


I can’t open multiple files in MAILERS+4 anymore. Why?#

The user interface has been changed and multiple files cannot be opened anymore. Multiple instances of the program can and must be opened to work with multiple files. Multiple files can only be opened when using the “Duplicate Check” feature of MAILERS+4.

In the past I was able to print in “Record” or “ZIP” order but now those options are grayed out? Why?#

The new standard for printing barcodes is to use the IMb™ (Intelligent Mail ® barcode). The IMb™ can only be printed in “Presort” order so to print in “Record” or “Presort” order, check the radio button “POSTNET™ barcode.”

How will the new CASS Cycle M affect the way MAILERS+4 processes my list?#

The new functions of CASS Cycle M should not cause any delay in processing time. If anything, it will be just another way for mailers to reduce waste on undeliverable mail and save money on postage and printing. And that’s a good thing because high density prices for plant-verified drop shipment (PVDS) mailings will increase on July 19, just as rates for high density Standard Mail flats go down. All the more reason to take advantage of CASSTM processing.

With the new interface of MAILERS+4, where do I find the Print the Tray/Sack Tags menu?#

All the mailing reports can now be accessed and printed on the same page. After the presort is done, you will be brought to the “Mailing Results” screen. Click “Next” to the “Reports” screen. You can print the “Qualification Report,” “Mailing Summary,” “Presort Parameters,” “Zone Listing,” “Bundle/Container Report,” Postage Statement,” and the “Tray and Sack Tags” from this screen.

How do I populate the “Move Update Method” section of the postage statement?#

MAILERS+4 now has the ability to fill out the “Move Update Method” section of the postage statement. You can do this by selecting one of the following update methods on the Postage Information screen in the “Presort” function of the software. Ancillary Service, ACS™, OneCode ACS®, FASTforward®, Alternative, n/a Alternative Address, NCOALink®, and Multiple.

How do I print only a few pages of the postage report in MAILERS+4?#

Since MAILERS+4 now prints all the reports in .pdf format, you must first preview the report. On the “Mailings” page after you run presort, select “Postage Report” and click the “View” button. Now, when you go to print the postage statement, you can specify how many pages of this report you want to print.


What payment options does MAILERS+4 support?#

There are 3 payment options to choose from:

  • Meter – Indicates that you will use a postage meter to pay for your mailing.

  • Imprint – Indicates that you will use a permit imprint to pay for your mailing

  • Stamp – Indicates that you will use pre-cancelled stamps to pay for your mailing. You can enter the stamp value in the field provided on the Postage Statement information screen.

What rate types does MAILERS+4 support?#

MAILERS+4 supports the following rate types.

  • Profit: Applies to regular mail outside the nonprofit category

  • Nonprofit: The processing of Nonprofit Mail is exactly like Standard Mail® (A). The difference is in the rates that are charged. USPS Nonprofit rate authorization is required prior to mailing.

  • Classroom: A special periodical rate available to educational, scientific, or religious publications that are used for scholastic or religious instruction.

  • Science of Agriculture: A special periodical rate for agrarian publications (70% of the subscribers must be rural residents).

Address Check#

I ran Address Check and printed my CASS certificate a week ago, is it still good if I mail it this week?#

A CASS certificate is good for 90 days for a Carrier Route based mailing, 180 days (6 months) for an Automation mailing and 1 year on a Non-Automation mailing.

The expiration date countdown starts from the “date list processed” as shown in Section B of the CASS certificate

I want to print my labels from Microsoft Word…what data do I need to get a barcode?#

These are the 3 fields you need to have MAILERS+4 provide the data for:

  • ZIP Code - 5 characters

  • Plus 4 - 4 characters

  • Delivery Point Code (DPBC) - 3 characters

Microsoft Word is not Delivery Point Certified with the USPS, so to be sure to use the DPBC MAILERS+4 provides.

I formatted a Delivery Point Code field but there is no data in it. Why?#

Address Check is the feature that appends the Delivery Point Code to your file. Be sure to format the delivery point code field (DPBC) before you run Address Check. The DPBC field should be formatted as a 3 character field. If address check CASS Certifies the record, MAILERS+4 will populate the DPBC field.

How can I find out what kind of address errors I have?#

You can insert a field in your database (database modify) and format it to “Address Error” under File- Format Fields. When you run Address Check, the records in error will have a letter code in the Address Error field. Refer to the manual, appendix B for detailed explanation of the error codes.

Do all the pieces in my list have to be CASS certified?#

Only Automation pieces need to be CASS certified. Non-Automation pieces do not need to be CASS certified. MAILERS+4 prints an IMB (Intelligent Mail Barcode) on the CASS certified Automation pieces. Non-Automation pieces will not get an IMB, but they will still be eligible for Non-Automation postal discounts.

What is “Index Before Address Check” in Address Check feature?#

MAILERS+4 will processes your list in ZIP Code order instead of natural order. Processing in ZIP Code greatly increase the speed. The only disadvatage of processing in ZIP Code order is if you stop or cancel the Address Check process, it will have to re-start from the beginning.

