Quick Start Guide#
For detailed instructions, please refer to the pdf
The New Mailers+4 Setup includes the options to install the full Mailers+4 Desktop Professional (mp4_YYYYMM.zip), Mailers+4 Server (previously found in mp4Svr_YYYYMM.zip), and GeoCoder add-on (previously found in Geocoder_YYYYMM.zip).

Desktop Install#
Install the Full-version of Mailers+4 Desktop Professional to local desktop.
Select the “Mailers+4 Professional” radio button to install both the Mailers+4 Desktop program and data files to the local C drive.
[Optional] Check the box next to “GeoCoder add-on†” to install both Mailers+4 Desktop with GeoCoder add-on files.
Server Individual Workstation Install#
Install Mailers+4 Server Client - Step 2: Install Mailers+4 Desktop Server to an individual workstation from the Shared Directory.
Select the “Program Files Only for Server Client” radio button to install the Mailers+4 Desktop Program application to the local workstation (client) from the installed shared directory completed in Step 1.
Please Note: You will have to select the correct directory to install to in the previous screen.
†The GeoCoder add-on enables Address records with ZIP+4 , ZIP+2 or 5-digit ZIP to append the following to mailing lists:
Latitude & Longitude coordinates up to 6 decimal places (instead of 2 digits with Address Check alone).
Census Tract, Census Block, Place Code, Place Name, GeoCoder Result Codes, FIPS Codes, & County Names.
Use with a Mapping Program and Census database to plot customer locations geographically and identify demographic patterns in your list.