Reference Guide#
Welcome to Address Container by Melissa.
Address Container is a powerful tool that helps businesses improve the accuracy and completeness of their address data. It can be used to verify address data and formatting, clean bad and incomplete contact data, match street names against ZIP Codes to return valid address ranges, match geographic data to ZIP Codes and city information, and break down street addresses into their component parts.
As a self-hosted container, you deploy and manage Address Container on-premises. This gives you complete control over your data, security, and performance. Storing your data in a specific location can be important for data sovereignty and comliance reasons, like for GDPR. This also allows you greater security over your data, if needed. Self-hosting can also offer better performance, especially if you require a low latency or high throughput.
Data Path#
This is set during the containerization service setup. It is whatever data path you set.
See {{data_path}}
in the Example Docker Setup.
Service Port Number#
This is set during the containerization service setup. It defaults to 6245
, but can be any port you set.
See {{port_number}}
in the Example Docker Setup.
Machine Name#
This is your local machine name. You’ll use this in every request you send to your local containerization service. You can view your machine name by using the hostname
command in the command prompt.
The License Key is a software key required to use the web service. You will receive your license key from your Melissa representative. If you don’t have a license key, contact the Melissa sales team by Requesting a Demo or by calling 800-MELISSA ext. 3 (800-635-4772 ext. 3). Without a license key the service will not function.
Use this endpoint to check the version of Address Container.
Try It Now#
curl -X GET \
"http://{{machine_name}}:{{port_number}}/V3/WEB/ContactVerify/GetVersion" \
-H "accept: application/json"
cache-control: no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate,private
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
pragma: no-cache
"Version_0": "",
"ServiceName_0": "addrLibService",
"InitializationErrorCode_0": "0",
"InitializationErrorMessage_0": "No error.",
"BuildNumber_0": "17768",
"DatabaseDate_0": "2023-07-01",
"ExpirationDate_0": "2024-07-02",
"LicenseExpirationDate_0": "2024-07-02",
"CanadaDatabaseDate_0": "2023-07-15",
"CanadaExpirationDate_0": "2024-07-02",
"Version_1": "",
"ServiceName_1": "addrLibService",
"InitializationErrorCode_1": "0",
"InitializationErrorMessage_1": "No error.",
"BuildNumber_1": "17768",
"DatabaseDate_1": "2023-07-01",
"ExpirationDate_1": "2024-07-02",
"LicenseExpirationDate_1": "2024-07-02",
"CanadaDatabaseDate_1": "2023-07-15",
"CanadaExpirationDate_1": "2024-07-02",
"Version_2": "",
"ServiceName_2": "addrLibService",
"InitializationErrorCode_2": "0",
"InitializationErrorMessage_2": "No error.",
"BuildNumber_2": "17768",
"DatabaseDate_2": "2023-07-01",
"ExpirationDate_2": "2024-07-02",
"LicenseExpirationDate_2": "2024-07-02",
"CanadaDatabaseDate_2": "2023-07-15",
"CanadaExpirationDate_2": "2024-07-02"
Use this endpoint to use all the address verification capabilities of Address Object.
