Reference Guide#
Global Address Container ensures accurate and complete mailing addresses worldwide. Supporting address verification and correction across more than 240 countries and territories, it provides users with standardized, reliable address data to streamline delivery processes.
Beyond its robust verification capabilities, the service can append geographic coordinates, region-specific identifiers, and delivery indicators. It also provides parsed address components and returns delivery addresses in mailing label formats that comply with the postal standards of each country.
As a self-hosted container, Global Address Container is deployed and managed on-premises, giving you complete control over your data, security, and performance. Self-hosting ensures compliance with data sovereignty requirements while providing better performance for low-latency or high-volume workloads.
Data Path#
This is configured during the containerization service set-up and represents the location of the data files on your local machine.
See {{data_path}}
in the Example Docker Setup.
Service Port Number#
This is configured during the containerization service set-up. It defaults to 6245
, but can be any port you set.
See {{port_number}}
in the Example Docker Setup.
Machine Name#
This is your local machine name and will be used in every request you send to your local containerization service. You can view your machine name by using the hostname command in the command prompt.
The License Key is a software key required to use the web service. You will receive your license key from your Melissa representative. If you don’t have a license key, contact the Melissa sales team by Requesting a Demo or by calling 800-MELISSA ext. 3 (800-635-4772 ext. 3). Without a license key the service will not function.
Use this endpoint to check the version of Global Address Container.
Try It Now#
curl -X GET \
"http://{{machine_name}}:{{port_number}}/V3/WEB/GlobalAddress/GetVersion" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate,private
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Pragma: no-cache
"Version_0": "",
"ServiceName_0": "globalAddrLibService",
"BuildNumber_0": "7264",
"DatabaseDate_0": "2025-02-21",
"ExpirationDate_0": "2025-05-21",
"LicenseExpirationDate_0": "2026-04-07",
"AddrBuildNumber_0": "18014",
"AddrDatabaseDate_0": "2025-02-01",
"GeoBuildNumber_0": "17426",
"GeoDatabaseDate_0": "2025-01-15",
"RightFielderBuildNumber_0": "4046",
"RightFielderDatabaseDate_0": "2025-01-03",
"Version_1": "",
"ServiceName_1": "globalAddrLibService",
"BuildNumber_1": "7264",
"DatabaseDate_1": "2025-02-21",
"ExpirationDate_1": "2025-05-21",
"LicenseExpirationDate_1": "2026-04-07",
"AddrBuildNumber_1": "18014",
"AddrDatabaseDate_1": "2025-02-01",
"GeoBuildNumber_1": "17426",
"GeoDatabaseDate_1": "2025-01-15",
"RightFielderBuildNumber_1": "4046",
"RightFielderDatabaseDate_1": "2025-01-03"
Use this endpoint to utilize all of the international address verification capabilities of Global Address Object.
Try It Now#
curl -X GET \
&format=JSON" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
curl -X POST \
"http://{{machine_name}}:{{port_number}}/V3/WEB/GlobalAddress/doGlobalAddress" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '{
"TransmissionReference": "Test",
"Records": [
"RecordID": "1",
"Organization": "Melissa",
"AddressLine1": "22382 Avenida Empresa",
"Locality": "Rancho Santa Margarita",
"AdministrativeArea": "CA",
"PostalCode": "92688",
"Country": "US"
Request Parameters#
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
Optional. Specify the desired format of the response. |
Optional. This is a string value that serves as a unique identifier for this set of records. It is returned as sent. |
Record Level Parameters |
Required. The input field for the address. This should contain the delivery address information (house number, thoroughfare, building, suite, etc.) but should not contain locality information (locality, administrative area, postal code, etc.) which have their own inputs. |
Optional. The input field for the address. |
Optional. The input field for the address. |
Optional. The input field for the address. |
Optional. The input field for the address. |
Optional. The input field for the address. |
Optional. The input field for the address. |
Optional. The input field for the address. |
Required. State, Province. The most common geographic data element. |
Required. The country name, abbreviation, or code. |
Optional. Urbanization. The smaller population center data element. This depends on the Locality element. In terms of US Addresses, this element applies only to Puerto Rican addresses. It is used to break ties when a ZIP Code™ is linked to multiple instances of the same address. |
Optional. The smallest population center data element. This depends on the Locality and DependentLocality elements. |
Optional. US Only. For addresses missing a secondary like a suite or apartment, we can use the last name and append that information for residential addresses. |
Required. City, Municipality. The most common population center data element. |
