Result Codes - Personator Consumer#
Service Level Result Codes#
Code |
Short Description |
Long Description |
Transmission Service Error |
Cloud Service Internal Error |
The cloud service experienced an internal error. |
General Transmission Error |
Empty Request Structure |
The SOAP, JSON, or XML request structure is empty. Not to be confused with the GE01 GeoCode result code. |
Empty Request Record Structure |
The SOAP, JSON, or XML request record structure is empty. Not to be confused with the GE02 GeoCode result code. |
Records Per Request Exceeded |
The counted records sent more than the number of records allowed per request. |
Empty License Key |
The License Key is empty. |
Invalid License Key |
The License Key is invalid. |
Disabled License Key |
The License Key is disabled. |
Invalid Request |
The SOAP, JSON, or XML request is invalid. |
Product/Level Not Enabled |
The License Key is invalid for this product or level. |
Customer Does Not Exist |
The Customer ID is not in our system. |
Customer License Disabled |
The encrypted license is on the ban list. |
Customer Disabled |
The Customer ID is disabled. |
IP Blacklisted |
The IP Address is on the global ban list. |
IP Not Whitelisted |
The IP Address is not on the customer’s whitelist. |
Out of Credits |
The account has ran out of credits. Add more credits to continue using the service. |
Verify Not Activated |
The Verify package was requested but is not active for the License Key. |
Append Not Activated |
The Append package was requested but is not active for the License Key. |
Move Not Activated |
The Move package was requested but is not active for the License Key. |
No Valid Action Requested |
No valid action was requested by the service. The request must include at least one of the following actions: Check, Verify, Append, or Move. |
Demographics Not Activated |
The Demographics package was requested but is not active for the License Key. |
IP Columns Not Activated |
IP Columns requested but not active for the customer ID. |
Not Available for Credit License |
The requested fields were not available for a credit license. To have access to the demographics fields, please upgrade your license to a subscription. |
General Transmission Warning |
Expiring License |
Your License Key is expiring soon. Please contact your sales representative for a new License Key. |
Option Name Error |
The option name is either misspelled or incorrect. |
Option Value Error |
The option value is misspelled or incorrectly formatted. |
Personator Status |
No Action |
A record was sent in, but the service did not have enough information to modify the record. |
Record Level Result Codes#
Code |
Short Description |
Long Description |
AC - Address Change |
Postal Code Change |
The postal code was changed or added. |
Administrative Area Change |
The administrative area (state, province) was added or changed. |
Locality Change |
The locality (city, municipality) name was added or changed. |
Alternate to Base Change |
US Only. The address was found to be an alternate record and changed to the base (preferred) version. |
Alias Name Change |
US Only. An alias is a common abbreviation for a long street name, such as “MLK Blvd” for “Martin Luther King Blvd.” This change code indicates that the full street name (preferred) has been substituted for the alias. |
Address1/Address2 Swap |
Address1 was swapped with Address2 because Address1 could not be verified and Address2 could be verified. |
Address1 & Company Swapped |
Address1 was swapped with Company because only Company had a valid address. |
Plus4 Change |
US Only. A non-empty plus4 was changed. |
Dependent Locality Change |
The dependent locality (urbanization) was changed. |
Thoroughfare Name Change |
The thoroughfare (street) name was added or changed due to a spelling correction. |
Thoroughfare Type Change |
The thoroughfare (street) leading or trailing type was added or changed, such as from “St” to “Rd.” |
Thoroughfare Directional Change |
The thoroughfare (street) pre-directional or post-directional was added or changed, such as from “N” to “NW.” |
Sub Premise Type Change |
The sub premise (suite) type was added or changed, such as from “STE” to “APT.” |
Sub Premise Number Change |
The sub premise (suite) unit number was added or changed. |
Double Dependent Locality Change |
The double dependent locality was added or changed. |
SubAdministrative Area Change |
The subadministrative area was added or changed. |
SubNational Area Change |
The subnational area was added or changed. |
