
Statement on CVE-2024-21626 Leaky Vessels Vulnerability#

March 27, 2024


runc is a CLI tool for spawning and running containers on Linux according to the OCI specification. In runc 1.1.11 and earlier, due to an internal file descriptor leak, an attacker could cause a newly-spawned container process (from runc exec) to have a working directory in the host filesystem namespace, allowing for a container escape by giving access to the host filesystem (“attack 2”). The same attack could be used by a malicious image to allow a container process to gain access to the host filesystem through runc run (“attack 1”). Variants of attacks 1 and 2 could be also be used to overwrite semi-arbitrary host binaries, allowing for complete container escapes (“attack 3a” and “attack 3b”).




Melissa Data Corporation (“Melissa”) was not impacted by the runc vulnerability. Any Melissa commercial web services or products were not impacted by this vulnerability.

While various docker hosts on Melissa’s production environment were utilizing runc version 1.1.11, there was no impact to the system and it remained uncompromised. All docker hosts utilizing runc version 1.1.11 have been patched and updated to runc version 1.1.12.

Melissa will continue to follow all guidance provided for this vulnerability as necessary to prevent any future risks.

If you have any additional questions, please contact Melissa’s Compliance department at