Optional. The organization name associated with the address record. |
Required. ZIP, Postcode. The complete postal code for a particular delivery point. If all three elements are provided and the PostalCode is incorrect, it can be corrected from the data on the Locality and AdministrativeArea. |
Optional. County. The smallest geographic data element. |
Optional. The administrative region within a country on an arbitrary level below that of the sovereign state. |
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
Optional. Specify the desired format of the response. |
Optional. This is a string value that serves as a unique identifier for this set of records. It is returned as sent. |
Record Level Parameters |
Required. The input field for the address. This should contain the delivery address information (house number, thoroughfare, building, suite, etc.) but should not contain locality information (locality, administrative area, postal code, etc.) which have their own inputs. |
Optional. The input field for the address. |
Optional. The input field for the address. |
Optional. The input field for the address. |
Optional. The input field for the address. |
Optional. The input field for the address. |
Optional. The input field for the address. |
Optional. The input field for the address. |
Required. State, Province. The most common geographic data element. |
Required. The country name, abbreviation, or code. |
Optional. Urbanization. The smaller population center data element. This depends on the Locality element. In terms of US Addresses, this element applies only to Puerto Rican addresses. It is used to break ties when a ZIP Code™ is linked to multiple instances of the same address. |
Optional. The smallest population center data element. This depends on the Locality and DependentLocality elements. |
Optional. US Only. For addresses missing a secondary like a suite or apartment, we can use the last name and append that information for residential addresses. |
Required. City, Municipality. The most common population center data element. |
Optional. The organization name associated with the address record. |
Required. ZIP, Postcode. The complete postal code for a particular delivery point. If all three elements are provided and the PostalCode is incorrect, it can be corrected from the data on the Locality and AdministrativeArea. |
Optional. County. The smallest geographic data element. |
Optional. The administrative region within a country on an arbitrary level below that of the sovereign state. |
List options in the following format, with multiple options delimited with a ,
This option allows you to specify if the Address Lines 1-8 should contain just the delivery address or the entire address.
Parameter |
Description |
Default. Address Lines 1-8 return the entire address. |
Address Lines 1-8 return just the street address and dependent locality. It will not contain locality, administrative area, postal code, etc. |
Additional information related to time zone names and UTC information for both standard and daylight savings will be made available in the Extras section. Please see the Extras section for additional details.
Parameter |
Description |
Default. No additional output information is provided. |
Additional time zone and UTC information will be made available in the Extras section. |
Allows you to choose to add the UPRN output.
Parameter |
Description |
Default. No additional output information is provided. |
Adds the additional output value of UPRN. Please see the Extras section for additional details. |
This is the line separator used for the FormattedAddress result.
Parameter |
Description |
Default. A semicolon ( |
A pipe ( |
A carriage return. |
A line feed. |
A carriage return + line feed. |
A tab. |
A line break. |
OriginDateTime (BETA)#
A string DateTime value with UTC data to use in the calculation of the local date time.
This feature will allow you to convert the origin time into the local time at the output address. This calculation takes into account the difference in UTC from the origin to the output address and also takes into account the dates that daylight savings is observed at the destination.
For example: OriginDateTime:2022-01-13 18:33:16 (UTC-8:00). Note, we need the UTC value to know exactly where the origin time is from. If you do not specify a UTC value, we will assume a UTC value of 0.
Parameter |
Description |
String DateTime value with UTC data to use in the calculation of the local date time. |
Allows you to specify if you want geocoding output in the response.
Parameter |
Description |
Do not return latitude and longitude for the record. |
Default. Latitude and longitude is returned in the output when available. |
This is the script type used for all applicable fields.
Parameter |
Description |
Default. Returns the same script that is sent in. |
Returns in the Latin script. |
Returns in the native script for the designated country. |
These are additional US only output that can be made available in the Extras section. These outputs are related to Census, County, and School information. Please see the Extras section for additional details.