Try It Now#
curl -X GET \
-H "accept:application/json"
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://{{machine_name}}:{{port_number}}/V3/WEB/ContactVerify/doContactVerify' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"customerId": "{{license_key}}",
"options": "",
"transmissionReference": "test",
"records": [
"recordID": "1",
"addressLine1": "22382 Avenida Empresa",
"addressLine2": "",
"suite": "",
"city": "Rancho Santa Margarita",
"state": "CA",
"postalCode": "92688",
"lastLine": "",
"plus4": "",
"deliverypointcode": "",
"company": "Melissa",
"urbanization": "",
"lastName": "",
"country": "US"
Request Parameters#
Code |
Description |
t |
This is a string value that serves as a unique identifier for this set of records. It is returned as sent. |
id |
The License Key issued by Melissa. |
opt |
a1 |
The input field for the address line 1. |
a2 |
The input field for the address line 2. |
city |
The city name. |
comp |
The company name. |
ctry |
The country. This can only take in variations of US or Canada. All other countries will return AS09 (Foreign Address). |
format |
The format of the response. |
lastline |
The city, state, and ZIP. |
last |
The family (last) name. |
p4 |
The Plus 4 extension for US ZIP codes, specifying a delivery route in the ZIP code area. |
postal |
The postal code. |
state |
The US state. |
ste |
Suite name, an alphanumeric code identifying an individual location. |
urb |
Urbanization name, a smaller population center data element. These are used only in Puerto Rican addresses. |
Code |
Description |
transmissionReference |
This is a string value that serves as a unique identifier for this set of records. It is returned as sent. |
customerId |
The License Key issued by Melissa. |
options |
addressLine1 |
The input field for the address line 1. |
addressLine2 |
The input field for the address line 2. |
city |
The city name. |
company |
The company name. |
country |
The country. This can only take in variations of US or Canada. All other countries will return AS09 (Foreign Address). |
format |
The format of the response. |
lastLine |
The city, state, and ZIP. |
lastName |
The family (last) name. |
plus4 |
The Plus 4 extension for US ZIP codes, specifying a delivery route in the ZIP code area. |
postalCode |
The postal code. |
recordID |
A unique identifier for the current record. |
state |
The US state. |
suite |
Suite name, an alphanumeric code identifying an individual location. |
urbanization |
Urbanization name, a smaller population center data element. These are used only in Puerto Rican addresses. |
cache-control: no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate,private
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
pragma: no-cache
cache-control: no-cache,no-store,must-revalidate,private
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
pragma: no-cache
"TransmissionResults": "",
"TransmissionReference": "test",
"Version": "",
"TotalRecords": 1,
"Records": [
"RecordID": "",
"AddressLine1": "22382 Avenida Empresa",
"AddressLine2": "",
"Company": "Melissa",
"LastName": "",
"Suite": "",
"City": "Rancho Santa Margarita",
"State": "CA",
"PostalCode": "92688",
"Plus4": "2112",
"Urbanization": "",
"ParsedAddressRange": "22382",
"ParsedPreDirection": "",
"ParsedSuffix": "",
"ParsedPostDirection": "",
"ParsedSuiteName": "",
"ParsedSuiteRange": "",
"ParsedRouteService": "",
"ParsedLockBox": "",
"ParsedDeliveryInstallation": "",
"ParsedStreetName": "Avenida Empresa",
"CarrierRoute": "C057",
"DeliveryPointCode": "82",
"DeliveryPointCheckDigit": "1",
"ELotNumber": "-1",
"ELotOrder": "X",
"CountyFips": "06059",
"CountyName": "Orange",
"AddressKey": "92688211282",
"MelissaAddressKey": "8008006245",
"MelissaAddressKeyBase": "",
"AddressTypeCode": "S",
"CityAbbreviation": "Rcho Sta Marg",
"AddressTypeString": "Street",
"CMRA": "N",
"DPVFootnotes": "AABB",
"DSFNoStats": "N",
"DSFVacant": "N",
"ErrorCode": " ",
"ErrorString": "No Error",
"LACS": " ",
"LACSLinkIndicator": " ",
"LACSLinkReturnCode": " ",
"Results": "AS01",
"RBDI": "B",
"SuiteLinkReturnCode": "",
"SuiteStatus": "V",
