Reference Guide#
The Melissa Property cloud service provides information about a given parcel of property, including: assessed value, last sale price, current mortgage, physical dimensions of land, and square footage. You can use Property to lookup properties by address, county FIPS and APN or via the new Melissa Address Key (MAK) in real time. You can also find the owner’s name, address and value of the home, learn about the various properties and characteristics of a property, search through historical deeds for a home to see past buyers and sales, and find other properties owned by a homeowner.
Base URL#
The License Key is a software key required to use the web service. You will receive your license key from your Melissa representative. If you don’t have a license key, contact the Melissa sales team by Requesting a Demo or by calling 800-MELISSA ext. 3 (800-635-4772 ext. 3). Without a license key, Property will not function.
To set the license key, use the id/CustomerID property in your requests.
The Property LookupDeeds endpoint returns an array of deeds and/or transactions from the recorder table when given either a deed transaction ID or the FIPs and APN.
Try It Now#
curl -X GET "\
&format=JSON" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '{
"TransmissionReference": "Test",
"CustomerId": "{{customerId}}",
"Columns": "",
"Options": "page:1",
"PropertyMAK": "",
"FIPS": "",
"APN": "",
"FreeForm": "710 Winston Ln Sugar Land TX"
curl -X GET "\
&format=XML" \
-H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
-H "Accept: application/xml"
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
-H "Accept: application/xml" \
-d '<LooupDeedsRequest>
<FreeForm>710 Winston Ln Sugar Land TX</FreeForm>
Request Parameters#
Minimum Inputs#
The following are the possible minimum input requirements:
Property MAK
Transaction ID
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
cols |
Specifies which column(s) to be output as a comma delimited string. See Columns for more information. |
format |
Desired format of the response. Possible values are |
id |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
opt |
t |
Optional. This is a string value that serves as a unique identifier for this set of records. It is returned as sent. |
Record Level Parameters |
apn |
Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) for the property. |
fips |
Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code for the property. |
ff |
Free form address for the property. |
mak |
A propietary unique key identifier for an address derived from Address Checking. |
txid |
Deprecated. Specific transaction ID to specify one deed or transaction. |
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
Columns |
Specifies which column(s) to be output as a comma delimited string. See Columns for more information. |
Format |
Desired format of the response. Possible values are |
CustomerId |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
Options |
TransmissionReference |
Optional. This is a string value that serves as a unique identifier for this set of records. It is returned as sent. |
Record Level Parameters |
Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) for the property. |
Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code for the property. |
FreeForm |
Free form address for the property. |
PropertyMAK |
A propietary unique key identifier for an address derived from Address Checking. |
TransactionID |
Deprecated. Specific transaction ID to specify one deed or transaction. |
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
cols |
Specifies which column(s) to be output as a comma delimited string. See Columns for more information. |
format |
Desired format of the response. Possible values are |
id |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
opt |
t |
Optional. This is a string value that serves as a unique identifier for this set of records. It is returned as sent. |
Record Level Parameters |
apn |
Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) for the property. |
fips |
Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code for the property. |
ff |
Free form address for the property. |
mak |
A propietary unique key identifier for an address derived from Address Checking. |
txid |
Deprecated. Specific transaction ID to specify one deed or transaction. |
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
Columns |
Specifies which column(s) to be output as a comma delimited string. See Columns for more information. |
Format |
Desired format of the response. Possible values are |
CustomerId |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
Options |
TransmissionReference |
Optional. This is a string value that serves as a unique identifier for this set of records. It is returned as sent. |
Record Level Parameters |
Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) for the property. |
Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code for the property. |
FreeForm |
Free form address for the property. |
PropertyMAK |
A propietary unique key identifier for an address derived from Address Checking. |
TransactionID |
Deprecated. Specific transaction ID to specify one deed or transaction. |
Entering the column name will return the column. Specifying a group name will return all columns in the group.
Delimit multiple columns with a ,
Group Name |
Included Fields |
GrpAll |
Recommended. Indicates to the web service that all fields should be returned. |
GrpDocInfo - Deed document information |
GrpTxDefInfo - Deed transaction details & info |
GrpTxAmtInfo - Deed transaction amount info |
GrpPrimaryGrantor - Primary deed grantor names |
GrpSecondaryGrantor (Deprecated) - Secondary deed grantor names |
GrpPrimaryGrantee - Primary deed grantee names |
GrpSecondaryGrantee (Deprecated) - Secondary deed grantee names |
GrpTitleCompInfo - Title company info |
GrpMortgage1 - First mortgage info |
GrpMortgage2 (Deprecated) - Second mortgage info |
GrpValuation (Deprecated) - Estimated down payment and LTV values |
List options in the following format, with multiple options delimited with a ,
This options allows Property V4 to specify which “page” to return. Pagination only kicks in if this option is specified in the request. If the Page option is not specified, the web service should return back all deeds sorted in descending order by recording & instrument date.
Parameter |
Description |
Specifies which “page” to return. Acceptable values are any integer. |
This options allows Property V4 to set the records per “page”.
Parameter |
Description |
Default set to |
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: application/xml
"Version": "",
"TransmissionReference": "Test",
"Results": "YS07",
"TotalRecords": 1,
"Records": [
"DocInfo": {
"RecordingDate": "20221222"
"TxDefInfo": {
"TransactionType": "21"
"TxAmtInfo": {
"TransferAmount": "0.00"
"PropertyAddress": {},
"PrimaryGrantor": {
"Name1Full": "Mohammad A Jamal",
"Name2Full": "Farida M Jamal"
"SecondaryGrantor": {},
"PrimaryGrantee": {
"Name1Full": "Rogelio Ramirez Sr.",
"Name2Full": "Kimberly Ramirez"
"SecondaryGrantee": {},
"TitleCompInfo": {
"StandardizedName": "Texas American Title Co."
"Mortgage1": {
"RecordingDate": "20221222",
"Type": "",
"Amount": "0",
"LenderFullName": "",
"TermDate": "",
"InterestRate": "0.0000"
"Mortgage2": {},
"Valuation": {}
"Version": "",
"TransmissionReference": "Test",
"Results": "YS07",
"TotalRecords": 1,
"Records": [
"DocInfo": {
"RecordingDate": "20221222"
"TxDefInfo": {
"TransactionType": "21"
"TxAmtInfo": {
"TransferAmount": "0.00"
"PropertyAddress": {},
"PrimaryGrantor": {
"Name1Full": "Mohammad A Jamal",
"Name2Full": "Farida M Jamal"
"SecondaryGrantor": {},
"PrimaryGrantee": {
"Name1Full": "Rogelio Ramirez Sr.",
"Name2Full": "Kimberly Ramirez"
"SecondaryGrantee": {},
"TitleCompInfo": {
"StandardizedName": "Texas American Title Co."
"Mortgage1": {
"RecordingDate": "20221222",
"Type": "",
"Amount": "0",
"LenderFullName": "",
"TermDate": "",
"InterestRate": "0.0000"
"Mortgage2": {},
"Valuation": {}
<PropertyAddress />
<Name1Full>Mohammad A Jamal</Name1Full>
<Name2Full>Farida M Jamal</Name2Full>
<SecondaryGrantor />
<Name1Full>Rogelio Ramirez Sr.</Name1Full>
<Name2Full>Kimberly Ramirez</Name2Full>
<SecondaryGrantee />
<StandardizedName>Texas American Title Co.</StandardizedName>
<Type />
<LenderFullName />
<TermDate />
<Mortgage2 />
<Valuation />
<PropertyAddress />
<Name1Full>Mohammad A Jamal</Name1Full>
<Name2Full>Farida M Jamal</Name2Full>
<SecondaryGrantor />
<Name1Full>Rogelio Ramirez Sr.</Name1Full>
<Name2Full>Kimberly Ramirez</Name2Full>
<SecondaryGrantee />
<StandardizedName>Texas American Title Co.</StandardizedName>
<Type />
<LenderFullName />
<TermDate />
<Mortgage2 />
<Valuation />
Service Level Response Fields#
Output Name |
Description |
Results |
Lists error codes from any errors caused by the most recent request as a whole. |
TotalRecords |
Total number of records. |
TransactionID |
A unique string identifier for this record. A unique transaction ID is generated for every record handled. |
TransmissionReference |
Optional. Serves as a unique request identifier. |
Version |
The current service version number. |
Record Level Response Fields#
See GrpDocInfo for service codes related to this group.
Output Name |
Description |
Book |
The document number book. This can contain either the recorder document book or the legal description book. |
InstrumentDate |
The execution date with the format: |
InstrumentNumber |
If the document is indexed by a recorder’s reference number, this will contain that number. Usually the year will not be added to this field unless there is a regional requirement. |
NumberFormatted (Deprecated) |
The document number based on the document book, page, or instrument number. |
NumberLegacy (Deprecated) |
The document number from a previous platform, if different than NumberFormatted. |
Page |
The document number page. This can contain either the recorder document page or the legal description page. |
RecordingDate |
The official filing date with the format: |
TypeCode |
The type of document. E.g. grand deed, quit claim, etc. |
See GrpTxDefInfo for service codes related to this group.
Output Name |
Description |
ArmsLengthFlag |
Specifies the transfer was between two unrelated parties. |
ForeclosureAuctionSale |
Specifies if the transaction was due to a foreclosure auction. |
PartialInterest |
Specifies what percentage of the legal ownership was transferred. |
QuitclaimFlag |
Specifies if the transaction is a Quit claim. |
TransactionType |
The transaction type. |
TransferInfoDistressCircumstanceCode |
A distress scenario code. |
TransferInfoMultiParcelFlag |
Specifies if the transaction has multiple parcels. |
TransferInfoPurchaseTypeCode (Deprecated) |
The type of resale transaction. E.g. construction, subdivision, etc. |
See GrpTxAmtInfo for service codes related to this group.
Output Name |
Description |
TransferAmount |
The amount, in dollars, of consideration in an ownership changing transaction. |
TransferAmountInfoAccuracy |
The type of transaction. |
TransferTaxCounty |
This amount is a rate levied by the state per $1,000 of consideration paid in the transaction. Often this is a transfer tax stamp on the document. This may be the full sales price or only the equity transferred with any new financing, depending on the state. |
TransferTaxTotal |
The total of the city and county transfer tax amounts. Unique to some regions. |
See GrpPrimaryGrantor for service codes related to this group.
Output Name |
Description |
Name1ClassType |
Decribes the class of the primary seller based off of the name and vesting. E.g. individual, trust, company. |
Name1First |
The first name of the primary seller. |
Name1Full |
The full name of the primary seller. |
Name1Last |
The last name of the primary seller. |
Name1LegalType |
The legal ownership type of the primary seller. E.g. married, beneficiary, etc. |
Name1Middle |
The parsed middle name or initial of the primary seller. |
Name1Suffix |
The suffix of the primary seller. E.g. Jr, III, etc. |
Name2ClassType |
Decribes the class of the secondary seller based off of the name and vesting. E.g. individual, trust, company. |
Name2First |
The first name of the secondary seller. |
Name2Full |
The full name of the secondary seller. |
Name2Last |
The last name of the secondary seller. |
Name2LegalType |
The legal ownership type of the secondary seller. E.g. married, beneficiary, etc. |
Name2Middle |
The parsed middle name or initial of the secondary seller. |
Name2Suffix |
The suffix of the secondary seller. E.g. Jr, III, etc. |
GrpSecondaryGrantor (Deprecated)#
See GrpSecondaryGrantor for service codes related to this group.
Output Name |
Description |
Name3ClassType (Deprecated) |
Decribes the class of the third seller based off of the name and vesting. E.g. individual, trust, company. |
Name3First (Deprecated) |
The first name of the third seller. |
Name3Full (Deprecated) |
The full name of the third seller. |
Name3Last (Deprecated) |
The last name of the third seller. |
Name3Middle (Deprecated) |
The parsed middle name or initial of the third seller. |
Name3Suffix (Deprecated) |
The suffix of the third seller. E.g. Jr, III, etc. |
Name4ClassType (Deprecated) |
Decribes the class of the fourth seller based off of the name and vesting. E.g. individual, trust, company. |
Name4First (Deprecated) |
The first name of the fourth seller. |
Name4Full (Deprecated) |
The full name of the fourth seller. |
Name4Last (Deprecated) |
The last name of the fourth seller. |
Name4Middle (Deprecated) |
The parsed middle name or initial of the fourth seller. |
Name4Suffix (Deprecated) |
The suffix of the fourth seller. E.g. Jr, III, etc. |
See GrpPrimaryGrantee for service codes related to this group.
Output Name |
Description |
Name1ClassType |
Decribes the class of the primary buyer or borrower based off of the name and vesting. E.g. individual, trust, company. |
Name1First |
The first name of the primary buyer or borrower. This will be blank if this is not an individual. |
Name1Full |
The full name of the primary buyer or borrower. |
Name1Last |
The last name of the primary buyer or borrower. This will be the full name if this is not an individual. |
Name1LegalType |
The legal ownership type of the primary buyer or borrower. E.g. married, beneficiary, etc. |
Name1Middle |
The parsed middle name or initial of the primary buyer or borrower. |
Name1Suffix |
The suffix of the primary buyer or borrower. E.g. Jr, III, etc. |
Name2ClassType |
Decribes the class of the secondary buyer or borrower based off of the name and vesting. E.g. individual, trust, company. |
Name2First |
The first name of the secondary buyer or borrower. This will be blank if this is not an individual. |
Name2Full |
The full name of the secondary buyer or borrower. |
Name2Last |
The last name of the secondary buyer or borrower. This will be the full name if this is not an individual. |
Name2Middle |
The parsed middle name or initial of the secondary buyer or borrower. |
Name2Suffix |
The suffix of the secondary buyer or borrower. E.g. Jr, III, etc. |
GrpSecondaryGrantee (Deprecated)#
Output Name |
Description |
Name3ClassType (Deprecated) |
Decribes the class of the third buyer or borrower based off of the name and vesting. E.g. individual, trust, company. |
Name3First (Deprecated) |
The first name of the third buyer or borrower. This will be blank if this is not an individual. |
Name3Full (Deprecated) |
The full name of the third buyer or borrower. |
Name3Last (Deprecated) |
The last name of the third buyer or borrower. This will be the full name if this is not an individual. |
Name3Middle (Deprecated) |
The parsed middle name or initial of the third buyer or borrower. |
Name3Suffix (Deprecated) |
The suffix of the third buyer or borrower. E.g. Jr, III, etc. |
Name4ClassType (Deprecated) |
Decribes the class of the fourth buyer or borrower based off of the name and vesting. E.g. individual, trust, company. |
Name4First (Deprecated) |
The first name of the fourth buyer or borrower. This will be blank if this is not an individual. |
Name4Full (Deprecated) |
The full name of the fourth buyer or borrower. |
Name4Last (Deprecated) |
The last name of the fourth buyer or borrower. This will be the full name if this is not an individual. |
Name4Middle (Deprecated) |
The parsed middle name or initial of the fourth buyer or borrower. |
Name4Suffix (Deprecated) |
The suffix of the fourth buyer or borrower. E.g. Jr, III, etc. |
Output Name |
Description |
StandardizedCode (Deprecated) |
The standard code identifying the title company. |
StandardizedName |
The standardized name of the title company. |
TitleCompanyRaw |
The entered name of the title company. This is not standardized. |
See GrpMortgage1 for service codes related to this group.