Parameter |
Description |
Default. No additional output information is provided. |
Additional US only output will be made available in the Extras section. |
Allows you to specify the standardization of the address abbreviation.
Parameter |
Description |
This uses the input as a guide for how to standardize. |
Always spell the address out. For example: 100 West Main Street East |
Default. Leave the US address in short abbreviated form as preferred by the USPS. For example:
Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate,private
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Pragma: no-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate,private
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Pragma: no-cache
"TransmissionResults": "",
"TransmissionReference": "Test",
"Version": "",
"TotalRecords": 1,
"Records": [
"RecordID": "1",
"Results": "AC16,AV24,GS05",
"AddressLine1": "22382 Avenida Empresa",
"AddressLine2": "Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688-2112",
"AddressLine3": "",
"AddressLine4": "",
"AddressLine5": "",
"AddressLine6": "",
"AddressLine7": "",
"AddressLine8": "",
"AddressType": "S",
"FormattedAddress": "Melissa;22382 Avenida Empresa;Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688-2112",
"CountryName": "United States of America",
"CountryISO3166_1_Alpha2": "US",
"CountryISO3166_1_Alpha3": "USA",
"CountryISO3166_1_Numeric": "840",
"Latitude": "33.637562",
"Longitude": "-117.606887",
"CensusKey": "060590320531002",
"SubNationalArea": "",
"AdministrativeArea": "CA",
"SubAdministrativeArea": "Orange",
"Locality": "Rancho Santa Margarita",
"DependentLocality": "",
"DoubleDependentLocality": "",
"PostalCode": "92688-2112",
"PostalCodeType": "",
"PremisesType": "",
"PremisesNumber": "22382",
"SubPremises": "",
"SubPremisesType": "",
"SubPremisesNumber": "",
"Thoroughfare": "Avenida Empresa",
"ThoroughfarePreDirection": "",
"ThoroughfareLeadingType": "",
"ThoroughfareName": "Avenida Empresa",
"ThoroughfarePostDirection": "",
"ThoroughfareTrailingType": "",
"Organization": "Melissa",
"Building": "",
"PostBox": "",
"DependentThoroughfare": "",
"DependentThoroughfarePreDirection": "",
"DependentThoroughfareLeadingType": "",
"DependentThoroughfareName": "",
"DependentThoroughfarePostDirection": "",
"DependentThoroughfareTrailingType": "",
"SubPremiseLevel": "",
"SubPremiseLevelType": "",
"SubPremiseLevelNumber": "",
"SubBuildingType": "",
"SubBuildingNumber": "",
"SubBuilding": "",
"PostOfficeLocation": "",
"UTC": "UTC-08:00",
"DST": "Y",
"DeliveryIndicator": "B",
"MelissaAddressKey": "8008006245",
"MelissaAddressKeyBase": "",
"DeliveryPointSuffix": "",
"CountrySubdivisionCode": "US-CA",
"AddressKey": "92688211282",
"Extras": {}
"TransmissionResults": "",
"TransmissionReference": "Test",
"Version": "",
"TotalRecords": 1,
"Records": [
"RecordID": "1",
"Results": "AC16,AV24,GS05",
"AddressLine1": "22382 Avenida Empresa",
"AddressLine2": "Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688-2112",
"AddressLine3": "",
"AddressLine4": "",
"AddressLine5": "",
"AddressLine6": "",
"AddressLine7": "",
"AddressLine8": "",
"AddressType": "S",
"FormattedAddress": "Melissa;22382 Avenida Empresa;Rancho Santa Margarita CA 92688-2112",
"CountryName": "United States of America",
"CountryISO3166_1_Alpha2": "US",
"CountryISO3166_1_Alpha3": "USA",
"CountryISO3166_1_Numeric": "840",
"Latitude": "33.637562",
"Longitude": "-117.606887",
"CensusKey": "060590320531002",
"SubNationalArea": "",
"AdministrativeArea": "CA",
"SubAdministrativeArea": "Orange",
"Locality": "Rancho Santa Margarita",
"DependentLocality": "",
"DoubleDependentLocality": "",
"PostalCode": "92688-2112",
"PostalCodeType": "",
"PremisesType": "",
"PremisesNumber": "22382",
"SubPremises": "",
"SubPremisesType": "",
"SubPremisesNumber": "",
"Thoroughfare": "Avenida Empresa",
"ThoroughfarePreDirection": "",
"ThoroughfareLeadingType": "",
"ThoroughfareName": "Avenida Empresa",
"ThoroughfarePostDirection": "",
"ThoroughfareTrailingType": "",
"Organization": "Melissa",
"Building": "",
"PostBox": "",
"DependentThoroughfare": "",
"DependentThoroughfarePreDirection": "",
"DependentThoroughfareLeadingType": "",
"DependentThoroughfareName": "",
"DependentThoroughfarePostDirection": "",
"DependentThoroughfareTrailingType": "",
"SubPremiseLevel": "",
"SubPremiseLevelType": "",
"SubPremiseLevelNumber": "",