House Number Change |
The house number was changed. |
AE - Address Error |
General Error |
The address could not be verified. This is likely due to a missing or invalid locality or postal code. |
Unknown Street |
Could not match the input street to a unique street name. Either no matches or too many matches found. |
Component Mismatch Error |
The combination of directionals (N, E, SW, etc) and the suffix (AVE, ST, BLVD) is not correct and produced multiple possible matches. |
Non-Deliverable Address |
US Only. A physical plot exists but is not a deliverable addresses. One example might be a railroad track or river running alongside this street, as they would prevent construction of homes in that location. |
Multiple Match |
The address was matched to multiple records. There is not enough information available in the address to break the tie between multiple records. |
Early Warning System |
US Only. This address currently cannot be verified but was identified by the Early Warning System (EWS) as belonging to a upcoming area and will likely be included in a future update. |
Missing Minimum Address |
Minimum requirements for the address to be verified is not met. Address must have at least one address line and also the postal code or the locality/administrative area. |
Sub Premise Number Invalid |
The thoroughfare (street address) was found but the sub premise (suite) was not valid. |
Sub Premise Number Missing |
The thoroughfare (street address) was found but the sub premise (suite) was missing. |
Premise Number Invalid |
The premise (house or building) number for the address is not valid. |
Premise Number Missing |
The premise (house or building) number for the address is missing. |
Box Number Invalid |
The PO (Post Office Box), RR (Rural Route), or HC (Highway Contract) Box number is invalid. |
Box Number Missing |
The PO (Post Office Box), RR (Rural Route), or HC (Highway Contract) Box number is missing. |
PMB Number Missing |
US Only. The address is a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA) and the Private Mail Box (PMB or #) number is missing. |
Sub Premise Not Required (Deprecated - See AS23) |
A sub premise (suite) number was entered but the address does not have secondaries. (Deprecated - See AS23) |
MAK Not Found |
The input MAK was not found. This can be caused by an improperly formatted MAK (a proper MAK is 10 numerical digits long) or by requesting a MAK number that has not yet been assigned to a location. |
AS - Address Status |
Address Fully Verified |
The address is valid and deliverable according to official postal agencies. |
Valid Building Address |
The building address was verified but the suite/apartment number is missing or invalid. |
Non USPS Address Match |
US Only. This US address is not serviced by the USPS but does exist and may receive mail through third party carriers like UPS. |
Proprietary Address Format |
The address uses a proprietary addressing scheme where only the format could be validated. |
Foreign Address |
The address is in a non-supported country. |
CMRA Address |
US Only. The address is a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA) like a Mailboxes Etc. These addresses include a Private Mail Box (PMB or #) number. |
PBSA Address |
A PO Box formatted as a street address for package and mail delivery. |
Record Move |
The record moved to a new address. |
Address Updated By LACS |
US Only. The address has been converted by LACSLink® from a rural-style address to a city-style address. |
Suite Appended |
US Only. A suite was appended by SuiteLink™ using the address and company name. |
Apartment Appended |
An apartment number was appended by AddressPlus using the address and last name. |
Vacant Address |
US Only. The address has been unoccupied for more than 90 days. |
No USPS Mail Delivery |
This address is classified as not receiving mail by the USPS via their No-Stat flag. Delivery might still be possible by third party carriers but that cannot be counted on. |
DPV Locked Out |
US Only. DPV processing was terminated due to the detection of what is determined to be an artificially created address. |
Deliverable only by USPS |
US Only. This address can only receive mail delivered through the USPS (i.e. PO Box or a military address). |
Extraneous Suite Information |
Extraneous information not used in verifying the address was found. This information was returned in the suite field. |
USPS Door Not Accessible |
Address identified by the USPS where carriers cannot physically access a building or door for mail delivery. |