Output Name |
Description |
AdjustableRateIndex |
The benchmark interest rate the first mortgage’s adjustable rate is based on. |
AdjustableRateRiderFlag |
Specifies if the property has an adjustable rate mortgage rider, where the loan interest rate will change on a set date. |
Amount |
The loan amount of the first mortgage. |
Book |
The first mortgage number book. This can contain either the recorder document book or the legal description book. |
DocNumberFormatted |
The first mortgage number based on the book, page, or instrument number. |
DocNumberLegacy (Deprecated) |
The first mortgage loan instrument, book, or page number located on the first sequence trust deed. |
FixedStepConvRate (Deprecated) |
The interest rate change in a fixed step conversion mortgage for the first mortgage. |
InstrumentNumber |
If the first mortgage is indexed by a recorder’s reference number, this will contain that number. Usually the year will not be added to this field unless there is a regional requirement. |
InterestChangeFreq |
The frequency at which interest rates might change. |
InterestIndex (Deprecated) |
The benchmark interest rate the first mortgage’s rate is based on. |
InterestMargin |
The fixed percentage rate added to an index value to determine the fully indexed interest rate of an adjustable rate mortage for the first mortgage. |
InterestOnlyFlag |
Specifies if the first mortgage has an interest only period. |
InterestOnlyPeriod |
The length of the interest only period, in years. |
InterestRate |
The interest rate of the first mortgage. |
InterestRateMax |
The maximum interest rate allowed for the first mortgage, if it is an adjustable rate. |
InterestRateType |
The interest rate type for the first mortgage. |
InterestTypeChangeDate |
Specifies what date the loan will convert from a fixed interest rate to an adjustable interest rate in the format: |
InterestTypeInitial |
The initial type of interest rate on the first mortgage. E.g. fixed or adjustable. |
IsLenderSeller |
Specifies if the lender is also the seller for the first mortgage. |
LenderAddress (Deprecated) |
The address of the first mortgage lender. |
LenderCity (Deprecated) |
The city of the first mortgage lender. |
LenderCode (Deprecated) |
The standard ID code of the lender for the first mortgage. |
LenderFirstName |
The first name of the first mortgage lender. This will be the complete name if the lender is a company. |
LenderFullName |
The full standardized name of the lender for the first mortgage. |
LenderLastName |
The last name of the first mortgage lender. |
LenderState (Deprecated) |
The state of the first mortgage lender. |
LenderType |
The lender type for the first mortgage. |
LenderZip (Deprecated) |
The Zip code of the first mortgage lender. |
MaxInterestRateFirstChange |
The maximum interest rate allowed when the loan is switched from a fixed to an adjustable interest rate. |
MinInterestRateFirstChange |
The minimum interest rate allowed when the loan is switched from a fixed to an adjustable interest rate. |
Page |
The first mortgage number page. This can contain either the recorder document page or the legal description page. |
PrepaymentPenaltyFlag |
Specifies if the first mortgage has a pre-payment penalty. |
PrepaymentTerm |
The number of months the first mortgage must remain active. |
RecordingDate |
The first mortgage official filing date with the format: |
Term (Deprecated) |
The duration of the first mortgage. See the associated TermType to know the unit of measurement. |
TermDate |
The due date of the first mortage. |
TermType (Deprecated) |
The duration unit of measurement (month, year) for the first mortgage. See the associated Term to know the duration. |
Type |
The type of loan for the first mortgage. E.g. conventional, construction, FHA, etc. |
GrpMortgage2 (Deprecated)#
Output Name |
Description |
AdjustableRateIndex (Deprecated) |
The benchmark interest rate the second mortgage’s adjustable rate is based on. |
AdjustableRateRiderFlag (Deprecated) |
Specifies if the property has an adjustable rate mortgage rider, where the loan interest rate will change on a set date. |
Amount (Deprecated) |
The loan amount of the second mortgage. |
Book (Deprecated) |
The second mortgage number book. This can contain either the recorder document book or the legal description book. |
DocNumberFormatted (Deprecated) |
The second mortgage number based on the book, page, or instrument number. |
DocNumberLegacy (Deprecated) |
The second mortgage loan instrument, book, or page number located on the first sequence trust deed. |
FixedStepConvRate (Deprecated) |
The interest rate change in a fixed step conversion mortgage for the second mortgage. |
InstrumentNumber (Deprecated) |
If the second mortgage is indexed by a recorder’s reference number, this will contain that number. Usually the year will not be added to this field unless there is a regional requirement. |
InterestChangeFreq (Deprecated) |
The frequency at which interest rates might change. |
InterestIndex (Deprecated) |
The benchmark interest rate the second mortgage’s rate is based on. |
InterestMargin (Deprecated) |
The fixed percentage rate added to an index value to determine the fully indexed interest rate of an adjustable rate mortage for the second mortgage. |
InterestOnlyFlag (Deprecated) |
Specifies if the second mortgage has an interest only period. |
InterestOnlyPeriod (Deprecated) |
The length of the interest only period, in years. |
InterestRate (Deprecated) |
The interest rate of the second mortgage. |
InterestRateMax (Deprecated) |
The maximum interest rate allowed for the second mortgage, if it is an adjustable rate. |
InterestRateType (Deprecated) |
The interest rate type for the second mortgage. |
InterestTypeChangeDate (Deprecated) |
Specifies what date the loan will convert from a fixed interest rate to an adjustable interest rate in the format: |
InterestTypeInitial (Deprecated) |
The initial type of interest rate on the second mortgage. E.g. fixed or adjustable. |
IsLenderSeller (Deprecated) |
Specifies if the lender is also the seller for the second mortgage. |
LenderAddress (Deprecated) |
The address of the second mortgage lender. |
LenderCity (Deprecated) |
The city of the second mortgage lender. |
LenderCode (Deprecated) |
The standard ID code of the lender for the second mortgage. |
LenderFirstName (Deprecated) |
The first name of the second mortgage lender. This will be the complete name if the lender is a company. |
LenderFullName (Deprecated) |
The full standardized name of the lender for the second mortgage. |
LenderLastName (Deprecated) |
The last name of the second mortgage lender. |
LenderState (Deprecated) |
The state of the second mortgage lender. |
LenderType (Deprecated) |
The lender type for the second mortgage. |
LenderZip (Deprecated) |
The Zip code of the second mortgage lender. |
MaxInterestRateFirstChange (Deprecated) |
The maximum interest rate allowed when the loan is switched from a fixed to an adjustable interest rate. |
MinInterestRateFirstChange (Deprecated) |
The minimum interest rate allowed when the loan is switched from a fixed to an adjustable interest rate. |
Page (Deprecated) |
The second mortgage number page. This can contain either the recorder document page or the legal description page. |
PrepaymentPenaltyFlag (Deprecated) |
Specifies if the second mortgage has a pre-payment penalty. |
PrepaymentTerm (Deprecated) |
The number of months the second mortgage must remain active. |
RecordingDate (Deprecated) |
The second mortgage official filing date with the format: |
Term (Deprecated) |
The duration of the second mortgage. See the associated TermType to know the unit of measurement. |
TermDate (Deprecated) |
The due date of the second mortage. |
TermType (Deprecated) |
The duration unit of measurement (month, year) for the second mortgage. See the associated Term to know the duration. |
Type (Deprecated) |
The type of loan for the second mortgage. E.g. conventional, construction, FHA, etc. |
GrpValuation (Deprecated)#
Output Name |
Description |
EstDownPayment (Deprecated) |
The estimated down payment made at the time of purchase. |
EstLTV (Deprecated) |
The estimated loan to value at the time of purchase. |
Service Codes#
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
Affidavit of Death |
Assignment of Sub Agreement of Sale |
Assignment of Sub Lease |
Assignment of Commercial Lease |
Administrators Deed |
Affidavit |
Agreement of Sale |
Assessor Sales History |
Assignment of Agreement of Sale |
Assignment of Deed |
Affidavit of Trust or Trust Aggrement |
Assignment of Sub Commercial Lease |
Beneficiary Deed |
Bargain and Sale Deed |
Commissioners Assignment of Lease |
Condominium Deed |
Cash Sale Deed |
Commercial Lease |
Commissioners Deed |
Cancellation of Agreement of Sale |
Conservators Deed |
Corporation Deed |
Correction Deed |
Contract Sale |
Certificate of Transfer |
Deed Of Distribution |
Declaration |
Transfer on Death Deed |
Deed |
Deed of Guardian |
Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure |
Distress Sale |
Affidavit of Death |
Exchange |
Executors Deed |
Foreclosure |
Fiduciary Deed |
Grant Deed |
Gift Deed |
Ground Lease |
Individual Deed |
Intrafamily Transfer and Dissolution |
Joint Tenancy Deed |
Legal Action/Court Order |
Leasehold Conv. With Agreem. Of Sale (Fee Purchase) |
Land Contract |
Lease |
Assignment of Lease (Leasehold Sale) |
Leasehold Conv. w/An Agreement Of Sale |
Land Court |
Limited Warranty Deed |
Special Master Deed |
Other |
Public Action |
Partnership Deed |
Personal Representative Deed |
Quit Claim Deed |
Release/Satis. Of Agrem. Of Sale (Fee Property) |
Receivers Deed |
Redemption Deed |
Referee’s Deed - Used To Transfer Property Pursuant To A Foreclosure Sale In New York Counties |
Release/Satis. Of Agrem. Of Sale (Leasehold) |
Re-recorded Document |
REO Sale (REO Out) |
Sub Agreement of Sale |
Sub Commercial Lease |
Sheriffs Deed |
Sub Lease |
Affidavit Death of Trustee/Successor Trustee |
Survivorship Deed |
Special Warranty Deed |
Trustees Deed |
Vendors Lien |
Warranty Deed |
Transaction History Record |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
Unknown |
21 |
Resale |
43 |
New Construction |
109 |
Nominal - Non/Arms-Length Sale |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Transaction Was the Result of a Foreclosure Auction |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Quitclaim Document |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
Unknown |
7 |
Multiple Parcels Conveyed, Unknown Impact To Apn |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Arms Length Transaction |
2 |
Not at Arms-Length |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
102 |
Unknown |
103 |
Yes |
116 |
Ground Lease |
118 |
Multiple Parcels Conveyed With At Least One Parcel Being Conveyed A 100% Ownership Interest - The Others Are Different Interest (%) Less That 100%. |
119 |
Multiple Parcels Conveyed With Differing Ownership Interest (%), Each Being Less That 100% Interest. |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
111 |
Assessor Qualified Sale (not used for comps) |
112 |
Liens Exceed Value Or Assumption Of Loan. Liens/loans Involved In The Transaction Exceed Market Value. (not used for comps) |
113 |
Sales Price Manually Computed From The Transfer Tax, But The Transfer Tax Amounts Were Not Keyed Due To Field Length Limitations. (not used for comps) |
114 |
Sales Price Amount Or Transfer Tax To Compute Sales Price Is Blurred Or Unreadable. (not used for comps) |
115 |
Unable To Calculate Sales Price From Given Transfer Tax, Additional Information Is Needed. |
116 |
Non-arms Length Transaction. (not used for comps) |
117 |
Sales Price Or Transfer Tax Rounded By County Prior To Computation. Varies By County. (not used for comps) |
118 |
Sold For Taxes. (not used for comps) |
119 |
Unable To Calculate Sales Price From Given Transfer Tax, Additional Information Is Needed. (not used for comps) |
120 |
Transfer Tax On Document Indicated As Exempt. (not used for comps) |
121 |
Document States Price As “0”, “none”, “no Consideration”.( not used for comps) |
122 |
Sales Price Computed Using Current Excise Tax Rate For The Given Property City Name Appearing On The Transfer Record. (Washington State Only) (not used for comps) |
123 |
Full Amount Computed From Transfer Tax Or Excise Tax. (not used for comps) |
124 |
Full Amount Stated On Document. (not used for comps) |
125 |
Partial Amount Computed From Transfer Tax. (not used for comps) |
126 |
Sales Price Computed From Transfer Tax. No Indication Whether Tax Was Paid On Full Or Partial Consideration. (not used for comps) |
127 |
Comparable Market Value. (not used for comps) |
128 |
Exchange (Hawaii Documents – Special Transaction That Provides A Tax Advantage To The Parties Involved, May Cause Sales Price To Be Artificial.) (not used for comps) |
129 |
Full Amount From Assessment File, When Available. (not used for comps) |
130 |
Document States That Price/transfer Tax Is Not A Matter Of Public Record. (not used for comps) |
131 |
From Recorded Affidavit Of Value Or Verified. (not used for comps) |
132 |
Full Amount From Assessment File, When Available. |
133 |
Sales Price Amount Or Transfer Tax To Compute Sales Price Is Blurred Or Unreadable. |
134 |
Comparable Market Value. |
135 |
Full Amount Stated On Document. |
136 |
Exchange (Hawaii Documents – Special Transaction That Provides A Tax Advantage To The Parties Involved, May Cause Sales Price To Be Artificial.) |
137 |
Full Amount Computed From Transfer Tax Or Excise Tax. |
138 |
Amount Of Redemption. Only Used For Redemption Deeds. (doctype = |
139 |
Sales Price Computed From County Transfer Tax Based On Either Full Consideration Or Assessed Value (Nebraska Counties And Kenosha, Wi Only) |
140 |
Judgment Amount |
141 |
Estimated Sales Price |
142 |
Liens Exceed Value Or Assumption Of Loan. Liens/loans Involved In The Transaction Exceed Market Value. |
143 |
Sales Price Manually Computed From The Transfer Tax, But The Transfer Tax Amounts Were Not Keyed Due To Field Length Limitations. |
144 |
Non-Arms Length Transaction. *code Phased Out January 2014 |
145 |
Partial Amount Computed From Transfer Tax. |
146 |
Assessor Qualified The Sales Price As A Comparable For Mass Appraisal Applications |
147 |
Sales Price Or Transfer Tax Rounded By County Prior To Computation. Varies By County. |
148 |
Sold For Taxes. |
149 |
Transfer Tax On Document Indicated As Exempt. |
150 |
Sales Price Computed From Transfer Tax. No Indication Whether Tax Was Paid On Full Or Partial Consideration. |
151 |
From Recorded Affidavit Of Value Or Verified. |
152 |
Sales Price Computed Using Current Excise Tax Rate For The Given Property City Name Appearing On The Transfer Record. (Washington State Only) |
153 |
Document States That Price/transfer Tax Is Not A Matter Of Public Record. |
154 |
Document States Price As “0”, “none”, “no Consideration”. |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
Individual |
Non-Individual |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
AB |
Alternate Beneficiary |
AC |
Guardian/Custodian |
AD |
Administrator |
AE |
Assignee (Buyer/Borrower only) |
AF |
Name Derived from Affidavit |
AG |
Agent |
AK |
Also known as (A/K/A) |
AL |
All as/Undefined |
AO |
Alter Ego |
AR |
Assignor (Seller only) |
BE |