Can MAILERS+4 “Walk Sequence certify” my mailing list?#

Walk Sequenced mail gets the best discount. It is used to saturate a neigborhood. MAILERS+4 cannot Walk Sequence certify a list. It can Presort a list that has valid Walk Sequence codes. The List Services department can supply you with a list that is Walk Sequence certified.

For more information on Walk Sequence mailing lists visit: Saturation Lists.

What is LACS?#

LACS (Locatable Address Conversion System) is a dataset of converted addresses that primarily arise from the implementation of the 911 system, which commonly involves changing rural-style addresses to city-style addresses. It also contains existing city-style addresses that have been renamed or renumbered.

What is “Split List” in the address check results?#

The Split List option in the Address Check results screen is used to export your lists into one of three new lists. The first are records coded to ZIP+4 level. The second is for records coded to the 5-Digit ZIP level and the last is only records with errors. Use this feature when you want a file with only ZIP+4 coded records, 5-digit ZIP coded records or records with Address Check errors.

When I run my file through the Address Check it changed one of my addresses to a completely different address. Why?#

When processing your file through the Address Check function, MAILERS+4 checks your address against the USPS National Database. In some instances the street name has been changed. MAILERS+4 will code your address to the new street name and add the correct ZIP+4 code.

Why will Address Check validate any address line information to ZIP Code 12345?#

Of the 43,000 ZIP code numbers used, about 2,500 are Unique ZIPs. A unique ZIP code is assigned to a company or organization. In this case, ZIP Code 12345 is assigned to General Electric. The USPS rule is that any information on the address line is acceptable when coding an address to a unique ZIP Code.

What is DPV?#

Delivery Point Verification (DPV) identifies whether a ZIP + 4® coded address is currently represented in the USPS® delivery file as a known address record. DPV allows users to confirm known USPS addresses as well as identify potential addressing issues that may hinder delivery.

What does the value of “W” mean in the Address Error field in Address Check?#

The value of “W” means that this address was found in the USPS Early Warning System (EWS) . The EWS file includes addresses that will be added to the USPS ZIP+4 Code master file in the coming months, such as housing developments and new construction. EWS ensures that addresses not on the USPS master file will not be eliminated or coded inaccurately. The USPS updates their EWS file weekly. To get the most current EWS file, click the “Download latest EWS File” button in the Address Check options screen before you run Address Check. You will need and Internet connection for this to operate. It is recommend you check for EWS file update every week to ensure that you have the latest data.

What does the error code of “S” stand for and how can I correct it?#

The error code of “S” means “Suite Error.” Either the suite is out of range or a suite is missing from the input address. The USPS does not require that the suite be verified with the address to validate and qualify for Automation rates so you have the option of omitting suite errors by doing the following:

  1. Go to “Tools” and “System Options”

  2. Click the “Program Options” tab

  3. Under “Address Check” click the radio button “Ignore Suite Errors”

  4. Then rerun the address check and the “S” error codes will not appear

What does the “V” error code mean?#

The “V” error code means that the record is marked as a “Vacant” address. The mail carrier of this address has determined that the address has not been occupied for at least 90 days.

What is the Combine range and Address field option in Address Check?#

Use this feature when you have the street number and street name is separate fields. Selecting this option enables the software to combine the street number and street name fields together. Format your street number field as number in the Advanced Address Options tab. Also format the street name field as Delivery Address.

What is the EWS file?#

The EWS (Early Warning System) file is a list that includes addresses that will be added to the USPS ZIP+4 Code master file in the coming months, such as housing developments and new construction. EWS ensures that addresses not on the USPS master file will not be eliminated or Address coded inaccurately. The USPS updates their EWS file weekly.

I do not have ZIP Codes in my database; can I still process my file in MAILERS+4?#

Although you have a better chance of verifying an address in MAILERS+4 with a ZIP Code, you can still process your list. If you have a valid Address, city and state the software can append the ZIP Code and plus 4 to your database.

What fields are required to run address check in MAILERS+4?#

Either the address, city, and state, or address and Zip Code fields are required and must be formatted to run the address check.

How do I append the USPS preferred city name to my database?#

There is a function on the “Address Options” screen to append the USPS preferred city name to your records. Select the “Use USPS Preferred City Names” radio button under the “Processing Options.” This option will only change the city name if the input city is incorrect or has an acceptable city name in the original record.

What is an “FSS Scheme” sortation?#

Flats Sequencing System (FSS) is the latest generation mail - sortation system being deployed by the United States Postal Service to automate the sorting of flat - sized mail into delivery sequence order at high speeds.

FSS is a fully integrated two - pass system consisting of several major components. The key components of the system include:

  1. automatic high speed feeders

  2. a dolly induction system

  3. carousel sorter

  4. tray staging

  5. integrated tray converters

  6. a standalone mail prep sub-system.

