2020-05-29: Global Phone - Upcoming Result Code Changes

2020-05-29: Global Phone - Upcoming Result Code Changes#

Personator New Output Field Advisory#

Part 1#

In order to streamline and reduce confusion, we are making changes to the result codes that can be returned by the Global Phone Web Service. This update aligns with our goal of only returning the highest quality and most accurate data with all of our products and services.

Starting July 7th, 2020, the following result codes will be removed:

  • PS09 – VOIP Line

  • PS13 – Toll Free Number

  • PS14 – Special Number

  • PS15 – Misc Type

  • PS21 – Medium Confidence

Please review any filtering that may have been developed that would look for these result codes. If such filtering was developed, it is highly recommended that it be updated to reflect the affected result codes after July 7th, 2020.

With PS21 (medium confidence) no longer being returned, only PS20 (low confidence) and PS22 (high confidence) are going to be available for determining the verification confidence on a given phone number. The records that previously returned PS21 will now return as PS22. However, PS22 is still only returned through the Premium version of the service.

Part 2#

In further effort to improve our service, the following result codes will also no longer be returned:

  • PS16 – Live Status Unknown

  • PS17 – Live Number

The following result codes will now ONLY be available for North America using the Premium version of the service:

  • PS07 – Cellphone

  • PS08 – Landline

Some of the result code changes may interfere with how you parse responses from the Global Phone Service. If you have any questions, please reach out to us for further information.