Beneficiary / Creditor - When Doc Type BD, this buyer ID code identifies the person designated to acquire title upon death of Grantor. |
BU |
Builder/Developer |
CE |
Conservatee |
CN |
Corporation |
CO |
Company or Corporation |
CR |
Conservator |
DB |
Doing business as (DBA) |
DC |
Deceased |
DF |
Defendant |
DP |
Domestic Partner |
DR |
Divorced not Remarried |
DS |
Disabled |
DV |
Divorced |
DW |
Dower Clause |
EA |
Et al (and others) |
ES |
Estate |
EX |
Executor |
FK |
Formerly known as (F/K/A) |
FL |
Family Living Trust |
FM |
Family Trust |
FR |
Family Revocable Trust |
GN |
General Partnership |
GP |
General Partner |
GV |
Government |
HH |
Her Husband |
HU |
Husband and Husband |
HW |
Husband and Wife |
ID |
Individual(s) |
IL |
Irrevocable Living Trust |
IN |
Incompetent |
IR |
Irrevocable Trust |
L2 |
Seller Is Owner On Current Assessment File |
LC |
Limited Liability Company |
LL |
Limited Liability Partnership |
LP |
Limited Partner |
LS |
Limited Partnership |
LT |
Life Tenant (Holds A Life Estate Interest Only) |
LV |
Living Trust |
LW |
Last Will and Testament |
MC |
Married Couple |
ME |
Member |
MI |
Minor, Ward or Client (Represented by Trustee) |
MM |
Married Man As His Sole And Separate Property |
MN |
Managing Member |
MP |
Married Person |
MW |
Married Women As Her Sole And Separate Property |
NK |
Now Known as |
NM |
Never Married Person |
NP |
Not Provided (Name Blurred Or Missing From Document) |
NV |
Non-Vested Spouse |
PA |
Partnership |
PF |
Plaintiff |
PR |
Personal Representative (Attorney in Fact/Power of Attorney) |
PT |
Partner |
RC |
Receiver |
RL |
Revocable Living Trust |
RT |
Revocable Trust |
SE |
surviving Tenant by the Entirety |
SI |
Successor in Interest |
SJ |
Surviving Joint Tenant |
SL |
Sole Proprietorship |
SM |
Single Man |
SO |
Sole Member |
SP |
Single Person or Individual |
SS |
Surviving Spouse |
ST |
Successor Trustee (LA County only) |
SW |
Single Woman |
SX |
Separated |
TR |
Trustee |
TS |
Trustor/Debtor (Borrower in Default/Foreclosure on Trustee’s Deed) |
TT |
Trust |
UI |
Unknown |
UM |
Unmarried Man |
UN |
Unmarried |
US |
United States |
UW |
Unmarried Woman |
WA |
Who Acquired Title As |
WD |
Widow or Widower |
WH |
His Wife |
WW |
Wife and Wife |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
Individual |
Non-Individual |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
AB |
Alternate Beneficiary |
AC |
Guardian/Custodian |
AD |
Administrator |
AE |
Assignee (Buyer/Borrower only) |
AF |
Name Derived from Affidavit |
AG |
Agent |
AK |
Also Known As (A/K/A) |
AL |
All As/Undefined |
AO |
Alter Ego |
AR |
Assignor (Seller only) |
BE |
Beneficiary / Creditor - When Doc Type BD, this buyer ID code identifies the person designated to acquire title upon death of Grantor. |
BU |
Builder/Developer |
CE |
Conservatee |
CN |
Corporation |
CO |
Company or Corporation |
CR |
Conservator |
DB |
Doing Business As (DBA) |
DC |
Deceased |
DF |
Defendant |
DP |
Domestic Partner |
DR |
Divorced Not Remarried |
DS |
Disabled |
DV |
Divorced |
DW |
Dower Clause |
EA |
Et al (and others) |
ES |
Estate |
EX |
Executor |
FK |
Formerly Known As (F/K/A) |
FL |
Family Living Trust |
FM |
Family Trust |
FR |
Family Revocable Trust |
GN |
General Partnership |
GP |
General Partner |
GV |
Government |
HH |
Her Husband |
HU |
Husband and Husband |
HW |
Husband and Wife |
ID |
Individual(s) |
IL |
Irrevocable Living Trust |
IN |
incompetent |
IR |
Irrevocable Trust |
L2 |
Seller Is Owner On Current Assessment File |
LC |
Limited Liability Company |
LL |
Limited Liability Partnership |
LP |
Limited Partner |
LS |
Limited Partnership |
LT |
Life Tenant (Holds A Life Estate Interest Only) |
LV |
Living Trust |
LW |
Last Will and Testament |
MC |
Married Couple |
ME |
Member |
MI |
Minor, Ward or Client (Represented by Trustee) |
MM |
Married Man As His Sole And Separate Property |
MN |
Managing Member |
MP |
Married Person |
MW |
Married Women As Her Sole And Separate Property |
NK |
Now Known as |
NM |
Never Married Person |
NP |
Not Provided (Name Blurred Or Missing From Document) |
NV |
Non-Vested Spouse |
PA |
Partnership |
PF |
Plaintiff |
PR |
Personal Representative (Attorney in Fact/Power of Attorney) |
PT |
Partner |
RC |
Receiver |
RL |
Revocable Living Trust |
RT |
Revocable Trust |
SE |
surviving Tenant by the Entirety |
SI |
Successor In Interest |
SJ |
Surviving Joint Tenant |
SL |
Sole Proprietorship |
SM |
Single Man |
SO |
Sole Member |
SP |
Single Person or Individual |
SS |
Surviving Spouse |
ST |
Successor Trustee (LA County only) |
SW |
Single Woman |
SX |
Separated |
TR |
Trustee |
TS |
Trustor/Debtor (Borrower in Default/Foreclosure on Trustee’s Deed) |
TT |
Trust |
UI |
Unknown |
UM |
Unmarried Man |
UN |
Unmarried |
US |
United States |
UW |
Unmarried Woman |
WA |
Who Acquired Title As |
WD |
Widow or Widower |
WH |
His Wife |
WW |
Wife and Wife |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
Individual |
Non-Individual |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
Individual |
Non-Individual |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
Individual |
Non-Individual |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
AB |
Alternate Beneficiary |
AC |
Guardian/Custodian |
AD |
Administrator |
AE |
Assignee (Buyer/Borrower only) |
AF |
Name Derived From Affidavit |
AG |
Agent |
AK |
Also Known As (A/K/A) |
AL |
All As/Undefined |
AO |
Alter Ego |
AR |
Assignor (Seller only) |
BE |
Beneficiary / Creditor - When Doc Type BD, this buyer ID code identifies the person designated to acquire title upon death of Grantor. |
BU |
Builder/Developer |
CE |
Conservatee |
CN |
Corporation |
CO |
Company or Corporation |
CR |
Conservator |
DB |
Doing Business As (DBA) |
DC |
Deceased |
DF |
Defendant |
DP |
Domestic Partner |
DR |
Divorced Not Remarried |
DS |
Disabled |
DV |
Divorced |
DW |
Dower Clause |
EA |
Et al (and others) |
ES |
Estate |
EX |
Executor |
FK |
Formerly Known As (F/K/A) |
FL |
Family Living Trust |
FM |
Family Trust |
FR |
Family Revocable Trust |
GN |
General Partnership |
GP |
General Partner |
GV |
Government |
HH |
Her Husband |
HU |
Husband and Husband |
HW |
Husband and Wife |
ID |
Individual(s) |
IL |
Irrevocable Living Trust |
IN |
Incompetent |
IR |
Irrevocable Trust |
L2 |
Seller Is Owner On Current Assessment File |
LC |
Limited Liability Company |
LL |
Limited Liability Partnership |
LP |
Limited Partner |
LS |
Limited Partnership |
LT |
Life Tenant (holds a life estate interest only) |
LV |
Living Trust |
LW |
Last Will and Testament |
MC |
Married Couple |
ME |
Member |
MI |
Minor, Ward or Client (Represented by Trustee) |
MM |
Married Man As His Sole And Separate Property |
MN |
Managing Member |
MP |
Married Person |
MW |
Married Women As Her Sole And Separate Property |
NK |
Now Known as |
NM |
Never Married Person |
NP |
Not Provided (Name Blurred Or Missing From Document) |
NV |
Non-Vested Spouse |
PA |
Partnership |
PF |
Plaintiff |
PR |
Personal Representative (Attorney in Fact/Power of Attorney) |
PT |
Partner |
RC |
Receiver |
RL |
Revocable Living Trust |
RT |
Revocable Trust |
SE |
surviving Tenant by the Entirety |
SI |
Successor In Interest |
SJ |
Surviving Joint Tenant |
SL |
Sole Proprietorship |
SM |
Single Man |
SO |
Sole Member |
SP |
Single Person or Individual |
SS |
Surviving Spouse |
ST |
Successor Trustee (LA County only) |
SW |
Single Woman |
SX |
Separated |
TR |
Trustee |
TS |
Trustor/Debtor (Borrower in Default/Foreclosure on Trustee’s Deed) |
TT |
Trust |
UI |
Unknown |
UM |
Unmarried Man |
UN |
Unmarried |
US |
United States |
UW |
Unmarried Woman |
WA |
Who Acquired Title As |
WD |
Widow or Widower |
WH |
His Wife |
WW |
Wife and Wife |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
Individual |
Non-Individual |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
Unknown |
3 |
Building or Construction |
6 |
Line of Credit |
8 |
10 |
Conventional |
16 |
Veterans Administration Loan |
101 |
USDA - US Department of Agriculture Loan |
102 |
Farmers Home Administration |
103 |
Commercial |
104 |
State Veterans |
105 |
Reverse Mortgage |
121 |
Assumption |
122 |
Balloon |
123 |
Arm (Adjustable Rate Mortgage) |
124 |
Closed End Mortgage |
125 |
Seller Take-Back |
126 |
Stand Alone First |
127 |
Stand Alone Refinance |
128 |
Stand Alone Second |
129 |
Refi-Assignment |
130 |
Second Mortgage To Cover Down Payment |
131 |
Land Contract (Arrangement Of Sale) |
132 |
Loan Modification |
133 |
Small Business Association |
134 |
Cash |
135 |
Negative Amortization |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
B |
Bank |
C |
Credit Union |
E |
Unknown |
F |
Funding/Finance Company |
G |
Government Agency |
I |
Insurance Company |
LP |
Private Party |
LS |
Seller |
LW |
Internet Storefront |
LZ |
Reverse Mortgage Lender |
M |
Mortgage Company |
O |
Mortgage Electronic Registration System (MERS) |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Seller Carryback Loan |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Adjustable Rate |
2 |
Fixed Rate |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Adjustable Rate |
2 |
Fixed Rate |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
101 |
COF - 11th District |
102 |
MTA - 12-Month |
103 |
CMT 1-Year |
104 |
CMT 3-Year |
105 |
CMT 5-Year |
106 |
Secondary Market CD Rate - 6-Month |
107 |
T-Bill 26-Week (6-Months) |
108 |
COF - Cost of Funds |
109 |
Treasury Note - 5-Year |
110 |
LIBOR - London Inter-Bank Offer Rate |
111 |
LIBOR - 1-Month |
112 |
LIBOR - 1-Year |
113 |
LIBOR - 3-Months |
114 |
LIBOR - 6-Months |
115 |
T-Bill 52-Week (1-Year) |
116 |
Other |
117 |
Prime Rate |
118 |
Treasury Note - 10-Year |
119 |
Treasury Note - 3-Year |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Interest Only Loan Rider Present |
The Property LookupHomesByOwner endpoint returns an array of homes owned by a homeowner based on their address (MAK).
Try It Now#
curl -X GET "\
&format=JSON" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '{
"TransmissionReference": "Test",
"CustomerId": "{{customerId}}",
"OwnerMAK": "9005381555",
"FreeForm": ""
curl -X GET "\
&format=XML" \
-H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
-H "Accept: application/xml"
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
-H "Accept: application/xml" \
-d '<LooupHomesByOwnerRequest>
Request Parameters#
Minimum Inputs#
The following are the possible minimum input requirements:
Owner MAK
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
format |
Desired format of the response. Possible values are |
id |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
t |
Optional. This is a string value that serves as a unique identifier for this set of records. It is returned as sent. |
Record Level Parameters |
ff |
Free form address for the property. |
mak |
A propietary unique key identifier for an address. This is derived from Address Checking. |
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
Format |
Desired format of the response. Possible values are |
CustomerId |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
TransmissionReference |
Optional. This is a string value that serves as a unique identifier for this set of records. It is returned as sent. |
Record Level Parameters |
FreeForm |
Free form address for the property. |
OwnerMAK |
A propietary unique key identifier for an address. This is derived from Address Checking. |
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
format |
Desired format of the response. Possible values are |
id |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
t |
Optional. This is a string value that serves as a unique identifier for this set of records. It is returned as sent. |
Record Parameters |
ff |
Free form address for the property. |
mak |
A propietary unique key identifier for an address. This is derived from Address Checking. |
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
Format |
Desired format of the response. Possible values are |
CustomerId |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
TransmissionReference |
Optional. This is a string value that serves as a unique identifier for this set of records. It is returned as sent. |
Record Level Parameters |
FreeForm |
Free form address for the property. |
OwnerMAK |
A propietary unique key identifier for an address. This is derived from Address Checking. |
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: application/xml
"Version": "",
"TransmissionReference": "Test",
"Results": "YS07",
"TotalRecords": 3,
"Records": [
"MAK": "1356055359",
"BaseMAK": "",
"FIPS": "08117",
"APN": "6510530",
"PropertyAddress": "56 Canyon View Ct",
"PropertyCity": "Montezuma",
"PropertyState": "CO",
"PropertyZip": "80435",
"PropertyPlus4": "7745"
"MAK": "",
"BaseMAK": "",
"FIPS": "29137",
"APN": "223206000000006000",
"PropertyAddress": "34849 Monr # 627",
"PropertyCity": "Santa Fe",
"PropertyState": "MO",
"PropertyZip": "65282",
"PropertyPlus4": ""
"MAK": "9005381555",
"BaseMAK": "",
"FIPS": "29189",
"APN": "22M110664",
"PropertyAddress": "939 N Clay Ave",
"PropertyCity": "Saint Louis",
"PropertyState": "MO",
"PropertyZip": "63122",
"PropertyPlus4": "2632"
"Version": "",
"TransmissionReference": "Test",
"Results": "YS07",
"TotalRecords": 3,
"Records": [
"MAK": "1356055359",
"BaseMAK": "",
"FIPS": "08117",
"APN": "6510530",
"PropertyAddress": "56 Canyon View Ct",
"PropertyCity": "Montezuma",
"PropertyState": "CO",
"PropertyZip": "80435",
"PropertyPlus4": "7745"
"MAK": "",
"BaseMAK": "",
"FIPS": "29137",
"APN": "223206000000006000",
"PropertyAddress": "34849 Monr # 627",
"PropertyCity": "Santa Fe",
"PropertyState": "MO",
"PropertyZip": "65282",
"PropertyPlus4": ""
"MAK": "9005381555",
"BaseMAK": "",
"FIPS": "29189",
"APN": "22M110664",
"PropertyAddress": "939 N Clay Ave",
"PropertyCity": "Saint Louis",
"PropertyState": "MO",
"PropertyZip": "63122",
"PropertyPlus4": "2632"
<BaseMAK />
<PropertyAddress>56 Canyon View Ct</PropertyAddress>
<MAK />
<BaseMAK />
<PropertyAddress>34849 Monr # 627</PropertyAddress>
<PropertyCity>Santa Fe</PropertyCity>
<PropertyPlus4 />
<BaseMAK />
<PropertyAddress>939 N Clay Ave</PropertyAddress>
<PropertyCity>Saint Louis</PropertyCity>
<BaseMAK />
<PropertyAddress>56 Canyon View Ct</PropertyAddress>
<MAK />
<BaseMAK />
<PropertyAddress>34849 Monr # 627</PropertyAddress>
<PropertyCity>Santa Fe</PropertyCity>
<PropertyPlus4 />
<BaseMAK />
<PropertyAddress>939 N Clay Ave</PropertyAddress>
<PropertyCity>Saint Louis</PropertyCity>
Response Fields#
Output Name |
Description |
The Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN). |
BaseMAK |
A unique key assigned to the base address of a complex with apartments or suites. |
The six-digit Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code for the county containing the property. |
(Melissa Address Key) A unique key assigned to the address record. |
PropertyAddress |
The address of the property. |
PropertyCity |
The city containing the property. |
PropertyPlus4 |
The plus 4 of the zip code containing the property. |
PropertyState |
The state containing the property. |
PropertyZip |
The Zip code containing the property. |
Records |
The returned array of records. |
Results |
Lists result/error codes for the request. |
TotalRecords |
Total number of records. |
TransmissionReference |
Optional. Serves as a unique request identifier. |
Version |
The current service version number. |
The Property LookupProperty endpoint returns general information regarding a property.