FSS machines are equipped with a self - contained staging and material handling system; at the end of pass - one sorting an automatic sweep occurs and all trays are returned to the feed area in correct order for immediate pass - two sequencing. At the end of the second pass, mail is automatically swept, placed into street trays, and discharged onto mail transport equipment that will be dispatched to the dock, and ultimately loaded onto trucks destined for the delivery units. (Source: USPS), https://ribbs.usps.gov/flat/documents/FSS_FAQs/FSS_FAQs.pdf

What steps do I need to take to get the Result codes for the DPV Vacant and No-Stat records?#

The process is easy. Just follow these 4 simple steps:

  1. Create a field in your list by using the “Database” and “Modify” feature if you are using a .dbf file. (If you are using another file type you can open your file in the appropriate database manager.)

  2. Name the field “Result” and give it 50 characters in length. Make sure it’s a character type.

  3. Click the “Format” button on the left toolbar and format this field as “Result Code” on the “Others” tab.

  4. Run address check and any records that are “Vacant” will return a result code of AS16 or AS17.

How do I parse the full names in my file into their separate components?#

To parse full names in your file using the “Name Parse” function, you must format each of the components separately under the “Name Parse” tab in “Format Fields:” Prefix; First Name; Middle Name; Last Name; Suffix; and Gender. If your database is missing these fields, you can add them by using the “Modify” feature under the “Database” menu in MAILERS+4 if you are using a .dbf file (other file types require you open in a database manager and add these fields prior to opening in MAILERS+4). After this is done, go to “Name Parse” under the “List” menu. You will have the option to case the names using “Auto” to keep existing upper case letters; “Upper/Lower” to only upper case the first letter of each word; and “Upper” to convert text fields to all upper case letters. You also have the option to mark and delete vulgar words in the file. The “Gender” field can return the following properties when running name parse.






Neutral (Pat, Chris, Terry)





Duplicate Check#

What is the “Key Field” option when checking for duplicates?#

Any field in your list can be formatted as a key field and Duplicate Check will use it to find exact matches. Typical uses for the Key Field are customer number, reference number or even a company name. If you format the company field as your key field, Duplicate Check will tag duplicate records by finding records with company fields that exactly match your key field.

What is the “Keep Record Lowest, Highest option?#


Among a set of duplicate records, Duplicate Check will keep the record with the lowest record number and tag the rest as duplicates.


Among a set of duplicate records, Duplicate Check will keep the record with the highest record number and tag the rest as duplicates.

How many lists can I check for duplicates at one time?#

With the Multiple Lists function it is possible to compare up to 15 lists at one time when checking for duplicates. Any duplicate records shared among lists can then be marked for deletion and removed using the Pack feature under the Database menu.

After running Duplicate Check how do I remove the duplicates from my list?#

When at the Duplicate Check options screen you will see an option of “Mark Duplicates for Deletion”. Duplicate Check will automatically mark for deletion all dBase records it tags as duplicates. After the Duplicate Check is done go to the Pack feature under the Database menu and click on the Pack command.


When I import my ASCII file into a dbase header, the data looks split between the fields?#

When you import the data into a dbase header, both structures must match exactly, otherwise MAILERS+4 fills the field with data and uses any leftover data in the next field.

If you use the same file structure repeatedly, you can simply copy the dbase structure of an existing file to a new, empty header. This way, you will only have to create a header to import your ascii text file, one time.

During database modify I accidentally deleted a field in my list how can I get it back?#

When ever you use database modify, MAILERS+4 creates a back up of your list called “(your list name).bak”. Just open the .bak file and your list will be back to it’s original form.

You will have to rename “(your list name).bak” to “(your list name).dbf” to be able to open the file again. Remember to delete your current file that is ruined, otherwise Windows will not allow you to rename the backup as 2 files in the same folder with the exact same name.

What can I do to make sure that MAILER+4 will not hurt my data?#

We at Melissa Data Corp take great care to make sure that nothing goes wrong how ever it is highly recommended that you always back up any files you are going to work on with MAILERS+4 or any other program.

A rule of thumb in database management is always work with a copy of the original database, to ensure the safety of your original database.

I want to add records to my database but when I go to DATABASE, APPEND the screen is blank?#

You have to design a data entry screen first before you will see anything on the database append screen. Once you design a data entry screen, you will then be able to access “DATABASE, APPEND.” You can read more about this feature in chapter 17 of the MAILERS+4 manual, Data Entry.

What is the COPY function for in Format Fields?#

Copy saves time when you have multiple files with the same layout. You can Format one file and then use the COPY feature with the other files. When you Open a file, select Format and then Copy. The copied format will then be applied to your currently open list. Both lists must have the same layout in order for COPY to work properly.

Do I have any control for casing names in MAILERS+4?#

Yes, there is a “Casing.ini” file you can open in any text editor to capitalize or lower case certain nameswords within your “Full Name” field. The casing.ini file can be found in the Program Data directory.


I have installed MAILERS+4 - Now what?#

You must first open up MAILERS+4. Now you must supply a file for MAILERS+4 to use. You do this by going to “File,” then “Open,” and selecting the file that you wish to work on.

Next you must tell MAILERS+4 what all the fields in your file mean. You do this my going to “File Format Fields.” Here you associate your database fields with the format names that we provide. Now that your file is formatted you may now process it through the rest of MAILERS+4 functions.

You can read more about formatting in Chapter 3 of the MAILERS+4 Manual “Formatting Your List.”

