Lightning Quick Actions#
Quick actions allow CleanSuite users to quickly process single records on demand in one click of the mouse.
These actions are available for the following CleanSuite services: Personator, BusinessCoder, Global Address, Global Email, and Global Phone.
Set Up#
Setting up quick actions is fast and easy.
Start by navigating into Salesforce Setup, then head into the Object Manager and select the object you wish to add a Lightning Quick Action to. In this example we are using the Contact object.
Select Buttons, Links, and Actions and click New Action.
In the Action Type dropdown choose Lightning Component.
In the Lightning Component dropdown set the component as desired. In this example, we are using Personator so we selected
. Set Label, name, and description as desired. Note that the Label field is how the button will display to your users. Click Save when you are done.Navigate back to the Object Manager and select the object we were working with again. In this example we select Contact because we are working with the Contact Object.
Select Page Layouts and choose the Layout you wish to modify.
In the Layout menu, select the Mobile & Lightning Actions category. Find the button we created in step #4 and drag it into the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section as desired. When done, click Save at the top.
Navigate to the object we just modified and confirm that our lightning quick action is available.
Clicking with the mapping setup correctly, clicking the lightning quick action button will populate the following fields Other Address, Personator Result Codes, and Clean Suite Personator Result fields:
In the Other Address field, not only was it populated with the response from Personator, it also standardized the address by changing the first letter of the street name to upper case and adding plus-4 on postal code.
Values in Personator Result Codes provides information about the validity of the address.
Values in Clean Suite Personator Result provides a hyperlink to view all the information available from Personator response.
Before validation |
After validation |
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Lightning Lookups#
Lightning Lookups provide a one stop shop for quickly storing and displaying the contents of a CleanSuite response. These lookups can be mapped in the Lightning Components page to provide a clear view of the CleanSuite process.
Set Up#
Start by navigating into Salesforce Setup, then head into the Object Manager and select the object you wish to add a Lightning Lookup to.
Select Fields & Relationships and click New
Select Lookup Relationship and click Next
Select the service you wish to get results from in the Related To drop-down. For instance, if you want the personator results, you would choose
Clean Suite Personator Result
and click NextChoose a Field Name and description if desired. Verify all settings are correct and click Next
Set security settings as required and click Next
Set page layouts as desired and click Next
Set lists as desired and click Save
Congratulations! You now successfully added a CleanSuite Response Field! Now navigate to the Clean Suite Advanced Mappings tab to make use of the new field.
Select a previous mapping or create a new one using the Getting Started with Lightning Components guide.
Click the [Object] Lookup Field and select your new custom created Lookup Field.
Best Practices#
Make sure that the Lookup Field and Mapping use the same Clean Suite Service. For instance, a Personator Lookup should be mapped on a Personator Mapping.
Salesforce Objects can have multiple CleanSuite lookups mapped to them. For instance, you may have Global Email, Global Phone, and Personator Lookups all mapped to the Contact object.
Lookups can be used to store results without overwriting them. Instead of choosing the Input field as your Output, you can output all results to a lookup. This way your data will never be modified by CleanSuite.
Lightning Global Express Entry#
This is the Clean Suite for Salesforce Express Entry Lightning Component Installation Guide.
Set Up#
Navigate to an object record of the type you want to add express entry to. In this example we’ll use the Contact object and begin by navigating to a random contact.
Click the gear icon at the top and select Edit Page.
Find the CS ExpressEntry Lightning Component on the left hand pane and drag it anywhere you like on your page.
Click the CleanSuite ExpressEntry lightning component you just added to the page. This will open up the configuration panel on the right.
Fill out the name of the fields you want to bind the output to. You can also change other settings at this point to fit your usage.
Once you finish configuring the component, click Save at the top to confirm your changes.
Click the Back button at the top to navigate back to the object. We can now confirm that ExpressEntry works by typing in the Street field.
Clean Suite Advanced Mappings#
A Clean Suite Mapping or Mapping for short is a configuration specifying what data to look at and what to do with it. Each mapping is tied to a specific Salesforce object, either standard or custom as well as a Melissa Webservice. Mappings consist of two columns, Input and Output.
A mapping must be created before processing data through Clean Suite. This is how we know what data to work with.
In the screenshot below we can see a Personator Contact Mapping named Mailing Address Verification
The input column on the left specifies which data to send to the Personator service and the output column on the right specifies what to do with that data.

