Global Terms#
There are some differences between U.S. terms and global terms for common address elements. The list below contains Global terms and their respective analog in U.S. terms.
Global Term |
U.S. Term & Meaning |
Organization |
Business/Company |
Premises |
Street Number |
Sub Premises |
Suite. Alphanumeric code identifying an individual location. |
Double Dependent Locality |
Smallest population center data element. |
Dependent Locality |
Urbanization. Smaller population center data element. Dependent on Locality. |
Locality |
City. Most common population center data element. |
Sub Administrative Area |
County. Smallest geographic data element. |
Administrative Area |
State. Most common geographic data element. |
Postal Code |
Zip (Plus 4). Complete postal code for a particular delivery point. In U.S. plus 4 is not required but will be appended if address is verified. |
Address Type |
One-character code for the type of address coded. |
Address Key |
Unique key generated for the address. Can be used by other Melissa Data products. |
Sub National Area |
Arbitrary administrative region below that of the sovereign state. |
Country Name |
Official country name. |
Country ISO |
03166_1_Alpha2. ISO 3166 2-character country code. 03166_1_Alpha3. ISO 3166 3-character country code. 03166_1_Numeric. ISO 3166 3-digit numeric country code. |
Thoroughfare |
Street. Most common street or block data element. |
Thoroughfare Pre Direction |
Street PreDirection. Prefix directional contained within the Thoroughfare field. |
Thoroughfare Leading Type |
Leading thoroughfare type indicator within the Thoroughfare field. |
Thoroughfare Name |
Street Name. Name indicator within the Thoroughfare field. |
Thoroughfare Trailing Type |
Street Suffix. Trailing thoroughfare type indicator within the Thoroughfare field. |
Thoroughfare Post Direction |
Street Post Direction. Postfix directional contained within the Thoroughfare field. |
Dependent Thoroughfare |
Dependent street or block data element. |
Dependent Thoroughfare Pre Direction |
Prefix directional contained within the Dependent Thoroughfare field. |
Dependent Thoroughfare Leading Type |
Leading thoroughfare type indicator within the Dependent Thoroughfare field. |
Dependent Thoroughfare Name |
Name indicator within the Dependent Thoroughfare field. |
Dependent Thoroughfare Trailing Type |
Trailing thoroughfare type indicator within the Dependent Thoroughfare field. |
Dependent Thoroughfare Post Direction |
Postfix directional contained within the Dependent Thoroughfare field. |
Building |
Descriptive name identifying an individual location. |
Premises Type |
Leading premise type indicator within premises field. |
Premises Number |
Alphanumeric indicator within premises field. |
Sub Premises Type |
Suite Name. Sub premises type indicator within premises field. |
Sub Premises Number |
Suite Number. Sub premises number indicator within premises field. |
Post Box |
Post box information for a particular delivery point. |
Latitude |
Geographic coordinate for a particular delivery point. |
Longitude |
Geographic coordinate for a particular delivery point. |