Unique ZIP code |
The address contains a USPS unique ZIP code which means any address may be marked as deliverable. |
Unknown Data Moved to ParsedGarbage |
The input contains data that could not be identified. That data is returned in the ParsedGarbage/AddressExtras field |
Phantom Route address |
Addresses that are assigned to a phantom route of R777 or R779. |
CD - Presence of Children |
No Children Present |
There are no children under the age of 18 at this address. |
Children Present |
There are children under the age of 18 at this address. |
DA - Append Results |
Address Appended |
An address was changed or appended. |
City/State Append from Phone |
A city or state was appended from a phone number wire center. |
Name Appended |
A full name was changed or appended. |
Company Appended |
A company name was changed or appended. |
Phone Appended |
A phone number was changed or appended. |
Email Appended |
An email address was changed or appended. |
DD - Date of Death |
Not Deceased |
This person is not deceased. |
Deceased |
This person is deceased. |
EE - Email Error |
Email Syntax Error |
There is a syntax error in the submitted email address. |
Email Domain Not Found |
A Domain of the submitted email address was not found. |
Email Server Not Found |
The mail server of the submitted email address was not found. |
Invalid Email |
An invalid mailbox was detected (i.e. noreply). |
ES - Email Status |
Valid Email |
This email address has valid syntax and belongs to a valid domain. |
Invalid Email |
This email was confirmed to be a invalid email. |
Unknown Email |
This email’s status is unknown due to unknown external factors. Please try again another time. |
Mobile Email Address |
The domain name was identified as a mobile email address and classified as not deliverable by the FCC. |
Disposable Domain |
The domain name of the submitted email was identified as a disposable domain. |
Spamtrap Domain |
The domain name of the submitted email was identified as a spamtrap. Mailing to this domain could result in the sender being blacklisted. |
Accept All Server |
The mail server is an accept all server. Accept-All domains is set in a way that makes all emails seem valid. |
Role Address |
This Email address was created as a group, ex: sales@, support@, or postmaster@. |
Syntax Changed |
The syntax of the submitted email address was changed. |
Top Level Domain Changed |
The top level domain of the submitted email address was changed. |
Domain Changed (Spelling) |
The domain of the submitted email address was corrected for spelling. |
Domain Changed (Update) |
The domain of the submitted email address was updated due to a domain name change. |
Verify (Precision: Cached Mailbox Result) |
The mailbox was found to be already validated in our mailbox database. |
Spamtrap Mailbox |
Indicates that we predict this email address is a spamtrap mailbox. Mailing to this specific mailbox could result in the sender being blacklisted. |
Breach Flag |
This email has been exposed in a data breach. |
GD - Demographics Gender |
Male |
This person is male. |
Female |
This person is female. |
Neutral |
The sex of this person cannot be determined from the first name. |
GEO-GS - GeoCode Status |
Geocoded to Street Level |
The record was coded to the street level (Zip+4 for US, full postal code for CA). |
Geocoded to Community Level |
The record was coded to the community level (ZIP centroid for US, 3-digit postal code for CA). |
Geocoded to Rooftop Level |
The record was geocoded down to the rooftop level, meaning the point is within the property boundaries, usually the center. |
Geocoded to Interpolated Rooftop Level |
The record was geocoded down to the rooftop level using interpolation (educated estimations using street coordinates). The point may be in or close to the property boundaries. |
Wire Center Lat/Long |
The latitude and longitude are based off of the wire center of the phone number. |
GEO-GE - GeoCode Error |
Regional Geocode Not Found |
Geocode could not be appended for the input locality or postal code. |
No Geocode for Input Address |
The input address did not provide enough valid information to append a geocode. |
ID - Household Income |
$0-$9,999 |
Household Income is between $0 and $9,999. |
$10,000-$19,999 |
Household Income is between $10,000 and $19,999. |
$20,000-$29,999 |
Household Income is between $20,000 and $29,999. |
$30,000-$39,999 |
Household Income is between $30,000 and $39,999. |
$40,000-$49,999 |
Household Income is between $40,000 and $49,999. |