"SubBuildingType": "",
"SubBuildingNumber": "",
"SubBuilding": "",
"PostOfficeLocation": "",
"UTC": "UTC-08:00",
"DST": "Y",
"DeliveryIndicator": "B",
"MelissaAddressKey": "8008006245",
"MelissaAddressKeyBase": "",
"DeliveryPointSuffix": "",
"CountrySubdivisionCode": "US-CA",
"AddressKey": "92688211282",
"Extras": {}
Service Level Response Fields#
Output Name |
Description |
TotalRecords |
Total number of records. |
TransmissionReference |
Optional. Serves as a unique request identifier. |
TransmissionResults |
Lists error codes from any errors caused by the most recent request as a whole. |
Version |
The current service version number. |
Record Level Response Fields#
Output Name |
Description |
AddressKey |
This is a country dependent field: US: This returns a 11-digit code representing the combination of the zip code, the plus4, and the delivery point. This is a fairly good representation of a unique US address and often used as the core of postal barcodes. However, this code is not guaranteed to be unique to an individual address, please use the MelissaAddressKey instead for that purpose. It is possible that this field is empty or not 11 digits if the address is a non-USPS address (link to something about non-usps addresses). GB: This field returns the UDPRN, which stands for Unique Delivery Point Reference Number. It is an 8-character code that is assigned and maintained by Royal Mail to each delivery point address. AU: This returns the DPID (Delivery Point ID). This is a 8 digit number that identifies a mailbox according to Australia Post. The AddressKey can be used by other Melissa Data services, such as Geocoder or RBDI. |
AddressLine1 |
These are the string values that will return the standardized or corrected contents of the input address. These lines will include the entire address including the locality, administrative area, and postal code. If the DeliveryLines option is turned on, only the address up to the dependent locality will be returned. |
AddressLine2 |
Standardized or corrected contents of the input address line 2. |
AddressLine3 |
Standardized or corrected contents of the input address line 3. |
AddressLine4 |
Standardized or corrected contents of the input address line 4. |
AddressLine5 |
Standardized or corrected contents of the input address line 5. |
AddressLine6 |
Standardized or corrected contents of the input address line 6. |
AddressLine7 |
Standardized or corrected contents of the input address line 7. |
AddressLine8 |
Standardized or corrected contents of the input address line 8. |
AddressType |
A one-character code for the type of address coded. See Product Codes for a list of Address Type Codes. |
AdministrativeArea |
State, Province. The standardized contents of the AdministrativeArea element. This is a common geographic area unit for larger countries. |
Building |
The parsed descriptive name identifying an individual location. |
CensusKey |
This is a country dependent field. It is designed to return a code that corresponds to the census division information for a country. Currently, this field is only returned for the US. US: The CensusKey for the US is a 15- or 16-digit code that is made up of the following components: FIPS Code, Census Tract, Census Block, and CensusBlockGroup if it exists. |
CountryISO3166_1_Alpha2 |
The 2 letter ISO 3166 country code value. For example: US for the United States or CA for Canada. |
CountryISO3166_1_Alpha3 |
The 3 letter ISO 3166 country code value. For example: USA for the United States or CAN for Canada. |
CountryISO3166_1_Numeric |
The ISO 3166 country number value. For example: 840 for the United States or 124 for Canada. |
CountryName |
Full country name. Can be a nickname. |
CountrySubdivisionCode |
This field returns the ISO 3166-2 country sub-division code. This code is part of the ISO 3166 international standard to represent the relevant administrative divisions and dependent territories for a country. For most countries, this code is tied to the administrative area. Not all countries currently return this code but we are planning on adding more. |
DeliveryIndicator |
A one-character code that indicates if the address is a residence (R), business (B), or unknown (U). It is not available for all countries. Currently, this field is available for the US, GB, NL and IE with more countries planned in the future. See Product Codes for a list of these codes. |