Set Up#
Click the text box under SELECT OBJECT TYPE and type in the name of the Salesforce object you wish to work with. Select the object from the drop down.
Select the Melissa Webservice you wish to use by clicking one of the buttons under ADD NEW MAPPING.
You will be prompted to name your new mapping. It is recommended to create a name that is memorable to you such as
Mailing Address Verification
.Select the inputs you wish to use by clicking the text box and typing. Select from the drop down.
Do the same for the outputs you wish to use as well.
Click Save All when done.
Clean Suite Batch Processing#
Clean Suite Batch Processing can quickly and easily process multiple records at once all within an easy to use interface. Follow the steps below to learn how.
Set Up#
Select an Engine Select the engine you wish to process your records with.
Select an Object Select the object type you wish to work with. Standard and Custom objects are fully supported.
Select a Mapping
Type in the name of the mapping you wish to use to process your records. The mapping must be defined for the Object Type that you are processing on.
To learn more about mappings visit Clean Suite Advanced Mappings.Define Batch Conditions
Here we can decide how we want our records to be processed.
There are 3 options to choose from here:Process all records – Process every record for the object type we defined.
Process only unvalidated records – Process every record that does not have a result object associated with it for the object type we defined.
Process records in Custom Query – When selected, shows a custom query box allowing user to enter a SOQL query to specify exactly which records to process.
Start Batch Job
Finally we can click the Start Batch Job button to kick off our batch job.
Your job status can be found under the Apex Jobs Salesforce setup page.
Visualforce Pages#
Installing Visualforce Pages#
VisualForce pages (for use with Contact objects) for the Personator component are already included with Clean Suite. To add this component into your Contacts, use your Setup menu.
A guide to find this within Salesforce can be found here
Go to Customize -> Buttons, Links, and Actions:
The Visualforce page that we’ve provided is designed for use with the View action, so click Edit next to View:
Next to Override With, select the Visualforce page containing the component that you would like to use:
Here you can select which Visualforce page to replace your view by picking which Clean Suite component that you would like to use:
Global Address Verification
You don’t have to use the Visualforce pages provided with Clean Suite. If you need to customize them or adapt functionality in some other way (for example, using the Personator component for your Contact objects or Property component for a custom object), you can simply use the included Visualforce pages as a template by opening them and viewing the Visualforce markup. You can then copy and paste the markup into your own custom Visualforce page and change the way they look or create your own Personator/Property/Global Address Verification components for your own custom objects.
For more information on Custom Visualforce pages, see Custom Visualforce Pages below.
Custom Visualforce Pages#
Clean Suite already provides Visualforce pages to use with Contact objects within Salesforce. If you would like to apply your own customizations or create new pages for other objects, please follow this guide as a model for customization. In this section, we will be creating a new Visualforce to use with Lead objects, using one of the included Visualforce pages for Personator as a template.
A guide to find this within Salesforce can be found here
To start off, go to your Setup menu.
Next, go to Develop > Pages:
You should see a list of Visualforce pages that currently exist within your Salesforce organization. The ones installed by Clean Suite will exist within the MDPESRONATOR namespace. Go ahead and click on the name MD_personatorContact.
In the following page you should see the markup for the MD_personatorContact Visualforce page. Highlight and select all the markup starting from <apex:page> down to the closing </apex:page> and copy it.
Go back to Develop > Pages and now click on the New button.
In the new window, paste in the Visualforce markup that we copied from MD_personatorContact. Replace the appearances of Contact in the markup with Lead. Give an appropriate Label and Name for the Visualforce page. Here’s an example of our new Personator Visualforce page for Leads:
Save the new page. You can now add this Visualforce page to your Leads. For instructions on how to do this, see Installing Visualforce Pages.
Result Code Status Indicator#
The Clean Suite Result Code Indicator is a lightning component that can quickly display information to the user about the quality of a record. The component is drag and drop ready, and fully customizable. It can display various messages and colors depending on the value of a field. It is designed to work with [Melissa Result Codes] that return from webservice calls. However, it can be tied to any field you wish within salesforce that contains a text value.

Set Up#
To set up the component, first visit a record for which you want to add the component to.
Click the gear icon at the top right.
Click Edit Page from the drop down menu.
On the left hand side in the Components tab, find the CS ResultCodeIndicator.
Drag the component onto the page wherever, you would like on the page.
Configuring the component#
While still on the page editor, we can now customize the component to our liking
Click the newly added Result Status Indicator component to open the settings.
On the right hand pane, you will see various text boxes and descriptions of what each option does.Title allows us to specify the tile for our component. In our case we chose Address Verification because we want to display address related messages.
Field Name is the field on our record that we wish the component to monitor. Make sure to use the fully verified API name for your field. In our case, we are using MDPERSONATOR__PersonatorResults__c. This will vary depending on how you have configured your Salesforce org.
Invalid Record Message allows us to specify a message when the invalid formula is true.
Invalid Record REGEX allows us to specify a regular expression, that matches against the Field Name set above. When this REGEX returns as a match, our message is displayed as well as the color we have defined. For this example, we chose AE which matches any result code containing AE ex: AE01, AE09, etc.
Invalid Record Color allows us to specify a HEX color that we wish for the Result Code Indicator to display, indicating we have a match. The color we have selected is a nice shade of RED.
Continue customizing the form for Partially Valid and Valid fields.
When done, click the SAVE button at the top right.
One setup is complete, we should now see a status indicator displaying the appropriate message for our field’s value. In the example below, we have three components, displaying messages for Address, Phone, and Email.

Recomended Patterns#
The following patterns can be used as a starting point for users who are not sure what REGEX patterns to use.
Invalid |
Partially Valid |
Valid |
Personator |
AE |
AS0[2] |
AS0[1,3] |
Global Address Verification |
AE |
AV1[1-5]|AV2[1-3] |
AV2[4-5] |
Global Email |
EE |
ES03 |
ES01|ES2[1-2] |
Global Phone |
PE |
PS20 |
PS01|PS22 |
Result Code Use#
Melissa’s products use a result code system to indicate data quality; the status and any errors. These result codes are four-character codes (two letters followed by two numbers), delimited by commas. Result code definitions are shared among Melissa products.
An example returned result code string: AS01,AS14
Instead of looking at multiple properties and methods to determine status, you can look at the output of the results parameter.
From this output you can determine that the address is:
Code |
Short Description |
Long Description |
AS01 |
Address Fully Verified |
The address is valid and deliverable according to official postal agencies. |
AS14 |
Suite Appended |
US Only. A suite was appended by SuiteLink™ using the address and company name. |
Be sure to reference Result Code Details for a list of Melissa’s result codes.
Understanding the Code
To fully understand result codes, you need to know them. Knowing what codes are possible and what they indicate will be key in building an effective application. It is useful to know all the codes, but this does not necessarily mean you will use them all. Just because you have a toolbox, doesn’t mean you will also try to use a screwdriver along with a hammer on a nail.