Try It Now#
curl -X GET "\
&format=JSON" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d '{
"TransmissionReference": "LookupProperty POST Test",
"CustomerId": "{{customerId}}",
"TotalRecords": "1",
"Columns": "",
"Records": [
"RecordID": "1",
"AddressLine1": "710 Winston Ln",
"AddressLine2": "",
"City": "Sugar Land",
"State": "TX",
"PostalCode": "",
"MAK": "",
"FIPS": "",
"APN": "",
"FreeForm": ""
curl -X GET "\
&format=XML" \
-H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
-H "Accept: application/xml"
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/xml" \
-H "Accept: application/xml" \
-d '<LooupPropertyRequest>
<AddressLine1>710 Winston Ln</AddressLine1>
<City>Sugar Land</City>
Request Parameters#
Minimum Inputs#
The following are the possible minimum input requirements:
Address Key
FIPS & Account Number
Address Line 1 with either Postal Code, or City and State
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
cols |
Specifies which column(s) to be output as a comma delimited string. Entering the column name will return the column. Specifying a group name will return all columns in the group. Delimit multiple columns with a |
id |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
format |
Desired format of the response. Possible values are |
opt |
t |
Optional. This is a string value that serves as a unique identifier for this set of records. It is returned as sent. |
Record Level Parameters |
a1 |
Input field for address line 1. This should contain the delivery address information (house number, street, building, suite, etc.) but should not contain locality information (city, state, postal code, etc.) which have their own inputs. |
a2 |
Input field for address line 2. This can be a continuation of AddressLine1 (ex: suite) or another address. |
addreskey |
An 11-digit key of the property. Based on the Zip5, Plus4 and two digit delivery code. |
apn |
Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) for the property. |
city |
The city for the property. |
ctry |
The country for the property. Currently only properties in the US can be looked up. |
ff |
Free form address for the property. |
fips |
Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code for the property. |
mak |
A propietary unique key identifier for an address derived from Address Checking. |
postal |
The postal code for the property. |
state |
The US state for the property. |
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
Columns |
Specifies which column(s) to be output as a comma delimited string. Entering the column name will return the column. Specifying a group name will return all columns in the group. Delimit multiple columns with a |
CustomerId |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
Format |
Desired format of the response. Possible values are |
Options |
RecordID |
A unique identifier for the current record. |
TotalRecords |
The total number of records in the request. |
TransmissionReference |
Optional. This is a string value that serves as a unique identifier for this set of records. It is returned as sent. |
Record Level Parameters |
AddresKey |
An 11-digit key of the property. Based on the Zip5, Plus4 and two digit delivery code. |
AddressLine1 |
Input field for address line 1. This should contain the delivery address information (house number, street, building, suite, etc.) but should not contain locality information (city, state, postal code, etc.) which have their own inputs. |
AddressLine2 |
Input field for address line 2. This can be a continuation of AddressLine1 (ex: suite) or another address. |
Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) for the property. |
City |
The city for the property. |
Country |
The country for the property. Currently only properties in the US can be looked up. |
Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code for the property. |
FreeForm |
Free form address for the property. |
A propietary unique key identifier for an address derived from Address Checking. |
State |
The US state for the property. |
PostalCode |
The postal code for the property. |
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
cols |
Specifies which column(s) to be output as a comma delimited string. Entering the column name will return the column. Specifying a group name will return all columns in the group. Delimit multiple columns with a |
id |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
format |
Desired format of the response. Possible values are |
opt |
t |
Optional. This is a string value that serves as a unique identifier for this set of records. It is returned as sent. |
Record Level Parameters |
a1 |
Input field for address line 1. This should contain the delivery address information (house number, street, building, suite, etc.) but should not contain locality information (city, state, postal code, etc.) which have their own inputs. |
a2 |
Input field for address line 2. This can be a continuation of AddressLine1 (ex: suite) or another address. |
addreskey |
An 11-digit key of the property. Based on the Zip5, Plus4 and two digit delivery code. |
apn |
Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) for the property. |
city |
The city for the property. |
ctry |
The country for the property. Currently only properties in the US can be looked up. |
ff |
Free form address for the property. |
fips |
Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code for the property. |
mak |
A propietary unique key identifier for an address derived from Address Checking. |
postal |
The postal code for the property. |
state |
The US state for the property. |
Code |
Description |
Request Level Parameters |
Columns |
Specifies which column(s) to be output as a comma delimited string. Entering the column name will return the column. Specifying a group name will return all columns in the group. Delimit multiple columns with a |
CustomerId |
Required. The License Key issued by Melissa. |
Format |
Desired format of the response. Possible values are |
Options |
RecordID |
A unique identifier for the current record. |
TotalRecords |
The total number of records in the request. |
TransmissionReference |
Optional. This is a string value that serves as a unique identifier for this set of records. It is returned as sent. |
Record Level Parameters |
AddresKey |
An 11-digit key of the property. Based on the Zip5, Plus4 and two digit delivery code. |
AddressLine1 |
Input field for address line 1. This should contain the delivery address information (house number, street, building, suite, etc.) but should not contain locality information (city, state, postal code, etc.) which have their own inputs. |
AddressLine2 |
Input field for address line 2. This can be a continuation of AddressLine1 (ex: suite) or another address. |
Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN) for the property. |
City |
The city for the property. |
Country |
The country for the property. Currently only properties in the US can be looked up. |
Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code for the property. |
FreeForm |
Free form address for the property. |
A propietary unique key identifier for an address derived from Address Checking. |
State |
The US state for the property. |
PostalCode |
The postal code for the property. |
This is a list of the response field names and their grouping.
Group Name |
Included Fields |
GrpAll |
Recommended. Indicates to the web service that all fields should be returned. |
GrpParcel - Returns back parcel information (APN, subdivision, etc.) |
GrpLegal - Returns back legal description information |
GrpPropertyAddress - Address of the property |
GrpParsedPropertyAddress - Parsed elements of the property address |
GrpPrimaryOwner - Primary owner info |
GrpSecondaryOwner (Deprecated) - Secondary owner info |
GrpOwnerAddress - Owner’s address info |
GrpLastDeedOwnerInfo - Owner info listed on latest deed for the property |
GrpCurrentDeed - Other deed info listed on the latest deed for the property |
GrpTax - Property tax |
GrpPropertyUseInfo - Property usage |
GrpSaleInfo - Property sale info |
GrpPropertySize - Property size info |
GrpPool - Pool info |
GrpIntStructInfo - Interior structural info |
GrpIntRoomInfo - Interior rooms info |
GrpIntAmenities - Interior amenities info |
GrpExtStructInfo - Exterior structural info |
GrpExtAmenities - Exterior amenities info |
GrpExtBuildings - Exterior building info |
GrpUtilities - Utility info |
GrpParking - Parking info |
GrpYardGardenInfo - Yard & garden info |
GrpEstimatedValue - Calculated estimated value of the property |
GrpShape - Parcel geometry shape in well known text format |
List options in the following format, with multiple options delimited with a ,
This options allows Property to return back codes in the fields or their descriptions/meanings.
Parameter |
Description |
Default. Returns back values in the web service response as codes. This is intended for developers developing applications/software expecting standardized codes. |
Instead of returning back the codes, the codes are replaced with their human readable descriptions and meanings. This is intended for those more interested in getting the meanings/descriptions upfront. When integrating, keep in mind the length of the strings/descriptions can vary between fields. Maximum description length is 255 characters. |
This options allows Property have the CurrentDeed structure represent the latest mortgage, if available.
Parameter |
Description |
Default. The CurrentDeed fields will refer to the Mortgage recorded with the current property deed. |
In the CurrentDeed structure, MortgageAmount, MortgageDate, MortgageLoanTypeCode, MortgageDueDate, and LenderName will represent the latest Mortgage, if there is a newer mortgage. |
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: application/xml
Accept: application/xml
"Version": "",
"TransmissionReference": "Test",
"TransmissionResults": "",
"TotalRecords": 1,
"Records": [
"Results": "YS02,YS07,YC01",
"Parcel": {
"FIPSCode": "48157",
"UnformattedAPN": "2320-02-001-0210-907",
"FormattedAPN": "2320020010210907"
"Legal": {},
"PropertyAddress": {},
"ParsedPropertyAddress": {},
"PrimaryOwner": {
"Name1Full": "Rogelio Ramirez Sr."
"SecondaryOwner": {},
"OwnerAddress": {},
"LastDeedOwnerInfo": {},
"CurrentDeed": {
"MortgageAmount": "0",
"MortgageDate": "20221222",
"MortgageDueDate": "",
"LenderName": ""
"Tax": {
"AssessedValueTotal": "496909",
"MarketValueTotal": "496909",
"TaxFiscalYear": "2018",
"TaxBilledAmount": "6886.06"
"PropertyUseInfo": {
"YearBuilt": "1993"
"SaleInfo": {
"AssessorLastSaleDate": "20221221",
"AssessorLastSaleAmount": "0",
"AssessorPriorSaleDate": "19990325",
"AssessorPriorSaleAmount": "0",
"DeedLastSaleDate": "20221222",
"DeedLastSalePrice": "0"
"PropertySize": {
"AreaBuilding": "3530",
"AreaLotAcres": "0.2120",
"AreaLotSF": "9232.00"
"Pool": {},
"IntStructInfo": {},
"IntRoomInfo": {
"BathCount": "3",
"BedroomsCount": "5",
"RoomsCount": "0"
"IntAmenities": {},
"ExtStructInfo": {},
"ExtAmenities": {},
"ExtBuildings": {},
"Utilities": {},
"Parking": {},
"YardGardenInfo": {},
"EstimatedValue": {},
"Shape": {}
"Version": "",
"TransmissionReference": "Test",
"TransmissionResults": "",
"TotalRecords": 1,
"Records": [
"Results": "YS02,YS07,YC01",
"Parcel": {
"FIPSCode": "48157",
"UnformattedAPN": "2320-02-001-0210-907",
"FormattedAPN": "2320020010210907"
"Legal": {},
"PropertyAddress": {},
"ParsedPropertyAddress": {},
"PrimaryOwner": {
"Name1Full": "Rogelio Ramirez Sr."
"SecondaryOwner": {},
"OwnerAddress": {},
"LastDeedOwnerInfo": {},
"CurrentDeed": {
"MortgageAmount": "0",
"MortgageDate": "20221222",
"MortgageDueDate": "",
"LenderName": ""
"Tax": {
"AssessedValueTotal": "496909",
"MarketValueTotal": "496909",
"TaxFiscalYear": "2018",
"TaxBilledAmount": "6886.06"
"PropertyUseInfo": {
"YearBuilt": "1993"
"SaleInfo": {
"AssessorLastSaleDate": "20221221",
"AssessorLastSaleAmount": "0",
"AssessorPriorSaleDate": "19990325",
"AssessorPriorSaleAmount": "0",
"DeedLastSaleDate": "20221222",
"DeedLastSalePrice": "0"
"PropertySize": {
"AreaBuilding": "3530",
"AreaLotAcres": "0.2120",
"AreaLotSF": "9232.00"
"Pool": {},
"IntStructInfo": {},
"IntRoomInfo": {
"BathCount": "3",
"BedroomsCount": "5",
"RoomsCount": "0"
"IntAmenities": {},
"ExtStructInfo": {},
"ExtAmenities": {},
"ExtBuildings": {},
"Utilities": {},
"Parking": {},
"YardGardenInfo": {},
"EstimatedValue": {},
"Shape": {}
<TransmissionResults />
<Legal />
<PropertyAddress />
<ParsedPropertyAddress />
<Name1Full>Rogelio Ramirez Sr.</Name1Full>
<SecondaryOwner />
<OwnerAddress />
<LastDeedOwnerInfo />
<MortgageDueDate />
<LenderName />
<Pool />
<IntStructInfo />
<IntAmenities />
<ExtStructInfo />
<ExtAmenities />
<ExtBuildings />
<Utilities />
<Parking />
<YardGardenInfo />
<EstimatedValue />
<Shape />
<TransmissionResults />
<Legal />
<PropertyAddress />
<ParsedPropertyAddress />
<Name1Full>Rogelio Ramirez Sr.</Name1Full>
<SecondaryOwner />
<OwnerAddress />
<LastDeedOwnerInfo />
<MortgageDueDate />
<LenderName />
<Pool />
<IntStructInfo />
<IntAmenities />
<ExtStructInfo />
<ExtAmenities />
<ExtBuildings />
<Utilities />
<Parking />
<YardGardenInfo />
<EstimatedValue />
<Shape />
Service Level Response Fields#
Output Name |
Description |
RecordID |
The position of the record in the response array. |
Records |
The returned array of records. |
Results |
Comma delimited status, error codes, and change codes for the record. |
TotalRecords |
Total number of records. |
TransmissionReference |
Optional. Serves as a unique request identifier. |
TransmissionResults |
Lists error codes from any errors caused by the most recent request as a whole. |
Version |
The current service version number. |
Record Level Response Fields#
Output Name |
Description |
AccountNumber |
The account number associated with the property. This number is often associated with the owner rather than the property. When this number is associated with the owner, the value often can change and is not ideal for long term property identification. |
AlternateAPN (Deprecated) |
The alternate Assessor Parcel Number (APN). This is different than the primary APN. |
APNYearChange (Deprecated) |
The year the Assessor Parcel Number (APN) was changed from the PreviousAPN to the current APN. |
CBSACode |
Core Based Statistical Area code assigned by the United States Office of Management and Budget in 2013. Covers both Metropolitan Statistical Area as well as the Micropolitan Statisticals Area assignments. |
CBSAName |
Core Based Statistical Area name assigned by the United States Office of Management and Budget in 2013. Covers both Metropolitan Statistical Area as well as the Micropolitan Statisticals Area assignments. |
CensusBlock |
Census Block as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau. |
CensusBlockGrp |
Census Block Group as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau. |
CensusTract |
Census Tract as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau. |
County |
The county where the property is located. |
FIPS Code |
The five-digit numeric Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code. |
FormattedAPN |
The formatted Assessor Parcel Number (APN). Special characters are removed. |
MapBook |
The book reference for the parcel. |
MapPage |
The page reference for the parcel. |
MetropolitanDivision |
