
Upload File#

In order to upload your file to Listware Online for NCOALink processing, go to:

Please Note:

NCOA Service identifies and updates contact addresses using USPS® national change-of-address database. This requires a valid PAF file that must be filed with us. If you do not have a PAF on file, click here to submit your PAF. If you are having difficulties with your account, please contact us at 1-800-635-4772 for assistance.

Other Ways to access Listware Online#

Listware Online Dashboard#

If you have used Listware Online in the past, Access the Listware Online Dashboard within your Account Information page, please perform the following steps:

  1. Go to: https://www.melissa.com

  2. Select “My Account” from the top-right of the web page to sign-in.


Under “Useful Links” in the bottom-right corner, select “Listware Online Dashboard“.


Mailers+4 Desktop#

For Brokers that also utilize Mailers+4 Desktop, Listware Online can be accessed by performing the following steps:

  1. Open Mailers+4 Desktop - click “Services” - “Listware Online” to be redirected to the upload page.


Please Note: Listware Online does NOT accept .dbf files.