Set Environment Variable#

You can set a License Key as an environment variable. The environment variable was made available so that you can change certain aspects of your applications without recompiling.


  1. Search for Edit the system environment variables in Windows Search

  1. Click Environment Variables

  1. Click New

  1. The New System Variable Window should pop up. Type “MD_LICENSE” under the Variable Name text box.

  1. Next, enter the actual License Key in the Variable Value text box. Then click OK.

  1. You should now have the new MD_LICENSE Environment Variable in your system. Click OK to finalize the update.



In Linux, an environment variable can be set temporarily for the current session or permanently for the system.

Permanently System-Wide#

  1. Go to the console of your LINUX Machine.

  2. Open /etc/environment with administrative privileges. This file holds all the system-wide Environment Variables. This example uses the nano text editor.

sudo nano /etc/environment
  1. Add a new line for the MD_LICENSE Environment Variable.

  1. You can use CTRL + O and then Enter to save the changes. CTRL + X will exit the editor and return to the console.

Permanently Single User#

  1. Go to the console of your LINUX Machine.

  2. Open the .bashrc file. This file holds configurations for the current user’s shell. This example uses the nano text editor.

nano ~/.bashrc
  1. Add the MD_LICENSE Environment Variable to the .bashrc file.

  1. You can use CTRL + O and then Enter to save the changes. CTRL + X will exit the editor and return to the console.

  2. Changes to .bashrc will only appear in a new Shell session or by entering the following command in the current session:

source ~/.bashrc


  1. Go to the console of your LINUX Machine.

  2. Write the following command in your console, it will set one License Key for all the Melissa Data Objects installed on that machine