DeliveryPointSuffix |
This is a country dependent field. This field returns an identifier that represents a suffix code usually tied to a delivery point. GB: This is a 2 character (first is numerical, 2nd character is alphabetic) that is assigned by Royal Mail. When added to the postal code, this allows each live delivery point to be uniquely identified. |
DependentLocality |
Urbanization. The standardized contents of the DependentLocality element. A dependent locality is a logical area unit that is smaller than a locality but larger than a double dependent locality or thoroughfare. It can often be associated with a neighborhood or sector. Great Britain is an example of a country that uses double dependent locality. In the United States, this would correspond to Urbanization, which is used only in Puerto Rico. |
DependentThoroughfare |
Dependent Street. The parsed block data element. The dependent thoroughfare is a second thoroughfare that is required to narrow down the final address. This is rarely used. |
DependentThoroughfareName |
The parsed name indicator within the DependentThoroughfare field. |
DependentThoroughfareLeadingType |
The parsed leading thoroughfare type indicator within the DependentThoroughfare field. |
DependentThoroughfarePostDirection |
The parsed postfix directional indicator within the DependentThoroughfare field. |
DependentThoroughfarePreDirection |
The parsed prefix directional within the DependentThoroughfare field. |
DependentThoroughfareTrailingType |
The parsed trailing thoroughfare type indicator within the DependentThoroughfare field. |
DoubleDependentLocality |
The standardized contents of the DoubleDependentLocality element. A double dependent locality is a logical area unit that is smaller than a dependent locality but bigger than a thoroughfare. This field is very rarely used. Great Britain is an example of a country that uses double dependent locality. |
Note that the value returned by the UTC output does not change based on whether the country/area is currently in daylight savings time or not. We will only return the standard timezone and this flag to indicate daylight savings is observed. |
FormattedAddress |
Mailing address. The full mailing address in the preferred format for the country of the address. This includes the Organization as the first line, one or more lines in the origin country’s format, and the destination country (if required). Separate lines will be delimited by what is specified in the option. |
Latitude |
The parsed geographic coordinate for a particular delivery point. |
Locality |
City. The standardized contents of the Locality element. This is the most common geographic area and used by virtually all countries. This is usually the value that is written on a mailing label and referred to by terms like City, Town, or Postal Town. |
Longitude |
The parsed geographic coordinate for a particular delivery point. |
MelissaAddressKey |
This is a globally unique and persistent key for the postal address, even if parts of the address change. When an address is fully validated this field returns a 10-digit proprietary unique identifier for that address. With AddressKey (US and Canada only), if an address zip code changes, the AddressKey would also change. Melissa Address Key (MAK) is independent and will not change. This makes MAK a good way to permanently identify and also to use as a value for finding duplicates. Currently, we return MAK numbers for over 50 countries with more planned for the future. |
MelissaAddressKeyBase |
Every full address has its own Melissa Address Key (MAK). If that address is a suite or apartment, we will also return a Melissa Address Key Base (BaseMAK) that corresponds to the overall building. This provides a link between all the individual MAK addresses that belong to the same building. This field also returns a 10-digit proprietary key. Note, if we can validate the address to the building but not the suite, we can return just the BaseMAK. Currently available for countries that have support for MelissaAddressKey. |
Organization |
Business, Company. String value that matches the Organization request element. It is not modified or populated by the service. |
PostalCode |
ZIP Code. The standardized contents of the PostalCode element. Most countries have some form of a postal code system. |