Metropolitan Division Name assigned by the United States Office of Management and Budget in 2013. |
MinorCivilDivisionCode |
A 5 digit numeric code assigned by the U.S. Census Bureau that is used by 29 states and corresponds or matches with towns within the state most of the time. |
MinorCivilDivisionName |
The name of the town indicated by the MinorCivilDivisionCode. |
MSACode |
Metropolitan Statistical Area code. |
MSAName |
Metropolitan Statistical Area name. |
NeighborhoodCode |
A code provided by the county tax assessor used to identify geographic areas within an assessing unit for property valuation purposes. A unique code is assigned for each geographic area. |
PreviousAPN (Deprecated) |
The previous Assessor Parcel Number (APN). This number was changed by an Assessor. |
TaxJurisdiction |
Name of the tax jurisdiction. This is typically the name of the county with some exceptions. Those exceptions being primarily in the New England area where the townships are the taxing authority instead. |
UnformattedAPN |
The unformatted Assessor Parcel Number (APN). |
YearAdded (Deprecated) |
The year the current APN was created. |
Output Name |
Description |
Block1 |
The parsed legal first block name or number. This is used if LegalDescription uses a detectable subdivision and block. |
Block2 (Deprecated) |
The parsed legal second block name or number. This is used if LegalDescription uses a detectable subdivision and block. |
LegalDescription |
The legal description of the property. This can be used to locate and identify a property. |
LotNumber1 |
The parsed legal first lot name or number. This is used if LegalDescription uses a detectable subdivision and block. |
LotNumber2 |
The parsed legal second lot name or number. This is used if LegalDescription uses a detectable subdivision and block. |
LotNumber3 |
The parsed legal third lot name or number. This is used if LegalDescription uses a detectable subdivision and block. |
Phase |
The parsed legal phase name or number. This is used if LegalDescription uses a detectable subdivision and phase. |
Quarter |
The parsed legal quarter value. This is used if LegalDescription uses section/township/range. |
QuarterQuarter |
The parsed legal quarter of a quarter value. This is used if LegalDescription uses section/township/range and includes a quarter of a quarter notation. |
Range |
The parsed legal range. This is used if LegalDescription uses section/township/range. |
Section |
The parsed legal section. This is used if LegalDescription uses section/township/range. |
Subdivision |
The parsed legal subdivision name. This is used if LegalDescription uses a detectable subdivision. |
Township |
The parsed legal township. This is used if LegalDescription uses section/township/range. |
TractNumber |
The parsed legal tract name or number. This is used if LegalDescription uses a detectable subdivision and tract. |
Unit |
The parsed legal unit name or number. This is used if LegalDescription uses a detectable subdivision and unit. |
Output Name |
Description |
Address |
The full standardized property address. |
AddressKey |
The property address AddressKey. |
BaseMAK |
A unique key assigned to the property base address of a complex with apartments or suites. |
CarrierRoute |
Returns a 4-character code defining the carrier route for this property address. |
City |
The property address city. |
Latitude |
The latitude of the property in degrees. |
Longitude |
The longitude of the property in degrees. |
(MAK) A unique key assigned to the property. |
PrivacyInfo |
Specifies if there is a legal restriction on marketing to this address. Not indicative of do not mail or do not call. |
State |
The property address state. |
Zip |
The property address Zip Code. |
Output Name |
Description |
PostDirectional |
The street post directional of the property. |
PreDirectional |
The street prefix directional of the property. |
Range |
The street number range of the property. |
StreetName |
The street name of the property. |
Suffix |
The street name suffix of the property. |
SuiteName |
The suite name of the property. |
SuiteRange |
The suite range of the property. |
Output Name |
Description |
CompanyFlag |
Specifies if the primary owner is a company. |
MelissaIdentityKey1 |
The Melissa Identity Key (MIK) for the first PrimaryOwner (Name1Full). Property owners may be assigned a unique MIK number in the Property database. This may be used as a contact identifier and lookup tool for our other services. |
MelissaIdentityKey2 |
The Melissa Identity Key (MIK) for the second PrimaryOwner (Name2Full). |
Name1First |
The first name of the primary owner. This will be the company name if this is not an individual. |
Name1Full |
The full name of the primary owner. The primary owner holds the most interest in the property at the time the assessment file was created. |
Name1Last |
The last name of the primary owner. |
Name1Middle |
The middle name of the primary owner. |
Name1Suffix |
The suffix of the primary owner. E.g. Jr, III, etc. |
Name2First |
The first name of the secondary owner. This will be the company name if this is not an individual. |
Name2Full |
The full name of the secondary owner. |
Name2Last |
The last name of the secondary owner. |
Name2Middle |
The middle name of the secondary owner. |
Name2Suffix |
The suffix of the secondary owner. E.g. Jr, III, etc. |
TrustFlag |
Specifies if the primary owner is a trust. |
Type (Deprecated) |
Specifies if the primary owner is an individual, company, or deceased. If legally related, the secondary owner type will be detailed. |
VestingType |
Specifies the relation between multiple owners. |
GrpSecondaryOwner (Deprecated)#
Output Name |
Description |
Name3First (Deprecated) |
The first name of the third owner. This will be the company name if this is not an individual. |
Name3Full (Deprecated) |
The full name of the third owner. |
Name3Last (Deprecated) |
The last name of the third owner. |
Name3Middle (Deprecated) |
The middle name of the third owner. |
Name3Suffix (Deprecated) |
The suffix of the third owner. E.g. Jr, III, etc. |
Name4First (Deprecated) |
The first name of the fourth owner. This will be the company name if this is not an individual. |
Name4Full (Deprecated) |
The full name of the fourth owner. |
Name4Last (Deprecated) |
The last name of the fourth owner. |
Name4Middle (Deprecated) |
The middle name of the fourth owner. |
Name4Suffix (Deprecated) |
The suffix of the fourth owner. E.g. Jr, III, etc. |
Type (Deprecated) |
Specifies if the third owner is an individual, company, or deceased. If legally related, the fourth owner type will be detailed. |
Output Name |
Description |
Address |
The full standardized owner’s address. |
BaseMAK |
The owner’s Base Melissa Address Key (BaseMAK). A unique key assigned to the base address of a complex with apartments or suites. |
CarrierRoute |
The owner’s address Carrier Route. |
City |
The owner’s address city. |
FormatInfo |
Returns a code for the address type in the AddressLine field. Please see the LookupProperty Service Codes for the list of possible codes. |
The owner’s Melissa Address Key (MAK). A 10 digit unique identifier for the property address. This replaces the older AddressKey. |
OwnerOccupied |
The owner’s occupancy status of the property based on National Change of Address (NCOA) data. |
PrivacyInfo |
Specifies if there is a legal restriction on marketing to this address. Not indicative of do not mail or do not call. |
State |
The owner’s address state. |
Zip |
The owner’s address Zip Code. |
Output Name |
Description |
Name1First |
The first name of the primary deed owner. This will be the company name if this is not an individual. |
Name1Full |
The full name of the primary deed owner. |
Name1Last |
The last name of the primary deed owner. |
Name1Middle |
The middle name of the primary deed owner. |
Name1Suffix |
The suffix of the primary deed owner. E.g. Jr, III, etc. |
Name2First |
The first name of the secondary deed owner. This will be the company name if this is not an individual. |
Name2Full |
The full name of the secondary deed owner. |
Name2Last |
The last name of the secondary deed owner. |
Name2Middle |
The middle name of the secondary deed owner. |
Name2Suffix |
The suffix of the secondary deed owner. E.g. Jr, III, etc. |
Name3First (Deprecated) |
The first name of the third deed owner. This will be the company name if this is not an individual. |
Name3Full (Deprecated) |
The full name of the third deed owner. |
Name3Last (Deprecated) |
The last name of the third deed owner. |
Name3Middle (Deprecated) |
The middle name of the third deed owner. |
Name3Suffix (Deprecated) |
The suffix of the third deed owner. E.g. Jr, III, etc. |
Name4First (Deprecated) |
The first name of the fourth deed owner. This will be the company name if this is not an individual. |
Name4Full (Deprecated) |
The full name of the fourth deed owner. |
Name4Last (Deprecated) |
The last name of the fourth deed owner. |
Name4Middle (Deprecated) |
The middle name of the fourth deed owner. |
Name4Suffix (Deprecated) |
The suffix of the fourth deed owner. E.g. Jr, III, etc. |
Output Name |
Description |
LenderCode (Deprecated) |
The standard ID code of the lender for the mortgage. |
LenderName |
The name of the lender for the mortgage. |
MortgageAmount |
The loan amount of the mortgage. |
MortgageDate |
The mortgage official filing date. |
MortgageDueDate |
The due date of the mortage. |
MortgageLoanTypeCode |
The type of loan for the mortgage. E.g. construction, HELOC, FHA, etc. |
MortgageTerm (Deprecated) |
The duration of the loan. MortgageTermCode indicates the type of unit. |
MortgageTermCode (Deprecated) |
The unit of term for the loan: month or year. |
SecondMortgageAmount |
The loan amount of the second mortgage. |
SecondMortgageLoanTypeCode (Deprecated) |
The type of loan for the second mortgage. |
Output Name |
Description |
AssessedImprovementsPerc |
The percentage of the properties’ total value in assessed improvements. |
AssessedValueImprovements |
The assessed value of the properties’ improvements. |
AssessedValueLand |
The assessed value of the land. |
AssessedValueTotal |
The assessed properties’ total value. |
AssrLastUpdated |
The date of the last assessor update. |
LastTaxRollUpdate |
The date of the most recent tax roll. |
MarketImprovementsPerc |
The percentage of the properties’ total market value in assessed improvements. |
MarketValueImprovements |
The assessed market value of the properties’ improvements. |
MarketValueLand |
The assessed market value of the land. |
MarketValueTotal |
The assessed properties’ total market value. |
MarketValueYear |
The assessed market value year. |
PreviousAssessedValue (Deprecated) |
The previous assessed value of the property. |
TaxBilledAmount |
The property tax amount billed to the owner. |
TaxDelinquentYear |
The most recent year of tax delinquency. |
TaxExemptionAdditional |
Specifies any additional tax exemptions. |
TaxExemptionDisabled |
Specifies a disabled tax exemption. |
TaxExemptionHomeowner |
Specifies a homeowner tax exemption. |
TaxExemptionSenior |
Specifies a senior tax exemption. |
TaxExemptionVeteran |
Specifies a veteran tax exemption. |
TaxExemptionWidow |
Specifies a widow tax exemption. |
TaxFiscalYear |
The fiscal year. |
TaxRateArea |
The tax district code. |
YearAssessed |
The assessment year of the property. |
Output Name |
Description |
PropertyUseGroup |
The property type description. E.g. residential, commercial, etc. |
PropertyUseMuni |
The property use code. County-specific. |
PropertyUseStandardized |
The standardized property use code. |
YearBuilt |
The year the primary structure was built on the property. |
YearBuiltEffective |
The year when major permitted improvements were made to the property. |
ZonedCodeLocal |
The zoned use code. Jurisdiction-specific. |
Output Name |
Description |
AssessorLastSaleAmount |
The amount paid by the primary owner for the property. |
AssessorLastSaleDate |
The date the primary owner acquired the property with the format: |
AssessorPriorSaleAmount |
The amount paid by the previous owner for the property. |
AssessorPriorSaleDate |
The date the previous owner aquired the property with the format: |
DeedLastDocumentNumber |
The deed document number for the most recent sale. |
DeedLastSaleDate |
The deed sale date for the most recent sale with the format: |
DeedLastSaleDocumentBook |
The deed document book for the most recent sale. |
DeedLastSaleDocumentPage |
The deed document page for the most recent sale. |
DeedLastSalePrice |
The deed sale price for the most recent sale. |
DeedLastSaleTxID (Deprecated) |
The deed transaction ID for the most recent sale. |
LastOwnershipTransferDate |
The sale date for the most recent ownership transfer with the format: |
LastOwnershipTransferDocumentNumber |
The document number for the most recent ownership transfer. |
LastOwnershipTransferTxID (Deprecated) |
The transaction ID for the most recent ownership transfer. |
Output Name |
Description |
Area1stFloor |
The total square footage of all structures’ ground floors on the property. |
Area2ndFloor |
The total square footage of all stuctures’ second floors on the property. |
AreaBuilding |
The total square footage of all structures’ living area on the property. |
AreaBuildingDefinitionCode (Deprecated) |
The definition of the AreaBuilding. |
AreaGross (Deprecated) |
The total square footage of all structures on the property. |
AreaLotAcres |
The lot size in acres. |
AreaLotSF |
The lot size in square feet. |
AreaUpperFloors |
The total square footage of all structures’ upper floors on the property. This may include the second floor area. |
AtticArea |
The total square footage of the attic on the property. |
AtticFlag |
Specifies if there is an attic on the property. |
BasementArea |
The total square footage of the basement on the property. |
BasementAreaFinished |
The total square footage of finished basement on the property. |
BasementAreaUnfinished |
The total square footage of unfinished basement on the property. |
LotDepth |
The lot depth in feet. |
LotWidth |
The lot width in feet. |
ParkingCarport |
Specifies if a carport is on the property and any additional information about the carport. |
ParkingCarportArea |
The total square footage of carport on the property. |
ParkingGarage |
Specifies if a garage is on the property and any additional information about the garage. E.g. attached, detached, etc. |
ParkingGarageArea |
The total square footage of garage on the property. |
Output Name |
Description |
Pool |
Specifies if a pool is on the property and any additional information about the pool. |
PoolArea |
The surface area of the pool on the property. |
SaunaFlag |
Specifies if a sauna room is on the property. |
Output Name |
Description |
Construction |
The framework construction material for the primary structure on the property. |
ConstructionFireResistanceClass |
The code defining the fire resistance of structures on the property. |
FlooringMaterialPrimary |
The primary type of flooring in structures on the property. |
Foundation |
The type of foundation for the primary structure on the property. |
InteriorStructure |
Specifies if there is an interior structure in the primary structre on the property. May also indicate the type of interior structure. |
PlumbingFixturesCount |
The number of plumbing fixtures on the property. |