$50,000-$59,999 |
Household Income is between $50,000 and $59,999. |
$60,000-$69,999 |
Household Income is between $60,000 and $69,999. |
$70,000-$79,999 |
Household Income is between $70,000 and $79,999. |
$80,000-$89,999 |
Household Income is between $80,000 and $89,999. |
$90,000-$99,999 |
Household Income is between $90,000 and $99,999. |
$100,000-$124,999 |
Household Income is between $100,000 and $124,999. |
$125,000-$149,999 |
Household Income is between $125,000 and $149,999. |
$150,000+ |
Household Income is above $150,000. |
LD - Length of Residence |
Less than 1 year |
The person has lived at this address for less than 1 year. |
1-2 years |
The person has lived at this address for 1 to 2 years. |
2-3 years |
The person has lived at this address for 2 to 3 years. |
3-4 years |
The person has lived at this address for 3 to 4 years. |
4-5 years |
The person has lived at this address for 4 to 5 years. |
5-6 years |
The person has lived at this address for 5 to 6 years. |
6-7 years |
The person has lived at this address for 6 to 7 years. |
7-8 years |
The person has lived at this address for 7 to 8 years. |
8-9 years |
The person has lived at this address for 8 to 9 years. |
9-10 years |
The person has lived at this address for 9 to 10 years. |
10-11 years |
The person has lived at this address for 10 to 11 years. |
11-12 years |
The person has lived at this address for 11 to 12 years. |
12-13 years |
The person has lived at this address for 12 to 13 years. |
13-14 years |
The person has lived at this address for 13 to 14 years. |
14-15 years |
The person has lived at this address for 14 to 15 years. |
15+ years |
The person has lived at this address for more than 15 years. |
MD - Marital Status |
Definitely Single |
This person is single |
Inferred Single |
This person is most likely single |
Inferred Married |
This person is most likely married |
Definitely Married |
This person in married |
NE - Name Error |
Unrecognized Format |
Format of Input string was not recognized or too long to represent a valid name. |
Multiple First Names Detected |
Multiple first names were detected and could not be accurately genderized. |
Vulgarity Detected |
A vulgarity was detected in the name. |
Suspicious Word Detected |
The name contained words found on the list of nuisance names, such as “Mickey Mouse.” |
Company Name Detected |
The name contained words normally found in a company name. |
Non-Alphabetic Character Detected |
The name contained a non-alphabetic character. |
NS - Name Status |
Parsing Successful |
Name parsing was successful. |
Error Parsing |
An error was detected. Please check for a name error code. |
First Name Spelling Corrected |
The spelling in the first name field was corrected. |
First Name 2 Spelling Corrected |
The spelling in the second first name field was corrected. |
First Name 1 Found |
FirstName1 was found in our census table of names. Very likely to be a real first name. |
Last Name 1 Found |
LastName1 was found in our census table of names. Very likely to be a real last name. |
First Name 2 Found |
FirstName2 was found in our census table of names. Very likely to be a real first name. |
Last Name 2 Found |
LastName2 was found in our census table of names. Very likely to be a real last name. |
PE - Phone Error |
Invalid Phone |
The area code/phone number does not exist in our database or contains non-numbers. |
Blank Phone |
The phone number is blank. |
Bad Phone |
The phone number has too many or too few digits. |
Multiple Match |
Two or more possible area codes are available as a fix and their distance is too close to choose one over the other. |
Bad Prefix/Prefix +1 |
The phone prefix or first 7-digits do not exist in our database. |
PS - Phone Status |
Valid Phone |
The phone number has been verified as valid. |
7-Digit Match |
The first 7-digits of the phone number have been verified, but activity cannot be confirmed. |
Corrected Area Code |
NewAreaCode contains corrected area code that was changed according to the postal code it falls into. |
Updated Area Code |
The area code was changed due to an area code split. The updated code is located within NewAreaCode. |
Cellular Line |
On activation, the exchange type of the phone number was designated as a cellular number, but current status cannot be confirmed. |
Land Line |
On activation, the exchange type of the phone number was designated as a land line, but current status cannot be confirmed. |
VOIP Line |
On activation, the exchange type of the phone number was designated as a VOIP line, but current status cannot be confirmed. |