"CongressionalDistrict": "40",
"Country": "US",
"ParsedPrivateMailboxName": "",
"ParsedPrivateMailboxNumber": "",
"ParsedGarbage": "",
"PrivateMailbox": "",
"TimeZone": "Pacific Time",
"TimeZoneCode": "08",
"ZipType": " ",
"Msa": "",
"Pmsa": "",
"DefaultFlagIndicator": " ",
"EWSFlag": " ",
"FalseTable": "N",
"z_TimeZone": "Pacific Time",
"z_TimeZoneCode": "08",
"z_Longitude": "-117.6043",
"z_Latitude": "33.6369",
"z_CountyFips": "06059",
"z_CountyName": "Orange"
"TransmissionResults": "",
"TransmissionReference": "test",
"Version": "",
"TotalRecords": 1,
"Records": [
"RecordID": "",
"AddressLine1": "22382 Avenida Empresa",
"AddressLine2": "",
"Company": "Melissa",
"LastName": "",
"Suite": "",
"City": "Rancho Santa Margarita",
"State": "CA",
"PostalCode": "92688",
"Plus4": "2112",
"Urbanization": "",
"ParsedAddressRange": "22382",
"ParsedPreDirection": "",
"ParsedSuffix": "",
"ParsedPostDirection": "",
"ParsedSuiteName": "",
"ParsedSuiteRange": "",
"ParsedRouteService": "",
"ParsedLockBox": "",
"ParsedDeliveryInstallation": "",
"ParsedStreetName": "Avenida Empresa",
"CarrierRoute": "C057",
"DeliveryPointCode": "82",
"DeliveryPointCheckDigit": "1",
"ELotNumber": "-1",
"ELotOrder": "X",
"CountyFips": "06059",
"CountyName": "Orange",
"AddressKey": "92688211282",
"MelissaAddressKey": "8008006245",
"MelissaAddressKeyBase": "",
"AddressTypeCode": "S",
"CityAbbreviation": "Rcho Sta Marg",
"AddressTypeString": "Street",
"CMRA": "N",
"DPVFootnotes": "AABB",
"DSFNoStats": "N",
"DSFVacant": "N",
"ErrorCode": " ",
"ErrorString": "No Error",
"LACS": " ",
"LACSLinkIndicator": " ",
"LACSLinkReturnCode": " ",
"Results": "AS01",
"RBDI": "B",
"SuiteLinkReturnCode": "",
"SuiteStatus": "V",
"CongressionalDistrict": "40",
"Country": "US",
"ParsedPrivateMailboxName": "",
"ParsedPrivateMailboxNumber": "",
"ParsedGarbage": "",
"PrivateMailbox": "",
"TimeZone": "Pacific Time",
"TimeZoneCode": "08",
"ZipType": " ",
"Msa": "",
"Pmsa": "",
"DefaultFlagIndicator": " ",
"EWSFlag": " ",
"FalseTable": "N",
"z_TimeZone": "Pacific Time",
"z_TimeZoneCode": "08",
"z_Longitude": "-117.6043",
"z_Latitude": "33.6369",
"z_CountyFips": "06059",
"z_CountyName": "Orange"
Service Level Response Fields#
Output Name |
Description |
TotalRecords |
Total number of records. |
TransmissionReference |
Optional. Serves as a unique request identifier. |
TransmissionResults |
Lists error codes from any errors caused by the most recent request as a whole. |
Version |
The current service version number. |
Record Level Response Fields#
Output Name |
Description |
AddressKey |
Returns a unique identifier for an address. This key can be used with other current and future Melissa services. |
AddressLine1 |
Returns the address entered in the AddressLine field. If two addresses were entered and only one is valid, the valid address is returned instead. This includes the suite and private mailbox. |
AddressLine2 |
If two addresses are passed into the AddressLine field, the second address is returned here. If only one of two addresses is valid, the valid address will be returned in Address Line 1. |
AddressTypeCode |
Returns a type code for the record address. |
AddressTypeString |
Returns a string defining the type codes returned by the AddressTypeCode field. |
CarrierRoute |
Returns a 4-character code defining the carrier route for the record address. |
City |
Returns the city for the record. |
CityAbbreviation |
Returns an abbreviation for the city of the record address, if any. |
Retruns if the address was identified as a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency (CMRA) and the secondary address information is present. |
Company |
Returns the company name. |
CongressionalDistrict |
Returns the 2-digit congressional district that belongs to the record address. |
Country |
Returns the country name for the record. |
CountyFIPS |
Returns the FIPS code for the county of the record address. |
CountyName |
Returns the county name for the record address. |
DefaultFlagIndicator |
Indicates the record matched a highrise, rural route, or street default record in the ZIP + 4 product.