SafetyFireSprinklersFlag |
Specifies if there are fire sprinklers in structures on the property. |
Output Name |
Description |
BathCount |
The number of bathrooms on the property. Includes partial bathrooms. |
BathPartialCount |
The number of partial bathrooms on the property. |
BedroomsCount |
The number of bedrooms on the property. |
BonusRoomFlag |
Specifies if there is a bonus room on the property. |
BreakfastNookFlag |
Specifies if there is a breakfast nook on the property. |
CellarFlag |
Specifies if there is a cellar on the property. |
CellarWineFlag (Deprecated) |
Specifies if there is a wine cellar on the property. |
ExcerciseFlag |
Specifies if there is an exercise room on the property. |
FamilyCode |
Specifies if there is a family room on the property. |
GameFlag |
Specifies if there is a game room on the property. |
GreatFlag |
Specifies if there is a great room on the property. |
HobbyFlag |
Specifies if there is a hobby room on the property. |
LaundryFlag |
Specifies if there is a laundry room on the property. |
MediaFlag |
Specifies if there is a media room on the property. |
MudFlag |
Specifies if there is a mud room on the property. |
OfficeArea |
The details of the office on the property. |
OfficeFlag |
Specifies if there is an office on the property. |
RoomsCount |
The number of rooms on the property. |
SafeRoomFlag |
Specifies if there is a safe room on the property. |
SittingFlag |
Specifies if there is a sitting room on the property. |
StoriesCount |
The number of stories for buildings on the property. Please see the LookupProperty Service Codes - StoriesCount for the list of possible codes. |
StormFlag |
Specifies if there is a storm shelter on the property. |
StudyFlag |
Specifies if there is a study on the property. |
SunroomFlag |
Specifies if there is a sunroom on the property. |
UnitsCount |
The number of units on the property. |
UtilityArea |
The details of the utility room on the property. |
UtilityCode |
Specifies if there is a utility room on the property. |
Output Name |
Description |
AccessabilityElevatorFlag |
Specifies if there is an elevator in structures on the property. |
AccessabilityHandicapFlag |
Specifies if ramps, 36” doors, or other handicap accessibility features are on the property. |
CentralVacuumFlag |
Specifies if there is a central vaccuum system on the property. |
EscalatorFlag |
Specifies if there is an escalator on the property. |
Fireplace |
Specifies if a fireplace is on the property and the type of fireplace. |
FireplaceCount |
The number of fireplaces on the property. |
IntercomFlag |
Specifies if there is a central intercom system on the property. |
SecurityAlarmFlag |
Specifies if there is a hard-wired security alarm system on the property. |
SoundSystemFlag |
Specifies if there is an installed sound system on the property. |
WetBarFlag |
Specifies if there is a built-in wet bar on the property. |
Output Name |
Description |
Exterior1Code |
The primary exterior wall covering material of the structure on the property. |
OverheadDoorFlag |
Specifies if there is an overhead door on the property. |
RoofConstruction |
The primary roof construction material of the structure on the property. |
RoofMaterial |
The primary roof finishing material of the structure on the property. |
StormShutterFlag |
Specifies if the primary structure on the property has storm shutters. |
StructureStyle |
The structural style or stylistic elements of the structure on the property. |
Output Name |
Description |
BalconyArea |
The square footage of all balconies on the property. |
BreezewayFlag |
Specifies if there is a breezeway on the property. |
DeckArea |
The square footage of all decks on the property. |
DeckFlag |
Specifies if a deck is on the property and any additional information about the deck. |
FeatureBalconyFlag |
Specifies if there is a balcony on the property. |
PatioArea |
The square footage of all patios on the property. |
PorchArea |
The square footage of all porches on the property. |
PorchCode |
Specifies if there is a porch and the type of porch on the property. |
ViewDescription |
The type of view from the property. E.g. ocean, mountain, etc. |
Output Name |
Description |
BathHouseArea |
The square footage of any bath houses on the property. |
BathHouseFlag |
Specifies if there is a bath house on the property. |
BoatAccessFlag (Deprecated) |
Specifies if there is boat access on the property. |
BoatHouseArea |
The square footage of any boat houses on the property. |
BoatHouseFlag |
Specifies if there is a boat house on the property. |
BuildingsCount |
The number of buildings on the property. |
CabinArea |
The square footage of any cabins on the property. |
CabinFlag |
Specifies if there is a cabin on the property. |
CanopyArea |
The square footage of any canopy on the property. |
CanopyFlag |
Specifies if there is a canopy on the property. |
GazeboArea |
The square footage of any gazebo on the property. |
GazeboFlag |
Specifies if there is a gazebo on the property. |
GranaryArea |
The square footage of any granary on the property. |
GranaryFlag |
Specifies if there is a granary on the property. |
GreenHouseArea |
The square footage of any greenhouse on the propery. |
GreenHouseFlag |
Specifies if there greenhouse on the property. |
GuestHouseArea |
The square footage of any guest house on the property. |
GuestHouseFlag |
Specifies if there is a guest house on the property. |
KennelArea |
The square footage of any kennel on the property. |
KennelFlag |
Specifies if there is a kennel on the property. |
LeanToArea |
The square footage of any lean-to on the property. |
LeanToFlag |
Specifies if there is a lean-to on the property. |
LoadingPlatformArea |
The square footage of any loading platform on the property. |
LoadingPlatformFlag |
Specifies if there is a loading platform on the property. |
MilkHouseArea |
The square footage of any milk house on the property. |
MilkHouseFlag |
Specifies if there is a milk house on the property. |
OutdoorKitchenFireplaceFlag |
Specifies if there is an outdoor kitchen fireplace on the property. |
PoleStructureArea |
The square footage of any pole structure on the property. |
PoleStructureFlag |
Specifies if there is a pole structure on the property. |
PoolHouseArea |
The square footage of any pool house on the property. |
PoolHouseFlag |
Specifies if there is a pool house on the property. |
PoultryHouseArea |
The square footage of any poultry house on the property. |
PoultryHouseFlag |
Specifies if there is a poultry house on the property. |
QuonsetArea |
The square footage of any Quonset Hut on the property. |
QuonsetFlag |
Specifies if there is a Quonset Hut on the property. |
ShedArea |
The square footage of any shed on the property. |
ShedCode |
Specifies if there is a shed on the property. |
SiloArea |
The square footage of any silo on the property. |
SiloFlag |
Specifies if there is a silo on the property. |
StableArea |
The square footage of any stable on the property. |
StableFlag |
Specifies if there is a stable on the property. |
StorageBuildingArea |
The square footage of any storage building on the property. |
StorageBuildingFlag |
Specifies if there is a storage building on the property. |
UtilityBuildingArea |
The square footage of any utility building on the property. |
UtilityBuildingFlag |
Specifies if there is a utility building on the property. |
Output Name |
Description |
HVACCoolingDetail |
The system used to provide cooling. |
HVACHeatingDetail |
The system used to provide heating. |
HVACHeatingFuel |
The primary type of heating fuel used. |
MobileHomeHookupFlag |
Specifies if there is a mobile home hookup on the property. |
SewageUsage |
The type of sewer used on the property, if any. |
WaterSource |
The water source for the property. |
Output Name |
Description |
DrivewayArea |
The area of any driveways on the property. |
DrivewayMaterial |
The type of material the driveway is composed of on the property. |
ParkingSpaceCount |
The total number of parking spaces on the property. |
RVParkingFlag |
Specifies if there is a dedicated RV parking area on the property. |
Output Name |
Description |
ArborPergolaFlag |
Specifies if there is an arbor pergola on the property. |
ArenaFlag |
Specifies if there is an equestrian arena on the property. |
BoatLiftFlag |
Specifies if there is a boat lift on the property. |
CourtyardArea |
The area of any courtyards on the property. |
CourtyardFlag |
Specifies if there is a courtyard on the property. |
FenceArea |
The area of any fences on the property. |
FenceCode |
The type of fence on the property. |
GolfCourseGreenFlag |
Specifies if there is a golf course green on the property. |
PondFlag |
Specifies if there is a pond on the property. |
SportsCourtFlag |
Specifies if there is a sports court on the property. |
SprinklersFlag |
Specifies if there is an installed lawn or garden sprinkler on the property. |
TennisCourtFlag |
Specifies if there is a tennis course on the property. |
TopographyCode |
Specifies the topography of the property. |
WaterFeatureFlag |
Specifies if there is a koi pond on the property. |
Output Name |
Description |
ConfidenceScore |
A calculated score indicating the level of confidence in the estimated values. |
EstimatedMaxValue |
The maximum estimated value of the property. |
EstimatedMinValue |
The minimum estimated value of the property. |
EstimatedValue |
The estimated value of the property. |
ValuationDate |
The date the estimated value was calculated. |
Output Name |
Description |
WellKnownText |
Field containing the geometry of the property parcel in Well Known Text format. |
Service Codes#
Code |
Description |
Y |
The Owner is a trust |
N |
The Owner is not a Trust |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
Y |
The Owner is Determined to be a Company |
Code |
Description |
103 |
Company |
109 |
Husband And Wife |
125 |
Single Man |
127 |
Single Woman |
129 |
Trustee |
149 |
Community Property |
150 |
Estate |
151 |
Executor |
153 |
Joint Tenant/joint Tenant W/ Right Of Survivorship |
154 |
Joint Venture |
156 |
Life Estate |
159 |
Living Trust |
164 |
Right Of Survivorship |
165 |
Revocable Trust |
167 |
Sole Owner |
169 |
Tenants In Common |
171 |
Tenant By Entirety |
174 |
Also Known As (a/k/a) |
175 |
Doing Business As (dba) |
178 |
Formerly Known As (f/k/a) |
179 |
Government |
182 |
Life Tenant (holds A Life Estate Interest Only) |
183 |
Minor, Ward Or Client (represented By Trustee) |
189 |
Revocable Living Trust |
195 |
Widow Or Widower |
203 |
Irrevocable Trust |
204 |
Irrevocable Living Trust |
205 |
Joint Tenants |
206 |
Married Man As His Sole And Separate Property |
207 |
Married Woman As Her Sole & Separate Property |
208 |
Partnership |
209 |
Transfer Of Death |
210 |
Tenant |
211 |
Trustee/conservator |
215 |
Tax Payer |
216 |
Domestic Partner |
218 |
Et Al (and Others) - Vendor Data Only |
219 |
Et Ux (and Wife) - Vendor Data Only |
220 |
Family Living Trust |
221 |
Family Trust |
222 |
Family Revocable Trust |
223 |
Her Husband |
227 |
Contract Owner |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
4 |
Non-US |
A |
Alias |
F |
Company |
G |
General Delivery |
H |
Highrise |
P |
PO Box |
R |
Rural Route |
S |
Standard US |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Cannot Use for Marketing, Based on Legal Restriction |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
y |
Owner Occupied |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Property is currently receiving a Homeowner’s Exemption on their property tax. |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Property is currently receiving a Disabled Owner Exemption on their property tax. |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Property is currently receiving a Senior Citizen’s Exemption on their property tax. |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Property is currently receiving a Veteran’s Homeowner Exemption on their property tax. |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Property is currently receiving a Widowed Homeowner’s Exemption on their property tax. |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Property is currently receiving a Homeowners Exemption on their property tax. |
Value |
Miscellaneous |
Property Storage |
Residential |
Multi-Unit/Multi-Family Residential |
Residential Miscellaneous |
Commercial |
Multi-Unit Professional |
Recreation/Entertainment |
Industrial |
Heavy Industrial |
Transportation & Communications |
Agricultural/Rural |
Vacant Land |
Special Purpose |
Exempt |
Exempt Institution |
Government/Public |
Historical |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
Unknown |
101 |
Dairy Farm |
102 |
Desert Or Barren Land |
103 |
Farm, Crops |
104 |
Feedlots |
105 |
Farm (Irrigated Or Dry) |
106 |
Horticulture, Ornamental (Agricultural) |
107 |
Irrigation, Flood Control |
108 |
Livestock, Animals |
109 |
Miscellaneous Structures - Ranch, Farm Fixtures |
110 |
Orchard (Fruit, Nut) |
111 |
Orchards, Groves |
112 |
Pasture |
113 |
Poultry Farm (Chicken, Turkey, Fish, Bees, Rabbits) |
114 |
Ranch |
115 |
Reservoir, Water Supply |
116 |
Rural Improved / Non-residential |
117 |
Range Land (Grazing) |
118 |
Agricultural/rural (General) |
118 |
Agricultural/rural (General) |
119 |
Truck Crops |
120 |
Timberland, Forest, Trees |
121 |
Vineyard |
122 |
Well Site (Agricultural) |
123 |
Wildlife (Refuge) |
124 |
Convenience Store (7-11) |
125 |
Appliance Store (Bix Box Appliance) |
126 |
Auto Repair, Garage |
127 |
Vehicle Sales, Vehicle Rentals (Auto/Truck/RV/Boat/etc) |
128 |
Bakery |
129 |
Bar, Tavern |
130 |
Commercial Building, Mail Order, Show Room (Non-Auto), Warehouse |
131 |
Bed & Breakfast |
132 |
Casino |
133 |
Cemetery, Funeral Home, Mortuary (Commercial) |
134 |
Common Area (Commercial, Not Shopping Center) |
135 |
Commercial (General) |
136 |
Commercial Office (General) |
137 |
Convenience Store (w/Fuel Pump) |
138 |
Commercial Condominium (Not Offices) |
139 |
Condominium Offices |
140 |
Store/office (Mixed Use) |
141 |
Department Store (Apparel, Household Goods, Furniture) |
142 |
Dental Building |
143 |
Department Store (Multi-Story) |
143 |
Department Store (Multi-Story) |
144 |
Garden Center, Home Improvement (Do-It-Yourself) |
145 |
Drug Store, Pharmacy |
146 |
Drive-thru Restaurant, Fast Food |
147 |
Dry Cleaner |
148 |
Restaurant |
149 |
Farm Supply & Equipment (Commercial) |
150 |
Financial Building |
151 |
Grocery, Supermarket |
152 |
Hospital - Private |
153 |
Hotel/motel |
154 |
Hotel-Resort |
155 |
Hotel |
156 |
Kennel |
157 |
Laundromat (Self-Service) |
158 |
Liquor Store |
159 |
Mobile Commercial Units |
160 |
Medical Building |
161 |
Mixed Use (Commercial/Industrial) |
162 |
Mobile Home Park, Trailer Park |
163 |
Motel |
166 |
Nightclub (Cocktail Lounge) |
167 |
Neighborhood: Shopping Center, Strip Center, Enterprise Zone |
168 |
Nursery, Greenhouse, Florist (Retail, Wholesale) |
169 |
Office Building |
170 |
Office Building (Multi-Story) |
171 |
Commercial Office/residential (Mixed Use) |
172 |
Parking Garage, Parking Structure |
173 |
Printer - Retail (Pip, Qwikcopy, etc.) |
174 |
Parking Lot |
175 |
Day Care, Pre-School (Commercial) |
176 |
Professional Building (Multi-Story) |
177 |
Professional Building (Legal, Insurance, Real Estate, Business) |
178 |
Retail Stores (Personal Services, Photography, Travel) |