Residential Number |
The phone number belongs to a residence. |
Business Number |
The phone number belongs to a business. |
SOHO Number |
The phone number belongs to a small office or home office. |
RD - Own/Rent |
Definite Renter |
This person is a renter. |
Inferred Renter |
This person is most likely a renter. |
Inferred Owner |
This person is most likely an owner. |
Definite Owner |
This person is an owner. |
VR - Verify Results |
Individual and Address Match |
The individual name and address match. |
Individual and Phone Match |
The individual name and phone match. |
Individual and Email Match |
The individual name and email match. |
Address and Phone Match |
The address and phone match. |
Address and Email Match |
The address and email match. |
Phone and Email Match |
The phone and email match. |
Organization and Address Match |
The organization name and address match. |
Organization and Phone Match |
The organization name and phone match. |
Organization and Email Match |
The organization name and email match. |
Organization and Individual Match |
The organization name and individual name match. |
VS - Verify Status |
Address Not Found |
An address was not found in the reference data. |
Historical Address Match |
The current address is outdated and a newer address match was found. Use the “Move” action to get the latest address. |
Partial Address Match |
A match was made to a partial address. This could be due to matching the street address but not to the suite. |
Last Name Match |
A match was made to the last name only. |
First Name Match |
A match was made to the first name only. |
Partial Company Name Match |
A match was made to a partial company name. |
Phone Not Found |
A phone number was not found in the reference data. |
Historical Phone Match |
The current phone number is outdated and a newer phone number match was found. Use the “Append” action to get the latest phone number. |
Email Not Found |
An email address was not found in the reference data. |
Historical Email Address |
The current email address is outdated and a newer email address match was found. Use the “Append” action to get the latest email address. |
Last4 Only Match |
The name only matched to the last 4 digits of the Social Security Number. |
WD - Occupation |
Physician/Dentist |
Physician/Dentist |
Healthcare |
Healthcare |
Lawyer/Judge |
Lawyer/Judge |
Professional/Technical |
Professional/Technical |
Management |
Management |
Teacher/Educator |
Teacher/Educator |
Sales/Marketing |
Sales/Marketing |
Clerical/Service Worker |
Clerical/Service Worker |
Tradesmen/Laborer |
Tradesmen/Laborer |
Farmer |
Farmer |
Student |
Student |
Homemaker |
Homemaker |
Retired |
Retired |
Federal Employee |
Federal Employee |
Military |
Military |
Military Retired |
Military Retired |
Other |
Other |
Business Owner |
Business Owner |
Religious |
Religious |
Self Employed |
Self Employed |
Financial |
Financial |
Record Level Product Codes#
Code |
Description |
Address Type US |
Alias |
Firm or Company |
Highrise or Business Complex |
General Delivery |
Military Address |
PO Box |
Rural Route |
Street or Residential |
Unique/LVR |
Address Type Canada |
Street |
Street Served by Route and GD |
Lock Box |
Route Service |
General Delivery |
LVR Street |
Government Street |
LVR Lock Box |
Government Lock Box |
LVR General Delivery |
Building |
Address Type Default |
General Delivery |
Military Address |
PO Box |
Rural Route |
Street or Residential |
Unique/LVR |
Code |
Description |
ChildrenAgeRange |
The field is blank. |
The child is 0 to 2 years old. |
The child is 3 to 5 years old. |
The child is 6 to 10 years old. |
The child is 11 to 15 years old. |
The child is 16 to 17 years old. |
Code |
Description |
DeliveryIndicator |
Residence |
Business |
Unknown |
DemographicsGender |
Male |
Female |
Unknown |
Neutral (Pat, Chris, etc.) |
Education |
Blank |
High School |
College |
Graduate School |
Vocational/Technical School |
EthnicCode |
Afghan |
African-American |
Albanian |
Aleutian |
Algerian |
American Indian |
Arabian |
Armenian |
Ashanti |
Australian |
Austrian |
Azerbaijani |
Bahrain |
Bangladesh |
Basotho |
Basque |
Belgian |
Belorussian |
Beninese |
Bhutanese |
Black African |
Bosnian Muslim |
Botswanian |
Bulgarian |
Burkina Faso |
Burundian |
Cameroonian |
Caribbean African American |
Central African Republic |
Chadian |
Chechnyan |
Chinese |
Comoros |
Congolese |
Croatian |
Czech |
Danish |
Djiboutian |
Dutch |
Egyptian |
English |