How do I install the MAILERS+4 CD-ROM?#

  1. Place the MAILERS+4 CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive.

  2. Click the Start/Programs button and select RUN from the pop up menu…the run screen will now appear.

  3. Type in your CD-ROM drive letter followed by :SETUP.EXE in the “Command Line”” box.

    • If your CD-ROM drive is labeled D:the command line will, read D:SETUP.EXE

  4. After entering the path, click on OK. Follow the directions to complete the installation.

Do I have to uninstall the previous version of MAILERS+4 to install the new update?#

No. Just do a regular install of the new MAILERS+4 update and it will override the old one.

How can I make sure that my templates are not erased when I install new update of MAILERS+4?#

There is a file in your mailers directory named MP4W32.DAT. This file contains all your saved presort templates, print label templates and any forms you may have created. Copy this file into another directory and replace it in the mailers folder after you install the update.

I received a License Key for MAILERS+4. Where do I enter the License Key?#

Navigate to the “System Options” under the “Tools” menu. Click the “User Information” tab and you can enter in your License Key. Embedded in your License Key is your free Mail.dat® User License Code as well.

Mail Merge#

I want to select a specific tray of my presort to print, how ever the option is not available to me why?#

You can only choose a specific tray if you have only one job checked in your job list. You will need to go back to presort options and then remove all the checks except the one mailing you would like to reprint the tray from.

Why won’t MAIL Merge run on my standard version of MAILERS+4?#

Mail Merge is a working feature of MAILERS+4 in the Professional version only. You can check to find out if you have the standard or professional version by going to “Help” on the menu and choosing “About MAILERS+4.” There it will show you which version you have.

In MAILERS+4 Mail Merge how can I get both graphics and text on the same line?#

Go to OBJECT from the INSERT menu of Mail Merge and use CREATE NEW to choose MICROSOFT WORD DOCUMENT from the “Object Type” window.

Select OK and make sure RULER is checked in the VIEW menu of your new Word Document. Click on your Word Document bounding box and resize it to the width of your envelope. After selecting TEXT BOX from the INSERT menu of Word, click and drag the crosshair cursor to create text box.

Type your address into the text box you just created. Now click off your text box to deselect it. From the PICTURE sub-menu, select a graphic category and choose an image to insert. You can reposition the text and graphic by clicking and dragging them to your desired location. to return to Mail Merge, click on the Mail Merge document screen.

Miscellaneous functions#

After pulling my data into MAILERS+4, some of my ZIP Codes have only zeros in them. Why?#

Your ZIP Code field has been defined as a numeric-type field, which won’t work for several reasons. Numeric fields are designed to carry numbers only, with no leading zeros. Your data may be truncated, or result in a decimal number. ZIP Code fields should be defined as a character-type fields to accommodate ZIPs that begin with zero as well as the dash when entering the 9 digit ZIP Code.

Helpful Hint: When using a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel, be sure to format your ZIP Code column as Text rather than General or Numeric. This ensures proper transfer of your data.

What are the system requirements for MAILERS+4?#

  • Windows 98® or higher

  • Minimum 120 megabytes of free hard disk space

  • Minimum 64 megabytes of RAM

  • 20X speed or higher CD-ROM Drive

What file types can MAILERS+4 open?#

ASCII fixed width (.TXT), dBase files (.dbf*), Microsoft Access files (.mdb), Microsoft Excel files (.xls) and comma delimited files (CSV**).

* With dbase files MAILERS+4 can open up dbase 3 & 4, visual fox pro, and ACT 3.0 files.

** Comma delimited files are converted to dbase 3 upon opening the file in MAILERS+4.

What is the .ms4 file?#

The .ms4 file is a sister file that is created when you open your file in MAILERS+4. It does not contain your actual data, it only holds indexes for Address Check and Presort, formatting and Address Check results.

Why is there no dash in between the 5 digit ZIP Code and the Plus 4?#

Your ZIP Code field is a numeric type. The software doesn’t recognize the dash as a number and eliminates it. Change your ZIP Code field to character or text type. Also check the length of your ZIP Code field. Make sure the length is 10 or more.

How do I delete duplicate records in MAILERS+4 from my Access Database?#

To delete duplicate records from your access database you must first insert a DUP ERROR field into your file with a length of one. Once you have the DUP ERROR field in your list, go to the FORMAT FIELDS feature underneath the FILE menu. Format this field as DUP ERROR on the DUPCHECK TAB at the top of the format screen. After you have formatted your DUP ERROR field click on OK and go to the DUPLICATE CHECK feature under the LIST MENU.

When you are done running the DUPLICATE CHECK on your list the software will append a component of “D” for duplicate into the DUP ERROR field. These records are now marked for deletion within your list. To permanently delete these records click on the PACK feature underneath the DATABASE MENU. There will be a check in front of DUPLICATES on the PACK screen. Click on the pack button and MAILERS+4 will erase your duplicates.

How can I insert a new field into my database?#

Open your list in MAILERS+4. Select Modify from the Database menu. The Modify list screen will appear with the fields from your list in the “Fields” window. Press the Insert button to add a new field. The text “NEWFLD1” will appear in the “Fields” box and in the “Name” Box. In the Name box, change “NEWFLD1” to the name you want the field to have and you may also change the type and length of the field.