179 |
Regional: Shopping Center, Mall (w/Anchor) |
180 |
Gas Station |
181 |
Single Family Residential |
181 |
Single Family Residential |
182 |
Shopping Center Common Area (Parking Etc) |
183 |
Community: Shopping Center, Mini-mall |
184 |
Skyscraper/high-rise (Commercial Offices) |
185 |
Service Station w/Convenience Store (Food Mart) |
186 |
Service Station (Full Service) |
189 |
Take-out Restaurant (Food Preparation) |
190 |
Truck Stop (Fuel And Diner) |
191 |
Service Shop (TV, Radio, Electric, Plumbing) |
192 |
Veterinary, Animal Hospital |
193 |
Car Wash |
194 |
Wholesale Outlet, Discount Store (Franchise) |
195 |
Assembly (Light Industrial) |
196 |
Bulk Storage, Tanks (Gasoline, Fuel, Etc) |
197 |
Cannery |
198 |
Construction/contracting Services (Industrial) |
199 |
Chemical |
200 |
Common Area (Industrial) |
201 |
Condominiums (Industrial) |
202 |
Cold Storage |
203 |
Distillery, Brewery, Bottling |
204 |
Dump Site |
205 |
Factory (Apparel, Textile, Leather, Medium Mfg) |
206 |
Food Processing |
207 |
Foundry, Industrial Plant (Metal, Rubber, Plastic) |
208 |
Food Packing, Packing Plant (Fruit, Vegetable, Meat, Dairy) |
209 |
Grain Elevator |
210 |
Heavy Industrial (General) |
211 |
Heavy Manufacturing |
212 |
Industrial (General) |
213 |
Industrial Park |
214 |
Labor Camps (Industrial) |
215 |
Light Industrial (10% Improved Office Space; Machine Shop) |
216 |
Industrial Loft Building, Loft Building |
217 |
Lumberyard, Building Materials |
218 |
Lumber & Wood Product Mfg (Including Furniture) |
219 |
Marine Facility/board Repairs (Small Craft, Sailboat) |
220 |
Manufacturing (Light) |
221 |
Mill (Feed, Grain, Paper, Lumber, Textile, Pulp) |
222 |
Mining, Mineral, Quarries |
224 |
Multi-tenant Industrial Building |
225 |
Paper Product Mfg & Related Products |
226 |
Refinery, Petroleum Products |
227 |
Printing & Publishing (Light Industrial) |
228 |
Processing Plant (Minerals, Cement, Rock, Gravel, Glass, Clay) |
229 |
Mini-warehouse, Storage |
230 |
Quarries (Sand, Gravel, Rock) |
231 |
R&d Facility, Laboratory, Research Facility, Cosmetics, Pharmaceutical |
232 |
Recycling (Metal, Paper, Glass) |
233 |
Shipyard - Built Or Repaired (Seagoing Vessels) |
234 |
Slaughter House, Stockyard |
235 |
Storage Yard (Junk, Auto Wrecking, Salvage) |
236 |
Storage Yard, Open Storage (Light Equipment, Material) |
237 |
Sugar Refinery |
238 |
Warehouse, Storage |
239 |
Winery |
240 |
Waste Disposal, Sewage (Processing, Disposal, Storage, Treatment) |
246 |
Pipeline Or Right-of-way |
248 |
Rail (Right-Of-Way & Track) |
249 |
Road (Right-Of-Way) |
250 |
Royalty Interest |
251 |
Right-of-way (Not Rail, Road Or Utility) |
252 |
Sub-surface Rights (Mineral) |
253 |
Surface Rights (Grazing, Timber, Coal, Etc.) |
255 |
Utilities (Right-Of-Way Only) |
257 |
Working Interest |
258 |
Airport & Related |
259 |
Arcades (Amusement) |
260 |
Arena, Convention Center |
261 |
Auditorium |
262 |
Outdoor Recreation: Beach, Mountain, Desert |
263 |
Pool Hall, Billiard Parlor |
264 |
Bowling Alley |
265 |
Bus Terminal |
266 |
Commercial Auto Transportation/Storage |
267 |
Country Club |
268 |
Centrally Assessed |
269 |
Charitable Organization, Fraternal |
270 |
Clubs, Lodges, Professional Associations |
271 |
Community Center (Exempt) |
272 |
Communications |
273 |
Campground, RV Park |
274 |
College, University, Vocational School - Private |
275 |
Crematorium, Mortuary (Exempt) |
276 |
Cable TV Station |
277 |
City, Municipal, Town, Village Owned (Exempt) |
278 |
County Owned (Exempt) |
279 |
Dance Hall |
280 |
Distribution Warehouse (Regional) |
281 |
Drive-in Theater |
282 |
Cemetery (Exempt) |
283 |
Emergency (Police, Fire, Rescue, Shelters, Animal Shelter) |
284 |
Exempt (Full Or Partial) |
285 |
Fairgrounds |
286 |
Federal Property (Exempt) |
287 |
Fish Camps, Game Club Target Shooting |
288 |
Forest (Park, Reserve, Recreation, Conservation) |
289 |
Freeways, State Hwys |
290 |
Driving Range (Golf) |
291 |
Transportation (General) |
291 |
Transportation (General) |
292 |
Go-carts, Miniature Gold, Water Slides |
293 |
Golf Course |
294 |
Governmental / Public Use (General) |
295 |
Govt. Administrative Office (Federal, State, Local, Court House) |
296 |
Gym, Health Spa |
297 |
Historical District |
298 |
Cultural, Historical (Monuments, Homes, Museums, Other) |
299 |
Historical Transient Lodging (Hotel, Motel) |
300 |
Harbor & Marine Transportation |
301 |
Historical Office |
302 |
Hospital - Public |
303 |
Historical Park, Site, Misc. |
304 |
Historical - Private (General) |
305 |
Historical Recreation, Entertainment |
306 |
Historical Residence |
307 |
Historical Retail |
308 |
Historical Warehouse |
309 |
Indian Lands |
310 |
Institutional (General) |
311 |
Marina, Boat Slips, Yacht Club, Boat Landing |
312 |
Medical Clinic |
313 |
Microwave |
314 |
Military (Office, Base, Post, Port, Reserve, Weapon Range, Test Sites) |
315 |
Miscellaneous (General) |
316 |
Museum, Library, Art Gallery (Recreational) |
317 |
Natural Resources |
318 |
Recreational Non-taxable (Camps, Boy Scouts) |
319 |
Correctional Facility, Jails, Prisons, Insane Asylum |
320 |
Children’s Home, Orphanage |
321 |
Public Health Care Facility (Exempt) |
322 |
Park, Playground, Picnic Area |
323 |
Piers, Wharf (Recreation) |
324 |
Pollution Control |
325 |
Post Office |
326 |
Public Swimming Pool |
327 |
Amusement Park, Tourist Attraction |
328 |
Parochial School, Private School |
329 |
Public Utility (Electric, Water, Gas, Etc.) |
330 |
Railroad & Related |
331 |
Racquet Court, Tennis Court |
332 |
Recreational Center |
333 |
Regulating Districts & Assessments; Tax Abatement |
334 |
Recreational/Entertainment (General) |
335 |
Redevelopment Agency Or Zone |
336 |
Religious, Church, Worship (Synagogue, Temple, Parsonage) |
337 |
Riding Stable, Trails |
338 |
Roads, Streets, Bridges |
339 |
Homes (Retired, Handicap, Rest, Convalescent, Nursing) |
340 |
Radio Or TV Station |
342 |
Public School (Administration, Campus, Dorms, Instruction) |
343 |
Skating Rink, Ice Skating, Roller Skating |
344 |
State Owned (Exempt) |
345 |
Special Purpose |
346 |
Stadium |
347 |
Telegraph, Telephone |
348 |
Theater (Movie) |
350 |
Race Track (Auto, Dog, Horse) |
351 |
Truck Terminal (Motor Freight) |
352 |
Colleges, University - Public |
353 |
Private Utility (Electric, Water, Gas, Etc.) |
354 |
Welfare, Social Service, Low Income Housing (Exempt) |
355 |
Zoo |
356 |
Other Exempt Property |
357 |
Garden Apt, Court Apt (5+ Units) |
358 |
High-rise Apartments |
359 |
Apartment House (100+ Units) |
360 |
Apartments (Generic) |
361 |
Apartment House (5+ Units) |
362 |
Boarding/rooming House, Apt Hotel |
363 |
Bungalow (Residential) |
364 |
Cluster Home |
365 |
Common Area (Residential) |
366 |
Condominium |
367 |
Cooperative |
368 |
Dormitory, Group Quarters (Residential) |
369 |
Duplex (2 Units, Any Combination) |
370 |
Fraternity House, Sorority House |
371 |
Manufactured, Modular, Pre-fabricated Homes |
372 |
Multi-family Dwellings (Generic, Any Combination) |
373 |
Mobile Home |
375 |
Miscellaneous (Residential) |
376 |
Patio Home |
377 |
Planned Unit Development (PUD) |
378 |
Quadplex (4 Units, Any Combination) |
379 |
Condominium Development (Association Assessment) |
381 |
Residential Income (General/Multi-Family) |
382 |
Row House |
384 |
Seasonal, Cabin, Vacation Residence |
385 |
Single Family Residential |
386 |
Townhouse |
387 |
Timeshare |
388 |
Triplex (3 Units, Any Combination) |
389 |
Vacant Land |
390 |
Zero Lot Line (Residential) |
391 |
Abandoned Site, Contaminated Site |
392 |
Agricultural (Unimproved) - Vacant Land |
393 |
Vacant Commercial |
394 |
Government - Vacant Land |
395 |
Industrial - Vacant Land |
396 |
Institutional - Vacant Land |
398 |
Multi-family - Vacant Land |
399 |
Private Preserve, Open Space - Vacant Land |
400 |
Recreational - Vacant Land |
401 |
Residential - Vacant Land |
402 |
Under Construction |
403 |
Unusable Land (Remnant, Steep, Etc.) |
404 |
Waste Land, Marsh, Swamp, Submerged - Vacant Land |
406 |
Water Area (Lakes, River, Shore) - Vacant Land |
407 |
Common Area (Misc.) |
408 |
Temporary Structures |
409 |
Vacant Land - Exempt |
410 |
Sports Complex |
411 |
Personal Property (General) |
412 |
Pet Boarding & Grooming |
413 |
Crops (In Ground) |
414 |
Structures (General) |
415 |
Aircraft |
416 |
Landominium |
418 |
Residential Parking Garage |
419 |
Inventory |
420 |
Motor Vehicles (Cars, Trucks, Etc.) |
421 |
Condominium Building (Residential) |
422 |
Misc Structures Not Otherwise Classed (Billboards, Etc.) |
423 |
Barndominium |
425 |
Goods In Transit |
427 |
Spacecraft |
429 |
Structures On Leased Land |
431 |
Possessory Interest (Misc.) |
432 |
Watercraft (Ships, Boats, Pwcs, Etc.) |
433 |
Car Wash - Self-Serve |
434 |
Rolling Stock (Railroad) |
435 |
Water Rights (Misc.) |
436 |
Misc Personal Property Not Otherwise Classed |
437 |
Intangible Personal Property |
438 |
Leasehold Rights (Misc.) |
439 |
Misc. Business Personal Property Not Otherwise Classed |
440 |
Homestead (Misc.) |
441 |
Vehicles (General) |
444 |
Misc Vehicles Not Otherwise Classed (Antiques, Etc.) |
445 |
Business Personal Property (General) |
446 |
Crops (Harvested) |
447 |
Tiny House |
448 |
Residential Storage Space |
449 |
Roadside Market |
450 |
Cannabis Grow Facility |
451 |
Cellular |
452 |
Garden Home |
453 |
Vacant Land - Destroyed/Uninhabitable Improvement |
455 |
Equipment / Supplies |
456 |
Petroleum & Gas Wells (Misc.) |
458 |
Car Wash - Automated |
459 |
Cannabis Dispensary |
460 |
Recreational Vehicles / Travel Trailers |
461 |
Cooperative Building (Residential) |
462 |
Vacant Land - Unspecified Improvement |
463 |
Parcels With Improvements, Use Not Specified |
464 |
Barber/Hair Salon |
465 |
Easement (Misc.) |
466 |
Livestock (Animals, Fish, Birds, Etc.) |
616 |
Single Family Residential w/ADU |
617 |
Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) |
618 |
Single Family Residential - Two or more SFR on one parcel |
619 |
Horizontal Property Regime |
620 |
Apartment House (fewer than 5 units) |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
No Garage |
4 |
Pole Building Garage |
11 |
Garage, Attached |
12 |
Garage, Detached |
14 |
Garage, Finished |
19 |
Detached, Finished |
20 |
Detached, Unfinished |
21 |
Attached, Finished |
22 |
Attached, Unfinished |
30 |
Carport (Unspecified) |
40 |
Garage, Basement |
52 |
Garage, Tuckunder |
53 |
Garage, Built-in |
999 |
Type Not Specified |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Yes |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
119 |
Fan Cooling AC |
122 |
Refrigeration AC |
136 |
Evaporative Cooler |
137 |
Other |
139 |
Chilled Water |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
Unknown |
101 |
Other |
102 |
Forced Air |
103 |
Baseboard |
104 |
Gravity |
105 |
Heat Pump |
106 |
Solar |
108 |
Central |
109 |
Floor/Wall Furnace |
110 |
Steam |
111 |
Hot Water |
112 |
Radiant |
113 |
Electric |
120 |
Space |
122 |
Wood Furnace |
219 |
None |
222 |
Convection |
226 |
Partial |
229 |
Coal |
231 |
Gas |
232 |
Oil |
236 |
Yes |
238 |
Zone |
243 |
Geo-Thermal |
244 |
Propane |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
Unknown |
30 |
Coal |
80 |
Electric |
90 |
Gas |
120 |
Geo-Thermal |
320 |
Oil |
340 |
Other |
350 |
Propane |
360 |
Solar |
400 |
Wood |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
Unknown |
101 |
None |
102 |
Type Unknown |
108 |
Septic |
109 |
Storm |
113 |
Municipal |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
Unknown |
101 |
None |
102 |
Type Unknown |
104 |
Cistern |
106 |
Private |
107 |
Public |
109 |
Spring/Creek |
110 |
Well |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Property has a utility hookup (electtric and/or water) for a mobilere home or RV |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
100 |
Mat/Raft Foundation (Slab) |
101 |
Concrete Beam & Slab |
200 |
300 |
Pile |
400 |
Pier/Post & Beam |
501 |
Raised (Unspecified) |
920 |
Wood (Unspecified) |
921 |
Stone (Unspecified) |
922 |
Masonry (Unspecified) |
923 |
Block (Unspecified) |
924 |
Brick (Unspecified) |
930 |
Retaining Wall |
999 |
Type Not Specified |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
None Stated |
1 |
Type Not Specified |
2 |
Frame |
7 |
Light Frame |
8 |
Heavy Frame |
10 |
Wood |
19 |
Metal Frame |
20 |
Steel Frame |
23 |
Concrete |
25 |
Masonry/Concrete Masonry Units (CMUs) |
28 |
Concrete Blocks |
31 |
Brick |
38 |
Stone |
41 |
Adobe |
42 |
Log |
43 |
Manufactured |
46 |
Tilt-Up Concrete |
50 |
Arched/Dome |
99 |
Mixed |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
No Interior Walls |
101 |
Finished/Painted |
102 |
Custom/Decorative |
104 |
Composition |
110 |
Paneling (Unspecified) |
190 |
Unfinished |
199 |
Other |
201 |
Wallboard/Drywall |
210 |
Cement Board |
301 |
Wood (Unspecified) |
320 |
Plywood |
350 |
Log |
401 |
Masonry (Unspecified) |
402 |
Block (Unspecified) |
410 |
Brick |
420 |
Stone |
430 |
Concrete |
601 |
Metal |
701 |
Plaster |
750 |
Glass |
760 |
Vinyl Panel/Coating |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
Unknown |
101 |
Buildings having fireproofed structural steel frames carrying all wall, floor and roof loads. Wall, floor and roof structures are built of non-combustible materials. |
102 |
Buildings having fireproofed reinforced concrete frames carrying all wall, floor and roof loads which are all non-combustible. |
103 |
Buildings having exterior walls built of a non-combustible material such as brick, concrete, block or poured concrete. Interior partitions and roof structure are built of combustible materials. Floor may be concrete or wood frame. |
104 |
Buildings having wood or wood and steel frames. |
105 |
Specialized buildings that do not fit in any of the above categories. |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
The property is equipped with a fire-suppression sprinkler system |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
Not Stated |
2 |
Carpet |
4 |
Vinyl Tile (VCT) |
6 |
Vinyl Sheet/Linoleum |
8 |
Laminate Plank |
13 |
Wood (Unspecified) |
14 |
Hardwood |
15 |
Softwood |
16 |
Parquet |
17 |
Plywood |
24 |
Cork |
28 |
Slate |
29 |
Marble |
30 |
Granite |
31 |
Stone |
32 |
Ceramic Tile |
36 |
Terrazzo |
37 |
Concrete/Cement |
40 |
Tile (Unspecified) |
42 |
Brick |
45 |
Asbestos (Tiles, Sheet) |
47 |
Earth/Dirt |
60 |
Combination, Other |
64 |
Covered |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Bonus Room |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Breakfast Nook |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Cellar |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of an Exercise Room |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Family Room |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Game Room |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Geat Room |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Hobby Room |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Laundry Room |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Media Room |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Mud Room |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of an Office |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Safe Room |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Sitting Room |
N = any positive number, including decimals e.g. 1.44, 2, etc.
