Reference Guide#
The SSN Name Match Web Service validates First and Last Names against Social Security Numbers for verification.
Base URL#
The License Key is a software key required to use the web service. You will receive your license key from your Melissa representative. If you don’t have a license key, contact the Melissa sales team by Requesting a Demo or by calling 800-MELISSA ext. 3 (800-635-4772 ext. 3). Without a license key, SSN Name Match will not function.
To set the license key, use the id/CustomerID property in your requests.
Check if the Social Security Number is within the acceptable range, and match against the First and Last Name.
Try It Now#
curl -X GET "\
&ssn=111222333" \
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '{
"CustomerID": {{customerId}},
"Records": [
"FirstName": "John",
"FullName":"John Doe",
"LastName": "Doe",
"RecordID": "1",
"SSN": "111222333"
Request Parameters#
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
Sets the format of the response. |
This is a string value containing the License Key issued to the customer by Melissa Data for the web service. |
Optional. Serves as a unique request identifier. |
Record Level Parameters |
The given (first) name. |
This field can contain a full name. We will parse and check Names only if the First Name and Last Name fields are left blank. |
The family (last) name. |
This is a string value containing the Social Security Number. All hyphens are ignored when submitting the SSN. We recommended using only numbers when submitting the SSN. |
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
Optional. Serves as a unique request identifier. |
This is a string value containing the License Key issued to the customer by Melissa Data for the web service. |
Record Level Parameters |
The given (first) name. |
This field can contain a full name. We will parse and check Names only if the First Name and Last Name fields are left blank. |
The family (last) name. |
This is a string value containing a unique identifier for the current record. Use this to match the record submitted with the record returned. It will return what is inputted. |
This is a string value containing the Social Security Number. All hyphens are ignored when submitting the SSN. We recommended using only numbers when submitting the SSN. |
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"IssuingState":"New York",
"IssuingState":"New York",
Service Level Response Fields#
Output Name |
Description |
Version |
The current service version number. |
TransmissionReference |
A pass-through of the input TransmissionReference field. |
TransmissionResults |
Lists error codes from any errors caused by the most recent request as a whole. |
TotalRecords |
Total number of records. |
Record Level Response Fields#
Output Name |
Description |
RecordID |
The number of the record. Always 1 for a single request, otherwise it serves as an index of the array of records. |
Returned string value of the Social Security Number submitted for validation. |
IssuingState |
A string value of the issued state calculated by using the SSN Area Number (first 3 digits of the SSN). |
Results |
Comma delimited status, error codes, and change codes for the record. |
Input Best Practices#
This service can deal with multiple languages and scripts. It expects UTF-8 encoding. Be on the lookout for question marks (?), squares (▖) or other unwanted characters like �. They may be an indication of encoding issues and may result in data loss. Bad encoding or character loss is not something our service can correct for you.
Result Codes#
Melissa products use a result code system to indicate data quality; the status and any errors. These result codes are four-character codes (two letters followed by two numbers), delimited by commas. Result code definitions are shared among Melissa Data products.
Understanding the Code#
To fully understand result codes, you need to know them. Knowing what codes are possible and what they indicate will be key in building an effective application. It is useful to know all the codes, but this does not necessarily mean you will use them all. Just because you have a toolbox, doesn’t mean you will also try to use a screwdriver along with a hammer on a nail.