PostalCodeType |
This is a country dependent field. This field returns an identifier that represents the type of postal code returned. Currently only the US uses this field. For a list of these codes, see the Product Codes list. |
PostBox |
The parsed post box information for a particular delivery point. |
PostOfficeLocation |
The location of the post office in relation to the record address, if available. This may or may not be used in the official mailing address for the country in question. Currently, these are the countries we will return the data for: Serbia and Slovakia. |
PremisesNumber |
House Number. The parsed alphanumeric indicator within the premises field. |
PremisesType |
The parsed leading premise type indicator within the premises field. |
RecordID |
The number of the record. Always 1 for a single email request, otherwise it serves as an index of the array of records. |
Results |
Comma delimited status, error codes, and change codes for the record. |
SubAdministrativeArea |
County. The standardized contents of the SubAdministrativeArea element. This is a logical area that is smaller than the administrative area but larger than a locality. While many countries can have a sub-administrative area value, it is very rarely used as part of an official address. |
SubBuilding |
A smaller division of the building. For example, if an address has a building name that is a part of a larger set of buildings, then the sub building may be populated. SubBuildingType and SubBuildingNumber make up the parts of SubBuilding. |
SubBuildingNumber |
This is part of the SubBuilding. |
SubBuildingType |
This is part of the SubBuilding. |
SubNationalArea |
The standardized arbitrary administrative region below that of the sovereign state. A sub-national area is a logical area unit that is larger than an administrative area but smaller than the country itself. It is extremely rarely used. |
SubPremiseLevel |
A secondary piece of sub premise information used to describe a more generic division of the subpremise. For example, if you have an address like SubPremiseLevelType and SubPremiseLevelNumber make up the SubPremiseLevel. |
SubPremiseLevelNumber |
Floor Number. Sub premises level number indicator within premises field. Parsed from the subPremisesLevel parameter. |
SubPremiseLevelType |
Floor. Part of the SubPremiseLevel. |
SubPremises |
Suite, Apartment. The parsed SubPremises from the AddressLine elements. A subpremise are individual units with their own addresses inside a building. |
SubPremisesNumber |
Suite Number. The parsed sub premises number indicator within the premises field. |
SubPremisesType |
Suite Name. The parsed sub premises type indicator within the premises field. |
Thoroughfare |
Street. The most common street or block data element. This value is a part of the address lines and contains all the sub-elements of the thoroughfare like trailing type, thoroughfare name, pre direction, post direction, etc. |
ThoroughfareLeadingType |
The parsed leading thoroughfare type indicator within the Thoroughfare field. A leading type is a thoroughfare type that is placed before the thoroughfare. For example, the thoroughfare type of Rue in Canada and France is placed before the thoroughfare, making it a leading type. |
ThoroughfareName |
Street Name. The parsed name indicator within the Thoroughfare field. |
ThoroughfarePostDirection |
Post Direction. The parsed postfix directional within the Thoroughfare field. |
ThoroughfarePreDirection |
Street PreDirection. The parsed prefix directional within the Thoroughfare field. |
ThoroughfareTrailingType |
Street Suffix. The parsed trailing thoroughfare type indicator within the Thoroughfare field. A trailing type is a thoroughfare type that is placed after the thoroughfare. For example, the thoroughfare type of Avenue in the US is placed after the thoroughfare, making it a trailing type. |
The Coordinated Universal Time number in format of Note that there are time zones that are not whole hours only, like |
Output Name |
Activating Option |
Description |
Great Britain Only |
GB Only. Returns the Unique Property Reference Number created and maintained by Ordnance Survey. |
United States Only |
CarrierRoute |
US Only. Carrier Route Code assigned by the USPS. |
CBSA Outputs |
US Only. Core-Based Statistical Areas (CBSA) outputs. These values are assigned by the US Census.
