

Melissa Address Validation: Shopify gives you easy access to Melissa’s powerful address verification to ensure better address accuracy.

You can use Melissa Address Validation to:

  • Validate customer shipping addresses.

  • Identify and notify potential address issues.

  • Offer suggestions for corrected shipping addresses.

  • Reduce number of incorrect shipping addresses.

Installation Steps#

Melissa Address Validation Setup Guide

  1. Under the Sales channels group, select Online Store, where Themes will be automatically opened.

    ../../_images/shopify-setup-step1-1.png ../../_images/shopify-setup-step1-2.png

  2. Find your Current theme and select Customize.


  3. Open the Home page drop down menu.

    1. And select Checkout and new customer accounts to change the page.


  4. Select Add app block at the bottom of the Information pane on the left.


  5. Select the Melissa Address Validation block.


  6. Drag the block under Shipping address.


  7. Add the Melissa Address Validation block to the Payment page.

    1. Select Payment.

    2. Select Add App block.

    3. Select the Melissa Address Validation block.

    4. Drag the block under Remember me.


  8. Add the Melissa Address Validation block to the Thank You page.

    1. Select Thank You.

    2. Select Add App block.

    3. Select the Melissa Address Validation block.

    4. Drag the block under Order details, above Order status.


  9. Add the Melissa Address Validation block to the Order status page.

    1. Select Order status.

    2. Select Add App block.

    3. Select the Melissa Address Validation block.

    4. Drag the block under Customer information.


  10. Setup Complete.

Installation Verification#

Once you’ve successfully set up Melissa Address Validation in Shopify, it should now verify input shipping addresses.

  1. When an incomplete address is entered:

  2. When there is a suggestion address correction:


    The color indicates the type of changes. In this example, Blue is a minor change, while Red is a major type of change in the correction.

    (NOTE: Color may vary depending on the main theme of the store)

  3. When there are possible shipping issues:

    1. These warnings are carried through to the order status page:


App Setup on Checkout Page#

These steps will guide you in getting the Melissa Addres Auto Complete app working on your checkout page after installation.

  1. Customize your theme by going to your Current Theme.

  2. On the top menu, click the drop-down icon and select Checkout and new customer accounts.

  3. Go to Settings by clicking the gear icon and select Melissa Address Validation under Address autocompletion and Save your theme.

  4. You’re all set. You should start seeing address suggestions from Melissa Address Autocompletion.
