

Welcome to the EmailLib Service by Melissa. Validate and parse email addresses, correct common typographical errors, and standardize email addresses. Features real-time email mailbox verification which removes up to 95% of bad emails.

EmailLib can be used to:

  • Correct syntax errors (remove illegal characters, extra “@” characters etc.)

  • Verify and correct top-level domains

  • Correct common misspellings in domain names

  • Update domains that have changed

  • Standardize casing

  • Validate emails against our database (single or batch requests)

  • Perform real-time mailbox validation

System Requirements#

  • Melissa Updater (for data files)

  • Latest Linux containerization technology like Docker.

Getting Started#

To get started with the EmailLib Service you need to download the necessary data files, spin up a container instance and then send requests to this local instance.

Download the Data Files#

Use Melissa Updater to download the data files using the manifest named dq_email_data.

.\MelissaUpdater manifest \
   -p "dq_email_data" \
   -r "latest" \
   -l "{{LicenseKey}}"

Spin up the Container Instance#

Once you have the proper data files downloaded, you need to set up a containerization service to host the Address Container on your local machine, like Docker. It will help to have the following readily available:

  • Data files path

  • Desired web service listening port for the container

  • License key

Getting Credentials/Licensing#

The License Key is a software key required to use the service. You will receive your license key from your Melissa representative. If you don’t have a license key, contact the Melissa sales team by Requesting a Demo or by calling 800-MELISSA ext. 3 (800-635-4772 ext. 3). Without a license key this service will not function.

Logging in to Docker#

You must first login to Melissa’s container repository in order to download the EmailLib Service image:

docker login hub.melissadata.net
  • You will be prompted for your username and password, this will be where you use the credentials you received from the Melissa sales team.

Example Docker Setup#

docker pull hub.melissadata.net/melissadata/dqt/emaillibservice:latest

docker run -d --name emaillibservice --restart unless-stopped \
           -p {{port_number}}:6245 -e {{license_key}} \
           -v "{{data_path}}":/data  \
  • The first port section -p {{port_number}}: can be whatever port you want on your local machine, but the second port (6245) should stay the same.

  • -v "{{data_path}}": is the location of the data files on your local machine or server.

What Can I Do?#

Once you have the EmailLib Service set up in a Docker instance, you can then access it like a Melissa Cloud API with GET or POST requests.

Check the Version#

EmailLib Service can check the version of the latest available release.



Click here to go to the full endpoint documentation.

Try it Now#

curl -X GET \
"http://{{machine_name}}:{{port_number}}/V3/WEB/ContactVerify/GetVersion" \
-H "accept: application/json"

Check an Email#

EmailLib Service can check to see if a given email address is valid and we can even give a simplified confidence score on the deliverability of an email address.



Click here to go to the full endpoint documentation.

Try it Now#

curl -X GET \
-H "accept:application/json"
curl -X 'POST' \
  'http://{{machine_name}}:{{port_number}}/V3/WEB/ContactVerify/doContactVerify' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "customerId": "{{license_key}}",
  "options": "",
  "transmissionReference": "test",
  "records": [
      "recordID": "1",
      "addressLine1": "22382 Avenida Empresa",
      "addressLine2": "",
      "suite": "",
      "city": "Rancho Santa Margarita",
      "state": "CA",
      "postalCode": "92688",
      "lastLine": "",
      "plus4": "",
      "deliverypointcode": "",
      "company": "Melissa",
      "urbanization": "",
      "lastName": "",
      "country": "US"