CensusBlock |
US Only. The Census block number from the most recent yearly census. |
CensusTract |
US Only. The Census tract number from the most recent yearly census. |
CongressionalDistrict |
US Only. The congressional district number for the address. |
CountyFIPS |
US Only. The Census FIPS number from the most recent yearly census. |
CountySubdivisionCode |
US Only. The county subdivision code value as defined by the US Census. |
CountySubdivisionName |
US Only. The county subdivision name value as defined by the US Census. |
DeliveryPointCheckDigit |
US Only. The single digit value that acts as a checksum to the delivery point code. |
DeliveryPointCode |
US Only. The 2-digit delivery point code as assigned by the USPS. |
ElementarySchoolDistrictCode |
US Only. Returns a 5-digit string representing the elementary school district code for the address. |
ElementarySchoolDistrictName |
US Only. Returns a 5-digit string representing the elementary school district code for the address. |
PlaceCode |
US Only. The FIPS Place code as defined by the Census. |
PlaceName |
US Only. The FIPS Place name as defined by the Census. |
SecondarySchoolDistrictCode |
US Only. The secondary school district code for the address. |
SecondarySchoolDistrictName |
US Only. The secondary school district name for the address. |
StateDistrictLower |
US Only. Returns a 3-digit string representing the Lower State District Code for the requested record. |
StateDistrictUpper |
US Only. Returns a 3-digit string representing the Upper State District Code for the requested record. |
UnifiedSchoolDistrictCode |
US Only. Returns a 5-digit string representing the Unified School District Code if the address is in a unified school district. |
UnifiedSchoolDistrictName |
US Only. Returns a 5-digit string representing the Unified School District Name if the address is in a unified school district. |
Worldwide |
DaylightSavingsTimezone |
Worldwide. The Daylight Savings Time Zone Name for the output address. |
DaylightSavingsUTC |
Worldwide. The UTC value for the output address when they are observing Daylight savings. |
LocalDateTime |
[BETA] - Worldwide. The local date time value calculated from the OriginDateTime input taking into account the whether the output address area observes daylight savings and the time period when it observes daylight savings.
Note that |
StandardTimezone |
Worldwide. The Standard Time Zone Name for the output address. |
Result Codes#
For details of all result codes please visit here.
Record Level Result Codes#
Code |
Short Description |
Long Description |
AC - Address Change |
Postal Code Change |
The postal code was changed or added. |
Administrative Area Change |
The administrative area (state, province) was added or changed. |
Locality Change |
The locality (city, municipality) name was added or changed. |
Dependent Locality Change |
The dependent locality (urbanization) was changed. |
Thoroughfare Name Change |
The thoroughfare (street) name was added or changed due to a spelling correction. |
Thoroughfare Type Change |
The thoroughfare (street) leading or trailing type was added or changed, such as from “St” to “Rd.” |
Thoroughfare Directional Change |
The thoroughfare (street) pre-directional or post-directional was added or changed, such as from “N” to “NW.” |
Sub Premise Type Change |
The sub premise (suite) type was added or changed, such as from “STE” to “APT.” |
Sub Premise Number Change |
The sub premise (suite) unit number was added or changed. |
Double Dependent Locality Change |
The double dependent locality was added or changed. |
SubAdministrative Area Change |
The subadministrative area was added or changed. |
SubNational Area Change |
The subnational area was added or changed. |
PO Box Change |
The PO Box was added or changed. |
Premise Type Change |
The premise type was added or changed. |
House Number Change |
The house number was changed. |
Organization Change |
The organization was added or changed. |
AE - Address Error |
General Error |
The address could not be verified. This is likely due to a missing or invalid locality or postal code. |
Unknown Street |
Could not match the input street to a unique street name. Either no matches or too many matches found. |
Component Mismatch Error |
The combination of directionals (N, E, SW, etc) and the suffix (AVE, ST, BLVD) is not correct and produced multiple possible matches. |
Multiple Match |
The address was matched to multiple records. There is not enough information available in the address to break the tie between multiple records. |
Sub Premise Number Invalid |
The thoroughfare (street address) was found but the sub premise (suite) was not valid. |
Sub Premise Number Missing |
The thoroughfare (street address) was found but the sub premise (suite) was missing. |
Premise Number Invalid |
The premise (house or building) number for the address is not valid. |