DeliveryPointCheckDigit |
Returns a string value containing the 1-digit delivery point check digit. |
DeliveryPointCode |
Returns a string value containing the 2-digit delivery point code. |
DPVFootnotes |
Indicates the level of matching between the current address and the USPS’s DPV database. This footnote may be up to six characters long. |
DSFNoStats |
Indicates address is not receiving delivery or possible delivery because:
This field also contains the results of the call to the DPV SEASONAL table:
DSFVacant |
A delivery point was active in the past, but is currently vacant (in most cases unoccupied over 90 days) and not receiving delivery. |
ErrorCode |
Returns any error codes for the record. |
ErrorString |
Returns a string defining the error codes returned by the ErrorCode field. |
EWSFlag |
US Only. This address currently cannot be verified but was identified by the Early Warning System (EWS) as belonging to a upcoming area and will likely be included in a future update. |
ELotNumber |
Enhanced Line of Travel Number. It is used by mailing customers to qualify for enhanced carrier route discounts by sorting their mail in the order that the mail carrier would deliver them. |
ELotOrder |
Enhanced Line of Travel Order. It is used by mailing customers to qualify for enhanced carrier route discounts by sorting their mail in the order that the mail carrier would deliver them. |
FalseTable |
Contains false positive addresses. Stop processing and email the false positive records to |
Locatable Address Conversion System. Returns any address conversion done by LACS. |
LACSLinkIndicator |
LACSLink is required for CASS by the USPS. |
LACSLinkReturnCode |
Returns any return codes from the LACSLinkIndicator field. |
MelissaAddressKey |
Returns a unique key associated with an address. |
MelissaAddressKeyBase |
Returns a unique key associated with a building containing multiple suites/apartments. |
Msa |
Returns the Metropolian Statistical Area (MSA) associated with the record address. |
LastName |
Returns the last name for the record. |
ParsedAddressRange |
Returns the parsed house number range for the record address. |
ParsedDeliveryInstallation |
Canada Only. Returns the parsed delivery installation for the record address. |
ParsedGarbage |
Retruns extraneous information not used in verifying the address. This includes unnecessary sub premises and other unrecognized data. |
ParsedLockBox |
Canada Only. Returns the parsed lock box number for the record address. |
ParsedPreDirection |
Returns the parsed pre-direction for the record address. |
ParsedPrivateMailboxName |
Returns the parsed private mailbox name for the record address. |
ParsedPrivateMailboxRange |
Returns the parsed private mailbox range for the record address. |
ParsedPostDirection |
Returns the parsed post-direction for the record address. |
ParsedRouteService |
Canada Only. Returns the parsed route service number for the record address. |
ParsedStreetName |
Returns the parsed street name for the record address. |
ParsedSuffix |
Returns the parsed street suffix for the record address. |
ParsedSuiteName |
Returns the parsed suite name for the record address. |
ParsedSuiteRange |
Returns the parsed suite number range for the record address. |
Plus4 |
Returns the 4-digit plus4 for the input address. |
Pmsa |
Returns the Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA) associated with the record address. |
PostalCode |
Returns the 5-digit postal code for U.S. addresses and 6-digit postal code for Canadian addresses. |
PrivateMailBox |
Returns the private mail box number for the record address, if any. Private mailboxes are private mail boxes in commercial mail receiving agencies, like a UPS Store. |
Returns an indicator of whether the record address is a business address or residential address. |
RecordID |
This is a string value that is a unique identifier for the current record if one was sent in the request. Use this element to match a request record and the corresponding response record. |
Results |
This is a string value with comma delimited status, error codes, and change codes for the record. |
State |
Returns the state for the record. |
Suite |
Returns the suite for the address. |
TimeZone |
Returns a string description of the time zone of the record address. |
TimeZoneCode |
Returns the time zone code of the record address. |
Urbanization |
Returns the urbanization name for the record. Usually only used if the address is in Puerto Rico. |
ZipType |
Returns a code indicating the type of address belonging to the ZIP Code™. |
List options in the following format, with multiple options delimited with a ;
US Only
For every city, there is an official name that is preferred by the U.S. Postal Service. There may be one or more unofficial or “vanity” names in use. Normally, Address Container allows you to verify addresses using known vanity names. If this option is set to True
the preferred city name will be subsituted for any vanity name when it verifies an address.
Parameter |
Description |
Default. Will always use the preferred city name. |
Will not substitute a given vanity name for the preferred city name. |
This option enables full CASS Certified™ address verification. By default it is disabled. Set it to True
to enable CASS™.
Parameter |
Description |
CASS™ is enabled. |
Default. CASS™ is disabled. |
Canada Only
Determines whether or not French language characters are returned. If set to Auto
, those characters are only returned if they are in the input.
Parameter |
Description |
Default. Diacritics only returned if in the input. |
Will return diacritics. |
No diacritics returned. |
Determines the handling of abbreviations of suffixes and directionals when standardizing a street address.
Parameter |
Description |
Default. Directionals and suffixes will be shortened to postal standards. |
Directionals and suffixes will be spelled out. |
Original standardization will be preserved. |
This options handles returning addresses that fall within the parsed range of the input address.
Parameter |
Description |
Only addresses in range of the input address will be returned. |
Default. All addresses will be returned. |
This option handles which cities are returned during a Find Cities in ZIP Code Search. The default of False
will return all cities associated with the ZIP/Postal Code. True
will only reutrn the official city.
Parameter |
Description |
Returns only one search record, the official city. |
Default. Return all cities found in the input ZIP/Postal code. |