Code |
Description |
N+A |
N stories with Attic |
N+B |
N stories with Basement |
N/L |
N Split Levels |
A |
With Attic |
AB |
With Attic and Basement |
B |
With Basement |
B/L |
Bi-level |
S/E |
Split Entry |
S/F |
Split Foyer |
S/L |
Split Level |
M |
Multiple Stories |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Storm Shelter |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Study |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Sun Room |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Utility Room |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Yes |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of an Elevator |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of Hanjdicapped Accessability Features Such As Ramps, Wide Doorways, etc. |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of an Escalator |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Central Vaccuum System |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Central Intercom System |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of an Installed Sound System |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Wet Bar |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Security Alarm |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
Unknown |
1 |
Conventional |
2 |
Modern |
4 |
Spanish |
5 |
English |
6 |
French |
7 |
Colonial |
8 |
Contemporary |
10 |
A-Frame |
11 |
Ranch |
12 |
Other |
13 |
Bungalow |
14 |
Cape Cod |
18 |
Victorian |
19 |
Mobile Home |
25 |
30 |
Dome |
37 |
Mansion |
38 |
Cabin |
45 |
Cottage |
50 |
Traditional |
52 |
Tudor |
60 |
European |
68 |
High Rise |
82 |
Modular |
86 |
Custom Design |
90 |
Mediterranean |
103 |
110 |
150 |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0A |
Unknown |
1L |
Stucco |
2R |
Siding |
3B |
Brick |
5G |
Concrete Block |
7Q |
Wood |
9J |
Metal |
10A |
Asbestos |
12C |
Brick Veneer |
15I |
Logs |
17A |
Vinyl |
18V |
Shingles |
19A |
Marblecrete |
20H |
Glass |
24E |
Composition |
29A |
Other (Not Classified) |
34K |
Stone |
35T |
Adobe |
37A |
Pre-cast |
47P |
Wood Shingle |
48D |
Block |
68A |
Masonry/Stucco |
69A |
Aluminum Siding |
81F |
Concrete |
98X |
Combination |
99A |
Wood Siding |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
Unknown |
103 |
Shake |
104 |
Tile |
105 |
Composition Shingle |
106 |
Roll Composition (Rolled Mineral Roof) |
108 |
Builtup (Layered Asphalt) |
109 |
Asphalt |
110 |
Slate |
111 |
Aluminum |
112 |
Metal |
114 |
Other (Not Classified) |
115 |
Asbestos |
121 |
Fiberglass |
125 |
Clay Tile |
127 |
Wood Shake/Shingle |
128 |
Concrete Tile |
131 |
Wood |
150 |
Ceramic/Glazed Tile |
158 |
Shingle |
172 |
Tar & Gravel |
174 |
Gravel & Rock |
215 |
Copper |
230 |
Tin |
298 |
Concrete |
312 |
Steel |
321 |
Gypsum |
327 |
Plastic/Urethane |
330 |
Bermuda/Clay Tile/Wood Shingle |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
Unknown |
101 |
Dormer |
103 |
Monitor |
107 |
Barn |
108 |
Canopy |
109 |
Frame |
113 |
Gambrel/Mansard |
115 |
Butterfly |
116 |
Complex/Custom |
117 |
Contemporary |
118 |
Pitched |
119 |
Arched |
120 |
A-Frame |
121 |
Bubble |
124 |
Barrel |
125 |
Pyramid |
126 |
Swiss Chalet/Alpine |
127 |
Other |
197 |
Flat |
251 |
Gable |
253 |
Gable/Hip |
258 |
Hip |
265 |
Mansard |
274 |
Shed |
282 |
Sawtooth |
283 |
Cathedral/Clerestory |
289 |
Gambrel |
311 |
Rigid Frm Bar Jt |
312 |
Steel Frm/truss |
313 |
Bowstring Truss |
318 |
Wood Truss |
320 |
Prestress Concrete |
329 |
Reinforced Concrete |
345 |
Geodesic/Dome |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of Storm Shutters on the Main Structure |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of an Overhead Door |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
None |
1 |
Type Unknown |
999 |
Bypass |
A |
Freeway Proximity |
Bluff |
B |
Waterfront-Beach (Ocean, River, or Lake) |
Territory |
C |
Contamination Site |
D |
Cul-de-sac |
E |
Corner |
H |
Historical |
I |
School Proximity |
P |
Proximity To Airport |
R |
Proximity To Railroad |
S |
Major Street/Thoroughfare |
T |
High Traffic Area |
V01 |
Type Unknown |
Airport |
Average |
Bay |
Best |
Better |
Canal |
City |
Creek/lake |
Canyon |
Conservation/Protected Area |
Canyon/valley |
Excellent |
Fair |
Golf Course |
Good |
Greenbelt/Park |
Gulf |
Hills/Mountains |
Hill/Valley |
Inferior |
Inland Waterway |
Intercoastal Waterway |
Lake |
Lagoon |
Lake/Pond |
Mountain |
Mountain/Ocean |
Obstructed |
Ocean |
Park |
Pond |
Parking |
Prime |
Pool |
Premium |
Poor |
Recreational |
Road |
River |
Standard |
Suburban |
Superior |
Street |
Typical |
Woodland |
Water |
Z |
Flood Plain/Flood Zone |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
P00 |
Porch |
P0Y |
Glass Porch |
P10 |
Finished/Screened Porch |
PC0 |
Covered Porch |
PE0 |
Enclosed Porch |
PO0 |
Open Porch |
PX0 |
Enclosed/Chattahoochee Porch |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Deck |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Balcony |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Breezeway |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
Unknown |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a RV Parking Space/Surface |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
D |
Driveway |
DA |
Driveway Asphalt |
DB |
Driveway Bomanite |
DC |
Driveway Chat |
DK |
Driveway Brick |
DO |
Driveway Concrete |
DP |
Driveway Paver |
DR |
Driveway Gravel |
DT |
Driveway Tile |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
Unknown |
101 |
Public/Municipal/Commercial |
110 |
Above-ground Pool |
121 |
In-ground Vinyl Pool |
130 |
Indoor Pool |
210 |
Pool, Gunite |
220 |
Pool, Fiberglass |
230 |
Pool, Concrete |
241 |
Pool, Plastic/Vinyl Lined |
401 |
Pool (Unspecified), Heated |
402 |
Pool, Solar Heated |
502 |
Pool w/Hot Tub/Spa |
610 |
Pool (Unspecified), Enclosed |
904 |
Spa/Hot Tub (only) |
999 |
Type Unspecified |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
Unknown |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Sauna Room |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
Unknown |
101 |
Gentle Slope |
102 |
Level |
103 |
Rolling |
104 |
Steep Side |
105 |
Low/Wet |
106 |
Combo |
107 |
Broken |
108 |
Low |
109 |
High |
110 |
Wet |
111 |
Steep |
112 |
Steep/Low |
113 |
Steep/Wet |
114 |
Underwater |
115 |
Other |
116 |
Below Road/Slope |
117 |
Above Road/Slope |
118 |
Above Road/Steep |
119 |
Below Road/Steep |
120 |
Partially Developed |
121 |
Needs Development |
122 |
Rocky |
123 |
Marsh |
124 |
Mountain |
125 |
Wooded |
126 |
Brushy |
A |
Unknown |
B |
Unknown |
C |
Unknown |
D |
Unknown |
F |
Unknown |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
F |
Fence |
FB |
Barbed Wire Fence |
FC |
Chain Link Fence |
FH |
Hurricane Fence |
FI |
Wrought Iron Or Iron Fence |
FK |
Brick Fence/Wall |
FL |
Concrete Block Fence/Wall |
FM |
Metal Fence |
FP |
Picket Fence |
FR |
Rail Fence |
FS |
Stockade Fence |
FT |
Stone Fence/Wall |
FV |
Vinyl Fence |
FW |
Wood Fence |
FX |
Combo |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Courtyard |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Pergola |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of an Installed Lawn/Plantings Watering System |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Practice Green |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Tennis Court |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Sport/Basketball Court |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of an Equestrian Arena |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Wqater Feature Such as a Fountain |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Pond, Including a Koi Pond |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Boat Lift |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Bath House |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Boat Access/Ramp |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Boat house |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Cabin/Rustic Dwelling |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Canopy Area |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Gazebo |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Grainery |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Greenhouse |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Guest House |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Kennel/Animal Shelter |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Lean-To |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Loading Platform/Dock |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Milk House |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of an Outdoor Kitchen/Brick Bar-B-Que |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Pool House |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Popultry House |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Quonset Structure/Hut |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Silo |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Stables |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Storage Building |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
Indicates the Presence of a Pole Building |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
0 |
Unknown |
1 |
There is a shed on the property |
Code |
Description |
Blank |
Unknown or Not Provided |
1 |
The property has a utility (multi-purpose working building) building on it |
Field Name |
Frequency |
AccountNumber |
16.47% |
AlternateAPN |
4.19% |
APNYearChange |
32.24% |
CBSACode |
86.70% |
CBSAName |
86.70% |
CensusBlock |
57.94% |
CensusBlockGrp |
42.06% |
CensusTract |
42.06% |
County |
100.00% |
FIPSCode |
100.00% |
FormattedAPN |
73.33% |
MapBook |
0.41% |
MapPage |
0.41% |
MetropolitanDivision |
17.86% |
MinorCivilDivisionCode |
68.35% |
MinorCivilDivisionName |
8.30% |
MSACode |
86.78% |
MSAName |
86.78% |
NeighborhoodCode |
36.65% |
PreviousAPN |
25.42% |
TaxJurisdiction |
86.29% |
UnformattedAPN |
100.00% |
YearAdded |
52.51% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
Block1 |
32.96% |
Block2 |
0.10% |
LegalDescription |
90.63% |
LotNumber1 |
61.91% |
LotNumber2 |
4.65% |
LotNumber3 |
0.01% |
Phase |
0.14% |
Quarter |
8.52% |
QuarterQuarter |
3.08% |
Range |
24.93% |
Section |
25.91% |
Subdivision |
58.62% |
Township |
26.54% |
TractNumber |
74.34% |
Unit |
0.43% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
Address |
87.66% |
AddressKey |
76.51% |
BaseMAK |
3.78% |
CarrierRoute |
75.42% |
City |
93.04% |
Latitude |
92.42% |
Longitude |
92.42% |
71.28% |
PrivacyInfo |
6.42% |
State |
97.98% |
Zip |
92.44% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
PostDirectional |
5.23% |
PreDirectional |
17.79% |
Range |
79.55% |
StreetName |
87.62% |
Suffix |
80.69% |
SuiteName |
6.04% |
SuiteRange |
6.04% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
CompanyFlag |
6.91% |
Name1First |
93.72% |
Name1Full |
99.15% |
Name1Last |
85.92% |
Name1Middle |
52.91% |
Name1Suffix |
3.63% |
Name2First |
33.02% |
Name2Full |
32.95% |
Name2Last |
33.74% |
Name2Middle |
20.48% |
Name2Suffix |
2.59% |
TrustFlag |
74.85% |
Type |
96.17% |
VestingType |
99.20% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
Name3First |
9.16% |
Name3Full |
9.59% |
Name3Last |
8.71% |
Name3Middle |
4.50% |
Name3Suffix |
0.14% |
Name4First |
0.49% |
Name4Full |
0.65% |
Name4Last |
0.67% |
Name4Middle |
0.24% |
Name4Suffix |
0.01% |
Type |
96.17% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
Address |
97.71% |
BaseMAK |
14.66% |
CarrierRoute |
95.58% |
City |
97.70% |
FormatInfo |
24.39% |
94.60% |
OwnerOccupied |
63.91% |
PrivacyInfo |
0.01% |
State |
97.71% |
Zip |
97.59% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
Name1First |
25.52% |
Name1Full |
30.93% |
Name1Last |
30.32% |
Name1Middle |
16.76% |
Name1Suffix |
1.15% |
Name2First |
9.52% |
Name2Full |
9.45% |
Name2Last |
10.24% |
Name2Middle |
5.58% |
Name2Suffix |
0.39% |
Name3First |
0.26% |
Name3Full |
0.27% |
Name3Last |
0.28% |
Name3Middle |
0.15% |
Name3Suffix |
0.01% |
Name4First |
0.03% |
Name4Full |
0.18% |
Name4Last |
0.19% |
Name4Middle |
0.02% |
Name4Suffix |
0.01% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
LenderCode |
57.35% |
LenderName |
65.14% |
MortgageAmount |
65.41% |
MortgageDate |
66.33% |
MortgageDueDate |
4.22% |
MortgageLoanTypeCode |
19.06% |
MortgageTerm |
5.55% |
MortgageTermCode |
5.55% |
SecondMortgageAmount |
4.58% |
SecondMortgageLoanTypeCode |
1.81% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
AssessedImprovementsPerc |
59.00% |
AssessedValueImprovements |
59.09% |
AssessedValueLand |
74.10% |
AssessedValueTotal |
94.77% |
AssrLastUpdated |
97.94% |
LastTaxRollUpdate |
100.00% |
MarketImprovementsPerc |
50.96% |
MarketValueImprovements |
51.14% |
MarketValueLand |
64.87% |
MarketValueTotal |
76.84% |
MarketValueYear |
20.07% |
PreviousAssessedValue |
81.64% |
TaxBilledAmount |
89.01% |
TaxDelinquentYear |
0.65% |
TaxExemptionAdditional |
41.28% |
TaxExemptionDisabled |
0.38% |
TaxExemptionHomeowner |
12.68% |
TaxExemptionSenior |
1.52% |
TaxExemptionVeteran |
0.46% |
TaxExemptionWidow |
0.20% |
TaxFiscalYear |
89.37% |
TaxRateArea |
56.03% |
YearAssessed |
98.10% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
PropertyUseGroup |
99.00% |
PropertyUseMuni |
72.12% |
PropertyUseStandardized |
98.24% |
YearBuilt |
63.01% |
YearBuiltEffective |
26.56% |
ZonedCodeLocal |
36.72% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
AssessorLastSaleAmount |
46.63% |
AssessorLastSaleDate |
82.32% |
AssessorPriorSaleAmount |
12.25% |
AssessorPriorSaleDate |
100.00% |
DeedLastDocumentNumber |
69.79% |
DeedLastSaleDate |
82.92% |
DeedLastSaleDocumentBook |
3.28% |
DeedLastSaleDocumentPage |
3.28% |
DeedLastSalePrice |
99.25% |
DeedLastSaleTxID |
44.04% |
LastOwnershipTransferDate |
100.00% |
LastOwnershipTransferDocumentNumber |
51.10% |
LastOwnershipTransferTxID |
48.69% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
Area1stFloor |
2.14% |
Area2ndFloor |
0.35% |
AreaBuilding |
63.93% |
AreaBuildingDefinitionCode |
62.35% |
AreaGross |
43.86% |
AreaLotAcres |
83.26% |
AreaLotSF |
83.28% |
AreaUpperFloors |
2.36% |
AtticArea |
1.16% |
AtticFlag |
0.39% |
BasementArea |
12.04% |
BasementAreaFinished |
5.27% |
BasementAreaUnfinished |
8.87% |
LotDepth |
22.79% |
LotWidth |
24.17% |
ParkingCarport |
32.40% |
ParkingCarportArea |
0.63% |
ParkingGarage |
78.91% |
ParkingGarageArea |
26.80% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
Pool |
73.71% |
PoolArea |
2.25% |
SaunaFlag |
0.00% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
Construction |
15.91% |
ConstructionFireResistanceClass |
0.12% |
FlooringMaterialPrimary |
1.70% |
Foundation |
23.02% |
InteriorStructure |
3.09% |
PlumbingFixturesCount |
6.43% |
SafetyFireSprinklersFlag |
0.02% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
BathCount |
52.14% |
BathPartialCount |
12.88% |
BedroomsCount |
42.58% |
BonusRoomFlag |
0.00% |
BreakfastNookFlag |
0.00% |
CellarFlag |
0.01% |
CellarWineFlag |
0.00% |
ExcerciseFlag |
0.00% |
FamilyCode |
0.62% |
GameFlag |
0.15% |
GreatFlag |
0.04% |
HobbyFlag |
0.01% |
LaundryFlag |
0.00% |
MediaFlag |
0.00% |
MudFlag |
0.00% |
OfficeArea |
0.01% |
OfficeFlag |
0.01% |
RoomsCount |
28.84% |
SafeRoomFlag |
0.01% |
SittingFlag |
0.00% |
StoriesCount |
53.39% |
StormFlag |
0.02% |
StudyFlag |
0.00% |
SunroomFlag |
0.00% |
UnitsCount |
42.58% |
UtilityArea |
0.08% |
UtilityCode |
0.08% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
AccessabilityElevatorFlag |
0.21% |
AccessabilityHandicapFlag |
0.01% |
CentralVacuumFlag |
0.02% |
EscalatorFlag |
0.01% |
Fireplace |
22.90% |
FireplaceCount |
18.37% |
IntercomFlag |
0.02% |
SecurityAlarmFlag |
0.01% |
SoundSystemFlag |
0.01% |
WetBarFlag |
0.01% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
Exterior1Code |
43.63% |
OverheadDoorFlag |
0.01% |
RoofConstruction |
7.69% |
RoofMaterial |
80.08% |
StormShutterFlag |
0.01% |
StructureStyle |
25.03% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
BalconyArea |
0.05% |
BreezewayFlag |
0.01% |
DeckArea |
4.69% |
DeckFlag |
5.53% |
FeatureBalconyFlag |
0.05% |
PatioArea |
11.92% |
PorchArea |
22.59% |
PorchCode |
13.90% |
ViewDescription |
73.65% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
BathHouseArea |
0.01% |
BathHouseFlag |
0.01% |
BoatAccessFlag |
0.06% |
BoatHouseArea |
0.01% |
BoatHouseFlag |
0.02% |
BuildingsCount |
23.97% |
CabinArea |
0.02% |
CabinFlag |
0.02% |
CanopyArea |
0.20% |
CanopyFlag |
0.20% |
GazeboArea |
0.02% |
GazeboFlag |
0.04% |
GranaryArea |
0.07% |
GranaryFlag |
0.11% |
GreenHouseArea |
0.02% |
GreenHouseFlag |
0.04% |
GuestHouseArea |
0.02% |
GuestHouseFlag |
0.02% |
KennelArea |
0.01% |
KennelFlag |
0.01% |
LeanToArea |
0.17% |
LeanToFlag |
0.21% |
LoadingPlatformArea |
0.01% |
LoadingPlatformFlag |
0.01% |
MilkHouseArea |
0.01% |
MilkHouseFlag |
0.01% |
OutdoorKitchenFireplaceFlag |
0.03% |
PoleStructureArea |
0.16% |
PoleStructureFlag |
0.22% |
PoolHouseArea |
0.01% |
PoolHouseFlag |
0.01% |
PoultryHouseArea |
0.03% |
PoultryHouseFlag |
0.04% |
QuonsetArea |
0.02% |
QuonsetFlag |
0.03% |
ShedArea |
1.07% |
ShedCode |
1.45% |
SiloArea |
0.01% |
SiloFlag |
0.02% |
StableArea |
0.01% |
StableFlag |
0.01% |
StorageBuildingArea |
0.41% |
StorageBuildingFlag |
0.51% |
UtilityBuildingArea |
1.36% |
UtilityBuildingFlag |
1.03% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
HVACCoolingDetail |
35.88% |
HVACHeatingDetail |
80.48% |
HVACHeatingFuel |
75.99% |
MobileHomeHookupFlag |
0.02% |
SewageUsage |
5.03% |
WaterSource |
5.29% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
DrivewayArea |
0.39% |
DrivewayMaterial |
0.01% |
ParkingSpaceCount |
5.04% |
RVParkingFlag |
0.01% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
ArborPergolaFlag |
0.01% |
ArenaFlag |
0.01% |
BoatLiftFlag |
0.01% |
CourtyardArea |
0.01% |
CourtyardFlag |
0.01% |
FenceArea |
0.01% |
FenceCode |
0.47% |
GolfCourseGreenFlag |
0.01% |
PondFlag |
0.01% |
SportsCourtFlag |
0.01% |
SprinklersFlag |
0.58% |
TennisCourtFlag |
26.68% |
TopographyCode |
13.31% |
WaterFeatureFlag |
0.01% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
ConfidenceScore |
64.38% |
EstimatedMaxValue |
64.38% |
EstimatedMinValue |
64.38% |
EstimatedValue |
64.38% |
ValuationDate |
64.38% |
Field Name |
Frequency |
WellKnownText |
79.95% |
Result Codes#
Result codes yield more granular information about a given record. They are returned as a comma-delimited string of 4-character alpha-numeric codes, e.g. YS02,YS04
or GE01
SE## and GE## Codes#
The SE## and GE## codes (Transmission Service Error and General Transmission Error) are used to signify more general errors, and are returned under the key TransmissionResults
in the outermost level of our responses.