How do I permanently delete records out of my list?#

Under the DATABASE menu there is a PACK feature. PACK permanently removes records that have been marked for deletion. You also have the option of packing out records which have address, duplicate, phone, or general errors (if you formatted the corresponding fields in your list prior to running their respective features). After selecting PACK from the DATABASE menu on the MAILERS+4 main screen the PACK screen will appear.

Choose whether to pack out all the “Deleted” records in your list ( that have been marked for deletion), or those with error codes in the “Address Error, “Dup Error”, “Phone Error”, or “Error Code” fields. A check mark will appear next to the options you select. Last, select PACK to begin or CANCEL to quit.

How do I determine the number of pieces I have for each SCF in my list?#

The post office requires a minimum number of pieces in order to qualify for desination discounts. Using TALLY will give you a better idea of which destination discounts you may be eligible for. Select TALLY from the LIST menu of the MAILERS+4 Main Menu screen. The Tally Options screen will appear. Choose SCF (Sectional Center Facility) to indicate the type of data for TALLY to count.

Enter a number in the “Show Top” box to see only the top 10 (or whatever number you enter ) entries for a selected category in your list. Select GO when you are ready to begin or Cancel to return to the MAILERS+4 Main Menu screen. The SCF TALLY report will give you the Rank, the three digit ZIPCODE for the SCF, City and State information and Percentage of total records for each SCF.

How do I unmark records that are marked for deletion?#

Use Recall to “unmark” records marked for deletion. To open Recall, select it from the Database menu on the MAILERS+4 Main Menu. The Recall screen will appear. The Current Record number will appear in the current record number box. To change the current record, simply type in a new record number. The Range feature lets you choose whether to recall the deleted records in a range, in the rest of the list, or all of the list. The Next option allows you to recall deleted records from a range beginning with the current record. The Rest option allows you to recall all deleted records from the current record to the end of the list. The All option is for recalling all the deleted records in the list. Once you have your options selected click on the Recall button to unmark your records for deletion.

What is ACS?#

Address Correction Service (ACS) is a Move Update service from the USPS. If a mail carrier cannot deliver a mail piece, you will be notified of the the new address. To use this service you will need to sign up with the USPS by calling …..(get the ACS number).

How do you parse a City/State/Zip field?#

Format the “Delivery Address” field and “City/State/Zip” field in your list. Next add separate “City,” “State,” and “Zip” fields in your list using the Modify feature under the database menu. If your new “ZIP” field is at least 9 characters long, the +4 Code will be added automatically (if 10 characters, a hyphen will be added). Otherwise, format a separate “Plus4” field if you want the +4 Code appended to your list. Next, Select OK from the Master Format screen and Go from the Address Check Option screen. Address Check will verify that the data in your “City/State/ZIP” field is correct, then copy in into the new fields.


Why don’t I get “Enhanced Carrier Route “ rates?#

Make sure your database has the following fields: Delivery Point, Carrier Route, Line of Travel Number and Line of Travel Order.

After inserting these fields by using Database/Modify, format the fields and run your file trough address check. If you have enough pieces you will see the “Enhanced Carrier Route” under the “Mailing “Mailing Results Screen.”

When you go to run your presort you will see “Enhanced CRRT Automation Basic Letters,” and “Enhanced CRRT WS/HD/LOT Letters” under suggested mailings.

How do I know if the postal rates in MAILERS+4 are current?#

You can verify the rates with the postal rate calculator on the USPS web site at: [1]

If you feel your list should qualify for a better rate, call Tech Support for an explanation of the sortataion.

What are residual pieces?#

For Standard A mailings

Residual pieces are addresses that do not have a valid ZIP Code.MAILERS+4 will take any pieces that have a valid ZIP Code for a standard mailing and combine them to the postage statement in the “BASIC NON Automation Rate” box. Therefore residual pieces will not be added to Basic Non-Automation Rate.

How can I take advantage of destination discounts?#

Bringing Standard Mail to a BMC (Bulk Mail Center), SCF (Sectional Center Facility) or a DDU (Destination Delivery Unit) can reduce postage costs substantially. To select a destination click on the “Destinations” button on the Suggested mailings screen. Presort will highlight the SCF/BMC destination closest to the zip code on the post office of mailing screen. The destinations screen lists all the SCF’s and BMC’s loaded in the program. However, as a result of the large number of DDU’s, the DDu list has been intentionally left blank and you must enter your DDU information before Presort will process data to that level. Click on a facility’s name and select “ADD BMC, ADD SCF OR ADD DDU to choose these destinations and you will see that facility in the “Selected destinations” box. Click on ok then run your presort.

How do I exclude leading zeros from tray and package numbers on my address labels?#

To exclude leading zeros from your tray and package numbers simply select System Options from the Tools menu. This will open the System Options screen. Click on the Program Options tab and check the box “Strip leading zeros from tray and package numbers”. Then rerun your presort.

