
What is Consumer Data?#

Consumer data includes a wide range of information about individuals and households. Some key aspecs: * Demogrpahic data includes age, gender, matital status, income levels, educations, occupations * Geographic Data including addresses, postal code, geographic coordinates, county, census tract,censu block * Livestyle and interest: including lifestyle choices, interests,hobbies, and references * Purchase Behavior: related to purchaing behavior such as product references, shopping habit, brand loyalty * Online Behavior including website visits, online purchases, and digital interaction * Household data including number of people in household, owner/renter status, household income, * Email address and contact info including email address, phone number, and postal address of individuals

How often is Consumer Data updated?#

Consumer data is updated Monthly

What data sources does Consumer Data use?#

  • Data comes from different sources

  • Public available data: data that individual voluntarity make publics on personal websites, blogs, and proffessional platforms

  • Data Partnerships: Establish partnerships with other data providers to access and intergrate additional data

  • Public records including birth and death records, mrrriage and divoice records, property records…


I am trying to download the list and each time it is a blank file.#

When you opened the excel file from your link, did you go to the bottom of the excel page, the tab with the file# should be there when you open it.

What’s the difference between a consumer and walk sequence file?#

Consumer file is a compiled list,with names so you do not target each and every residence as you would with a wss file.

How is the data compiled?#

From many,many sources, including warranties, survey’s etc.

How often is the consumer file updated?#


Why does the cost go up on certain selects?#

This information is overlaid to the file from other info which we have to pay royalties on.

Why does my mail piece mail show my late spouse?#

Social Securtiy records that have not processed as deceased, or there are still other utilities, home etc that are still in both of their names.

Why am I receiving mail in my children’s name?#

If at some point they registered anything using your address it would be in the system if there was not a change of address put thru.

Why am I receiving mail in my underage childs name?#

This should not happen, however if a relative purchased a gift & registered it under the childs with your address, we would not know it is a child.