

Welcome to the Melissa Data Business Coder. The Business Coder Web Service searches for Business Demographics data based on the address and company name.

The Web Service can:

  • Search for businesses using the phone number, stock ticker, and web address.

  • Discover business SIC codes, sales volumes, employee sizes, phone numbers, etc.

System Requirements#

  • SSL/TLS 1.2+

Getting Started - What Can I Do?#

Use Address as Input#

Using the address as the primary pivot searches for businesses at the specified address.



Click here to go to the full endpoint documentation.

Try it Now#

curl -X GET "https://businesscoder.melissadata.net/WEB/BusinessCoder/doBusinessCoderUS?\
&ctry=" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json"

Use Melissa Address Key (MAK) and Company as Input#

Using the MAK number and company name as the primary pivot searches for businesses.



Click here to go to the full endpoint documentation.

Try it Now#

curl -X GET "https://businesscoder.melissadata.net/WEB/BusinessCoder/doBusinessCoderUS?\
&mak=8008006245" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json"

Use StockTicker as Input#

Using the stock ticker as the primary pivot searches for businesses.



Click here to go to the full endpoint documentation.

Try it Now#

curl -X GET "https://businesscoder.melissadata.net/WEB/BusinessCoder/doBusinessCoderUS?\
&stock=GOOG" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "Accept:application/json"

Use Web Address as Input#

Using the web address as the primary pivot searches for businesses.



Click here to go to the full endpoint documentation.

Try it Now#

curl -X GET "https://businesscoder.melissadata.net/WEB/BusinessCoder/doBusinessCoderUS?\
&web=melissa.com" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "Accept:application/json"

Use Phone as Input#

Using the phone number as the primary pivot searches for businesses.



Click here to go to the full endpoint documentation.

Try it Now#

curl -X GET "https://businesscoder.melissadata.net/WEB/BusinessCoder/doBusinessCoderUS?\
&phone=800-635-4772" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "Accept:application/json"

Use Melissa Enterprise Key as Input#

Using the melissa enterprise key as the primary pivot searches for businesses.



Try it Now#

Click here to go to the full endpoint documentation.

curl -X GET "https://businesscoder.melissadata.net/WEB/BusinessCoder/doBusinessCoderUS?\
&mek=323318841" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "Accept:application/json"

Use FreeForm as Input#

Using the free form as the primary pivot searches for businesses.



Click here to go to the full endpoint documentation.

Try it Now#

curl -X GET "https://businesscoder.melissadata.net/WEB/BusinessCoder/doBusinessCoderUS?\
&ff=" \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "Accept:application/json"

Sample Code#




melissa_favicon MelissaData/BusinessCoder-Dotnet


melissa_favicon MelissaData/BusinessCoder-Python3

Postman Collection

melissa_favicon MelissaData/BusinessCoder-Postman