How can I have Presort save the changes I made in the Customize and Destinations screens?#

In order for MAILERS+4 to save the changes you requested in the Presort Customize screen, you must first select your SCF and BMC Destinations screen and then go to the Customize screen and make your changes.

How can I export my mailing list in presorted order?#

From the List menu of the MAILERS+4 Main Menu screen, highlight Presort, and then select the Results sub-menu. Click on Next until you arrive at the Presort Reports screen. Select Export, The File Export screen will appear. Give your presorted list a file name and choose the directory you want to save your list to. Select Save.

How do I choose the payment option I want on my postage statement?#

After you run the presort on your file you will be on the Mailing Results screen. Click on the next button and this will bring up the Postage Statement Information screen. On the bottom right corner you will have three payment options to choose from…. Meter, Imprint and Stamp.

Which Bulk Mail presorts does MAILERS+4 support?#

MAILERS+4 supports Standard, Periodical and First-Class postcards, letter, cards and flats. Most mailing types can qualify for Enhanced Carrier Route Automation, Enhanced Carrier Route WS/HD/LOT, 5-Digit auto/non-auto , 3-Digit auto/non-auto, ADC auto/non-auto, or Mixed ADC auto/non-auto.

I have my city, state and ZIP code all in one field, however when I presort my list it tells me “ZIP code is not defined?#

In order to run your list through the presort function of MAILERS+4 you must have a separate ZIP code field formatted in your list. When using a .DBF file, go to the “Modify” function under the “Database” menu. Insert a ZIP code field with a length of 10 and then format the field as “ZIP” in format fields.

What payment options and rate types does MAILERS+4 support?#

There are 3 payment options to choose from.


Indicates that you will use a postage meter to pay for your mailing.


Indicates that you will use a permit imprint to pay for your mailing.


Indicates that you will use pre-cancelled stamps to pay for your mailing. You can enter the stamp value in the field provided on the Postage Statement information screen.

MAILERS+4 supports the following rate types:


Applies to regular mail outside the nonprofit category


The processing of Nonprofit Mail is exactly like Standard Mail (A). the difference is in the rates that are charged. USPS Nonprofit rate authorization is required prior to mailing.


A special periodical rate available to educational, scientific, or religious publications that are used for scholastic or religious instruction.

Science of Agriculture

A special periodical rate for agrarian publications (70% of the subscribers must be rural residents).

How do I qualify for “In County” rates for my periodical mailings?#

The first step is to format the FIPS field. This is a 5 character field that contains the Federal Information Processing Standard and is populated by MAILERS+4 during Address Check. The first 2 digits of this field is the state code and the last 3 digits is the county code. Then select the “Use In-County” check box to receive the In-County discount for mail delivered within your county of mailing. The FIPS code of qualifying records must match your post office FIPS code.

When I run a presort using Mail.dat I get the error message: “Don’t reset tray number option must be checked.” How do I fix this?#

Mail.dat requires that the container numbers are continuous between jobs. Go to the “System Options” screen under the “Tools” menu. Click on the “Program Options” tab. Under “Presort” check the radio button: “Don’t reset tray numbers between presort jobs.” Then re-run the presort.

When I run a Non Profit mailing through presort, it prompts me for a “Non Profit Authorization Number.” What is this and how do I acquire it?#

A Non Profit Authorization (NPA) number is now required to process mail at Non Profit rates. This Authorization number can be acquired by contacting your local post office. Once you receive your NPA you can enter it on the “Postage Statement Information” screen in the presort Wizard.

The USPS® requires a “License Code” to submit files via Mail.dat. Is Melissa Data providing this code to its customers?#

Yes. Melissa Data is providing the License Code to submit your paperwork via Mail.dat. Please contact tech support at 1-800-800-6245 x 4 or tech@melissadata.com to acquire your License Code. The License Code can be entered by clicking on the “Mail.dat/ACS Options” button on the “Suggested Mailings” screen.

Will the Postal Service continue DDU entry and pricing?#

The DDU (Delivery Destination Unit) entry and entry pricing will not be available for mail that would need to be backhauled to the plant for sequencing on FSS equipment. Therefore, only eligible Saturation, High Density, and High Density Plus mailings will be allowed to be entered at the DDU and claim the DDU pricing option. The only other type of mailings that will be allowed to be entered at the DDU and claim the entry prices are Periodicals In-County mailings (including 5,000 or less outside county copies in that same mailing issue) and Bound Printed Matter flats that are entered at the DDU and are not sorted as per the FSS requirements.


When I print my label they are coming out in the order of my original list not in the presorted order?#

If you have just ran Presort and your labels are not printing in presorted order, go to the “SEQUENCE” tab under List/Print Labels/Address Labels and make sure that you have selected presort in the “PRINT ORDER” box on the “SEQUENCE” tab.

Why is MAILERS+4 not printing a barcode on my labels?#

Only “Automation” mails receives a barcode. If your mail is “Automation” do you have barcode in your label template? If you have barcode in your template do you have a delivery point field formatted. If you have a delivery point field formatted does it have data in it. If it does not, you must make sure that the length is set to 3 and run address check.

