territory code for the country. |
valid_from |
string |
Deprecated. |
name_short_iso |
string |
Short name (in English) for the country specified in the ISO-3166 standard. |
name_short_local |
string |
Short, common name for the country in the local language. |
valid_to |
string or null |
Deprecated. |
id |
number |
The Cicero database ID for the country. Changes after each edit; for a persistent ID, see sk. |
sk |
number |
The surrogate key for the country. |
name_short_un |
string |
United Nations short name for the country. |
version |
number |
Deprecated. |
fips |
string |
Two-letter U.S. Federal Information Processing Standard No. |
last_update_date |
string |
Date the Cicero research team last made changes to the country’s information. |
iso_3 |
string |
Three-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 standard code for the country. |
iso_2 |
string |
Two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard code for the country. |
iso_3_numeric |
number or null |
Three-digit ISO 3166-1 numeric standard code for the country. |
name_long_local |
string |
Long name for the country in the local language. |
name_long |
string |
Long name for the country in English. |
Election Event Object#
Election Event objects are a component of responses from the election_event resource.
Property |
Value |
Description |
id |
number |
The Cicero database ID for the election event. Changes after each edit; for a persistent ID, see sk. |
sk |
number |
The surrogate key for the election event. |
valid_from |
string |
Deprecated. |
valid_to |
string or null |
Deprecated. |
last_update_date |
string |
Date the Cicero research team last made changes to the election’s information. |
label |
string |
The name of the election. |
remarks |
string |
Specific details about the election that describe the event. |
election_date_text |
string |
A description of the date or dates that an election is being held. |
election_expire_date |
string or null |
The date when voting in the election completes. Some elections span several days; this will be the last day. |
is_approximate |
boolean |
Whether the election event’s election_expire_date is not accurate or precise to the day. |
is_by_election |
boolean |
Whether the election is a special election that falls outside the regular calendar. |
is_primary_election |
boolean |
Whether the election is a primary election that precedes the general election. |
is_runoff_election |
boolean |
Whether the election is a second, third, or later election used for deciding between the top candidates in earlier elections. |
is_referendum |
boolean |
Whether the election event is specifically about a referendum on the ballot. |
is_local |
boolean |
Whether the election is for an office of local government (e.g., a municipal, county, or town election). |
is_state |
boolean |
Whether the election is for an office of regional government (e.g., sub-national state, provincial, or prefecture election). |
is_national |
boolean |
Whether the election is for an office of the nation state. |
is_transnational |
boolean |
Whether the election is for an office of a trans-national institution. |
urls |
string [] |
A list of URL strings for pages with more information about the election. |
chambers |
Chamber [] |
A list of chamber objects for chambers with members up for election. |
Redistricting Event Object#
Redistricting Event objects are a component of responses from the redistricting_events resource.
Property |
Value |
Description |
id |
number |
The Cicero database ID for the redistricting event. Changes after each edit; for a persistent ID, see sk. |
sk |
number |
The surrogate key for the redistricting event. |
valid_from |
string |
Deprecated. |
valid_to |
string or null |
Deprecated. |
last_update_date |
string |
Date the Cicero research team last made changes to the election’s information. |
label |
string |
The name of the redistricting event. |
state |
string |
The state or country subdivision where the redistricting event occurred. |
remarks |
string |
Specific details about the election that describe the event. |
begin_date |
string or null |
The date when the redistricting event started. |
begin_date_is_approximate |
boolean |
Whether the redistricting event’s begin_date is not accurate or precise to the day. |
complete_date |
string or null |
The date when the redistricting event completed. |
complete_date_is_approximate |
boolean |
Whether the redistricting event’s complete_date is not accurate or precise to the day. |
string or null |
The email for the redistricting event. |
urls |
string [] |
A list of URL strings for pages with more information about the election. |
chambers |
Chamber [] |
A list of chamber objects for chambers with modified districts in the redistricting event. |
District Type Object#
District Type objects are a component of responses from the district_type resource.
Property |
Value |
Description |
name_short |
string |
The code used for filtering responses by district type. Formatted in ALL_CAPS with an underscore. |
name_long |
string |
A description of the district type. |
is_legislative |
boolean |
Whether the districts of this type are legislative. |
notes |
string |
Deprecated. |
acknowledgements |
string |
Deprecated. |