Premise Number Missing |
The premise (house or building) number for the address is missing. |
Box Number Invalid |
The PO (Post Office Box), RR (Rural Route), or HC (Highway Contract) Box number is invalid. |
Box Number Missing |
The PO (Post Office Box), RR (Rural Route), or HC (Highway Contract) Box number is missing. |
PMB Number Missing |
US Only. The address is a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA) and the Private Mail Box (PMB or #) number is missing. |
Sub Premise Not Required (Deprecated - See AS23) |
A sub premise (suite) number was entered but the address does not have secondaries. (Deprecated - See AS23) |
AS - Address Status |
Foreign Address |
The address is in a non-supported country. |
AV - Address Verification |
Administrative Area Partial |
The address has been partially verified to the Administrative Area (State) Level, which is NOT the highest level possible with the reference data. |
Locality Partial |
The address has been partially verified to the Locality (City) Level, which is NOT the highest level possible with the reference data. |
Thoroughfare Partial |
The address has been partially verified to the Thoroughfare (Street) Level, which is NOT the highest level possible with the reference data. |
Premise Partial |
The address has been partially verified to the Premise (House or Building) Level, which is NOT the highest level possible with the reference data. |
Administrative Area Full |
The address has been verified to the Administrative Area (State) Level, which is the highest level possible with the reference data. |
Locality Full |
The address has been verified to the Locality (City) Level, which is the highest level possible with the reference data. |
Thoroughfare Full |
The address has been verified to the Thoroughfare (Street) Level, which is the highest level possible with the reference data. |
Premises Full |
The address has been verified to the Premise (House or Building) Level, which is the highest level possible with the reference data. |
SubPremises Full |
The address has been verified to the SubPremise (Suite) or PO Box Level, which is the highest level possible with the reference data. |
GS - Geocode Status |
Geocoded to Street Level |
The record was coded to the street level (Zip+4 for US, full postal code for CA). |
Geocoded to the Neighborhood Level |
The record was geocoded down to neighborhood level (Zip+2 for US). |
Geocoded to Community Level |
The record was coded to the community level (ZIP centroid for US, 3-digit postal code for CA). |
Geocoded to State Level |
The record was geocoded to the state (administrative area) level. |
Geocoded to Rooftop Level |
The record was geocoded down to the rooftop level, meaning the point is within the property boundaries, usually the center. |
Geocoded to Interpolated Rooftop Level |
The record was geocoded down to the rooftop level using interpolation (educated estimations using street coordinates). The point may be in or close to the property boundaries. |
GE - Geocode Error |
Regional Geocode Not Found |
Geocode could not be appended for the input locality or postal code. |
No Geocode for Input Address |
The input address did not provide enough valid information to append a geocode. |
Record Level Product Codes#
Code |
Description |
Address Type US |
Alias |
Firm or Company |
General Delivery |
Highrise or Business Complex |
PO Box |
Rural Route |
Street or Residential |
Address Type Canada |
Street |
Street Served by Route and GD |
Lock Box |
Route Service |
General Delivery |
LVR Street |
Government Street |
LVR Lock Box |
Government Lock Box |
LVR General Delivery |
Building |
Address Type Austria |
A door number (Tür) is expected for this address to be considered complete. |
Address Type France |
This address is a CEDEX address. These are addresses classified as “Courier d’entreprise à distribution exceptionnelle” or “special business mail” by La Poste. They are given their own postal priority and usually large organizations. |
Address Type Great Britain |
This address is identified as having a large user postal code. This is due to the large volume of mail received at that address, or because a PO Box or Selectapost service has been set up. |
This address is identified as having a smaller user postal code. This means this postal code will have usually around 15 delivery points but never more than 100. |
Address Type Switzerland |
Domicile and specialist addresses |
Domicile addresses only |
Specialist postcodes only |
Company postcodes |
In-house Swiss Post postcodes (delivery post office information on bundle labels or bag addresses). |
Delivery Indicator Code |
Residence |
Business |
Unknown |
Postal Code Type |
Regular postal code |
Military Postal Code |
PO Box Postal Code |
Unique Postal Code usually assigned to a large organization or government institution. |