Having either the ZIP Code, ZIP+4 or DPBC field defined a numeric will cause problems with the barcode. If any of these fields are numeric, change them to character under “DATABASE, MODIFY”. Then rerun address check to correct the data.

What reports do I need to bring to the Post Office with my mailing?#

There are three forms you need to submit to your post office. The first form you need is the CASS (Form 3553). This form is used to meet the USPS requirements for proof of address correction. Once Address Check has verified your list, click on the CASS (Form 3553) button from the Address Check Results screen or select Cass Form from the Address Check sub-menu of the list menu on the main menu screen and print.

The next form you need is the USPS Qualification Reports. These reports contain tray numbers, package types, 5-Digit ZIP Codes, 3-Digit ZIP Codes and totals for each classification. Print this report by choosing Results from the presort sub-menu of the list menu, clicking on next twice, and selecting Qualification Report then Print.

Note: You must print out a Qualification Report for each mailing you qualify for.

The last report you will need is the Postage Statement. This report is accessed from the same Presort Results screen as the USPS Qualification report. Just select Postage Report from the presort reports screen. This will open the Postage Statement screen where you can print your report. To combine all your mailings onto one statement simply highlight all the mailings you qualified for and then Print.

When I go through the print routine and I get to the summary tab, MAILERS+4 tells me I am working on a empty data file?#

This message indicates that you don’t have a Presort job selected. In the Presort Options screen you will see the Job List window. In the Job List window is a list of the mailings. Check the mailings you wish to print. Then continue the print routine.

When I get to the Summary Tab under List/Print Labels/Address Labels MAILERS+4 says “Endorsement Line is not Defined”?#

While in the print routine go to the Sequence Tab under the Print Labels function and set the Print Order to Presort. Then continue printing.

What is a “Separator Label”?#

A Separator Label indicates the start of a new package, tray or sack. They make it easier to tray and package the mail. You can choose from 3 types of separator labels. The simplest is a Blank label. A Marker label prints ** on a regular label to indicate a change. The most useful is the Header Label. It prints a descriptive summary of the next package/container.

How do I create my own address label in MAILERS+4?#

If your label doesn’t match any label type in the “Label Description” list under the Print Labels function, you will need to create your own label type. In the Form screen, click on New. A blank Label Definition screen will appear. Type in your description in the “Label Description” box. Type in the height, width, top margin, left margin, lines between, columns between, number of labels per page and paper length. Select Add to save it or Cancel to ignore any changes.

How do I start where I left off in my print job?#

If label printing is interrupted, you can restart printing from the last label printed. To select which label to start printing at go to the Sequence Tab in Print Label. In the Print Range box click on Select. Then click on the Find Page button. In the box under Enter Text to Search, enter some text (name, address, etc.) from the last label you printed. Click on Search. MAILERS+4 will search for a record containing your text and put it in the Found Label box. Last, click on finish and print the rest of your print job.

Note: When you are printing in Presort Order you can only use the Find Page function if no more than one job (sort) is checked in the Job List window of the Presort Options screen. Check the Job List window before beginning your search to make sure you have the right job selected.

Can I print my CASS Form or Postage Statement to a file?#

You can print your CASS Form 3553 and your Postage statement to a file. When you click on the print button a print dialogue window will appear before you click on ok to print. You will see a radio button called “Print to file”. Put a check in this box and your Cass Form or Postage Statement will print to a .PRN file.

How do I add the “Container Number” or the “Number of Pieces” to my Tray/Sack tags?#

You can add this information to the tray tags by clicking on the “Container Tags Option” button on the “Suggested Mailings” screen within the presort function. You can add the Container Number, Container Size, Number of Pieces, and even draw a border or add your own unique identifier using the “Other” input box.

How can I print the Container number and the number of pieces on my tray/sack tags?#

You can print extra information on your tray/sack tags by clicking the “Container Tags Options” button on the “Suggested Mailings” screen in presort.

You have the option to print the “Container Number” and “Number of Pieces” along with other info such as “Container Size” or you can enter in your own information or notes using the “Other” option.

Records/ZIPs in a Radius#

On the top of the Records in a Radius results screen, what does “In List” and “Processed” refer to for the Total Records?#

After you have specified the Zip Code and clicked “Go” the results screen will appear. At the top of the results screen it will display the number of records in your list (In List) and also the number of records processed (Processed). The number of processed records reflects the amount of valid Zip Codes in your database.

What fields are needed to run Records in a Radius?#

The only field that you need to format in order to run Records in a Radius is the Zip Code. Records in a Radius will append the Distance (in miles) and the Zip Code error if Zip Code in the record is invalid.

What’s the difference between Records in a Radius and ZIPs in a Radius?#

Records in a Radius tells you how many records in your mailing list are located within a given range from a central Zip Code. It can also append the distance from the central Zip Code to each of the records in your list.

Using a given Zip Code as a center point, Zips in a Radius will report all the Zip Codes located within a user-defined radius. Zips in a Radius will return Zip Codes, Distance (in miles), City, State and County. You do not have to have a list open in MAILERS+4 to access the ZIPs in a Radius function.