Equatorial Guinea |
Estonian |
Ethiopian |
Fiji |
Finnish |
French |
Gabon |
Gambian |
Georgian |
German |
Ghanaian |
Greek |
Guinea Bissau |
Guinean |
Guyanese |
Hausa |
Hawaiian |
Icelandic |
Indian |
Indonesian |
Iraqi |
Irish |
Italian |
Ivorian |
Japanese |
Jewish |
Kampuchean/Khmer(Cambodian) |
Kazakhstan |
Kenyan |
Kirghizia |
Korean |
Kurdish |
Kuwaiti |
Kyrgyzstani |
Laotian |
Latvian |
Lesotho |
Liberian |
Libyan |
Liechtenstein |
Lithuanian |
Luxembourgian |
Macedonia |
Madagascan |
Malawian |
Malaysian |
Maldivian & Tongan |
Malian |
Maltese |
Manx |
Mauritanian |
Moldovan |
Mongolian |
Moroccan |
Mozambican |
Multi-Ethnic |
Myanmar (Burmese) |
Namibian |
Nepalese |
New Zealand |
Niger |
Nigerian |
Norwegian |
Other Oriental |
Pakistani |
Papua New Guinean |
Persian |
Philippine |
Pili |
Polish |
Portuguese |
Qatari |
Romanian |
Russian |
Saudi |
Scottish |
Senegalese |
Serbian |
Seychelles |
Sierre Leone |
Sinhalese (Sri-Lankan) |
Slovakian |
Slovenian |
Somalian |
South African |
Spanish |
Sudanese |
Surinamese |
Swedish |
Swiss |
Syrian |
Tajik |
Tajikistan |
Tanzanian |
Telugan |
Thai |
Tibetan |
Togolese |
Tonga |
Tunisian |
Turkish |
Turkmenistan |
Ugandan |
Ukrainian |
Uzbekistan |
Vanuatuan |
Vietnamese |
Welsh |
Western Samoan |
Xhosa |
Yemeni |
Zairean |
Zambian |
Zimbabwean |
Zulu |
EthnicGroup |
All African American Ethnic Groups |
Central & Southwest Asian |
Eastern European |
Far Eastern |
Hispanic |
Jewish |
Mediterranean |
Middle Eastern |
Native American |
Other |
Polynesian |
Scandinavian |
Southeast Asian |
Western European |
IPConnectionSpeed |
IPConnectionType |
IPProxyDescription |
Code |
Description |
IPProxyType |
Not a known proxy. |
The IP address is a proxy and the actual IP address of the end user is not available. |
The IP address is a proxy, but the originating IP address of the end user can be detected by inspecting the HTTP headers, however, this can easily be spoofed |
The IP address belongs to a hosting facility or cloud provider and may be used as a proxy because an end user is not typically located in a hosting facility. These IP addresses may be rented per service agreement with the hosting facility and easily disposed. |
The IP address is registered to a specific location with end users sharing a single IP address. A typical example is of end users behind a router using Network Address Translation. Each user will appear to the world as coming from the same IP address |
The address is a known public proxy allowing multiple users to proxy their data from a location allowing public Internet access. |
The IP address is from a known educational institution. |
The IP address is an AOL proxy. |
Code |
Description |
LengthOfResidence |
Less than 1 year |
The person has lived at this address for less than 1 year. |
1-2 years |
The person has lived at this address for 1 to 2 years. |
2-3 years |
The person has lived at this address for 2 to 3 years. |
3-4 years |
The person has lived at this address for 3 to 4 years. |
4-5 years |
The person has lived at this address for 4 to 5 years. |
5-6 years |
The person has lived at this address for 5 to 6 years. |
6-7 years |
The person has lived at this address for 6 to 7 years. |
7-8 years |
The person has lived at this address for 7 to 8 years. |
8-9 years |
The person has lived at this address for 8 to 9 years. |
9-10 years |
The person has lived at this address for 9 to 10 years. |
10-11 years |
The person has lived at this address for 10 to 11 years. |
11-12 years |
The person has lived at this address for 11 to 12 years. |
12-13 years |
The person has lived at this address for 12 to 13 years. |
13-14 years |
The person has lived at this address for 13 to 14 years. |
14-15 years |
The person has lived at this address for 14 to 15 years. |
15+ years |
The person has lived at this address for more than 15 years. |
Occupation |
Physician/Dentist |
Healthcare |
Lawyer/Judge |
Professional/Technical |
Management |
Teacher/Educator |
Sales/Marketing |
Clerical/Service Worker |
Tradesmen/Laborer |
Farmer |
Student |
Homemaker |
Retired |
Federal Employee |
Military |
Military Retired |
Business Owner |
Religious |
Self Employed |
Financial |
Other |
Code |
Description |
OwnRent |
Definite Renter |
This person is a renter. |
Inferred Renter |
This person is most likely a renter. |
Inferred Owner |
This person is most likely an owner. |
Definite Owner |
This person is an owner. |
PoliticalParty |
Blank |
No Party |
Republican |
Democrat |
Independent |
PresenceOfSenior |
Blank |
Yes |
No |