How do I purchase the RBDI add-on?#

Call your customer sales rep at 1-800-800-MAIL

How do I add the RBDI Indicator to my file?#

Your customer service rep will give you a License Key when you purchase the RBDI add-on.

  • If you already have MAILERS+4 installed, click on Tools and select System Options. Now enter your RBDI code in the New License Key box. Click the Add button, then OK, and you’re ready to go.

  • If you are installing the RBDI add-on at the same time you are updating a version of MAILERS+4, the first screen that opens will prompt you to enter the License Key for RBDI, and any other add-ons you may have purchased. From there, just continue hitting NEXT until you get to INSTALL.

Once installation is complete…

  1. Open a file. You will need to add the RBDI field to your template using the MODIFY function in the pull-down menu of the Database. Enter “RBDI” in the Name field and hit Insert. Now save and close this window, then go to FORMAT.

  2. Select the Advanced button on the bottom of the first screen.

  3. From the Advanced Format window, highlight the RBDI field and check the Business/Residential and hit OK.

  4. You’re ready to run Address Check as usual! Now close that window and your checked file will be up on your screen.

  5. View the RBDI result codes. You’ll find them at the far right of your file. MAILERS+4 will only append the RBDI code to addresses that were verified with a ZIP + 4 code. R: Residential; B: Business; U: Unknown.

Smart Mover#

Do I need to run address check before running Smart Mover?#

It is not necessary to run address check before processing your list through Smart Mover. Smart Mover will CASS certify your list (Coding Accuracy Support System) to the DPV level (Delivery Point Validation) during processing.

Do I have to run address check in MAILERS+4 after my list is updated with NCOASmartMover?#

If you format the “Delivery Point” field before you submit your list for NCOA, you do not have to run address check after your file is updated. SmartMover does CASS certification on your list along with the NCOA update. The “Delivery Point” is used to create barcodes in MAILERS+4

Can I submit two address fields through SmartMover?#

No, only one address field can be formatted in your list. If your second address field contains a suite or apartment number, you can format this field as “Suite” in SmartMover.

What does SmartMover do in Mailers+4?#

SmartMover uses NCOALink technology to securely transfer encrypted data to and from our servers for processing in order to keep up with customers that have filed a change of address (COA) with the USPS over the last 48 months.

SmartMover will:

  • Validate and standardize U.S. addresses with USPS CASS-certified processing.

  • Provide change of address information for Individuals, Families, and/or Businesses by matching against the full 48-month USPS NCOALink database.

  • Meet the USPS Move-Update requirement for a period of 95 days from the date of processing.

  • Generate USPS required reports: CASS form 3553 & NCOALink Summary report

  • Please Note: SmartMover does not do Canadian Change of Address Processing

How do I access SmartMover?#

SmartMover can still by accessed the same way by clicking the SmartMover Real-time NCOALink button located on the all-in-one taskbar on the left. -OR- by clicking Services from the top menu bar and selecting Change of Address.

The difference in the new update is that excess menu items under “Services” have been removed because they all led to the same window.

How does SmartMover Work?#

  • Mailing lists are processed through our CASS-Certified address verification engine in order to append ZIP+4 and validate delivery point.

  • Each address that has a confirmed delivery-point will then be processed through NCOALink.

  • New addresses are only returned if the Original Input Name and Address match the Change of Address file.

What are the Minimum Requirements?#

  1. Active Mailers+4 and SmartMover subscription.

  2. Completed Processing Acknowledgement Form on File.

  3. Minimum of 100 records.

  4. Minimum Fields: Company and/or Full Name (or First and Last Name) with Address, City, State, Postal Code.

Will the new release of Mailers+4 work on Windows 7?#

Unfortunately, the new Mailers+4 - SmartMover release will not work on Windows 7, if you can not upgrade your operating system yet, do not update Mailers+4.

Microsoft ended support for Windows 7 on January 14, 2020, which means they no longer receive security updates. Please see the Microsoft Windows 10 FAQ for additional information and recommendations.

Will the output fields be added to my list automatically?#

No. We plan to implement this in the future, but currently, Mailers+4 requires the Output fields to be added and formatted manually before processing through SmartMover Web Service.

This can be done by performing the following steps:

  1. Click Database from the top menu and select Modify, then click Insert to add new fields.

  2. Once the fields have been added, click OK and then YES to confirm changes.

  3. Click Format Fields and select the NCOA tab to Format before processing.


Character Length

Move type


Move Effective Date


Return Code


Result Code


Address Error


Delivery Point




Mail Score



Do I need to run an address check in MAILERS+4 after my file is updated through NCOAListware?#

No, CASS is automatically done when updating your file through NCOA/Listware. The CASS 3553 form is provided with the 24 or 48-month service.

How will I know when my file is ready to be updated through Listware?#

An automatic email will be sent to you letting you know that your file is ready to be updated through NCOA/Listware. The message is sent to the email you specified in your submitted PAF (Processing Acknowledgment Form).

What file types can I submit through Listware?#

We recommend using a .dbf 3,4 or 5 format and also a comma-separated value (.CSV) file.

How many records can I submit to Listware in one file?#

The maximum amount of records you can submit through Listware is 1 million records.